Guardian - Stolen Magic Part 28

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Emma nodded acceptance. Meg unlocked the door and stepped into the hall. After Emma joined her, Meg locked the door, taking the key in case it might be useful.

Stepping lightly, she descended the steps, wincing with every creak. But the house was quiet. They used the wider front stairs for the lower floors, since these stairs were less used when Drayton was away from the house.

Meg had been unsure whether to use the front or rear door to leave, but one look at the front door sent her along the pa.s.sage to the back of the house. The door had a ma.s.sive lock and there was no key in sight.

The rear door was also locked and probably the butler kept the key, but it was a simpler lock and the attic key worked in it. Meg sighed with relief when she felt the internal components s.h.i.+ft open. Now to see if she could disconnect Emma from the wards without doing any damage to her sister.

She wiped damp palms on her skirt and was about to start when she heard steps coming down the corridor, along with the wavering light of a candle. Horrified, she pulled Emma into a corner, dowsed the mage lights, and covered them with the strongest don't-look spell she could manage. Could their escape have been discovered?

The candle-bearer was a pretty young blonde, a parlor maid by the look of her. She wore a low-cut night robe and her hair was artfully loosened about her shoulders. Setting the candle on a table, she began to pace the hall impatiently, her gaze sliding away from the two fugitives. Who was she waiting for?

Heavier steps and another candle approached. This time it was the footman Boxley, his expression eager. "I've been waiting all day to see you, Annie."

The maid gave him a pouty smile. "You said you had something for me?"

"Aye." He set down his candle, then reached into his pocket and produced a long sparkling gla.s.s vial that contained perfume. "Sweet as you, this is."

"Oh, Will!" She shook the bottle, then pulled out the stopper to sniff the scent. "It's ever so ladylike!"

Gaze holding his, she touched the stopper in the cleft between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "Doesn't it smell lovely?"

He made a growling noise and buried his face in her cleavage while his large hands cupped her b.u.t.tocks. Their embrace was so l.u.s.ty that Meg wondered if she should cover Emma's eyes. At least the hot-blooded lovers weren't paying attention to anyone lurking in the corners.

Boxley's hand was up Annie's skirt when she said throatily, "The carpet in the drawing room is softer than here."

"Aye, 'tis." He straightened, with difficulty, and wrapped his arm around her waist. Taking up his candle with his other hand, he kissed Annie as they set an unsteady course toward the front of the house.

When the lovers were out of sight, Meg produced more mage light. Emma's eyes were wide. "This is not a well-run household!" she whispered indignantly. "Mama would never allow such a thing."

"Lord Drayton is not a good manager," Meg agreed. She placed her hands on Emma's shoulders. "I'm going to try to sever your connection to the house wards now. I don't think this will hurt, but be prepared for strange feelings. Remember, we must be quiet."

Emma nodded obediently. Had Meg ever been quite so cooperative? She didn't think so. Closing her eyes, she slid her perception into the tangle of spells and connections inside her sister. As with the Brentford thralls, she sensed a maze of spiderweb-thin lines, but the connection to the wards was large and easy to find. The cord pulsed with power flowing from Emma into the complex spells that protected the house. Emma must have immense reserves of magic to give so much away and still function.

The connection was maddeningly hard to handle, like a slippery live fish. Meg tried cutting the thread, but it slid away, undamaged. After several futile attempts, accompanied by whimpers from Emma, she decided to try knotting the s.h.i.+ning energy line instead. With effort, she managed to grasp the cord in two places, pulled it into a loop, and knotted it. For a metaphor, it seemed very real.

Emma gasped and her eyes shot open. "I feel . . . different."

Meg studied the knot. No power was moving through it. The wards should be down, or at least vastly weakened. "Your power is your own again. Now let's run."

Simon was pulled out of a restless sleep by . . . what? Something was tugging at one of the people or objects he was watching magically. He sorted through the various energy lines, whistling softly when he sensed that the wards on Drayton House had diminished to virtually nothing. Was Drayton baiting a trap to lure Simon in? Maybe, but he couldn't pa.s.s up this chance to break in and free Meg.

Throwing on his clothing, he left the house quietly. Drayton House was only a few blocks away, and it was quicker to go on foot than detour to the stables for a horse or carriage. Praying the wards would stay down, he masked himself with a don't-look spell and ran toward Drayton House. . . .

About half a block away, he almost crashed into two figures racing from the house. They seemed to have come out of nowhere.

He felt the sizzle of a dissolving don't-look spell. "Meg? Meg!" He swept her into his arms with crus.h.i.+ng force, dizzy with relief. "You're all right?"

"Oh, Simon!" She clung to him, shaking. Spells were binding her, but they were less severe than the ones strangling her when they'd met. The connection to Drayton was still knotted off, so probably it was physical closeness that had allowed him to partially enthrall her again.

Arm locked around Meg, he turned to her companion. "This is the thrall? I should have known you wouldn't escape without her." He created a sphere of mage light and raised it to cast light on the slender figure.

"Her name is Emma Harper."

Simon gasped as the light delineated a face uncannily like Meg's, but younger and more innocent. The resemblance was unnervingly strong, as if Drayton had managed to duplicate Meg. Choosing the more logical explanation, he said, "Surely this young lady must be your sister."

Meg nodded, her eyes s.h.i.+ning. "I have my memories back, Simon! Most of them. My name is Megan Harper, and my father is the vicar of Lydbury in Shrops.h.i.+re. Emma and I have two brothers between us in age, and my parents are alive and well. At least, they were several months ago when Drayton abducted Emma."

Simon bowed to the younger girl. "It is a pleasure to meet my wife's sister, Miss Emma." He scanned her magical field and deftly knotted the connection that ran to Drayton. The other bindings could wait, but not this one.

Emma exclaimed, "You didn't tell me you were married, Meg!"

"There was so much else to talk about." Meg looked back at the house and saw lights coming on. "Let's get away from here!"

Simon agreed. Whoever was head of the household under Drayton had been woken by the collapse of the wards, and reprisal might be on the way. With a girl on each arm, he retraced his steps home, using the time to examine the other spells binding Emma. Meg had done some effective work despite her own reduced magical power. What an intrepid warrior maiden she was!

When they were safe inside his house, he asked, "Do you need food or drink?"

Meg silently consulted with her sister. "That would be nice, but release from the enthrallment spells would be even better."

"Both needs can be satisfied in the kitchen." He led them downstairs and found cider, bread, and cheese. While Emma ate, he applied himself to removing the spells on Meg. It was much easier this time-her own trained strength was fighting to free itself.

Removing the spells on Emma was harder, but practice was making Simon rather good at such work. The silver sphere encapsulating her magic was almost as large as Meg's. This young girl would make a powerful mage.

When the final spell was dissolved, Emma gave a low cry and buried her face in her hands for the s.p.a.ce of a dozen heartbeats. When she straightened, her eyes were fully focused. "I feel as if I have regained a part of myself that I didn't know was lost."

"That's exactly what happened." Meg, who was sitting right next to Emma, squeezed her sister's hand.

"When can I go home? Mama and Papa must be so frightened." Emma gave a radiant smile. "They won' t believe that I've found you!"

Meg exchanged a glance with Simon. She wanted to return to her family as much as Emma did, but she had made a promise. "We will have to wait a few days before we go. There is business relating to Lord Drayton."

Emma opened her mouth to protest, then subsided. She was a very agreeable girl. Less interesting than Meg, Simon suspected, but agreeable. "They must be notified, of course," he said. "Emma, would you like to write a letter? You might want to avoid too many details that might alarm them. The full story would better wait for when you return home, I think. Meg, do you wish to write a letter? Or perhaps it will be easier if I do."

She nodded gratefully. "I would prefer that. Too many years have pa.s.sed. I . . . I wouldn't know what to say."

"When the time comes, you'l know," he said quietly. "In the morning, I'l take you both to Lady Bethany 's. You shouldn't be alone here when I go to the abbey."

"I'm going with you." Meg's gaze was steely. "The situation has changed, and my place is by your side."

He hesitated, tempted, but disturbed by the potential danger to her. "We'l talk about it in the morning."

Meg shrugged. "There is nothing to talk about. I am going." She stood. "Emma, you can sleep with me tonight. My bed is much larger than the one in Drayton's attic."

Yawning, Emma trailed along beside Meg to the stairs. Simon followed, bemused and amused. He suspected that arguing with a warrior maiden would be futile. Besides, now that all the thralls had been rescued, Drayton's power was drastically lessened. The rogue surely had some other tricks up his sleeve, but if Simon and Meg worked together, they should be able to restore order before real damage was done.

At the door to the countess's bedroom, he drew Meg into a kiss after Emma had gone inside. She came into his arms so willingly that he almost forgot the task that lay ahead. What mattered was having her back again, safe.

Her eyes were dazed with desire when she stepped from his embrace. "How do I explain . . . us to Emma?"

"Don't," he advised. "There will be time for that later." He brushed back her hair, his fingers lingering. If it weren't for Emma, he would suggest they spend the night together. Though perhaps he wasn't tired enough to guarantee that it would be chaste.

If they stopped Drayton the next day, by tomorrow night the way might be free for them to become lovers. The thought was so arousing that he acknowledged that it was just as well that Emma was here to keep them in separate beds. "Sleep well, my warrior maiden."

She flicked her hand and golden light spilled from her palm. As it floated over Simon with tingling promise, she murmured, "I'l dream of you, my lord hunter. And tomorrow we will hunt together."

Drayton paced through the ancient chapel, the vast s.p.a.ce illuminated only by the mage light that floated above him. To the left was a wide new loom, to the right a model design for an iron bridge. Beyond that was a water frame, which would move the spinning industry from cottages to great manufacturies. These were machines that would change the world. He had deliberately chosen to put White's wickedly clever steam engine where the high altar had once stood, for it was the king of all the inventions here, capable of powering other machines yet unimagined.

He paused to gaze the length of the nave, imagining how it would look tomorrow when the chapel teemed with people for the official opening of the technology forum. The finest inventors and engineers in Britain would be right here, with a seasoning of men from abroad. A fair number of them were sleeping under his own roof tonight, with others scattered in inns and private homes for several miles around.

Some among his guests would have at least a little power. Would any of them be able to detect the coruscating energy of the three ley lines that intersected beneath the chapel? The power was glorious, as intoxicating as fine French brandy. He had discovered this rare energy while seeking to lease an estate near town. The ley lines had convinced him that the vague ideas in the back of his mind could be made manifest.

A magical alarm jangled in his head. Shocked, he felt the wards on his London house collapse. As he probed all his connections to London, he felt his most precious thralls being wrenched painfully away. His stubborn, treacherous Meggie had found a way to free her little sister and escape-right into the arms of that devil Falconer.

He swore viciously, wis.h.i.+ng he had Falconer here now. Drayton had painstakingly created a ritual magic circle in the Lady Chapel behind him, using holy water to lay lines invisible to mundane eyes. When Falconer arrived, the circle would transform and destroy after harvesting the power of the unicorn's horn. That sweet, powerful magic would belong entirely to Drayton, unlike what he borrowed from thralls. Adding Falconer's magic to his own would make him the most powerful mage in history.

He exhaled in a hiss of breath, reminding himself that would happen later. For now, he must be grateful that he didn't need the d.a.m.nable Harper sisters for what would be done tomorrow.

The time had come to summon his tools. He walked around the carved screen that separated the sanctuary from the Lady Chapel. The most potent energy in the abbey was concentrated here, where so many had prayed for the Blessed Mother's grace and mercy. He had turned the Lady Chapel into an office and workroom, with comfortable chairs, a table, and a locked cabinet for files and magical materials.

He settled in his chair and prepared to work. Convenient that his thralls were only a few miles away. After losing Meggie, Drayton had taken extra precautions with his other power providers. He had thought it was enough that the thread of connection he'd spun between himself and Meggie was unbreakable, but Falconer had figured out a way to block power from moving along the cord.

So Drayton had created a back door into the mind of each of the other five thralls. First he had multiplied the existing connections among the Brentford thralls into a maze of almost invisible lines. Then he had buried in each mind a gossamer thread that ran back to him. No matter what Falconer did to the larger, more visible connections, Drayton had full access to the thralls through his back doors.

Theoretically it was possible for Falconer to detect the secondary connections, but only if he was looking for them. He hadn't looked. Smug as all the Falconers, he thought he had foiled Drayton. Tomorrow he would learn better.

A pity it hadn't been possible to install a back door into Meggie's mind, but the defenses she'd acquired since leaving Castle Drayton had prevented that. She would be recovered by straightforward a.s.sault when the time was right.

He started with Moses, arrowing his mind along the nearly undetectable filament that connected him to the African. There he was, sleeping peacefully. Drayton flooded the youth's mind with power, effortlessly re-creating the enthrallment spells. It is time to return, Moses. You and your friends must come home.

When he was sure the African was under control again, he moved on to Jemmy. Retrieving his tools was even easier than he'd antic.i.p.ated. . . .

Moses awoke with a silent scream echoing in his mind. No, no, no, no . . . But that was buried so deeply he was hardly aware of it. His orders hammered in his brain. Time to return, time to return.

He dressed in the dark and moved through the connecting door to Jemmy's small room. When he shook the younger boy, Jemmy came awake with a whimper, quickly suppressed. Raising his dull gaze to Moses, he said, "Time to return."

Moses nodded. "Jemmy dress and go harness pony cart. Moses will bring girls."

Jemmy nodded obediently and scrambled for his clothes as Moses left the room. Breeda and Lily shared a room, so it was easy to wake them. They climbed from the bed, eyes blank, and prepared to travel back to Brentford Abbey.

And deep in each mind, a voice screamed, No, no, no, no, no. . . .


Our four students are gone," Lady Bethany said bluntly when Meg, Simon, and Emma entered her morning room.

Meg gasped. "I thought something was wrong! When I reached out to them on the drive here, I couldn't find them."

Lady Bethany's gaze moved to Emma. "My manners have gone begging. Surely this young lady must be related to you, Meg?"

"Lady Bethany, may I present to you Miss Emma Harper, my younger sister." Even the disturbing news about the Brentford thralls couldn't dim Meg's delight in her newly discovered memories.

Lady Beth's sharp glance showed that she understood the significance of having a last name, but she concentrated her attention on her new guest. "Miss Harper, welcome to my home. Is this your first visit to London?"

Simon said bluntly, "You can speak freely in front of Emma, Lady Beth. She was Drayton's final thrall. Meg rescued Emma and herself last night, and we've explained the situation to her."

Emma nodded gravely. "It's very bad that the other four are gone, isn't it?"

With a sigh, Lady Bethany sank back into her chair and abandoned social pleasantries. "Very bad indeed. We should have moved them farther away. Apparently last night Drayton was able to reactivate the enthrallment spells and order them to return to Brentford Abbey. A pony cart was missing this morning, and I caught a sense of their energies just before they disappeared within the abbey wards."

Simon swore under his breath. "Drayton must have established a second connection in that tangle of energies, and I was stupid enough not to notice."

"Don't you dare lose your temper with yourself," Meg said sharply. "There's no time for that. If there were duplicate connections, we all missed them." She looked around. "Where is Jean?"

"She's in her room, trying to reestablish contact with the thralls. She was closest to them and hoped that she might be able to bring them back to themselves." Lady Beth sighed. "I think it's futile at this distance, but we had to try."

"We have a better task for her-tutoring Emma," Meg said. Before she could say more, a wave of strange energy surged through the room. Meg and Emma would have fallen if Simon hadn't steadied them, and Lady Beth had to grab the arms of her chair to keep her balance. Meg gasped, "What was that?"

"Energy surging along a ley line," Simon said grimly. "The same line is one of the three that pa.s.s through Brentford Abbey. Whatever Drayton is planning has begun."

"Then there's no time to waste," Meg said. "We must leave now."

"Meg . . ." Simon stared at her, his eyes appalled. "Now that he has four of his thralls back, it's infinitely more dangerous to go to the abbey. You can't-"

Fiercely she interrupted him. "I can and I must. Didn't you tell me that among the Guardians, men and women are equal?"

"She's right," Lady Bethany said before he could reply. "Meg is part and parcel of this situation. She not only should be there at the end-I think that it is essential for her to go with you if there is to be any chance of success."

Simon exhaled roughly. "You may be right, but I hate the risk to you, Meg."

Her eyes narrowed. "Have you never taken risks?"

"He does so with great regularity," Lady Beth said. "Don't let your feelings interfere with your logic, Simon. Meg is a powerful mage, and to be a Guardian means a willingness to put the greater good above personal safety."

He exhaled resignedly. "We really must arrange a swearing of oaths for you, Meg. When things are calmer."

"I'd like that," she said, glad he had conceded. "Now it's time for us to be off."

Lady Bethany's brow furrowed. "I believe there is no time to waste, and the fastest way to Brentford Abbey may be riding a unicorn."

After a moment of thought, Simon nodded. "You're right. This time, my clothing will be carried rather than destroyed." He turned to Emma. "Grave matters are afoot, my dear. I hope Meg and I won't be gone long. Until we return, Lady Bethany and Jean Macrae will take good care of you."

Emma bit her lip but nodded. On the verge of tears, Meg hugged her sister. "If . . . if I don't come back, tell Mama and Papa and the boys that I loved them."

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Guardian - Stolen Magic Part 28 summary

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