The Inheritance Almanac Part 4

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A plant used to alleviate bad breath and indigestion in dragons. It is believed that fireweed was originally discovered by the first wild dragons, who pa.s.sed the knowledge of its medicinal properties down through the generations.

A carpenter from Carvahall whose skills helped his beleaguered village's defense during a siege by the Empire. Fisk led the building of fences and construction of s.h.i.+elds, which saved many villagers, including Roran. Fisk and his wife, Isold, were among those who escaped Carvahall's destruction, and they currently reside with the Varden's traveling army.


A Varden warrior.

A sailor for Clovis the fisherman.


The horse ridden by Eragon during his Dragon Rider training in Ellesmera. Elven horses are not submissive, and humans can ride upon them only with their consent.


Also known by the elves as the Wyrdfell, the Thirteen Forsworn were the True Believers during Galbatorix's rise to power. Their ranks included both elf and human Dragon Riders, all willing to throw over the legacy established by their valiant lineage.

Morzan was the first Dragon Rider seduced by Galbatorix, and his first act as a member of the Forsworn was to unlock the gates of Ilirea, making it the first city to fall to Galbatorix. As Galbatorix's power grew, a dozen more Riders and their dragons became corrupted and joined the cause. Notable members of the Forsworn included Kialandi, a female elf responsible for capturing and torturing Oromis and reportedly murdering the Rider Arva during the Siege of Ilirea, and Kialandi's comrade Formosa, who a.s.sisted in the capture and torture of Oromis.

Many of the Forsworn fell to Undbitr, the sword of Brom, including Morzan. The evil dragons were driven to madness and suicide after dragons opposing Galbatorix cast the spell Du Namar Aurboda ("The Banis.h.i.+ng of the Names"). Despite their own defeats and misfortune, the Forsworn were successful in establis.h.i.+ng Galbatorix's power, and today the king controls his Empire through vast armies and magic forces.


A human warrior and weapon master in the Varden army. Fredric has advised Eragon and prominent Varden members on appropriate weapons for any battle situation. Fredric can often be seen on the sparring field, honing his skills and sharing his knowledge with the Varden, dwarf, and Surdan warriors who eagerly join him.

A dwarf.



A powerful dragon of old, renowned for defeating a giant sea snake.

A small Empire town situated on the northern of Lake Tudosten. Fur-nost's most celebrated resident is Hefring, a Varden spy who successfully stole one of Galbatorix's three remaining dragon eggs.

A pioneering weapon smith among the dwarves and onetime leader of the Ingeitum clan. Legend has it that Futhark taught his craft to Rhunon, creator of the Dragon Rider swords and the greatest weapon smith of the elves.


The once-promising Dragon Rider whose quest for supreme power has changed the course of Alagaesian history. He was born and raised in Inzilbeth (a city that has since been destroyed). In accord with the tradition by which youngsters were presented to selected dragon eggs, he was chosen by one embryonic dragon to be its Rider. When the dragon Jarnunvosk hatched, both dragon and Rider joined the ranks of the humans and elves who were sent to Vroengard island for training. Galbatorix and Jarnunvosk excelled at their studies and showed great promise, with no hint of the darkness to come.

Upon the conclusion of their training, Galbatorix, his dragon, and some friends ventured into the dangerous Spine. It was an act of poor judgment that would alter the young Rider's life. While camping, the group was attacked by a band of Urgals, who butchered Galbatorix's friends and mortally wounded Jarnunvosk. Only Galbatorix survived, and it is said that his madness began when he found himself alone in the threatening wilderness, surrounded by the corpses of his friends and his beloved dragon.

Galbatorix returned to Vroengard, where he was brought before the ruling council of Dragon Riders to answer for the death of his dragon and companions. In addition to his poor judgment, the council saw Galbatorix's slippery hold on sanity. When Galbatorix pleaded for a new dragon, he was denied. In that in-stant, Galbatorix's hatred and loathing of his colleagues and all that the Dragon Riders stood for was born. From then on, he started plotting to destroy them all.

Galbatorix returned to the Spine, where he lived in seclusion and began to prepare his vengeance. He first mastered black magic sorcery, and his first victim was one of the Dragon Rider Elders, whom he killed in cold blood. He then began to destroy from within, luring other Riders to his cause. The first Rider he seduced was Morzan, who helped him steal the dragon Shruikan, whom Galbatorix bound to his will through magic spells-a blasphemous imitation of the traditional union of dragon and Rider. Along with Morzan, twelve more dragons and Riders would come to Galbatorix's side. He named his followers the Thirteen Forsworn and went to war against the Dragon Riders.

The ferocity of Galbatorix and his Thirteen Forsworn killed almost all Riders and dragons, what is known as the Fall of the Dragon Riders. When Galbatorix killed King Angrenost of the Broddrings, he declared himself king of Alagaesia.

But one hope remained-the Rider Brom. Like his fellow Rider Oromis, Brom had fought valiantly during the war but would go into hiding. Brom's blows against Galbatorix's Empire included organizing the various factions throughout Alagaesia into the cohesive rebel group known as the Varden. Brom and the Varden slew others of the Forsworn and dealt a blow to Galbatorix's dreams of a dark league of Dragon Riders by stealing one of the king's three remaining dragon eggs. It was during this time that Galbatorix's only remaining Rider, Morzan, was slain by Brom.

But Galbatorix continued to expand his power, striking out at the dwarves and elves, forcing both races into hiding. Galbatorix, through dark magic, compelled the Urgals to fight for him with the help of his lieutenant, the Shade Durza. It is believed that much of Galbatorix's power comes from the precious dragon Eldunari (the gemlike objects within which dragons store their consciousnesses and magical energy).

However, as Galbatorix coalesced his power, so also did the forces of resistance gather their own strength. The Varden had forged an alliance with the dwarves, who gave the rebels sanctuary in their home in Farthen Dur. Galbatorix discovered the rebel stronghold and sent Durza to lead an army of Urgals to destroy it. The Battle of Farthen Dur marked the first stunning defeat for Galbatorix-the Urgal army was routed, Durza was slain, and the spell that bound the Urgals to the Empire was broken.

Galbatorix vowed to crush all resistance to his Empire, but ensuing struggles, including the Battle for the Burning Plains and the Siege of Feinster, were Varden victories. A key figure in the fight, who also embodied a rebirth of the Dragon Riders, was young Eragon of Carvahall, who had bonded with Saphira, the hatchling of the king's stolen dragon egg. Eragon first proved his valor at the Battle of Farthen Dur, where he killed Durza, and has emerged as a leader of the resistance movement.

But Galbatorix is feared, and his dream of ruling all of Alagaesia remains within reach, Galbatorix is firmly in control of his Empire, which spans the western half of the continent and where he maintains his vast standing armies, Galbatorix has begun fulfilling his vision of Dragon Riders beholden to his Empire, beginning with Morzan's son, Murtagh, who with his dragon, Thorn, have been trained by Galbatorix and his enslaved dragon, Shruikan, At present, peace seems as far away as it has ever been since Galbatorix's b.l.o.o.d.y rise to power, Galbatorix seeks to capture Eragon and Saphira alive and force them to serve him. The one weakness that Eragon and Saphira have learned about Galbatorix is that his madness has left him with gaps in logic.

The names for Galbatorix include the Dragon Killer and the Dragon King, The Urgal t.i.tle for him is Ushnark the Mighty, Ushnark means "father" in the Urgal tongue.


Dwarf chief of the Feldunost clan.


A dwarf city near the eastern edge of the Beor Mountains.

The daughter of Clovis the fisherman.

A grocer in Teirm.

A member of the Varden in Surda.

Dwarf chief of the Durgrimst Quan. During Eragon's visit to the dwarf nation's sacred temple Celbedeil, Gannel instructed Eragon on dwarven mythology and customs. He also gifted Eragon with a necklace that would block others from scrying Eragon or Saphira as long as Eragon wears it.


Bartender at the Green Chestnut in Teirm.

Brother of Selena, the son of Cadoc, husband of Marian, father of Roran, and uncle of Eragon. Garrow and Marian had raised Eragon from birth as if he were their son, but before she died, Marian revealed to Eragon that they were his aunt and uncle, not his parents. After Marian's death, Garrow moved with Roran and Eragon to an abandoned farm in Palancar Valley that lay ten miles from Carvahall, the farthest farm from the village.

Garrow had a "lean, hungry face with intense eyes" and struggled to keep himself and the two boys fed. Garrow hoped to one day pa.s.s on his farm to Eragon and Roran, and he taught them everything he knew about hunting and farming. Yet he was pleased when Roran announced that he was taking a job as a miller in Therinsford and planned to marry Katrina. During the Ra'zac's attack on Eragon, who they suspected had one of the Empire's dragon eggs, Garrow was killed and his farm was destroyed.

A captain of the Nighthawks, Nasuada's guards. He's a burly man with a crooked nose. When Blodhgarm arrived at the Varden, Garven was a.s.signed to probe his mind. After the probe, Garven's spirit faded and Nasuada decided he should be removed from active duty until he recovered.

The battle-hardened Kull and leader of the Bolvek tribe of Urgals, Garzhvog- addressed with the t.i.tle of respect "nar"-was instrumental in the Bolvek's decision to forge an alliance with the Varden. When he met with Nasuada, the eight-and-a-half-foot-tall ram allowed his mind to be searched to a.s.sure them of his n.o.ble intentions. Nar Garzhvog led Urgals, Kull, and Varden in battle against Galbatorix's army in the Battle of the Burning Plains and the Siege of Feinster. Afterward, the trustworthy Kull accompanied Eragon most of the way to Farthen Dur as a protector so that Eragon could attend the dwarves' clanmeet, which was held to elect a new king.

A top-ranking Urgal commander in Galbatorix's Urgal army. Gashz was missing after the Urgal defeat in Farthen Dur and is presumed dead.

The phenomenon Eragon mentions in the poem he wrote for the Agaeti Blodhren celebration.

A Carvahall farmer known for his work tanning animal hides. When the Empire attacked Carvahall, Gedric joined the villagers who fled to Surda. Today he travels with the Varden army across the plains of Alagaesia. Gedric recently received a sphere of gold from Eragon, who was repaying a debt from when he stole several of Gedric's tanned hides during his own escape from Carvahall.

"s.h.i.+ning palm" in the ancient language. This permanent silver mark on a Dragon Rider's palm appears after contact with a dragon hatchling and is the ultimate symbol of the bond between dragon and Rider. When working a spell, the Rider's s.h.i.+ning palm glows with a bright white light.


Revered as the greatest warrior of all time and the subject of "The Song of Gerand." Although Gerand put down his sword to raise a family, a blood feud threatening his family compelled him to return to his warrior ways. It was his proclivity for killing his enemies with a simple hammer that inspired Roran to arm himself with a hammer.

An esteemed healer in Carvahall, Gertrude nursed Eragon back to health by tending the wounds he suffered on his first flight with his dragon, Saphira, during their escape from the Ra'zac. Gertrude escaped her village's destruction and continues her healing work with the soldiers of the Varden.

A traditional dwarven contest conducted with opponents riding the backs of Feldunost, the horned mountain goats of the Beor Mountains. One contestant is armed with a spear; the other is unarmed but carries a s.h.i.+eld. They ride toward each other and, when the distance narrows to less than thirty feet, the javelin carrier throws his weapon at the other rider, who attempts to catch it.

Gilderien the Wise, an ancient elf magus and protector of Ellesmera, draws his power from the White Flame of Vandil. Gilderien has successfully defended the elves' capital city for more than two thousand years.


A legendary steed.

This feared Empire city, situated by Isentar Lake and the Ramr River, is a center of commerce for hunters and fishermen and a major garrison for Galbatorix's army. At the center of the city is the infamous citadel that has imprisoned many enemies of the Empire, including Princess Arya and Eragon.


The dragon of the Rider Oromis, who initially survived the Fall of the Dragon Riders, Glaedr is a gold-colored, very large, very old dragon. When Glaedr hatched and bonded with the young elf Oromis, the pair went to the Dragon Rider island of Vroengard to begin their training. They quickly rose above their cla.s.smates and, as dragon and Rider, had years of faithful service and were known throughout Alagaesia. They had retired to a new life as teacher and mentors for a new generation of Riders when Galbatorix began his rebellion. Though Glaedr survived the Fall of the Riders, he did lose a leg in battle with the Forsworn. When Eragon and Saphira came to Ellesmera for training, Saphira became infatuated with Glaedr, but he rebuffed her and kept her focused on her training.

Glaedr experienced body death when he and Oromis emerged from hiding to battle Murtagh and Thorn in Gil'ead. He lives on through his Eldunari but, lost in grief, has stayed silent since Oromis's death.





Elf author of the famous autobiographical work The Travels of Gnaevaldrskald. A scroll of this work was part of the a.s.signed reading Oromis gave Eragon when he and Saphira were undergoing their Dragon Rider training with the elves. The work revealed much about the Urgals, notably that social stature was based on combat, whether raiding a village to prove valor or engaging in one-on-one combat to display one's strength to a prospective mate. Eragon would conclude that although this led to an endless cycle of violence through the generations, at least Urgals were consistent, which was more than he could say for his fellow humans.



The praying mantis G.o.ddess of the wandering tribes.

A tavern in Dras-Leona where Eragon and Brom once stayed.

The little sailing s.h.i.+p that Arya made of blades of gra.s.s during a journey with Eragon. No more than four inches long, it was fas.h.i.+oned by hand in exquisite detail, including railings and benches for rowers and portholes no bigger than raspberry seeds. With a gentle breath and the ancient language word flauga ("fly"), the little s.h.i.+p set sail upon the wind. As it takes its energy from the plants below, the little s.h.i.+p could conceivably fly forever.

A damp and barren piece of land in Empire territory, southeast of Helgrind. The dwarven name for the area is Werghadn, meaning "the ugly land."


A middle-aged member of King Orrin's royal Surdan cavalry.

A tavern in Teirm.

An old woman who lived among the Varden and took care of an orphan babe. When Eragon arrived in Farthen Dur, she begged him to bless the child.


The race that lived on the far side of the Western Sea responsible for creating the ancient language, which they bound to the energy that is magic. The fusion of language and magic was inst.i.tuted because, once upon a time, all a magician needed to cast a spell was the ability to mentally sense magic and the will to use it. But without discipline, many unplanned and chaotic enchantments were loosed upon the land. The ancient language was created to provide a structure for the use of magic. Although the Grey Folk's efforts to bring order to the use of magic has been doc.u.mented, their subsequent history is a mystery. Ironically, legend holds that the Grey Folk lost their magical abilities after creating the ancient language and gradually faded away, like the ruins of an abandoned city.


An employer of the slavers who work for Torkenbrand.


King Grimrr Halfpaw is the presiding ruler of werecats during Alagaesia's second war with Galbatorix. Acting as the official speaker of his race, Grimrr met with the leaders of the resistance against Galbatorix, including delegates from the Varden, Surda, and the elves. On behalf of his race, the king agreed to form an alliance with the Varden, asking in return for the group to provide the werecats with food and provisions during the war.

Standing at nearly the same height as a mature dwarf, the aged and scarridden werecat radiates authority and commands respect from members of his own race as well as outsiders. The king dresses modestly for his position, choosing to wear only a loincloth and a tunic, decorated with the skulls of small game. Most notably, the werecat is missing two fingers on his left hand.

Grimrr bears a unique and mysterious string of honors and t.i.tles, which include His Most Exalted Royal Highness, King of the Werecats, Lord of the Lonely Places, Ruler of the Night Reaches, and He Who Walks Alone.

In Dwarvish, the clan chief. Literally translated as "halls' chief."

In dwarven clan culture, grimstcarvlorss means "keeper of the house" or "arranger of the house." Duties include making sure clan families pay their t.i.thes, that herds are properly grazed and stores of feed are maintained, and that everyone has what they need-women enough fabric for weaving, warriors the proper weaponry and equipment, blacksmiths enough ore. It is said that a grimstcarvlorss can make a clan-or destroy it.

A sailor under Clovis the fisherman.

King of the G.o.ds for the dwarf nation. Considered a G.o.d of war and scholars.h.i.+p. This supernatural being has fickle moods but is appeased by burnt offerings at births and deaths, at the solstices, and before sowing season. Before battle, dwarven soldiers pray to Guntera as he gives order to the world. (It is said he fas.h.i.+oned the landscape itself from the bones of a giant.) Guntera also manifests to give the blessing vital to the induction of a new dwarven monarch. The newly crowned Orik has told Eragon that his own legitimate rule was not a.s.sured until the G.o.d placed the helm on his head. Eragon, as an adopted member of Durgrimst Ingeitum, prayed to the G.o.d to still the wind that hindered his and Saphira's journey to Du Weldenvarden before the Siege of Feinster, That very night the howling wind abated.


The farrier near Therinsford from whom Brom and Eragon buy their mounts Snowfire and Cadoc.

The vast desert that spreads across central Alagaesia. The historic region has been home to the dwarf nation, dragons, and the wandering tribes. It was once a verdant plain, but climate change transformed the land into a desert, which forced the dwarves to relocate to the Beor Mountains. However, the hot, dry climate was perfect for the dragons, and it was there that this ancient race lived and died and collected their store of disgorged Eldunari. A notable geographic feature is Du Fells Nangoroth, a small mountain chain in the center of the desert.

Dwarf chief of Durgrimst Ebardac.


The wizard hermit who saved the youth Carsaib when he was dying in the desert. After nursing him back to life, Haeg trained Carsaib in sorcery. After Haeg's death, his apprentice was consumed by spirits and transformed into the Shade Durza.

The place where dwarves devoutly wish their spirits will go upon their death.


A Varden man.

A chandler in Teirm.

A son of Loring.

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The Inheritance Almanac Part 4 summary

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