Falling Star Part 18

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"Well, there was money to be made with all the gossip and rumors. Why should I be the one constantly exploited?" Solley tried to sound justifi ed.

"Yes, instead exploit everyone else," Janie snapped.

The gaggle of voices rose again.

"Enough!" Marsha commanded hands raised in the air. "I got the kids in the family room with ice cream and a stack of DVDs. The rest of you go get ready. This party is happening and people will be arriving soon. Go go go."

a 183 a The party was a resounding success. The movie was going to be a box offi ce winner and spirits were high. Sniper was in her element, being able to freely move around and snap people she would normally never get within a million miles of, unless she crawled through their sewer pipe. She even had the authority to go up to some seriously famous faces and ask outright that they crush up close and pose for her. Paparazzi heaven.

Grace's interpretation of a.s.sistance was to sit back and watch her work, a satisfi ed smile on her lips. Sniper knew if she took one step out of line her a.s.s would hit the sandbar in seconds fl at. Truth was, she kinda liked the fact that she had at last met her match. It made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Laughter and music fl oated across the surf as Gin and Solley stole away, after hours of dancing, to stroll up through the dunes and watch the sunrise. Snuggled together, they watched the light bloom over the horizon and the stars begin to fade. Gin gazed at the woman lying beside her. She took in the changing colors in the auburn hair as night crept away and dawn stole in. She marveled at the soft curve of Solley's cheek, the generous bowed lips, and the peachy fuzz of her earlobe.

She had almost fi nished counting the bronzed eyelashes when Solley's eyelids fl uttered and Gin found herself gazing into the lush green depths of her lover's eyes.

My lover's eyes are as green as a spring forest and they're looking adoringly at me, on what might be the fi rst day of the rest of our lives.

"Good morning, Solley Rayner." She smiled shyly.

"Good morning, Gin Ito." Solley smiled back.

Gin leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Solley's mouth.

"It's a new day and I love you more than ever."

a 184 a Solley blushed in answer. "I love you," she whispered, realizing they now had many, many days to say these things to each other. "So, what shall we do with this new day?"

"Let's make plans." Gin snuggled against her. "About what Dan said last night-"

"The threesome? Yes, I was shocked, too-"

"No, dufus. About me child minding. About your family.

I want to be part of that. I want a connection."

"Gin, you already have a connection. You're already in the kids' hearts."

"But I'm moving here, to La Sirena Verde. I'm building a house and opening a business. No more traveling. I'm making a home here, and I want it to be a family home."

"I'm glad you'll be near."

"Share it with me? Please? Let my house be a home for you and the kids. You can stay whenever you like, no pressure.

I know you have to decide where you go from here, with your own life. But please, let me be a part of it. Let me help you and the kids."

Gin was worried she was pus.h.i.+ng too far, too fast. But she wanted to be honest about her intentions from the start.

"You know I love you. But it's more than that. I want you to be close, so we can grow into a new life together."

Her dark eyes locked with Solley's, pulling her into an unfathomable world of love and promise. Solley blinked, astounded by such a generous, loving act. "How can you offer me such unconditional love so soon? My life is a panicked mess. Day after day, my one goal is to keep things together. I love you so much, but you deserve better."

"No. I deserve you. We were two very unhappy people, Solley. Both lost in our hurt, struggling on with no real purpose, no destination. The universe has given us this chance a 185 a to change things, and I'm going to grab it with both hands and squeeze every ounce of joy and love out of it. And you're going to do the same."

She caressed Solley's cheek with her thumb, marveling at the soft texture, smiling at the mischievous freckles, promising herself one day to kiss them all.

Solley gently leaned in to give the most generous mouth in the world the most tender of kisses. "Look," she murmured into the sweetness, "the sun's rising." She drew back slightly.

"We can watch the sun rising on our new life together."

"Our new life together?" Gin raised an eyebrow.

"When I met you I promised myself I would be brave. I decided to reach out and try for happiness. And I did, and I fell fl at on my face. But I got up and dusted myself down and tried again...and you came back." Solley nodded solemnly. "There's a big, scary world out there. But it seems less frightening with you in it, and positively friendly when you're by my side. But to have you as a lover and a partner, well, I could walk the length and breadth of it and always be smiling."

She stood and offered her hand to Gin. "Walk with me.


Standing with her, Gin said, "Forever? I like the sound of that."

With their hands warmly joined, they set out across the sand into the promise of a new day and a love that would guide them home.

a 186 a

About the Author.

Gill McKnight works between Ireland and the UK. When she can grab some time she likes to hang out in the small house she is restoring in Greece. She likes sailing, gardening, and driving long distances with all her furniture in the back of a van.

Her next book, Green-eyed Monster, is due in December 2008 from Bold Strokes Books.

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Falling Star Part 18 summary

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