Glimpse - A Novel Part 7

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In the weeks since Avery appeared at my window, things between us had become very serious. He'd visited me late at night a few more times, resulting in more park bench maneuvers. But we had to be careful, I knew after my conversation with Mom that getting caught was not an option.

The only other time that we could be alone together was at school and we met every day during lunch under the bleachers by the football field. It was probably the most educational part of our school day. We tried, we really did, to spend a few minutes talking about something, school, parents, friends, but most of our lunch hours were taken up by making out. I found it very hard to be around Avery and not touch him in some way.

To keep his dad and my mom from suspecting anything was still going on with us, we didn't sit next to each other at youth group or arrive late to the church service. It took all the self control I could muster not to look at Avery throughout the entire sermon. And now, school was ending in a few days and so would our daily meetings. Good thing I'd finally had enough foresight to come up with a plan.

Rosedell got oppressively hot in June and stayed that way until early October. It made being outside pretty miserable. I didn't know how Avery could stand to play soccer in this heat. The upside was that even pastor's daughters could get away with wearing less clothing. Okay, I was maybe, despite the inevitable agony that lay before me, enjoying being a mildly s.l.u.tty girl. After sixteen years of turtlenecks and hand-me-down floral print dresses, it was freeing to flash a bit of skin.

I showed up under the bleachers wearing a pair of cut off jean shorts and a light blue tank top, my long red hair piled up on top of my head, exposing the back of my neck. I was starting to know exactly what got Avery's motor running.

I sat down next to him on one of the two milk crates we'd pushed together for a place to sit. He kissed me first thing.

I kissed him back, taking one of his hands and slipping it up under my tank top.

Avery pulled himself out of the kiss, letting his hand slide down my side and rest on my hip. "Well, h.e.l.lo to you too."

I laughed. "Hey man, we haven't got much time." I moved his hand back up my s.h.i.+rt.

Avery withdrew his hand in mock surprise. "Who are you and what have you done with my innocent little girlfriend?"

I leaned back on the palms of my hands and stretched my legs out. "Little?" I asked, eyeing all five feet eleven inches of myself up and down. "Innocent?" I reached over and pulled him to me, kissing him hard on the mouth.

Avery took the initiative this time, skimming his hand under my s.h.i.+rt.

The electricity was always there now, crackling between us and I was addicted to it. He was too, only he didn't know why. It wasn't only love, it couldn't be. This affliction that I had, the visions, it had caused me to need the bond between us. I craved him so much, I couldn't even feel guilty about it.

I could not force myself tell him about the visions. Severing our bond would break his heart and mine. The idea of the two of us ending up like our parents, waving to each other through office windows, living for idle chit-chat on Sunday morning, was devastating.

Avery drew his head back and looked into my eyes. "What're we going to do when school's out? I don't know if I can stand not seeing you every day."

I sat up. I'll admit I was a little bit excited about my plan. "I'm glad you asked. I've been thinking. Why don't we take turns sneaking out of our houses a couple of nights a week? On Fridays I can spend the night at Claire's and I've lined up a night babysitting job with the Hitzerts. They're always out until like, midnight, and they just have one little baby that sleeps most of the time.

"That gives us two weekend nights and probably, just to be safe and not arouse too much suspicion, three week nights. I was thinking Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. We'll take Thursdays off to hang out with friends, but you can always call me on Claire's cell. Sound good?"

Avery gawked at me, visibly impressed.

"What?" I grinned and punched him on the arm.

He grabbed my hand. "You made a plan."

Of course I blushed. "Yes, I made a plan."

He pulled me to him, planting soft kisses on my nose and eyelids. "I'll take Mondays and Wednesdays."

Avery rode his bike towards his dad's office, b.u.mmed, because soon his after school job was going to turn into full time summer employment. If it wasn't for Zellie, he would be spending yet another summer vacation envying all of his friend's plans for camping and road trips to the coast and Portland like he always did. At least now if his days had to suck, his nights looked promising.

He rounded the corner and turned onto Cascade Ave. Up ahead, a small crowd had gathered in front of the insurance agency. Something wasn't right. Avery pedaled faster, his heart racing. What the h.e.l.l was going on?

Juanita, his mom's boss at the hair salon, noticed him and waved him over. Several people turned to look at who she was waving at. That's when he noticed his mom's Camry parked halfway on the street and halfway on the curb. His gaze s.h.i.+fted from the car to his mom, still dressed in her smock, the metal hair clips attached to it glinting in the sun. She looked like she was about to kick in the office door.

"Mom! Mom!" he called to her. He jumped from his bike, rus.h.i.+ng to her side. "What's the matter?"

"Avery...I can't get in. Do you know where your father is?" She burst into tears, her face distorted with pain and red hot anger.

"No, I don't know where he is, he should be here. Listen, Mom, what's wrong? Stop freaking out for a second and talk to me." Avery attempted to wipe his mother's eyes with the end of his t-s.h.i.+rt.

She backed away from him and collapsed to the ground, huddling up against the office door. "Not until you get all of these people out of here." She glared at the bystanders. "Nothing to see here folks! Just a woman having a nervous breakdown."

Most of the people got the message and walked away. Juanita gave Avery a questioning look.

"We're fine," he said, "thanks. I've got it under control."

"You let me know if you need anything, sugar." Juanita shooed the remaining gawkers away, got into her car and drove off.

Avery looked down at his mom. "Okay, everyone's gone, now tell me what going on?"

"Look in the front seat." She pointed to the haphazardly parked car, her hand shaking. "Your father's divorcing me and taking you away from me. He says I'm crazy, that I'm unfit. I'm not unfit, am I honey?"

"What? What are you talking about?" Avery went to the car and picked up the papers that were strewn all over the front seat. Some of them were wet with alcohol. Noticing the flask on the floor, he quickly tossed it back into the glove compartment.

He sat down on the sidewalk next to his mom, rearranging the papers and trying to make sense of what the pages said. After reading for a few moments he turned to her. "Why would he do this? Did you stop taking your medicine again?"

She looked away from him. "You know how that stuff makes me feel, Av. I don't feel like myself. I don't feel anything."

He put his arm around her shoulders. "Mom, you promised me. Dad said he would leave if you did this again."

She grabbed his hand and kissed the top of it. "You're not going to leave me, are you honey? I don't care if he goes, but you have to stay. Promise me you won't go."

Avery took his arm from around his mother and got to his feet. "Come on. Let's go home and wait for him. You can take your medicine and everything's going to be okay. I'm not going anywhere."

She took his hand, letting him pull her up. "Okay, put your bike in the back. We'll go home." She walked to the car and popped the trunk before she slumped into the driver's seat.

Avery heaved his bike into the car and then stowed the divorce papers in his backpack. He walked around to the driver's side, took his mom's hand and helped her out of the car and around into the pa.s.senger side seat. Taking over the driver's seat, he started the car. It wasn't that far to the house and his mother was in no shape to drive.

The door from the kitchen to the garage opened and Avery's dad glared at him, no doubt surprised to see his son driving the car. "What the h.e.l.l are you doing?" he said, "You're not allowed to drive yet."

Avery got out of the car, slinging his backpack on, ignoring him. He went around to the pa.s.senger side door and helped his mom from the car. Walking with his arm around her waist, the two of them went into the house, nudging his dad aside.

He led his mother to her bedroom, took off her shoes and work smock, propped her up in bed and then went into the bathroom and shook a Zoloft and a Xanax from their prescription bottles. He filled a gla.s.s with water and waited while his mother took the pills. There was probably no use in making her take her meds now, but it was all he could think of to do. He pulled the covers up over her shoulders. "Don't worry Mom, I'll take care of this." Somehow Somehow.

His dad stood in the bedroom doorway watching, shaking his head.

Avery walked past him into the hall, motioning for him to shut the bedroom door.

Sitting down at the dining room table, he took his backpack off and ripped the largest compartment open. He threw the rumpled manila envelope containing the divorce papers at his dad. "What the h.e.l.l are you you doing?" doing?"

"I didn't know she was off her meds, Son. I didn't think she would take it like this. I figured she might even be relieved." His dad picked up the scattered papers from the floor and sat down at the table.

Avery snorted. "Bull! You said she was crazy! You said she was unfit. She's not the unfit parent, you are. You just drop a bomb like this on both of us and then... where the h.e.l.l were you this afternoon?" He had a good idea. Despite his dad's recent shower, Avery could still smell Mrs. Wells distinctive rose perfume that she always wore all over him. He felt sick to his stomach, he had to get out of here. Looking at his dad, he felt his hands clench into fists. He'd never wanted to hit someone so much in his entire life. He stood, turning to flee the room.

His dad grabbed his arm. "Avery. Your mom and I have not been happy for a long time. You know that. She obviously needs some help and I will help her. But I cannot stay married to her. You and I have got to get out of here. This town is suffocating the both of us."

He jerked his arm from his father's grip. "What are you talking about? I'm happy. I'm happier than I've ever been and now you're going to take me away from here, from my home?"

"It's for the best. You'll see. I'm doing this for you. It's not safe here for you anymore."

Avery picked up his backpack and flung it at his father's head. "Stop. Just stop with all of this cryptic c.r.a.p and tell me why! What's not safe? Mom? Mom's not going to hurt me." His Dad shook his head. "What? Is it Zellie then? You think she's going to do something to me? Zellie loves loves me, Dad. Just who the h.e.l.l am I not safe around? Because as far as I can tell you're the only one threatening me!" He ran to his room, slamming the door with such force that the house shook. me, Dad. Just who the h.e.l.l am I not safe around? Because as far as I can tell you're the only one threatening me!" He ran to his room, slamming the door with such force that the house shook.

After a moment he heard the front door close. Avery looked out his bedroom window and saw his dad sling his overnight bag into the cab of his truck. Good. He wants to leave so bad, he can leave by himself. Good. He wants to leave so bad, he can leave by himself.

Relieved that his dad was gone, he walked down the hall and checked on his mom to see how she was doing. Zonked out, that's how she was. Jesus, had she even heard them fighting? She must have had way more to drink than he thought. He tiptoed over to her bedside and put a finger under her nose. Still breathing. What was he doing? His mom was fine, she'd sleep it off like she had many times before.

The person he should be worrying about was himself. Zellie. He needed to see Zellie now and there was only one way he could do that on a school night.

Claire's phone rang seven times before she answered it.

"You rang?"

Oops, he'd made a mistake. Whoever he was talking to sounded like they were on a walkie-talkie in an underwater cave. Definitely not Claire's scene. He checked the number he'd dialed on the phone. It was her number. "Claire?"


"It's Avery." He paused. "You sound funny."

"That's because I'm under my bed," she said, like that explained everything.

"Oh." He was eternally confused by her.

"Is there something I can help you with, Mr. Adams?"

"Yes. Are your parents out of the house?"


"Good." He let out the breath he'd been half holding. Everything was going to be okay. "Do you think you can get Zellie to come over? I need to see her."

"I suppose I could, but why don't you just wait a few hours and then sneak over to her house? I hear that you've been oh-so-romantically showing up at her window in the middle of the night, Romeo," Claire teased.

"I need to see her now. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important," Avery pleaded.

"Got it," she said, all trace of teasing gone from her voice, "Give me half an hour."

"Thanks. You're a good friend." Avery let his breath out the rest of the way.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm extremely familiar with the "F" word. See you in a few."

The phone rang in the kitchen. Melody and I both jumped up from the dinner table to answer it. She got to it first.

"h.e.l.lo, Wells residence, Melody speaking."

I could hear Claire's voice. I tried to grab the phone away, but Mel hunched over it holding it to her chest.

"And who may I ask is calling?" she said with faux politeness.

Claire went off, yelling loud enough I could almost make out what she was saying. Something about Avery? I pinched the back of Melody's arm as hard as I could.

"Ow!" She yanked her arm away from me. "I'm sorry, we've just sat down to dinner. May I take a message?"

"Melody!" I yelled, exasperated.

"Fine!" She shoved the phone at me. "It's Claire."

"Yes. I know." I stared her down until she left the room. "Hey. What's up?"

"Hey. Listen, Avery just called me. He needs to see you and wanted me to get you over to my house somehow."

"Really?" I lowered my voice. "You know my parents won't let me go out on a school night." I paused. "Are you under your bed again?"

"Yes," Claire sighed. "Tell them that my dog died and I need some comforting,"

"You don't have a dog."

"They don't know that, do they?"

"No. I suppose not. Hold on, let me ask them."

I put the phone down and went into the dining room. Mom and Dad were fussing over the red welt I'd made on Melody's arm. Whoops. I cleared my throat to get their attention and slipped into my best good girl voice. "Um, may I please go over to Claire's house for a little bit this evening? Her dog died and she's really sad about it."

Mom looked at me weird. With sadness? Anger? I couldn't tell. "Are her parents home?"

I ran back to the phone. "They wanna know if your parents are home."

"Tell them that they went out to pick up some Chinese food and will call them as soon as they get home."

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Glimpse - A Novel Part 7 summary

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