Texas Sirens: Small Town Siren Part 19

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He stood rigid in her embrace, and Abby wondered how she was going to reach him. "I can say that because you're not on the table, Abigail."

Abby reluctantly let him go and walked to the table. She lay down on the warmed sheet that covered the comfortable ma.s.sage table and placed her head in the padded slot designed to let her breathe. She was quiet and entirely subdued as Sam poured warm oil onto her skin and began to rub his hands down her back. He started at the base of her neck and ran his thumbs on either side of her spine.

Abby didn't resist him in any way, but she took no pleasure from the ministrations, either. All she felt was a crus.h.i.+ng guilt. She had screwed everything up when she was just trying to make it right. She thought she was doing the right thing. She had tried to protect them.

"Relax." Sam sounded impatient.

"I'm trying," Abby muttered, but it was impossible when she couldn't figure out how to heal the breach between the two of them.

She was willing to do just about anything.

Suddenly, it just seemed like too much. Despite her success in forcing people to let her into their stores, she knew it would be a fight to make a place for herself here. And now, with Sam angry and unwilling to speak to her, she had doubts as to putting herself between Sam and his best friend. They had been together for so much longer.

It wasn't fair for her to come between them. She had been the catalyst for Jack changing the rules, and Sam was obviously not okay with that.


"You're crying." It sounded a little like an accusation to Abby's ears.

"No, I'm not." As she said it, she couldn't stop a little sniffle.

"d.a.m.n it, Abigail, I feel your tears. .h.i.tting my feet," Sam complained.

"I'll stop."

Sam sighed, and he knelt down. His face was suddenly in view, his head at an awkward angle as he looked up at her. "Why are you crying, Abby?" His voice was softer now.

"You're mad at me, and I don't know how to make it up to you."

Abby pushed against the table, forcing herself up. Sam popped up, standing beside her. "I got you in trouble with Jack."

Sam frowned. "I got me in trouble with Jack, Abby. I left you alone. He gave me explicit instructions, and I didn't follow them. I'm upset with myself."

"I'm not..." She quickly closed her mouth when she realized what she was about to say.

"If I were Jack, you would be over my knee right now." Sam's entire body was tense.

"I'm sorry." She was pretty sure she had said those words about a hundred times today. It had been her day for f.u.c.king things up. She reached out and ran her hands along the cut plane of his chest. "I'm not used to anyone caring about me the way the two of you do. I'm used to being the one to bear the burden. It's my fault, too, you know."

"How do you figure?"

"I knew Jack didn't want me to be alone," Abby admitted. "I could have, should have followed you. I walked into that cafe. The minute I saw Ruby Echols sitting there with her cronies, I should have marched back out and stayed with you. I can't win with her. It doesn't even pay to try."

A slow smile started to cross Sam's face. "Put like that, it does seem more like your fault than mine."


"Sam," Abby said, trying to pull him close, "I love you. I really do, but if I'm coming between you and Jack, then I should go. I don't want to break the two of you up."

Sam's blue eyes were wide. "Abby, I was just thinking the same d.a.m.n thing except that I should leave."

"What do you mean?"

Sam looked down for a moment, and when he finally met her eyes, he looked bleak. "Abby, I want a true threesome." He sat there, seemingly waiting for her shock and dismay.

"You want Jack," Abby breathed.

Sam nodded slowly, as though admitting it made it real and something they had to deal with. "I want Jack, and I want you. I know what that makes me, but I can't help what I want. It's just gotten stronger since we met you. I want the three of us together in all ways.

Jack loves you like he's never loved anyone else. I'm going to freak him out and upset you. Maybe it would be better if I left and let you and Jack have a normal marriage."

"I don't want a normal marriage." Abby spread her legs, completely heedless of her nudity. She pulled Sam in and wouldn't take no for an answer. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his chest. "I want you and me and Jack."

Sam sighed and finally gave up part of the fight. He relaxed in her arms. "Baby, think about it for a minute. I want to make love with Jack, reallive gay s.e.x."

"Do I get to watch?" Abby asked brightly.


Abby shrugged and snuggled closer to him. He was hard, and she almost had him where she wanted him. "It's not gay if a girl watches," Abby tried. She was happy now that she understood the problem. It wasn't a problem at all in her mind. It was more like wish fulfillment.

"I think most of the planet would disagree with you," Sam said ruefully, but she noted he was pressing himself against her now.


Abby tried to keep her breathing under control. She wiggled, and the head of his d.i.c.k hit her c.l.i.t. Just a little more, she thought. "Who cares what the rest of the planet thinks, Sam? We're involved in a committed menage a trois where, apparently, two of us are s.e.xually submissive to the dominant male. Oh, and I spent most of the day walking around with a plug stuck up my a.s.s. What's a little gay s.e.x?

It's practically the most normal thing we'll do."

Sam's smile was a little awestruck. "You're fine with it?"

Abby nodded quickly, wanting to soothe his fears so she could get back to her subversive plan to come before Jack got here. "As long as I get to watch."

Sam beamed down at her. "You are one righteous pervert, Abigail-almost-Barnes."

"I'm fine with that." Abby wasn't ashamed. She was doing terribly dirty things with men she loved and trusted and was willing to commit herself to. She didn't see anything wrong with it. Now all she had to do was get him to stroke her one more time with that hard c.o.c.k of his...

Sam took a forceful step back. "You're also going to get me in a s.h.i.+tload of trouble. I know what you're trying to do. No, Abby. Jack said no o.r.g.a.s.m for you."

"But, Sam!" She had been so close.

"No," Sam said firmly. "And now you spent all your ma.s.sage time trying to tempt me into disobeying Jack. Not happening, baby.

We have exactly five minutes to get you ready. Go lay down on the bench."

Abby pouted but got down. It was obvious Sam was beyond temptation now, but at least the haunted look was off his face. Abby went on her tiptoes and lightly kissed his full lips. "I love you, Sam."

"I love the h.e.l.l out of you, Abigail," he replied with a ready smile.

"As for the rest of it, we'll see. I don't know how Jack will handle it. I don't know if that's what he wants."


"I'll handle Jack." Abby was looking forward to it. "We just have to take it slow." She walked over to the whipping bench and settled herself down. The bench narrowed a bit in the middle. She discovered her b.r.e.a.s.t.s hung over either side and her p.u.s.s.y was left hanging off the bench.

"d.a.m.n, you look so f.u.c.king hot, baby." Sam worked the leather straps over her wrists. He made sure they were tight but comfortable.

He moved to her ankles, and before long, she was bound completely.

It should have made her feel frightened, but instead all she felt was a hum in her p.u.s.s.y as she antic.i.p.ated what Jack was going to do to her.

Sam stood up and ran his hand down her spine. When he got to her a.s.s, he parted her cheeks, and she felt the cold spurt of lubricant.

She sighed but made no protest. She had just gotten the plug out.

Suddenly, she felt something warmer than the hard plastic of the plug.

Sam's fingers played with her a.n.u.s, gently probing. He pushed against the resistance, shoving his thumb in to the first knuckle and r.i.m.m.i.n.g her.

Abby gasped at the p.r.i.c.kles of sensation she felt all along her spine. It wasn't exactly pain, but the fine, hard edge of it was there.

"Your a.s.s is so pretty, Abby." Sam continued to work his finger into her. "I can't wait to f.u.c.k it."

"Neither can I." Abby turned her head as much as the bench would allow and saw Jack standing in the doorway. He was still in his jeans, but his s.h.i.+rt and shoes were gone. His hair was wet from a shower, and he looked at them with deep approval in his emerald eyes. His body was tall and lean from years and years of hard physical labor, and his shoulders broad and muscular. Abby sighed at how beautifully masculine that body was.

"This is what every man wants, isn't it? He wants to walk in and find his best friend finger-deep in his fiancee's a.s.s." There was a smile in his voice.


Rather than pulling out, Sam shoved his thumb in farther and rotated it. Abby groaned, not sure whether it was pain or pleasure.

"She's going to be so tight."

"Yes, she is," Jack said. Abby could hear a wealth of satisfaction in his tone. He watched them for a moment. He seemed to silently enjoy the scene as Sam worked her a.s.s, gently stretching her. Finally, he spoke again. "Has she been a good girl?"

"Nope." Sam pulled his thumb out. Abby felt him step away and heard the sink in the background running. "She tried her d.a.m.ndest to rub herself to o.r.g.a.s.m against me. She was like a cat in heat."

"And did she succeed?" Jack's voice was a silky threat.

"No. She just managed to work herself up."

Jack walked up behind her, admiring Sam's handiwork. Abby discovered that she could easily watch him through the mirror to her left. She was small and vulnerable, spread and bound for him. Abby found the picture they made extremely arousing. Jack shoved two fingers roughly up her p.u.s.s.y. He slid them back and forth in the warm wetness he found there.

"Nice," he said approvingly before pulling out. He didn't touch her c.l.i.toris at all. Abby moaned in frustration and felt a sharp slap to her a.s.s. "I said no noise, Abigail." Jack walked around to her head and gracefully knelt beside her. His face was very serious as he looked at her. "I've decided against the gag. I want you to be able to respond when I require it. Give me your word you'll do your best to stay quiet and still while I discipline you."

"Yes." Abby studied the hard, beautiful planes of his face. His pitch-black hair was wavy and just long enough to start to curl. Abby knew he would cut it soon, but she intended to talk him out of it.

Jack's eyes widened in expectation. "Yes, what?"

"Yes, sir," Abby tried. The rules seemed to be a little different in this room.

Abby breathed out as she saw a flash of anger cross Jack's face.

"My name is Jack, Abigail. Sir is something you call a Dom who 164 hasn't bothered to give you his name. I am not sir, nor am I master. I am Jack, and I am the only Dom you'll ever get, sweetheart, so I expect you to use my name."

"Yes, Jack," Abby said sweetly to placate him "I don't scare you at all, do I, Abby?"

"I love you," she said.

He leaned over and kissed her cheek before standing back up.

"Remember that," he warned her. "Give me the crop, please. The narrow tip, I think, for this first time, and while you're there, Sam, you can get the leather whip, as well."

Abby heard the closet door open.

"Do you think she can handle the whip?" Sam didn't sound like he thought she could.

"No." Jack's voice was steady. "Her skin is delicate and sensitive.

I have no intention of raising welts. I want her bottom hot and pink.

That's all. The whip I intend to use on you. And that's an extra lash for questioning me, Sam."

There was a short pause, and Abby really wished she could see the look on Sam's face. "All right." The closet door shut.

"You can walk out at any time, Sam," Jack offered. "I won't hold it against you, and I won't shut you out the next time we decide to play with our wife."

"I'm not leaving." It sounded like it was the farthest thing from Sam's mind. Abby was pretty sure it was. She wondered if Sam was hard at the thought of Jack's discipline. She suspected so.

Abby sighed as Jack's hands stroked her bare a.s.s. "You are so gorgeous like this, sweetheart. You tempt me very much to forget this punishment and move on to the part of the evening when I sink my c.o.c.k into you." His hand found her p.u.s.s.y. "Unfortunately, I cannot allow what happened today to pa.s.s."

Abby gasped as the crop smacked her a.s.s. Tears blurred her vision as the pain struck her with a ferocious heat. Jack wasn't playing this 165.

time. Abby sank her nails in the leather-covered restraints. The crop came down again, and she swallowed the pain down.

"You don't love me?" Jack threw her lies back at her. "Was that a lie, Abigail?"

"Yes, Jack." She bit her lip to keep from crying out.

Smack. Abby breathed through the haze of pain. Her entire backside was on fire. She caught sight of Jack in the mirror. His face was grim as he pulled the crop back again.

"You don't want me anymore? You don't want to live this freaky life?"


Of all the things Abby had said to him, that had been the one calculated to hit him where he was vulnerable.

"I do, Jack," Abby said shakily. Jack thrust his fingers back into her p.u.s.s.y, and the pain turned into sharp pleasure.

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Texas Sirens: Small Town Siren Part 19 summary

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