Heroes At Heart: Captive Heroes Part 23

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"That's right. f.u.c.k my c.o.c.k with your sweet, tight mouth," he groaned and began a gentle thrust.

She tightened her lips around his c.o.c.k and his face changed from one of torture to exquisite bliss. Using her tongue as her weapon of choice, she grinned inwardly as she caressed and stroked the under part of his shaft every time he withdrew and entered. Appreciation shone on his face.

Yes, she could make him beg this way. She would make him beg even though her entire body was now poised on the edge of climax. Only her plan seemed to be backfiring as she twirled her tongue along his shaft and sc.r.a.ped her sharp teeth against the elevated scars that were woven within the web of veins.

Every time he moaned, the animal growl was an aphrodisiac slipping into her bloodstream, raging through her system. It seemed as if that d.a.m.ned machine knew Blackie's erotic moans were turning her on, because the cups on her nipples went crazy, licking and tweaking and stroking. The suction over her p.u.s.s.y increased and the air tongue caressing her G-spot increased its pressure. Not to mention the d.i.l.d.o in her a.s.s was pulsing and lubing and diving deeper and deeper with every thrust.

Ripples of desire s.h.i.+fted low in her belly and zipped a line into her a.s.s. Her nipples were an erotic mess as bristly air tongues lapped her tender flesh.

Sweet mercy!

Was she infected with Pa.s.sion Poison too?

He groaned hoa.r.s.ely and she tightened her mouth around his quickening thrusts. He moved faster, his thick and swollen c.o.c.k plunging with fiery speed. She could barely see him through the sensual haze but, from the ecstasy raging across his face and the erratic way his c.o.c.k jerked in her mouth, he was close to o.r.g.a.s.m.

She moaned, indicating her need for release, but he was lost in his enjoyment. Her body was wrapped in his erotic groans. Captured by the pleasure of those toys. But there was one way to get his attention. And she wasn't going to beg.

She stopped sucking.

He snarled and opened his dazed eyes. He looked down at her, his mouth twisted in a frown.

She grinned around his c.o.c.k. Now they were equal.

He licked his lips...and then he smiled. Pa.s.sion Poison or no Pa.s.sion Poison, she'd won.

"I beg you, female. Make me come."

For a split second, she almost nodded. Almost. But then she shook her head.

"Warrior woman, you do not wish to play this with me at this time," he growled. He withdrew his c.o.c.k from her mouth.

"f.u.c.k me, my warrior man. Or we both suffer," she whispered in a voice laced with arousal and defiance. Wow, she'd never been like this before. The need for release was driving her nuts.

He growled again, this time a louder, wilder moan that sent her blood boiling with greater need. She gasped as he brought the headrest upward slowly, to where it had been earlier, and whimpered her thanks as he stalked around her to stand between her thighs. His engorged c.o.c.k looked so thick and swollen. He wouldn't last and she was grateful she could bring a man such as Blackie to do her bidding in the end.

In a matter of seconds he had the succulent, air suction cup off her p.u.s.s.y and they both cried out as his thick c.o.c.k head plunged into her slick, trembling v.a.g.i.n.a.


He didn't waste time. He pumped into her like a demon. And she loved it. The combination of the nipple suction, the a.n.a.l probe and Blackie's desperate thrusts was exactly what she needed to send her over the edge.

Into heaven.

They f.u.c.ked like wild animals for many hours, taking turns with the machine, making each other beg until they were both so spent they ended spooned together in one of the narrow beds in the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p. His hot body kept her backside nice and toasty and a peace she'd never experienced before hugged her. She wanted to stay here forever. She probably could too. They had the replicator for food and other supplies. They had the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p for shelter and she had Blackie. That was all she needed.

More than twenty-four hours had pa.s.sed and Blackie was still alive, still breathing, so what she'd learned from those Yellow Hair virgins had been true. A twenty-four-hour s.e.x marathon was the cure for Pa.s.sion Poison. Too funny.

Behind her, Blackie stirred and then his face nuzzled against her neck. The stubble of his beard sparked some heavy-duty friction against her tender flesh.

"You're a fantastic lover, Blackie. But you need a shave. You've even given me p.u.s.s.y burn from all those times you took me with that magical mouth of yours."

He chuckled against her neck, the laughter rich and musical. Without warning, he moved his arm around her waist, pulling her until she rolled onto her back. He took her mouth in such a wickedly erotic kiss, she was gasping for air by the time they were finished.

"Wow, you kiss great too," she whispered, trying to find her voice.

"Compliments will get you everywhere, warrior woman," he said as his arm around her waist squeezed gently.

"Are the storms still here?" he asked.

"It is slowing down a little."

"Then we must talk."

A sliver of panic s.h.i.+fted through her at the determination in his voice. Suddenly she wasn't so peaceful anymore. "About?" she asked hesitantly.

"How do you know about this replicator? Only the Queens and High Queens know of technologies. Are you one of them? Or are you truly the G.o.ddess of Freedom, the female who knows all?"

She? She knew all?

She wanted to laugh at his question, but it was time to tell him the truth. Time to tell him she really knew nothing at all.

"I can't remember anything before I woke up, after you found me near those Fever Swamps," she confessed.

His sharp inhalation and the way he tensed rea.s.sured her she'd done a pretty good job of keeping her secret.

"I do not understand. You say your name is Kinley. How do you know this?"

"My bracelet. See?" She held up her arm to show him the metal bracelet on her wrist.

"I was never educated to read. What does this say?" He brushed his fingers along the engraved words.

He couldn't read? That seemed odd, but it did seem everything she was experiencing was odd anyway.

"It says I am allergic to bee stings and that my name is Kinley Hero."

"Hero? This was the name of the female with Jarod. The female who looks exactly like you. Piper Hero."

She'd forgotten about that other woman who looked like her. Forgotten about everything except saving Blackie.

"I fear I will lose you if I take you to her," he said.

"You know where she is?"

"I know of where these Hero men and their women live, yes. I suspect Jarod will be bringing this Piper woman to them. I came upon their village a long time ago during my explorations, when they were first there. I did not show myself or they would have left."

"Why would they have left?" She grinned and stroked his shadowed face. "Were they afraid of you? You do look dangerous and deadly cute."

"They have a right to fear anyone who is with the Death Valley Boys. The Boys would kill the males and any babies and take the females for their slaves."

"Would you kill males and babies?" She didn't think he would. How could he? He was a wild, s.e.xual man who just wanted someone to love him. Or at least that's what she could see. A man full of hurt at being treated badly by women. A man who wanted his own chance at love.

"I have killed males. I did so in self-defense. I would not harm a child and would stop any killing of one if I could."

She could tell by the pride in his voice he was bragging. She liked it when he bragged. It just proved that beneath his dangerous, tough exterior lay a cute, gentle teddy bear if given the chance.

They lay quietly for a while before he spoke again.

"Will I lose you if I take you to them? You were defiant enough with me when I captured you and wished to make you mine. I fear they will take you away from me and you will go with them."

Gosh, he really was being vulnerable and serious here, wasn't he? Maybe she didn't even want him to take her to this place. But she needed to find out her true ident.i.ty. To find out why she didn't want to know who she really was. Maybe she was a bad person. Maybe she had this memory loss problem because she was a nasty person with an evil personality.

Kinley stared at her bracelet. No, she wasn't evil. She'd been hit on the head and had forgotten her ident.i.ty. She needed to get it back. At the very least she should go and meet these people.

"No one will take me away from you, Blackie. I may not know who I am or why I know all about how this s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p works, but I do know that I don't do anything I don't want to do. You should know me by now. You should know the minute you put that collar around my neck, I belonged to you."

He grinned, his dark eyes glistening with excitement. "Ah, I realized you wished to submit."

"I don't want to be away from you. Ever."

"Such strong words from such an independent woman."

"I know what I want, Blackie, and I want you."

He leaned closer and his lips brushed erotically against hers, leaving her craving more kisses. "And I wish you, Kinley Hero."

"Then it's settled. We stay together. No matter what. And I mean that quite literally."

She laughed as she moved out from beneath his heavy arm and climbed on top of him. Inhaling sharply, she guided his heavy, stiff shaft into her p.u.s.s.y and began a slow rocking motion.

"Together, forever," he said and groaned as she began to ride him hard.

"Forever," she agreed. And truly meant it.

Chapter Thirteen.

The water appeared like a dark gray mirror as they paddled through the never-ending swamp and Kayla didn't dare take longer than a few seconds of breaks from paddling. It was way too creepy in here to be hanging around. Everything looked the same. One after another almost identical fat, warped tree trunks pa.s.sed by them. Dark-green strands of moss dangled from the twisted branches of huge, towering cypress trees, and she wished they had stayed back at the small cabin.

But they hadn't. After making love yesterday morning they'd fallen asleep and upon awakening they'd both been more refreshed than ever before. They'd gone in search of the boat Taylor had mentioned being hidden somewhere nearby and found it. It was a birch bark two-man kayak and blades of excitement had wrapped around her, knowing she would see her brothers and hopefully Piper soon, and then they could set out to look for Kinley.

After making sure the boat was water-worthy by taking it out for a short spin along the river, Taylor had caught some more fish, cooked them and they'd eaten the fresh delicacy with the dried fruit from the baskets in the cabin. Night had fallen swiftly and, after another round of hot, fantastic s.e.x, they'd slept soundly in each other's arms.

Morning had come way too quickly, the hot, golden suns.h.i.+ne streaming into the cabin waking them. Their adventure into this horridly endless swamp had started soon after and the eerie scenery was making goose b.u.mps pop up all over her bare arms and legs.

"How long before we get there?" she asked for what must have been the hundredth time. She just couldn't help her curiosity. Not to mention she couldn't wait to have that b.u.t.t plug out and Taylor thrusting into her. The erotic plug was playing havoc with her senses and every time she so much as squirmed, it reminded her of what Taylor had in mind for her.

From behind her, he chuckled. "We have tonight to ourselves and perhaps another night. We will see."

"And..." She wanted to ask if he would take her plug out tonight, but just couldn't bring herself to do it. "And it's going to keep looking like this?" She grimaced at the monotonous array of stumps and trees.

"It is a big area."

"Is the water safe to drink?"

"This water is not as the Fever Swamps. You will not crave release if you drink from this water. However, I do not wish you to. That is why we have this bucket full of the river water."

Yeah, yeah, she knew that. She just wanted to make sure she wasn't going to end up like some feral out-of control female who needed to mate with this guy all the time. Not that she didn't want to have s.e.x with her s.e.xy Tarzan again.

She did. Oh boy, did she. Maybe that Fever Swamp water stuff was still humming along in her system because she wanted more hot and fantastic from the guy. She glared at the creepy scenery. But she wanted out of here more. Dipping the carved wooden oar into the water, she began to paddle harder. She wanted out of this place and she wanted out now.

Taylor could not stop smiling as he gazed upon Kayla's beautiful back. He could tell by the frown in her voice she did not like this place. Truth be told, neither did he. But it was the fastest route to travel to find the Hero brothers. Upon arriving at the shelter, he had been afraid that perhaps Jarod had been through there and taken the only boat.

He'd been relieved when they found it. It made him wonder where Jarod and Piper were. The Death Valley Boys had mentioned the couple had been in Death Valley, but someone had aided their escape. Who could it have been? He had his suspicions. There were a handful of Boys who were sympathetic to the plight of the females and they had opted to remain in Death Valley in order to change things from the inside out. At the way the females back at the tree house had been treated, Taylor could see that idea had not worked well at all.

He focused his attention back on Kayla. Her dark-yellow hair glistened over her shoulders in the golden rays of the early afternoon suns.h.i.+ne. Luscious, tanned muscles moved in her upper arms as she continued to paddle. She was a strong female given how fast she made the boat speed.

Taylor's grin widened. She would be weary tonight, but he had plans for the female. He could hardly wait.

"You're a very beautiful, enticing woman," Taylor whispered through the darkness, snapping Kayla out of her worries for her siblings.

She and Taylor sat across from each other at the tiny campfire they'd made on a small island in the horrid swamp. Until now, she'd been s.h.i.+vering with unease at how creepy the trees looked in the spooky moonlight, but the erotic tone of his voice turned her s.h.i.+vers into sensual tremors and antic.i.p.ation raced into her bloodstream. She found herself gazing into his eyes. Eyes that spoke of arousal and excitement.

Her? Beautiful? Enticing?

No man had called her beautiful before. She'd been called pretty, cute and maybe even adorable by the handful of guys she'd dated, but definitely not beautiful. And to tell the truth, she really liked being called beautiful and enticing.

"You're pretty handsome yourself," she replied, loving the reflection of the fire flickering in his eyes.

"I wish to take you now," he breathed.

Oh wow. Take me, Tarzan.

She was very aware of him as he stood. He was a tall guy and, as he strode around the fire toward her, his limp returned. But that was forgotten when her gaze dropped to the nice erection pus.h.i.+ng boldly against his loincloth. When he reached out his hand to her, her fingers melted into his hot grip. He helped her to her feet and suddenly he was the only thing that existed in the world.

Gosh, how did that all work?

One minute she was perfectly normal and worrying about her siblings, and the next she just wanted to lose herself in the arousals of s.e.x with her Tarzan hunk.

"I want you to take me, Taylor. Take me any way you want," she whispered. Her voice was husky and guttural. She swore she'd never been so sensual before.

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Heroes At Heart: Captive Heroes Part 23 summary

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