Major General's Smart And Gorgeous Wife Chapter 354

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Ch. 354

Translator: SJade, Editor: Dj22031

“I want to go to the movies!” Lin Mumu suddenly thought of a delaying tactic.


“Then let’s go now? How about a midnight show? I heard that midnight movies like ghosts knocking on the door at midnight are particularly interesting.” Lin Mumu’s eyes sparkled.

Yun Ting squeezed her hand a little tighter in annoyance: “I only know about the Midnight Life Theatre.”

“Midnight Life Theatre? What kind of show is it? Meteor Shower?”

“I’ll show it to you when we get back.” Yun Ting held Lin Mumu’s hand, his steps firm, and his goal direction unchanged, which was still their home.

Lin Mumu was a little noisy: “What about the movie theatre?”

“Be good, go home and watch it.”

Okay, the thin arms could not twist the muscular thick thighs, so Lin Mumu could only be led home by Yun Ting.

When they arrived at the door of their home, Lin Mumu and Yun Ting suddenly turned around at the same time, facing the direction behind them, Lin Mumu spoke first: “I didn’t expect that Miss Noko and Mr. Kazuki both have the hobby of stalking others.”

In the dark shadows of the trees, the two people who walked out side by side were Inoue Kazuki and Inoue Noko.

Inoue Kazuki still had his signature smile on his face, and asked politely: “Mr. Yun, cla.s.smate Lin, won’t you invite us in? We are also very curious about the structure of the courtyard house in China.”

“I’m sorry, we are not friends. I never dare to invite people who came uninvited into my house.” Lin Mumu refused. Inoue Noko wore a tank top and shorts, revealing her s.e.xy toned long legs and muscular arms and collarbones. She looked at Yun Ting with resentment: “Mr. Yun, do you hate me so much? I also hoped to compete fairly with cla.s.smate Lin because I admire your talent.”

“Fair compet.i.tion?” Lin Mumu smiled, blinked, and looked at Inoue Noko unceremoniously: “I am his wife, which is the greatest injustice to you. Some people say that I saved the Milky Way in my previous life, so I have a good life. Do you want to try it too?”

Lin Mumu and Inoue Noko didn’t say anything about today’s forum battle, but they both understood it in their hearts.

Lin Mumu had already decided that Inoue Noko was an enemy who would be beaten every time she saw her because she dared to attack her roommate. She only hated herself for being too kind to her today.

Since Inoue Noko had come to her door, Lin Mumu would not let go of the opportunity this time.

She smiled and walked towards Inoue Noko, patting her shoulder with a compa.s.sionate look on her face: “It will get colder and colder at night in the autumn in Yanjing City. Miss Noko should wear more clothes when she goes out next time, otherwise it is easy to get sick.”

After saying this nonsense, Lin Mumu had already turned around and went home.

Yun Ting did not speak from beginning to end, but just sent a text message.

The result was.

When Lin Mumu and Yun Ting opened the door, several fully armed guards holding s.h.i.+elds and wearing bulletproof vests rushed over to surround Inoue Noko and Inoue Kazuki.

Inoue Kazuki was sent to the relevant department during the day, and later because he was indeed innocent and had backstage support, he was quickly released for the sake of friendly relations between the two countries.

But on the same night, he was surrounded again.

“Everyone, this is a misunderstanding. We are cla.s.smates with Lin Mumu and just want to visit our cla.s.smate’s home.”

“You are sneaking around the chief’s house. There must be something wrong with you! That woman, don’t move!”

The young soldier who was the team leader had just finished speaking to Inoue Kazuki when he realized that something was wrong with Inoue Noko.

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Major General's Smart And Gorgeous Wife Chapter 354 summary

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