Texas Sirens: Small Town Siren Part 15

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Abby wrinkled her nose in dismay at Jack before turning to the fifty-something woman with steel gray hair and kind eyes. She shook her head indulgently at the men, and Abby got the feeling Benita viewed herself as a mother figure.

"Glad to meet you," Abby said.

"It is good to meet you as well." Benita smoothed down her white ap.r.o.n. "My husband works as the foreman here on the ranch. We live in a small house out beyond the swimming pool. I think you will love it here. It's a beautiful place, though it needs a woman's touch."

Sam was busy shoveling scrambled eggs on his plate. "Benita has been bugging us to redecorate for years."

Benita shook her head sadly as she gestured to the room around her. "I remember the seventies. They should go away."

Jack winked at his housekeeper. "I'll call a decorator. Abigail, I'm sure, will get busy shoving the age of disco out of the house."

A little light gleamed in Benita's eyes. "We should also discuss updating the kitchen. Much progress has been made in appliances in the last forty years. Were you aware, Miss Abigail, that they now have machines that wash dishes?"

Abby schooled herself to look properly impressed. "I had not heard. We should look into that."

Benita nodded and walked to the door that led to the kitchen.

"Excellent. I am off, then. I have some grocery shopping to do. I sent some m.u.f.fins and coffee over to the guest house and asked Mrs.

Moore to join us for lunch at twelve-thirty. I'll lock up as I leave."

"Set the alarm, as well." Jack took a sip of his coffee. "Thank you."

Abby poured herself some coffee and decided she might be able to get used to the idea of having a housekeeper. It was rather nice to have breakfast she hadn't prepared for herself.


"Why are we turning on the alarm in the middle of the day? And why are all the blinds closed?" The overhead light was on, but outside was a bright, beautiful day. Abby had been happy with the gorgeous blue sky overhead as she walked the short distance from the big house to her mother's place. It was a perfect fall day in Texas. In the distance, Abby had been able to see the hands already hard at work.

"I thought you would prefer the privacy, sweetheart," Jack murmured. "I know I don't particularly want my employees to see my future wife naked. Take off the clothes, Abby."

Abby looked between Jack and Sam, but neither gave any appearance that Jack had been joking. Sam was contentedly eating his breakfast and watching her with pointed fascination. Jack was starting to get impatient. His long fingers drummed against the table.

"Abigail, when I give you a direct order, I expect you to comply."

"You said you were only really in charge in the bedroom." Abby repeated his words from the previous night. She was a little shocked at the idea, but it wasn't offending her, per se. She simply hadn't thought of it before.

Jack put down his coffee, and the paper beside him was forgotten.

"Then let me rephrase. I am in charge of our private life. When we're alone, I want you naked. I've done everything I can to ensure your privacy, and now I expect you to keep the promise you made to me last night."

"He's serious," Sam offered with a sigh. "You should really drop the clothes, or he'll take them off you himself."

Abby's hand went to the tie of the robe. She shrugged out of it. "I wonder how this is going to work when I'm eighty."

Jack looked at her with a very serious expression on his face.

"Maybe you should think about this, Abigail. I know we're demanding a lot from you. You need to understand this isn't some phase that's going to pa.s.s. When you're eighty, I will still think you're beautiful. I will still consider your body mine, and I will still want you naked."


Abby pulled the s.h.i.+rt over her head and blinked back tears. She wondered if he knew he'd said the precise thing to make her comfortable. For a man who didn't talk a lot, he always knew what to say to her. Abby sat back in her chair, enjoying the way both men's eyes had gone slightly at the sight of her naked body.

"So when we're alone at night watching television or I'm reading a book...?"

"I'll want you naked and cuddled up with me." Jack leaned forward, touching his hand to hers. "We'll sit on the couch, and you'll be between me and Sam."

Sam had his chin propped on his hand, watching Abby with a happy grin. "You're better than TV, Abby. I think you're really pretty naked."

"Why, Samuel Fleetwood," Abby teased, "I had no idea you were attracted to me."

"Besides the fact that I practically humped your leg the first time I saw you?" Sam teased right back. "I'll have to be less subtle."

"Not this morning you won't." Jack pushed his chair back slightly. "Come here, Abby."

Abby got out of her chair and realized she was already wet. Just being naked and having their eyes on her was making her hot. She wondered when she would get used to them. She hoped never. Jack patted his lap. Abby sat down obligingly, and Jack's arm went around her waist securely, holding her to him. He offered her a warm blueberry m.u.f.fin, which she took gratefully. He then proceeded to go back to reading his paper. It was all Abby could do not to laugh. Most men didn't peruse the paper while naked women ate breakfast in their laps. But, it didn't seem to bother Jack in the least.

"The organic alfalfa we ordered is coming in today." Jack continued to read as he spoke to Sam. As far as Abby could tell, it was some article on business.

"Good thing, too," Sam replied, and then they were off on a discussion of all the work coming up later in the year. Abby quickly 127.

learned that there were a whole bunch of cows having calves this spring. Abby didn't inject herself into the conversation, preferring to listen to the two men talk. Their easy manner with each other was the result of a long, intimate friends.h.i.+p.

After she was satisfied with her breakfast, she let her head rest against Jack's shoulder and her hands play on his well-muscled chest.

Her mind started to wander in a way it hadn't for a long while. She suspected she had stopped daydreaming because her life had been filled with too many responsibilities, and she'd had no one to share the burdens with. It had not led to hours of fanciful thoughts. It was pleasant to rediscover the joy of imagination.

Abby let her thoughts go where they wanted. She thought about what she'd like to do with the house. She would be considerate, of course. It was obvious any money Jack and Sam made probably went back into the business, but she had a little put away, too. It would be nice to have new furniture to cuddle on. She sighed and closed her eyes. They would snuggle on the couch, and then Jack would look down and kiss her. Sam would have to get in on that. His hands were always restless, and they would move over her, stroking her until she was crazy for them. She would spread herself out so they didn't miss an inch of what belonged to them. It was all right because the belonging went both ways. Jack would growl low in his throat just before he pounced...

"Is she asleep?" Sam's voice poked through her reverie.

Abby felt Jack laugh deep in his chest. "I think she's just kind of dozing. Apparently, our in-depth discussion of calving has made her sleepy."

"Was just thinking," Abby murmured.

"About what?" Jack's voice took on a low, s.e.xy timbre that made Abby suspect he knew what she'd been thinking.

"You and Sam."

Jack's hand moved on her thigh, slowly climbing up. "Spread your legs." Without thinking, Abby complied. Jack's fingers met her 128 warm honey and started to part her gently, stroking in and out. "What exactly were you thinking about us, little one? Whatever it was, it seems to have inspired you. Should I take care of this?"

Jack watched his fingers slip in and out of her p.u.s.s.y. She was slippery wet, and Jack wondered exactly what fantasies had been playing out in her head while he discussed feed schedules with Sam.

His c.o.c.k was straining against the fly of his jeans when a fresh coat of arousal coated his fingers.

"Please." Abby wiggled against him a little. He was playing with her, and she obviously wanted more.

"Up," Jack demanded, putting her off his lap. Jack tore open his pants and shoved them down to let his c.o.c.k free. He pulled it out and stroked it up and down, moving from the thick base to the bulbous purple crown.

Abby licked her lips as she watched him. The hot look in her eyes made him all the harder. "Sweetheart, I don't have a condom. I can have Sam go get one, but I'd rather not have anything between us."

She was so hot and tight around him. It would be heaven to ride her bare back. "I had a physical a month ago. I haven't been with anyone but you since. Are you on the pill?"

"Shots." Abby's voice was breathless to Jack's ears. "I take a shot every three months. We're safe."

Jack gestured her to come back. "Straddle me."

Abby climbed on, placing her legs on either side of his hips. Her knees wouldn't fit on the narrow chair, so Jack used his strength to lift her onto his c.o.c.k. He kept his head down, watching as his c.o.c.k sank into the warmth of her p.u.s.s.y. He moved slowly, working his way in, finally allowing gravity to seat him as Abby moaned and leaned into him.


Jack held her there, enjoying the depth of their connection. His hands stroked up her waist and then cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her skin was silky and soft. He gently rolled her taut nipples between his thumb and forefinger before leaning over and licking the tight tip. Abby gasped and slanted back. Her fingers tangled in his hair, and she ground herself down on him. Jack stopped what he was doing. It was time for a little discipline.

"Be still," Jack demanded. He brought his hand firmly down on her a.s.s. She tensed slightly and then sighed. When she obeyed, he went back to teasing her nipples.

"I want to come." Abby was protesting, but she didn't move.

"You will, but not until I'm through with you. I want to play for a bit, and you're going to be a very good girl and let me, aren't you?"

"The answer is yes, Abby." Sam's grin was wicked as he moved his chair so he would have a better view.

"Yes." Abby gave Jack the answer he wanted. He gently bit down on her nipple and then laved it soothingly with his tongue. All the while he filled her. His c.o.c.k throbbed inside her, begging to be let loose, but Jack had rigid control.

He sucked her nipple deeply into his mouth. Abby moaned. She was being an awfully good girl. It made it fun to play with her, but Jack could tell she was reaching the limit of her control. Finally, just when it seemed like she might go crazy, Jack leaned back.

"Ride me, Abigail." He thrust his hips up and shoved down on her hips.

Abby braced herself against Jack's shoulders. Jack groaned while she worked her way up and down his length.

Jack's head fell back, and he gave himself over to the experience of making love with Abby. She was moving, slowly and deliberately.

It wasn't fast enough for him, but she seemed to be enjoying it, so he took the torture. Her sweet, tight p.u.s.s.y was sucking all along his d.i.c.k, and he gritted his teeth at the exquisite pleasure of being inside her.

Sam watching just made it hotter for Jack. He was looking forward to 130 the time when he would look over Abby's shoulder and see the same look of pa.s.sionate agony on Sam's face he was sure was on his own now.

Jack felt his b.a.l.l.s draw up and knew he was getting close. He thrust his hand in between them, and his thumb found Abby's sweet spot.

"Oh, Jack." Abby moaned as she picked up the pace. She ground her p.u.s.s.y against his thumb, and he felt the tiny contractions of her o.r.g.a.s.m.

"Oh, f.u.c.k," Jack cursed. His c.o.c.k, feeling impossibly huge, exploded. He pulled Abby against him, pumping his s.e.m.e.n deep inside her welcoming body. Abby fell boneless against him as he ground out the last of his c.u.m. He felt a deep sense of calm satisfaction spread throughout his body as he held Abby against him.

After a long, quiet moment, he kissed her soundly and cursed as he looked at the clock.

"What?" Abby's head came off his shoulder. She was deliciously disheveled.

"I have to go to work." Jack regretted the necessity. His foreman was probably wondering where the h.e.l.l he was. They were riding the fences today, making sure everything was secure.

"Okay," Abby agreed, and then made absolutely no move to get off of him.

Jack chuckled and threw his partner a questioning glance.

"If you insist." Sam got out of his chair. He pulled Abigail off Jack and held her in his arms. Abby obligingly threw her arms around his neck. "She needs a shower."

"I bet you're just the man to get me clean." Abby cuddled against Sam.

"Not until I dirty you up a bit more," Sam promised.

Jack tucked his entirely satisfied c.o.c.k back into his pants and stood up, reaching for his Stetson. "You ride herd on her all day, understood?"


"Sure thing, boss," Sam said in a tone that stated he was happy with his a.s.signed task.

"Take her shopping and get her anything she needs. Ask Diane for a list as well." His tone went lower. "And move her up to the medium-sized plug. She can wear it while she's shopping. I want to move into the playroom tonight."

"Does that mean I'm getting tied up?" Abby seemed to find the energy to look up. She flashed a slightly superior grin that did all sorts of things to Jack's insides. "I know what a playroom is. I read, you know."

Jack nodded. "I do, indeed. It was your highly intellectual tastes that made me believe this could work out. You have fun with Sam.

I'll see you at dinner. And Abigail..."

"I won't wear any clothes," Abby promised as Sam turned away.

Jack knew he should be running to get to work, but he found himself watching them walk away, listening to them bicker playfully.

"We need to talk about those books, Abigail," Sam said sternly.

"Some of them are fine, but the one about the five men is just perverted."

"You're one to criticize fine literature, Sam."

"Fine literature, my a.s.s." They continued to argue as they rounded the corner.

Jack stood there for a minute in the house he'd lived in for ten years. It struck him that, while watching the two people he loved walking through it, this old house had finally become a home.


Chapter Ten.

Abby looked up and down Main Street and wondered whether she was going to have the courage to pull this off. There were some new stores, but otherwise it hadn't changed. It was still a neat, little slice of small-town America. She looked over at the barbershop her father used to go to. Two old men were standing outside watching her with suspicious eyes. This wasn't going to be easy.

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Texas Sirens: Small Town Siren Part 15 summary

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