The Phoenix Pack: Feral Sins Part 36

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"I couldn't care less about him. Trey, that's a different matter." The degree of anger and loathing in his voice was unsettling.

"If you were unhappy here, you could've left."

"No, I couldn't have. Not without Kirk, and he'll never leave. I know you don't think much of my son, but he's a good man. He is. A lot of people look down on him because his mom was human and he's not as strong an alpha as the others a little like they did with Darryl. But he has good principles, has honor, he's a loyal wolf. That's why he wanted to leave with Trey when he was banished."

"You could have stayed behind."

He shook his head. "No. And not just because of Kirk, no. I couldn't have let her go alone."

"Who? Greta?"

He looked at her like she was insane. "Louisa."

The name tickled her memory. "Trey's mom?"

"You must've heard how I found my true mate but she was already in love with another man. Oh yes, Trey's mom. By the time I met her, she and Rick had imprinted on one-another. I hadn't told anyone because I knew Rick would have exiled me to keep me away from her. I hated seeing them together, hated it, but I couldn't bring myself to leave her life. So I became good friends with her and let that be enough. I know she felt the pull between us. She never even came close to acting on it though. She was a loyal woman. Then Trey was banished and, for once, she stood up to that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Rick and she left him. There was my chance. My chance to have her as I should have done. And I would've done...but Trey killed her."

"She turned rogue," she reminded him.

"If I'd have been there when she slipped into that state I could've pulled her back from it. I could've." No he couldn't have a wolf gone rogue was beyond all help. "But he executed her. Snapped her neck like she was a twig. I wanted to kill him, but just like Rick and Darryl, I knew I couldn't take him."

Her head swam again but she fought the pull of sleep. "Why stay?"

"So one day I could make sure he knew the pain that I went through. The pain of losing a mate."

Oh f.u.c.k. It suddenly hit her just how dangerous her situation was. She'd thought that maybe Darryl wanted to use her as collateral a kind of 'give me what I want, Trey, and your mate goes free' scenario. But this...well h.e.l.l.

"It made the whole thing even better when I realized you were true mates. You should thank Darryl, really. If it wasn't for him telling me to hold off, I would have killed you at some point. The car and the raven...that was just for fun, just something to keep me going."

What a weird, sick b.a.s.t.a.r.d. "That day on the stairs?"

"I'd made an arrangement with Darryl. His goons were waiting not far out of pack territory. The plan was for me to hand you over to them so they could give you a beating as a warning. And, well, that plan went to s.h.i.+t. As did the one for you to be attacked while you were in town with Lydia. Unfortunately for you, your luck has run out, little one. It's really nothing personal, Taryn. I like you. You're strong, you have a good heart, but this is the way it has to be."

"You think Louisa would want this? Trey's her son. Darryl will kill him."

"Very true. Greta was right all Darryl wants is for everyone to see him overpower Trey. He knows he can't do it. Trey's too strong. But there's one thing that will weaken him the death of his mate. At the very moment your bond is severed he'll lose all strength. It won't last more than a minute, but it will be long enough for Darryl to have this chance and end this once and for all. So you see, Darryl gets what he wants, and I get what I want."

Hoping he might have a conscience she could appeal to, she asked, "You're happy to hand over a pregnant female to be murdered?"

Nothing. Not an ounce of guilt or regret to be seen in his expression. "It's just the way it has to be," he said for the third time.

"You could take me back," she slurred, desperate now. "I promise you won't be punished. Don't punish this baby for something Trey did." Not that she blamed Trey at all, but if it made the psycho release her she'd say whatever he wanted to hear.

He chuckled but it was humorless. "Honey, Trey will tear me apart and you know it. Even if you could guarantee me that protection, my answer would be no. You have a mate, Taryn. Let me ask you...if someone killed him, took him from you, could you ever forgive them? Ever forget it? I've waited too long for this. He took my mate from me, and now I'm going to take his from him."

He might have said more, she wasn't sure, because at that moment she lost the strength to stay conscious any longer, and the blackness swamped her.

The grey wolf was just finis.h.i.+ng a kill when the awareness struck him and penetrated the fog in his mind. Mate. She was close. She shouldn't be close. The same instinct that told him she was nearby was also able to guide him to where she was. Quickly he galloped through the trees, intent on reaching her. He skidded to a halt when he saw her. She smelled like him and sickness and drugs and anxiety. Mixed in with all that was the scent of the male that held her 'uncle'.

The grey wolf threw back his head and howled, garnering the attention of every wolf around him. No other male should touch her. No one was allowed to hurt her. She was his. She belonged to him. The life in her womb belonged to him. They were both his to protect, to care for, to shelter. The only thing stopping the wolf from acting on his raging anger and going for the uncle's throat was that his claws were pressed threateningly against her stomach the grey wolf understood the threat, understood cause and effect. Although the man's words made no sense, he also understood what he wanted. He wanted Trey. So the wolf drew back, though he remained closer to the surface than ever before.

Trey rose to his feet, panting and raging. The sight of Taryn, pale and flaccid, held with her back against Darryl's chest had his blood boiling and something in his chest tightening. She was unconscious, had clearly been drugged. Seeing Darryl's claws placed threateningly against the place where his baby was growing made it even more difficult for Trey to remain where he was. Every cell in his body urged him to pounce on Darryl. "Release her." The words were barely distinguishable.

Darryl gave him a callous smile. "Now that's not going to happen, my dear nephew. How strange it is to see something finally pull emotions from you. Rick would be devastated he'd missed this. Not as devastated as you'll be when you watch her die, but still."

A part of Trey's brain registered that all had gone quiet and that his pack was gathering close. Another part of his brain noted that many of Darryl's supporters had been slain and that Trey's side was winning the battle, but his only care was for the limp woman in Darryl's arms. "Release. Her." The b.a.s.t.a.r.d didn't. "If you want me, I'm right here. I won't even fight you."

Darryl laughed. "It's tempting. After all, the only thing I really want is for the others to see me take you down. But, well, I'm afraid I don't believe you would truly allow that. Plus, to let her live would be to break my half of the bargain with our cousin, Brock." The very male then stepped out of the trees on Darryl's left. His expression was cold, cruel.

"Dad?" Kirk choked out. "Dad, what're you doing?"

"He has to know what it's like, son."

"What're you talking about?"

"He has to know how it felt for me when he killed Louisa. What it was like to lose her."

The truth hit Trey like a slap. "She was your mate?"

"And you took her from me."

Kirk shook his head, his eyes dancing from Brock to Taryn. "Dad, tell me you didn't hand her over to Darryl."

"Like I said, he has to know what it's like."

"How could you do this?"

"He doesn't deserve your loyalty, son, he never has. Darryl has agreed to make you one of his enforcers when this is over."

Pale, wide-eyed, and clearly devastated, Kirk shook his head again and stumbled backwards. "I...I can't believe you've done this."

"Son -"

"No," snapped Kirk. "I'm no longer your son."

Trey honestly couldn't believe what he was hearing. Although he'd never been able to work out what kind of motivation one of his pack could have had to betray him, he never would have expected this. Any of this. It didn't matter what the motivation was though, it never had. The result would always have been the same. "You're dead," he told Brock.

"No, Trey, that would be your mate," said Darryl with a smile. "Oh, and your unborn child."

His mate, his child. He had thought that if any of them would die today, it would be Trey. He had comforted himself with the knowledge that at least Taryn and his child would live. Dante would have ensured that. But now Trey saw that he didn't have the luxury of knowing that they would survive his death, because Darryl intended to kill them first. He wanted Trey to watch them die, to feel his bond with Taryn die, to see the life drain out of the only person he had ever loved. A jolt went through him at the realization he just had. He loved her.

Of course he f.u.c.king loved her!

And not just because she was his mate, but because of the person she was. Her inner strength, her spirit, her sensuality, her big heart, her loyalty, her tenaciousness, her bravery, h.e.l.l, even her d.a.m.n sarcastic streak it all came together to make a package that called to him and made it impossible for him to feel anything but love for her. The realization didn't even scare him as it once would have done. So now that the thread of fear had been removed from the knot of emotions inside him, the rest of the knot unraveled and fell away. And those mental walls went right along with them.

Abruptly there was a bang in his chest and a strange sensation in his head as though his brain had hiccupped or something. Then he could feel Taryn's heartbeat as if it was his own, feel her inside of him like she was burrowed under his skin. But she was, wasn't she? Because she was the other half of his soul. He understood immediately what had happened. Their bond had snapped fully into being. He felt as her pulse rate improved and she struggled to a conscious state. He realized then that his strength was bolstering her own through their bond.

He also realized that Darryl was still talking, totally unaware of what was happening. Funny that how such a significant, life-changing occurrence could happen yet go unnoticed by every person around them. It was a very good thing in this case.

"...and I bet you've never felt so helpless before in your entire life, have you, Trey?"

No, he hadn't. And Darryl was going to die for that. Die for daring to touch her at all. Trey's heart practically jumped when he watched Taryn's eyes flutter open. A few seconds later they widened and quick as f.u.c.king lightening she had one of the hands that were pinned behind her back positioned at Darryl's crotch with her claws placed threateningly around his b.a.l.l.s. Obviously having felt the p.r.i.c.k of claws on his naked skin, Darryl froze instantly. Trey shot him a falsely sympathetic look. Clearly his uncle had forgotten that latent s.h.i.+fters who were alphas could partially s.h.i.+ft, lengthening their claws and canines.

"Let go of me, f.u.c.ker, or I'll dig my claws into your crown jewels and rip them off I don't give a s.h.i.+t."

Taryn meant every word.

The threat to the life of her unborn child had rage pumping through her body, a rage that was beyond the scales of normal her insides burned, her heart was working overtime, her skin felt too tight for her body, her fangs had lengthened, and her entire being itched to hurt him. The primitive urge to protect had adrenalin coursing through her, preparing for anything, preparing her to do anything.

Dimly she recognized that her bond with Trey was cemented, that he was alive and relatively unharmed, but the red hot fury blasting through her was so overwhelming that it left no room for her to feel anything else right now. The only thought she had in her head was that if her and her unborn child were about to leave this world then this a.s.shole's b.a.l.l.s were going with them.

Her wolf smelt his fear, loved it. She wanted this threat to her and her pup dead. Wanted it with such desperation that she was warring with Taryn for control, pus.h.i.+ng and struggling and twisting for freedom much like someone trapped under a frozen lake. The force with which she beat at Taryn's skin was actually painful. So painful that it was weakening Taryn. Not physically, though. Physically, she was still strong and steady. But mentally, she was weakening...kind of like she was fading. Her wolf relentlessly continued her a.s.sault, wanting her stupid human half to step aside and let her deal with this. Then Taryn weakened that little bit more as a particularly hard shove fractured that layer of iced water. That was all it took her wolf smashed her way out.

Utter shock rushed over Trey as the scene played out before him. Darryl's hold on Taryn broke as, with a speed that only an extremely experienced s.h.i.+fter should have been able to achieve, she s.h.i.+fted into a creamy-white wolf. She was absolutely beautiful. As a female, her muzzle and forehead were narrower and her neck was thinner than that of males. Her limbs had smoother fur, giving her a more graceful look. All that gorgeous fur looked so unbelievably soft that he couldn't wait to comb his fingers through it just as he often did with Taryn's hair.

To his surprise, the she-wolf didn't take a moment to marvel at finally being free. Oh no, she was only interested in Darryl who was apparently too stupefied to move. She was on him in a blink, leaping up and snapping her teeth into she knocked him down. d.a.m.n, she was just like Taryn went straight for the nose. No longer paralyzed by shock, it seemed, Darryl began to take his wolf form.

Snapping back into action Trey shouldn't be surprised that the crazy b.i.t.c.h was challenging a male wolf he s.h.i.+fted shape and gave his wolf control again.

The grey wolf rushed at the black wolf that had now flipped over and was growling at his mate. Protectiveness surged through him, serving as an energy boost. She was not to be touched or harmed or threatened. He had to protect her her and his unborn pup. He barreled into the black wolf, wrenching a yelp from him and sending him sprawling across the forest floor away from the she-wolf.

The black wolf righted himself quickly, his chest heaving, and faced the other. The grey wolf could sense that his opponent was less dominant and less powerful. It wouldn't bring him any mercy from the grey wolf though not when he had threatened his mate, not when his scent triggered memories of cruelty and pain being inflicted on a young Trey.

Hackles raised, ears upright, and lips curled back, they circled each other never moving their eyes from the other. Many other wolves observed, but none of them moved, nor did any battle between themselves. All stood still and quiet as all understood that the outcome of this battle now rested on which of the two Alpha males won the challenge.

Suddenly the grey wolf rushed at his challenger and knocked him onto his side. Growling, he bit down hard on the black wolf's shoulder, drawing first blood. In retaliation, the black wolf swiped his claws at the other, aiming for his muzzle. The grey wolf was able to dodge the move and then clamped his jaws around the offending leg.

The black wolf yelped the sound satisfying his attacker and psyching the observing wolves. He raised his head just enough to bite down hard on the grey wolf's ear. The surprise of it made the grey wolf jerk away while releasing a loud high-pitched bark. Taking advantage of that, the other quickly stood and swiped his paw at the grey wolf. His claw managed to slash his shoulder, and the scent of the grey wolf's blood flavored the air and had the challenger growling with satisfaction.

Growling with rage, the grey wolf leapt at the other wolf. He wrapped his forepaws around his challenger's neck and, calling on every ounce of his strength, wrestled him to the ground. Just as the grey wolf wanted, the other was now flat on his back in a vulnerable position that exposed his belly. The black wolf didn't offer his submission, but continued to growl and snap his teeth, knowing that any offers of submission would be ignored.

In one fluid move, the grey wolf straddled over his challenger, using his forepaws to pin down his shoulders as his back paws slashed open black wolf's belly. The yelps of pain and the overwhelming scents of fear, blood and defeat that wafted from his challenger didn't placate the grey wolf or give him any sense of satisfaction. Only one thing would give him that.

He clamped his jaws around the black's wolf throat, biting down hard into fur and flesh. Blood gushed into his mouth, warm and tasting of victory. It tasted better than the blood of the sandy wolf who had once coveted his mate, and it even tasted better than the blood of the male who had sired him. With a loud growl, the grey wolf twisted his head sharply, ripping out his challenger's throat. Only then did satisfaction fill him.

The creamy white she-wolf approved of the act. Her mate strong, dominant, powerful had defeated the challenger, had eliminated the threat to them and their pack. Slowly she walked to him, pleased at finally being free and being able to have fur-to-fur contact with her mate as she had hungered to do from the second she picked up his scent. She had known he was her mate from the beginning, had always been annoyed with her human side for not recognizing this, for not recognizing the importance of this male to her life and her soul. Apparently sensing her approach, he turned. The dominant, confident Alpha held his tail up high and his ears erect as he covered the short distance between them.

She kept her ears down and fur flat as she licked and nipped at his muzzle in greeting. He pushed at her nose and rubbed his cheek against hers, returning her greeting a greeting that had been long awaited but not been possible until now. Then they were licking each other's faces and placing their noses behind the other's ears to inhale each other's scent.

A number of wolves suddenly approached, trooping together around their Alpha pair, seeking contact. Pack, the she-wolf knew. They joined her in licking their Alpha's injuries, giving him the respect and thanks he was due for protecting them. A grey-black wolf with a white undercoat Beta threw back his head and released a loud, long howl. The melodic sound rang throughout the forest and mountains, and was answered far and wide as other wolves both s.h.i.+fters and full-bloods joined the pack in celebrating their victory.


Three weeks later "It's not funny," said Taryn as she returned to Caleb's side.

"Of course it's not funny."

She scowled at Caleb. He might have been more convincing if he wasn't grinning. Come on, surely it was unreasonable to need to pee so often eight times in a one hour period was just ridiculous! She wouldn't mind so much if she was actually downing several mugs of coffee a day like she usually would, but now that she was pregnant, coffee wasn't allowed. How humans went through this for a whole nine months she'd never know. h.e.l.l, elephants were pregnant for like a year and a half. Seriously, what was up with that?

Nervous and fidgety, she straightened the silky, slim-fitting, knee length dress for like the hundredth time. She wasn't a fan of dresses and only ever wore them when she was attending a special occasion such as a mating ceremony. As this was her own mating ceremony, she couldn't exactly wear jeans and a t-s.h.i.+rt. She had wanted to have the ceremony before her belly got too big with the pregnancy. She had no desire to be waddling like a penguin down the 'aisle'.

Greta had been outraged to hear that Taryn was wearing white as apparently she was too much of a hussy for that. Although the woman had softened slightly to Taryn, it was only very slightly and she still took utter joy in insulting Taryn and being difficult. But then, Taryn took utter joy in returning Greta's insults with some of her own so that worked out okay.

Taryn would have had the ceremony sooner, but she felt that it was better for everyone to have time to emotionally and physically recover from the battle. No one had let her heal them because she was pregnant which was both unreasonable and dramatic since it didn't make any difference at all to her gift. Although there was still a lingering sadness about how they had been betrayed by one of their own, everyone was by now simply relieved and happy about them having won the challenge.

Kirk, on the other hand, had been devastated and ashamed. No matter how often they had a.s.sured him that he wasn't responsible for his father's actions, Kirk hadn't been able to even make eye contact with either Trey or Taryn. A few days after his father's public execution as was tradition for traitors and the ceremony that been held to honor the few who had died in the battle, Kirk had decided to join with who was left of Darryl's pack. Dante's older brother, Josh, had been elected as their new Alpha and had agreed to accept Selma as well as Kirk. Well good luck to him with that.

There had been talk about some of Josh's pack now joining Taryn and Trey's, but so far nothing had been officially decided. It would be just her luck that she had gotten rid of Selma only to end up with a group of females that were far worse. The universe did seem to enjoy playing jokes on her.

"Ready?" asked Caleb.

Taryn released a long, calming breath. "Ready. Thank you for doing this." Although Lance was surprise, surprise attending the ceremony, she hadn't wanted him to do the giving away thing. In her opinion, he'd more or less given her away a long time ago. Caleb, on the other hand, had been a good friend to her since childhood and had been there for her over the years whenever she needed someone. It had seemed more appropriate for him to do it. Plus, it had put to rest all the arguments that had been going on between Dante, Don, and the enforcers as they fought over who should give her away.

"You don't have to thank me."

"I know you didn't want me to mate with Trey."

Caleb sighed and jiggled his head. "Of course I wish your mate wasn't mentally unstable, but I've seen him with you, I've seen how much he cares for you. That's good enough for me."

"You don't still feel like I'm betraying Joey, even though he was never my true mate?"

"No, I don't. I never thought you were betraying him, just that you were wrong about Trey. Now I see that it was me who was wrong, and I'm happy for you. How can I not be happy for my best friend?"

Touched, Taryn went to hug him but he shook his head fiercely. "If your mate smells my scent all over you, he'll kill me."

Rolling her eyes, she took the hand he offered her and allowed him to escort her out of the caves, down the mountain steps, and through the trees that led to the lake. As it was the place where she and Trey spent most of their quality time together, it seemed rather fitting that the ceremony take place there.

Caleb halted as the forest began to thin out and then howled. A harmony of howls responded, giving Taryn gooseb.u.mps. Caleb held his arm out and, taking another deep breath, she looped her arm through his as they walked through the last of the trees until they entered the clearing near the lake. The entire pack was there, plus Shaya, Lance, Perry, Oscar, Derren, Don and his mate. They had all formed a huge circle, and Taryn knew that in the center would be Trey and Nick. Any Alpha could perform a mating ceremony, and Nick had kindly offered to do it for them.

When they reached the slight opening in the circle of people that was between Shaya and Grace, Taryn entered the circle, leaving Caleb to fill the s.p.a.ce. A smile surfaced on her face the second she looked at Trey. He was wearing...h.e.l.l she didn't know what he was wearing. She couldn't move her gaze from his the intense mix of heat, possessiveness and adoration in his eyes made her inhale sharply. She didn't remember moving her legs but seconds later she was standing before him, hearing Nick's words and answering when required to, but all her focus was taken up by her mate.

Trey's entire body clenched at the sight of Taryn. She looked so beautiful in that figure-hugging dress that he planned to tear from her body as soon as possible. Another one of those chest pangs struck him, but now he knew what they meant. Now he knew that he didn't just care for her, he loved her. He hadn't been able to work up the courage to tell her, to say the words.

He knew what she'd meant now when she told him that love was giving someone the power to destroy you and hoping that they didn't. She had that power. She could break him, end him. It scared him, and he knew that the moment he gave her those words and admitted that she had that power, he would be utterly defenseless. Maybe other people wouldn't fear that, but it had always been important to Trey that he was never vulnerable to another person. So he was s.h.i.+tting his pants.

As the other wolves repeated the ritual words and appealed to the power of the full moon to bless the mating, Taryn soaked up the l.u.s.t that was pouring from Trey and feeding her own. Knowing that the ceremonial words were almost at an end, her antic.i.p.ation levels rocketed. Feeling hypersensitive, she ran her hands along her dress something she was pretty sure was going to be utterly destroyed in the next five minutes.

Finally Nick said the final words, and this was the part where she should demurely step forward and kiss her mate before allowing him to once again bite her for all to witness. Instead, she let a wicked smile curve her lips...and then she dashed toward the woods, s.h.i.+fting as she ran.

f.u.c.k. Instantly Trey removed his s.h.i.+rt and pants, intending to s.h.i.+ft into his wolf form. The last thing he would have expected was for Taryn to want to complete their mating with a chase and have him mount her for all to see she was still new to that aspect of being a wolf. A part of his brain noted that many of the guests were laughing in surprise and also removing their clothes, clearly intending to follow. All he gave a s.h.i.+t about was tracking Taryn.

The grey wolf didn't need to use his mate's scent to find her. Their bond told him which direction she had taken, enabling him to find her much faster. He was nearing a clearing when a ball of white fur suddenly barreled into him. His mate had managed to ambush him. The she-wolf stuck her rear in the air in a pounce position, inviting him to play. The grey wolf was happy to do that. They ran together, keeping their bodies close and enjoying the contact. Then, finally, he mounted her, aware that other wolves were watching some were also mounting their mates, others were simply observers. The grey wolf had no care, however, for what the others were doing. He was only interested in taking pleasure from his mate, releasing his s.e.m.e.n inside her.

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The Phoenix Pack: Feral Sins Part 36 summary

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