Second Chances - Unraveling Part 57

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Before, I could freak out completely, he was back on top of me, holding himself above me. He lifted me up, flicking the clasp of my bra apart. It fell down my arms and he pulled it away, promptly kneading my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "G.o.d," he moaned, "when will I stop being surprised that everything about you is perfect?"

His mouth closed over one of my nipples and I cried out. "Jared!"

His mouth swirled over the tightened bud. "I don't know if I can stop, Katy."

"I'm not asking you to," I panted as his hand skimmed down my stomach to my panties, ripping them from my body. I now lay completely bare to him. I thought for sure I would feel embarra.s.sment, or panic, but instead I just felt love. This was Jared and I was ready to give everything to him.

His mouth moved to my other breast as his hand slid lower. His fingers flicked at my entrance, before one slipped inside.

I cried out in surprise, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck so that he wouldn't stop.

"You're so tight," he kissed my neck. "I'm afraid I'll hurt you."

"You could never hurt me," I told him.

He growled, removing his finger, before I could cry out in protest he was back inside me, with two fingers this time.

My eyes widened as he moved his fingers in and out of me. It hurt, but it felt good at the same time.

"I want you to be good and ready," he whispered low in his throat, making it sound like a growl.

He moved down my body, his fingers leaving me again.

"Jare-" I started and then shrieked when his tongue touched my sensitive flesh. "Oh G.o.d," I moaned.

I closed my eyes, breathing heavily.

Little moans escaped me as the pleasure of what he was doing coursed through my body.

A finger joined his tongue and I came undone, screaming and panting.

He pulled away and I kept my eyes closed. I heard the foil packet rip and my heart rate accelerated. When I felt him over me once more, I opened my eyes.

I could feel his length hovering at my entrance but he didn't move.

"Katy," he breathed. "Are you ready?"

I gripped his arms in my hands, staring into his chocolate brown eyes. "I'm ready," my voice was surprisingly steady.

His muscles flexed as he slowly started to slide into me.

My nails dug into the skin of his arms hard enough to draw blood. I bit my lip to keep from crying out. It hurt, the stretching, but I didn't want him to stop, and knowing Jared, if he thought I was in pain, he would.

He inched back out and then back in, going a little further this time.

"Just do it!" I screamed. "Please!"

He growled and did just that.

His moan filled the room, drowning out my whimper.

He didn't move for a moment. "Are you okay?" he asked.

I nodded. "It hurts a little, but it feels good too. I know you won't hurt me, Jared," I cupped his jaw. "Please, make love to me."

"I love you," he said, rocking gently in and out of me. "You know that, right."

"I know," I moaned as he stretched me. "I love you too," I stared at him, with pa.s.sion filled eyes.

"It's always been you, Katy," he kissed me, "you're the one I've been waiting for." He took my hands in his, entwining our fingers together, and holding them beside my head.

As pleasure consumed me, words left me. All I could focus on was the feeling of him inside me, and the love I felt for this man. He'd changed my world.

Who knew that so many months ago, the guy who rescued me in the club would truly become my savior.

"Katy!" he cried out my name as he came and I did the same. I repeated his name over and over again like a prayer.

He got up and disposed of the condom and then came back to the bed, spooning my naked body against him.

He kissed my neck, whispering sweet words in my ear as his fingers rubbed up and down my arm.

I would never get used to the small touches from Jared.

The way he would press his lips to my neck or skim his fingers down my arm.

Maybe that was the problem with most relations.h.i.+ps. People didn't appreciate the small things; the small touches and glances, when they should, because those small things add up to bigger things. Those small things are what make life worth living for.



It wasn't something that happened over night.

It took time.

A long time.

All I know, is eventually, I stopped living because of my past, and started living for my future.

"Are you ready, Katy?" Karlie bounced into the room.

I took a deep breath.

Was I ready?

I was most definitely ready; there wasn't an ounce of hesitation in my body as I strode forward.

I nodded and met her at the door.

"You look beautiful," I smiled, fingering the purple fabric of her dress.

"Not as beautiful as you. You're a stunning bride, Katy," she led me out of the room and down the hallway.

Rollo met us halfway. "Ready, baby cakes?" he asked.

"I've never been more ready for anything in all my life," I answered without hesitation.

"I can't believe you asked me to give you away," Rollo said, tearing up.

"I wouldn't want anyone else to do it," I kissed his cheek.

We stepped outside, into the windy beach air.

Jared and I had both agreed that it was the perfect place for us to get married.

I could see the wedding party straight ahead of us, the aisle a sheet of white sand. Even at this distance, I could make out Jared, standing underneath an arch of flowers.

Karlie was my maid of honor, and Holden was Jared's best man, so she gripped his elbow as they prepared to walk ahead of Rollo and me.

"Don't forget to breathe," she said, over her shoulder.

The music played and they started walking. Left, right, left right... or was it right, left, right left?

Oh, c.r.a.p.

"Stop freaking out, baby cakes," Rollo took my hand and placed it in the crook of his arm. "This is your day. Remember it."

Rollo and I started forward, stepping onto the aisle.

I took in the faces of our guests staring back at me.

Dan and Patsy smiled proudly, tears s.h.i.+mmering in both of their eyes. They were two of the greatest people I had ever had the pleasure to know. I was happy to finally become a member of their family.

I met Piper's eyes. She winked, giving me a thumb's up.

Eva and Jason were both smiling widely at me.

Kane grinned, proudly holding his daughter in his arms, while Lacey scolded him about something.

Jay was smiling, but adjusting his suit, clearly uncomfortable.

It was unconventional, but this was our family.

My gaze flicked away from the guests and met Jared's. The smile on his face mirrored my own.

I couldn't believe this was happening.

We stopped in front of Jared and the pastor.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" The pastor asked.

"I do," Rollo said, kissing my cheek and placing my hand in Jared's. "And I couldn't be giving her to a better man."

Jared smiled at Rollo and took both of my hands in his.

I barely knew what the pastor was saying, my focus riveted on Jared.

My heart raced as the pastor spoke the vows.

This was really happening.

I was getting married.

This was it.

I would forever belong to Jared and him to me.

I took a deep breath to steady myself as I spoke those two simple words. "I do."

"I do," Jared said, love reflected in his eyes, and we slid our wedding bands over each other's ring fingers.

I didn't hear the pastor saying anything about kissing the bride, but he must have, because suddenly Jared's hands were cupping my cheeks as his mouth consumed mine.

He pulled away, kissing my nose.

"You're stuck with me now," he grinned.

"I'm not stuck," I beamed at him, "I'm right where I want to be."

The End Coming Summer 2013 Undeniable Karlie and Holden's story Continue for a sneak peek of Undeniable And One by Mari Arden Acknowledgements I don't know where to begin... this book has been a roller coaster of emotions for me and has been my favorite, to date, to write. I have been so touched by Katy and Jared's story and I hope ya'll feel the same. I've wanted to write their story for almost a year now, and I'm so happy to finally have the chance.

To anyone who has experienced something similar to Katy or Jared, please, talk about it. Tell someone, don't keep it bottled inside. It's not your fault. You are not in the wrong. Let it go and find your Jared (or Katy), because you are worthy of everything.

To my family, thank you for being the most supportive family anyone could ask for. Ya'll have supported my dreams and backed me the whole way. I know a lot of writer's don't have to familial support that I do, and know that I'm extremely thankful to each and every one of you. Not only do I want to thank you for your support, but I also want to thank you for putting up with me in "angry bear in a cave/gotta finish this book" mode. I love you, guys!

This is totally irrelevant, but I'm thankful to finally have a REAL office!!!! And not a desk that sits in the family room! So, thank you my MawMaw for giving up a guest bedroom so that I could have my cave... er, I meant office.

Thank you to my bestest-est-est friend, Shelby for putting up with my frantic emails at all hours of the day and night. You've talked me down off the ledge more than once and managed to make me laugh and smile in the process! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to help me edit (and keep me sane)! I can never express in person, or in words, how much it truly means to me. I can't thank you enough. I'll just have to shower you in gifts of swag and signed books!

Thank you, Regina Wamba, for being the best cover designer out there! I stalk my email waiting for emails from you, because I know they're going to contain something flippin' Ah-Mazing! You are so incredible at what you do and an amazing person! You always create the most gorgeous covers and I'm always looking forward to seeing what you come up with next!

Thank you to Emily for being the best fan/friend a person could ask for. You're the best!!!! I swear, one of these days we will meet in person!

Lastly, thank you to all of my fans. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I have no idea what I would do without you guys! Thanks to you, I get to live my dream and that's not something many people can do! I love getting emails and messages from you, they always put a smile on my face! I can't express my love and grat.i.tude enough!


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Second Chances - Unraveling Part 57 summary

You're reading Second Chances - Unraveling. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Micalea Smeltzer. Already has 807 views.

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