Guardian - Stolen Magic Part 21

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He weighed the likelihood of success if he tried to remove her by force, and decided that would produce an even greater disaster than proceeding with the rescue. "Very well, but we'l have to move like lightning, and pray that the thralls will come with strangers."

She nodded fiercely before continuing to the door. It was locked. Simon rested a hand on the k.n.o.b and poured in power. Bits of metal s.h.i.+fted and the lock snapped open. The d.a.m.ned door squealed, the sound painfully loud in the night.

They stepped into a short pa.s.sageway. Simon sensed the thralls' keeper sleeping in the chamber to their left. The man was stirring, and he was a Guardian with a fair amount of power. Simon was wondering how best to handle him when he felt Meg reach out and use her soothing magic to lull the keeper back to sleep. She was remarkably good at that.

Hoping the effect would last, Simon moved to the end of the pa.s.sage, guided by a s.h.i.+mmer of Meg's subtle new mage light. The door opened into the courtyard. A covered cloister walk ran around all four sides.

Without pausing, Meg crossed the courtyard and opened the right-hand of two doors. Simon stayed at her heels, all his senses alert for possible danger. She was right that it would take time for c.o.x to follow up on the alarm, but that time would be only minutes.

They entered a small but comfortably furnished chamber that contained a bed, washstand, and storage chest. Despite the bed, the inhabitant was curled up in a blanket on the floor, his body knotted in misery.

Meg brightened her light, revealing a young African boy lying on his side, tears drying on his dark face. He looked to be seventeen or eighteen. Simon wondered if he had been a slave to some society lady who thought it fas.h.i.+onable to have a black page. As a foreigner without family, he would have been easy prey for Drayton.

Meg knelt by the boy and laid a hand on his shoulder. "Wake and come with us," she said softly, "and you will be free."

The boy's eyes opened, blank from the effects of thrall. He must be the one with magic unlike anything Meg had experienced, for African power pulsed through his veins. Simon had once met an African mage, though he hadn't become well-enough acquainted to learn the differences in magic. But he remembered how she had radiated rich, earthy power, and he sensed an echo of that here.

Meg laid a hand on the boy's forehead. Simon guessed that she was using mind-touch to communicate that she had endured thralldom, and that she and Simon had come to take the boy away from his captivity.

While she worked, Simon examined the boy's energy field. Yes, there was the thread connecting him to Drayton, and it was heavier than the one used on Meg. The rogue was holding his remaining thralls more tightly. Knotting the connector was difficult, but Simon managed and was reasonably sure that he hadn't alerted Drayton in the process. Though he was unable to sever the thread, the knot should prevent Drayton from controlling the boy or tapping into his energy.

When Meg lowered her hand, the African boy's eyes widened and he scrambled to his feet. "Moses come. But must bring friends. Must."

Tall and slim, Moses had a slight French accent. He had been sleeping in breeches and a s.h.i.+rt, for which Simon was grateful. With the addition of shoes and a coat, he would be ready to go.

"We will take your friends," Meg promised. "Where are they?"

Moses headed toward the door. Simon stopped him with a gesture. "Dress yourself first. Also, is there anything here you wish to take with you?"

Moses stopped, his brow furrowed. Then he slid his feet into shoes set under his chair and pulled on a serviceable blue coat. He cast an uncertain glance around the small room before pulling an object from his coat pocket. It appeared to be a figurine made of carved ivory. a.s.sured that he had it, he slipped the figurine back into his pocket. "Find friends."

"Take us to them," Simon said, trying not to show his impatience. "Quickly."

Though the night was still quiet, he knew in his bones that time was running out with terrifying speed.


Moses led them to a door in the left-hand cloister walk and entered a cell similar to the one he'd slept in. "Jemmy? Wake now. We must leave. Quickly."

A scraggly little boy jerked awake. Though he looked no more than twelve or thirteen, his blue eyes were much older. Obedient to his friend, Jemmy hopped from under the covers. His naked body showed the burns and scars characteristic of a chimney sweep's climbing boy. He would have been starved to keep him small enough to crawl through the complicated maze of chimneys found in large houses. He was lucky to be alive. Most climbing boys didn't live to adulthood.

Simon tied off the energy connection while Jemmy yanked on his clothing, responding to Moses's urgency. When the boy was dressed, Meg touched his forehead. "You'l be safe soon, Jemmy. Is there anything you want to take with you?"

For the first time, the pinched face showed expression. He reached under the bed and pulled out a carved wooden top. He concealed it in his left coat pocket, his hand staying inside to clutch the top. The poor little devil probably hadn't had a single stroke of good fortune in his life, except perhaps the friends.h.i.+p of Moses. He stayed close to the older boy as they returned to the courtyard and crossed to a door on the opposite cloister.

Moses halted outside the door, expression troubled. "Girls here. Locked."

Simon took hold of the k.n.o.b and unlocked it magically, thinking that this evening would be a stronger drain on his power than he had antic.i.p.ated. He opened the door to reveal a double-sized chamber, probably two monks' cells that had been combined. Each end held the same furnis.h.i.+ngs the boys' had.

The figure in the right-hand bed sat up, revealing a girl about Moses's age with carrot red hair and a thin, freckled face. Even under the dullness of thrall, fear and stubbornness were visible.

Moses said, "Breeda, we go with them." He waved toward Meg and Simon.

"Why?" She looked at the strangers suspiciously.

"We are here to free you." Meg moved forward, her hand raised for mind-touch. Breeda gasped and dodged Meg's hand as if it were a blow. "I won't hurt you," Meg said quietly as she extended her calming magic.

This time Breeda allowed Meg's hand on her forehead. Her expression began to ease under Meg's touch. Simon knotted off the energy connection, then turned to the girl in the other bed.

Moses bent over her. Voice gentle, he said, "Lily, wake now. We be free."

The girl opened dazed eyes. She had pale, limp hair and a colorless face, yet she was also beautiful, in a wraithlike way that looked one step from death. "Moses?" Her voice was nearly inaudible.

Moses helped her sit up. Her nightgown fell in loose folds around a bone-thin body. Simon guessed that Drayton was draining her life force as well as her magical power. Did Drayton know that he was killing her? Did he care? Simon knotted off the energy connection with savage thoroughness. When he did, Lily blinked, her gaze clearing a little. She shrank closer to Moses at the sight of Simon.

"They help us, Lily," the African boy said soothingly. "We leave now."

Lily tried to stand, and failed. If Moses hadn't caught her, she would have fallen to the floor. "I'l help her dress while you men wait in the courtyard," Meg said. "Breeda, after you dress, can you find any things you and Lily want to take with you?"

Breeda nodded and opened a chest as Simon ushered the boys outside. Despite Lily's weakness, it was only a couple of minutes before Meg summoned Simon back inside. "She'l need help," Meg said in a low voice.

"I know." He approached Lily, who sat on the side of the bed in a plain gown and a shawl wrapped around her narrow shoulders. "Lily, you're going for a ride and I'l be your horse." Before she could worry, he scooped her up in his arms. She weighed no more than a child, though he guessed she was about the same age as Moses and Breeda.

She stiffened at first, but a dose of Meg's calm helped her settle down. Simon was already halfway across the courtyard. He had an itchy feeling that this was going too smoothly. c.o.x must have woken and discovered that the estate had been invaded.

They moved safely past the quarters of the still-sleeping keeper, only to run afoul of the house wards. Though Meg opened a large portal and urged them through the center, Jemmy moved around Moses and clipped the edge of the portal. He cried out before the energy blast knocked him down. He lay unmoving on the ground just outside the wards.

The boy wasn't breathing. Simon's newly developed healer's sense on full alert, he snapped, "Take Lily, Moses."

Wordlessly the boy accepted Lily's weight. Despite his slight build, he was strong enough to hold her while Simon dropped on his knees beside Jemmy. He had to fight the rage that rose in him at the knowledge that this poor child might die after a lifetime of abuse, without ever having a chance to live.

He rolled Jemmy onto his back and placed one hand on the boy's forehead and the other over his heart. The child was absolutely still, with no pulse.

Once Simon had seen the thatcher on the Falconer estate collapse after being struck by lightning. The apprentice had shrieked that his master's heart had stopped just before the thatcher slid from the roof. Perhaps it was the jolt of hitting the ground, but when Simon rushed to help, the thatcher's heart was beating again. He'd recovered with no lasting problems, too.

It had been only seconds since Jemmy's collapse, and his spirit had not yet departed. With a jumble of healing energy, prayer, and visualization, Simon tried to coax Jemmy's heart back into action. He imagined that small heart beating again. He wasn't asking G.o.d to heal the dead, only to give this boy another chance. . . .

Thump. Thump. Thump, thump, thump. Simon almost wept with relief when he felt the pulse under his hand. Thank you, he said silently. Standing, he said, "Moses, can you carry Jemmy? We must get away from here."

Moses nodded and carefully transferred Lily back to Simon, then bent to pick up his friend. "Where?"

"This way, and as quickly as we can." Simon set off at a fast walk that he should be able to maintain for some time. "Meg, with this party, I think we'l need to risk the rear gate rather than going over the wall."

She nodded in silent agreement and cast one of her new mage lights around the group so no one would fall on the uneven ground. They were heading downhill, which helped a little, and the thralls seemed to understand the need for urgency, but even so, they could manage only a fast walk. Simon surrounded them with the strongest don't-look spell he could project. Magic should buy them a little time, but it wouldn't fool a trained Guardian like the abbey steward for very long.

Breeda stumbled and fell heavily, dropping the bundled shawl that contained personal possessions for her and Lily. Meg stopped and offered a helping hand. "Are you all right?"

"Breeda can walk," the girl said through gritted teeth. She scrambled to her feet without Meg's help and s.n.a.t.c.hed up her bundle before continuing at a faster pace.

Simon wondered what the thralls' lives had been like to create such determination despite the numbing spells laid on them. Meg had been equally determined to free the captives as soon as possible, despite the risks.

Meg increased the level of mage light a little to reduce the chance of other accidents. They zigzagged down the hill, taking advantage of the scattered trees for cover. Then a shout rose from behind, "There they are!"

Breeda gasped and forced herself to move faster while Moses muttered something in French under his breath. Grimly silent, they all quickened their paces but they would never be able to outrun pursuers. Simon was beginning to tire from carrying Lily, and Moses was flagging, too. How could they slow the pursuit?

Simon scanned the hunters and decided that the leader must be the steward, c.o.x. He was accompanied by the man who had slept in the thralls' cloister, who seemed to be a low-level Guardian. The two were supported by half a dozen estate hands, with the Guardians mounted and most of the pursuers carrying firearms. Shotguns, he thought. The situation was eerily like the escape from Castle Drayton, only this time there was no swift unicorn to carry them to safety.

Should he change forms? No, he couldn't carry everyone on his back, and nothing less would save them.

They were almost on the middle wards. He opened a portal large enough to allow them all to rush through without risking another incident like the one that had almost killed Jemmy. When all were on the other side, Meg whirled and closed the portal, then infused the wards with a defensive spell. She used an extravagant amount of power, but her enhancement would provide an unpleasant surprise for c.o.x and his men.

A minute later there was a howl, then another, as the pursuers. .h.i.t the wards. The original spell would have allowed mundanes to pa.s.s through unaffected, but Meg had changed that. Though c.o.x should be able to counter what Meg did, it would take time since he had less power.

They were nearing the gatehouse, and the guard must be taken care of. "Meg, can you reach the guard and calm him, maybe put him to sleep?"

"I'l try." Her breath was ragged with exertion. After a long moment, she said, "He was already dozing. I deepened that. With luck he'l sleep until we're gone."

Since she was proving talented at doing spells on the run, he said, "Good. Can you bring our horses to the gate?"

She flashed a quick smile. "Animals are easier than men."

Simon heard a shout of triumph from behind. c.o.x and his men had breached the wards successfully.

Another diversion was needed. Where was that d.a.m.ned bull that had threatened them earlier? "Meg, canyou send the bull into their path? You seemed to be on good terms with him. Can you make him angry?"

"I . . . I think so." Her breathing was ragged. "And I should be able to wake up the cows as well."

It wasn't long until a neighing horse, a bellowing bull, and mooing cows gave evidence that Meg hadsucceeded. If the cattle slowed c.o.x down long enough . . .

They were almost to the gatehouse, and still no sign of the guard. Panting for breath, Simon led the wayto the tall double doors of the gate. When they reached their destination, Jemmy said in a thin voice, "Ican stand now."

Gratefully Moses set the smaller boy's feet on the ground, though he continued supporting his friend withone arm. Simon did the same with Lily while he examined the lock. "Lily sorry to be a burden, sir," thegirl said in a quavering voice. "Leave Lily so you can run."

"We escape together or not at all," Simon said grimly as he tried to force the lock. He swore to himself.The mechanism shouldn't have presented a problem, but Drayton had laid a complex spell over it. Simonwould have to pick his way through layers of convoluted magic before he could open the door.

The hoofbeats were alarmingly near. He glanced over his shoulder and saw two men on horseback andthree more loping behind on foot. c.o.x shouted, "Surrender and I won't hurt any of you. Don't, and die."

That Simon doubted-c.o.x wouldn't kill Drayton's thralls, and he must have deduced that the rescuers

were Guardians. He would try to capture the whole group.Death here and now might be preferable. Simon made another attempt on the lock, thought he had it,then swore when he failed again.

A shotgun blasted, the pellets peppering them. Breeda cried out as one struck her. Moses stepped

toward the attackers and shouted, "No! No!"He raised both arms. Magic gathered around him like a storm, blurring his outlines. Jemmy stumbledaway from his friend, eyes wide with fear.

Moses aimed his hands at the pursuers, now only fifty feet away. Red light crackled from his palms andblazed out to strike men and horses. The men collapsed like rag dolls. The horses were unaffected by themagic, but they reared in panic at being suddenly left riderless.

Simon stared at the limp bodies. "My G.o.d, Moses, that's quite a trick.""Thank you, sir." Moses looked pleased and a little embarra.s.sed."Are they dead?" Meg asked in a hushed voice."I don't think so," Moses said uncertainly.Meg glanced at Simon. "Can you do that?""I don't know. I never tried." He would try to figure out what Moses had done later. For now he had a lock to open. "Can you bring the abbey horses to us?"Meg nodded and closed her eyes. Her fatigue was etched across her face.

Gazing at the fallen pursuers, Breeda asked, "Go now?"

"As soon as we can." Simon concentrated on the lock again, sending a tendril of magic through the mazelike spell. Meg laid a hand on his arm, and her touch lent strength and focus. There! The lock clicked open. He swung the double doors back, then took Lily's arm and led the refugees into the quiet, lane. Breeda was behind him, feet dragging but chin high, while Moses helped Jemmy.

Meg lingered to call the abbey horses. They approached skittishly, nervous and sweaty but willing to be wooed. She stroked their muzzles, communing silently until they steadied, then collected the reins and walked them toward the gate.

Simon had just decided that they were clear when the burly gatekeeper, woken by the shots, came racing down the staircase inside the wall, a shotgun clutched in his hands. "Stop, thieves!"

Someone who thought them thieves was more likely to kill than c.o.x, who wouldn't waste mage blood unnecessarily. Simon was about to cast a tangle-foot spell, when Jemmy slid back to the bottom of the steps and stuck a foot in front of the charging gatekeeper. The man pitched heavily to the ground, dropping his shotgun. When he tried to rise, Jemmy grabbed the shotgun and whacked the guard over the head. The fugitives would be well away before the man woke again. Though Jemmy might not talk much, he'd picked up some useful skills in his hard life.

Four horses would make their escape much easier. Simon asked, "Do any of you know how to ride?"

"Lily rides," the girl said. "Walking hard, riding easy."

"Breeda ride." The redhead wiped her sweaty face with her ap.r.o.n. "Some."

It took only a couple of minutes to get everyone mounted. Simon put the two girls on the gentlest mounts after Meg conferred with both horses to request good behavior. Then he lifted Jemmy up in front of him, since he was the lighter of the two boys, while Moses perched behind Meg.

"Where to?" Meg asked after she swung into her saddle and made sure that Moses was securely settled.

"Lady Bethany's house in Richmond. It's only a few miles away." He turned his mount and started retracing their route along the lane. If nothing more happened, they should reach Lady Bethany's before dawn. She would not turn them away. But this draggled party would strain even Lady Beth's legendary calm, Simon suspected.


By the time they reached Lady Bethany's house, Meg was close to falling from her horse with exhaustion. Luckily Simon seemed tireless and he kept a watchful eye on the whole party.

Unlike White Manor, her ladys.h.i.+p's Richmond house was not an estate, merely a mansion with a few acres of garden running down to the Thames, but even at night it looked gracious and welcoming. When they pulled to a halt by the front steps, Meg bade the horses to stay, then helped Breeda up the steps to the house. Simon carried Lily, but Jemmy was able to manage on his own. The six of them made gypsies look respectable.

Before Meg could wield the knocker, Lady Bethany opened the door, wearing a lace cap and a night robe of oriental silk brocade. "h.e.l.lo, Meg. Visits at odd hours are becoming quite a habit," she remarked. "Simon, what have you brought me this time?"

"Four thralls kidnapped from Drayton's Brentford Abbey." Simon set Lily down and beckoned the others forward. "You will be safe here. Lady Bethany, allow me to present Moses, Lily, Breeda, and Jemmy."

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Guardian - Stolen Magic Part 21 summary

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