Ned Wilding's Disappearance Part 12

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The chums started to enter the school intending to go to the auditorium, but, as they reached the stairs, for the building was open, they were met by Mr. Williamson, president of the Board of Education.

"You can't go in, boys," he said pleasantly enough.

"Is it dangerous?" asked Ned.

"Well, that's what we're trying to find out. We have some workmen looking over the ruins to see what repairs we will have to make. There's quite a hole in the roof."

"Will it interfere with the opening of school next week?" asked Bart.

"Do you wish it would?" asked Mr. Williamson.

The boys laughed, for the president had read their thoughts.

"We hope not," Mr. Williamson went on. "By the way, you boys know almost everything that goes on in Darewell? Did you happen to hear of any one carrying off one of the clock dials? We can only find three in the ruins, and there were four."

"I took one home with me last night," said Frank promptly. "I wanted it for a relic. I hope there was no harm in that."

"None in the world, if you still have it," said Mr. Williamson. "You see we are trying to find out just what caused the tower to be blown down by the wind, and we want all the evidence we can get. Just keep the dial safely and, the next time you come up toward my store, leave it for me.

You may have it back again after we are through with it, for we'll have to have a whole new clock I expect."

"Wonder what he expects to find from the clock face?" asked Ned, as the boys went back on the campus to get another look at the fallen tower.

"Probably wants to look into its open countenance and ask questions about how it feels to be blown down," Bart replied.

"I hadn't any idea they'd want that piece of the clock, or I'd never have taken it," said Frank. "Lucky I saved it, or someone else might have carried it off and they'd never get it again."

They took another look at the tower, though there was little they had not already seen, and then on Stumpy's invitation to have some hot chocolate they strolled back to the "Emporium." They found Jim still there, but he seemed to have fallen asleep.

"Put some chocolate near him, and see if he wakes up," suggested Ned in a whisper.

The clerk, at the boys' request, placed a gla.s.s of the steaming liquid close to Jim's hand as it rested on the marble counter. Jim opened his eyes, looked at the beverage, glanced at the four chums waiting expectantly and then--closed his eyes again without reaching for the chocolate.

"He's lost his chance," Fenn said. "I'll drink it myself."

He did so, and, as the boys were leaving, Jim appeared to rouse from his slumber. He seemed to remember the chocolate, for he put out his hand as if to grasp it. His fingers closed on the empty air.

"Did I drink it?" he asked of the chums, who stood laughing at him.

"Must have," replied Ned.

"I don't remember," Jim said, in puzzled tones. "But it's all right. I'm sleepy to-day. Is the tower still--?" Then the exertion of talking seemed to be too much for him, and he closed his eyes again.

"Come on," said Ned. "I've got to get home and make arrangements for my New York trip."

"Oh, yes, and I must find out when I can go," Bart added. "We can have jolly sport there, fellows."

There were several family councils that night. Ned's plans were all made, and he had but to pack his trunk, ready to leave on the following Monday morning. The other chums, though, had to consult their relatives.

It was inconvenient for some to let the boys go Tuesday, and Thursday did not suit any better. Finally a compromise was made and Wednesday, following the Monday on which Ned was to start, was fixed on.

Then came an announcement which changed the plans of the boys to some extent. Late afternoon it was stated that the damage to the school had been greater than was at first supposed. It would be impossible to make repairs so that might a.s.semble the second week in January, and the inst.i.tution was to close for a month. Not until February first, President Williamson stated, would the school open again.

"Say, this will just suit us!" cried Ned as he and his chums discussed the news that night. "We can stay so much longer. I know my aunt will be glad to see us, and the longer vacation we have the better she will like it. She's fond of boys. All hers are grown up. She said I was to come and stay a month if I wanted to."

"Fine!" exclaimed Bart. "I'll have to pack a few more clothes in my trunk if we are to be gone longer than we first calculated."

"So will I," cried Fenn.

"Then it's all settled," said Ned. "I'll go Monday and you follow Wednesday. You can find your way to the house I guess. It's on West Forty-fourth street. Here's the number. I'll be there to welcome you.

Won't we have fun though! I've never been in New York."

The others had not either, and they spent some time discussing the pleasant prospects ahead of them.

Monday morning they all went down to the depot to see Ned off.

"Good-bye until Wednesday," he called to his chums as they stood on the platform waving their hands to him. "I'll meet you in New York sure."

But it was a long time before Ned kept his promise.



The issue of the Darewell _Advertiser_ that Monday afternoon contained some startling information. The three chums were standing in front of the drug store talking of their prospective trip when a newsboy ran past calling:

"Extra! Extra! Full account of the blowing up of the school tower with dynamite!"

"What's that he's yelling?" asked Bart.

"He said something about the school tower and dynamite," replied Fenn.

"Trying to sell his papers I guess."

"Let's get one and see if it's a fake," suggested Frank.

"Here boy! Give me one!" cried Bart, and the lad handed him a sheet, damp with paste from the press.

Staring at the three chums in big black letters was the heading:


Not Blown Down by Gale of Wind as First Supposed.


Investigation Has Been Ordered by President Williamson of the Board of Education.


"Well, what do you think of that!" exclaimed Bart when he had finished reading the head-lines. "Isn't that the limit?"

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Ned Wilding's Disappearance Part 12 summary

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