Septimus Heap_ Magyk Part 28

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"It was from the Supreme Custodian," Alther said. "So when Marcia turned up at the Palace Gate to meet Silas, the Custodian Guards were waiting for her. Of course that wouldn't have been a problem for Marcia if she had got her Midnight Minutes Midnight Minutes right, but her timepiece was twenty minutes slow. right, but her timepiece was twenty minutes slow. And And she'd given away her she'd given away her KeepSafe KeepSafe. It's a bad business. DomDaniel has taken the Amulet, so I am afraid he's now...the ExtraOrdinary Wizard."

Jenna and Nicko were speechless. This was worse than anything they had feared.

"Excuse me," ventured Boy 412, who felt terrible. It was his fault. If he had been her Apprentice then he could have helped her. This never would have happened. "Marcia is still...alive, isn't she?"

Alther looked at Boy 412. His faded green eyes had a kindly expression as, using his unsettling habit of reading people's minds, he said, "You couldn't have done anything, lad. They would have got you too. She was was in Dungeon Number One, but now-" in Dungeon Number One, but now-"

Boy 412 put his head in his hands in despair. He knew all about Dungeon Number One.

Alther put a ghostly arm around his shoulder. "Don't fret now," he told him. "I was with her for most of the time and she was doing all right. Kept going pretty well, I thought. All things considered. A few days ago I just popped out to check on various little...projects I have going on in DomDaniel's rooms at the Tower. When I got back to the dungeon she was gone. I've looked everywhere I can. I even have some of the Ancients looking. You know, the really old ghosts. But they're very faded and easily confused. Most of them don't know their way around the Castle very well anymore-they come up against a new wall or staircase and they're stuck. They can't work it out. I had to go and get one out of the kitchen midden yesterday. Apparently it used to be the Wizard's refectory. About five hundred years ago. Frankly the Ancients, sweet as they are, are more trouble than they are worth." Alther sighed. "Although I do wonder if..."

"If what?" asked Jenna.

"If she might be on the Vengeance Vengeance. Unfortunately I can't get on the wretched s.h.i.+p to find out."

Alther was cross with himself. He would now advise any ExtraOrdinary Wizard to go to as many places as they could in their lifetime so that as a ghost they were not as thwarted as he had been. But it was too late for Alther to change what he had done while he was alive; he had to make the best of it now.

At least, when he was first appointed Apprentice, DomDaniel had insisted on taking Alther on a long and very unpleasant tour of the deepest dungeons. At the time Alther had never dreamed that one day he might come to be glad of it, but if only he had accepted an invitation to the launching party on the Vengeance Vengeance...Alther remembered how, as one of some promising young potential Apprentices, he had been invited to a party on board DomDaniel's boat. Alther had turned down the invitation on account of the fact it was Alice Nettles's birthday. No women were allowed on the s.h.i.+p, and Alther was certainly not going to leave Alice alone on her birthday. At the party, the potential Apprentices had run riot and caused a great deal of damage to the s.h.i.+p, thus ensuring that they had no hope of being offered as much as a cleaning job with the ExtraOrdinary Wizard. Not long afterward Alther was offered the ExtraOrdinary Wizard Apprentices.h.i.+p. Alther had never got the chance to visit the s.h.i.+p again. After the disastrous party, DomDaniel took her up to Bleak Creek for a refit. Bleak Creek was an eerie anchorage full of abandoned and rotting s.h.i.+ps. The Necromancer Necromancer had liked it so much that he left his s.h.i.+p there and visited every year for his summer holiday. had liked it so much that he left his s.h.i.+p there and visited every year for his summer holiday.

The subdued group sat on the damp beach. They gloomily ate the last of the damp goat cheese and sardine sandwiches and drank the dregs from the flask of beetroot and carrot cordial.

"There are some times," said Alther reflectively, "when I really miss not being able to eat anymore..."

"But this isn't one of them?" Jenna finished for him.

"Spot on, Princess."

Jenna fished Petroc Trelawney out of her pocket and offered him a sticky mix of squashed sardine and goat cheese. Petroc opened his eyes and looked at the offering. The pet rock was surprised. This was the kind of food he usually got from Boy 412; Jenna always gave him biscuits. But he ate it anyway, apart from a piece of goat cheese that stuck to his head and then later to the inside of Jenna's pocket.

When they had finished chewing the last of the soggy sandwiches, Alther said seriously, "Now, down to business."

Three worried faces looked at the ghost.

"Listen to me, all of you. You must go straight straight back to Keeper's Cottage. I want you to tell Zelda to take you all to the Port first thing tomorrow morning. Alice-she is Chief Customs Officer down there now-is finding you a s.h.i.+p. You are to go to the Far Countries while I try and sort things out here." back to Keeper's Cottage. I want you to tell Zelda to take you all to the Port first thing tomorrow morning. Alice-she is Chief Customs Officer down there now-is finding you a s.h.i.+p. You are to go to the Far Countries while I try and sort things out here."

"But-" gasped Jenna, Nicko and Boy 412. gasped Jenna, Nicko and Boy 412.

Alther ignored their protest.

"I will meet you all at the Blue Anchor Tavern on the Harbor tomorrow morning. You must must be there. Your mother and father are coming too, along with Simon. They are on their way down the river in my old boat, be there. Your mother and father are coming too, along with Simon. They are on their way down the river in my old boat, Molly Molly. I am afraid that Sam, Erik and Edd and Jo-Jo have refused to leave the Forest-they have gone quite wild, but Morwenna will keep an eye on them."

There was an unhappy silence. No one liked what Alther had said.

"That's running away," Jenna said quietly. "We want to stay. And fight."

"I knew you'd say that," sighed Alther. "It is just what your mother would have said. But you must must go now." go now."

Nicko stood up.

"All right," he said reluctantly. "We'll see you tomorrow at the Port."

"Good," said Alther. "Now, be careful and I'll see you all tomorrow." He floated up and watched the three of them trail disconsolately back to the Muriel Two Muriel Two. Alther stayed watching until he was satisfied that they were making good progress along the Deppen Ditch and then he sped off along the river, flying low and fast, off to join Molly. Molly. Soon he was just a small speck in the distance. Soon he was just a small speck in the distance.

Which was when the Muriel Two Muriel Two turned around and headed straight back toward the turned around and headed straight back toward the Vengeance Vengeance.



There was much discussion in the the Muriel Two Muriel Two.

"I really don't know about this. Marcia might not even be be on the on the Vengeance Vengeance."

"I bet she is, though."

"We've got got to find her. I'm sure I could rescue her." to find her. I'm sure I could rescue her."

"Look, just because you've been in the Army doesn't mean you can go storming s.h.i.+ps and rescuing people."

"It means you can try try."

"He's right, Nicko."

"We'd never make it. They'll see us coming. Every s.h.i.+p always has a watch on board."

"But we could do that spell, you know the one...what was it?"

"Cause Yourself to be Unseen. Easy. Then we could paddle out to the s.h.i.+p and I'll climb up the rope ladder, and then-" Easy. Then we could paddle out to the s.h.i.+p and I'll climb up the rope ladder, and then-"

"Whoa, stop there. That's dangerous dangerous."

"Marcia rescued me me when when I I was in danger." was in danger."

"And me me."

"All right. You win."

As the Muriel Two Muriel Two rounded the last bend of the Deppen Ditch, Boy 412 reached up into the pocket inside his red beanie hat and drew out the dragon ring. rounded the last bend of the Deppen Ditch, Boy 412 reached up into the pocket inside his red beanie hat and drew out the dragon ring.

"What's that ring?" asked Nicko.

"Um, it's Magyk Magyk. I found it. Under the ground."

"It looks a bit like the dragon on the Amulet," said Nicko.

"Yes," said Boy 412, "I thought that too." He slipped it on his finger and felt the ring grow warm. "Shall I do the spell, then?" he asked.

Jenna and Nicko nodded and Boy 412 began to chant:

Let me Fade into the Aire Let all against me know not Where Let them that Seeke me pa.s.s me by Let Harme not reach me from their Eye.

Boy 412 slowly faded into the drizzle, leaving a canoe paddle hanging eerily in midair. Jenna took a deep breath and tried the spell for herself.

"You're still there, Jen," said Nicko. "Try again."

The third time was a charm. Jenna's canoe paddle now hovered in the air next to Boy 412's.

"Your turn, Nicko," said Jenna's voice.

"Hang on a minute," said Nicko. "I never did this one."

"Well, do your own, then," said Jenna. "It doesn't matter as long as it works."

"Well, er, I don't know if it does does work. And it doesn't do the work. And it doesn't do the 'Harme not reach me' 'Harme not reach me' thing at all." thing at all."

"Nicko!" protested Jenna. protested Jenna.

"All right, all right. I'll try it."

"Not seen, Not can't remember the rest."

"Try 'Not seen, not heard, not a whisper, not a word,' 'Not seen, not heard, not a whisper, not a word,'" suggested Boy 412 from out of nowhere.

"Oh, yes. That's it. Thanks."

The spell worked. Nicko faded slowly away.

"You all right, Nicko?" asked Jenna. "I can't see you."

There was no reply.


Nicko's paddle waggled frantically up and down.

"We can't see him and he can't see us because his Unseen Unseen is different from ours," said Boy 412 slightly disapprovingly, "and we won't be able to hear him either, because it's mainly a silent spell. And it doesn't protect him." is different from ours," said Boy 412 slightly disapprovingly, "and we won't be able to hear him either, because it's mainly a silent spell. And it doesn't protect him."

"Not a lot of good, then," said Jenna.

"No," said Boy 412. "But I've got an idea. This should do it:

Between the spells within our power, Give us one Harmonious Hour.

"There he is!" said Jenna, as the shadowy form of Nicko Appeared Appeared. "Nicko, can you see us us?" she asked.

Nicko grinned and made a thumbs-up sign.

"Wow, you're good good," Jenna told Boy 412.

It was becoming misty as Nicko, using the silent part of his spell, paddled them out from the Deppen Ditch into the open waters of the river. The water was calm and heavy, spotted with a fine drizzle. Nicko was careful to create as little disturbance as possible, just in case a pair of keen eyes from the crow's nest might be drawn to the strange swirls on the surface of the water, steadily making their way toward the s.h.i.+p.

Nicko made good progress, and soon the steep black sides of the Vengeance Vengeance reared up before them through the misty drizzle, and the reared up before them through the misty drizzle, and the Unseen Unseen Muriel Two Muriel Two reached the bottom of the rope ladder. They decided that Nicko would stay with the canoe while Jenna and Boy 412 tried to find out if Marcia was being held on the s.h.i.+p and, if possible, set her free. If they needed any help, Nicko would be ready. Jenna hoped they wouldn't. She knew that Nicko's spell would not protect him if he got into any trouble. Nicko held the canoe steady while first Jenna and then Boy 412 climbed uncertainly onto the ladder and started the long precarious climb to the reached the bottom of the rope ladder. They decided that Nicko would stay with the canoe while Jenna and Boy 412 tried to find out if Marcia was being held on the s.h.i.+p and, if possible, set her free. If they needed any help, Nicko would be ready. Jenna hoped they wouldn't. She knew that Nicko's spell would not protect him if he got into any trouble. Nicko held the canoe steady while first Jenna and then Boy 412 climbed uncertainly onto the ladder and started the long precarious climb to the Vengeance Vengeance.

Nicko watched them with an uneasy feeling. He knew that Unseens Unseens can leave shadows and strange disturbances in the air, and a can leave shadows and strange disturbances in the air, and a Necromancer Necromancer like DomDaniel would have no trouble spotting them. But all Nicko could do was silently wish them luck. He had decided that if they did not come back by the time the tide had risen halfway up the Deppen Ditch, he would go in search of them, whether his spell protected him or not. like DomDaniel would have no trouble spotting them. But all Nicko could do was silently wish them luck. He had decided that if they did not come back by the time the tide had risen halfway up the Deppen Ditch, he would go in search of them, whether his spell protected him or not.

To pa.s.s the time, Nicko climbed into the Hunter's canoe. He may as well make the most of his wait, he thought, and sit in a decent boat. Even if it was a bit slimy. And smelly. smelly. But he'd smelled worse in some of the fis.h.i.+ng boats he used to help out on. But he'd smelled worse in some of the fis.h.i.+ng boats he used to help out on.

It was a long climb up the rope ladder and not an easy one. The ladder kept b.u.mping against the s.h.i.+p's sticky black sides and Jenna was afraid that someone on board might hear them, but all was quiet above. So quiet that she began to wonder if it was some kind of ghost s.h.i.+p.

As they reached the top, Boy 412 made the mistake of looking down. He felt sick. His head swam with the giddy sensation of height, and he very nearly lost his grip on the rope ladder as his hands became suddenly clammy. The water was dizzyingly far away. The Hunter's canoe looked tiny, and for a moment he thought he saw someone sitting in it. Boy 412 shook his head. Don't look down, he told himself sternly. Don't look down. Don't look down.

Jenna had no fear of heights. She easily clambered up onto the Vengeance Vengeance and hauled Boy 412 over the gap between ladder and deck. Boy 412 kept his eyes firmly fixed on Jenna's boots as he wriggled onto the deck and shakily stood up. and hauled Boy 412 over the gap between ladder and deck. Boy 412 kept his eyes firmly fixed on Jenna's boots as he wriggled onto the deck and shakily stood up.

Jenna and Boy 412 looked around them.

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Septimus Heap_ Magyk Part 28 summary

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