The Enchanting Empress Dowager Is Really Poisonous Volume 1 Chapter 37

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Volume 1 Chapter 37

Hua Yuxuan sat slightly below Long Yi, who did not even glance at her, his attention solely on Leng Jiu: “How is your health?”

He used “you” instead of “Empress Dowager,” causing a pang in Hua Yuxuan’s heart. She looked up slightly to see an expression on Long Yi’s face she had never seen before—one of gentleness.

Leng Jiu didn’t look at Long Yi, fearing she might feel nauseous. She lowered her head and stroked Kano, who had jumped into her lap. “Hmm! Still alright!”

Long Yi’s gaze was drawn to her lap, noticing the furry bundle there. “What is it that the Empress Dowager is holding?”

Leng Jiu moved her hand to let Long Yi see the creature in her arms before resuming her stroking. Kano seemed to enjoy the attention, closing his eyes and looking very content. “I went out for a stroll in the garden this afternoon and happened to see Hua Jinzhi carrying a cage. Inside was a squirrel, and I liked it so much that I took it. I just fed it.”

Upon hearing that it was a gift from Hua Jinzhi, Hua Yuxuan’s expression immediately tensed. She cautiously observed Long Yi’s reaction. However, Long Yi was convinced that Leng Jiu liked him and wouldn’t suspect anything. He simply smiled and said, “If you like it, keep it. It seems like a well-behaved little thing!”

Leng Jiu gave a faint “Hmm” as a response. Long Yi wasn’t offended and continued to find topics to chat with her about intermittently.

Lu Chang and Eunuch Qu brought in the food, and Long Yi paused for a moment to set up the tableware. Leng Jiu, having little appet.i.te, ate a bit to keep up appearances. Hua Yuxuan, feeling extremely uneasy, forced herself to eat a little to maintain her ladylike demeanor but found no flavor in anything. Probably, Long Yi was the only one enjoying his meal.

Seeing Hua Yuxuan’s discomfort, Leng Jiu didn’t want to keep them around any longer and excused herself by saying she was tired. Only then did Long Yi stand up to leave, reminding her to rest well. Hua Yuxuan’s face turned even paler.

The two left the Empress Dowager’s palace together, with Hua Yuxuan walking behind Long Yi. Looking at his imposing back, she couldn’t help but say, “The Emperor seems to care a lot about the Empress Dowager.”

Long Yi paused and looked at her with chilling eyes. “You didn’t see anything tonight!”

Hua Yuxuan’s body trembled. “Yuxuan understands.”

Long Yi gave her another look before striding away, leaving Hua Yuxuan biting her lip until it turned white.

With her head down, Hua Yuxuan returned to her courtyard, only to find someone waiting for her there.

“Where have you been?” Hua Jinzhi’s outfit was dazzling even in the dark, as were his eyes, bright but cold.

Hua Yuxuan glanced at him and walked straight inside, not wanting to speak.

Hua Jinzhi didn’t stop her. “You better not meddle, or don’t blame me for not considering our sibling bond!”

Hua Yuxuan’s hand paused on the door, her anger flaring up. She turned around, sneering at Hua Jinzhi: “You would disregard our sibling bond for her. If you care so much about her, do you know that you mean nothing to her?”

“None of your business!” Hua Jinzhi’s expression also turned sour.

Hua Yuxuan, finding an outlet for her suppressed anger, disregarded any ladylike demeanor. “Ha! Do you know what I told her? I told her to stay away from you, or she would ruin you. But she didn’t care, didn’t even say a word! She even told me to tell the Emperor about your affair, without batting an eye! The Emperor went to see her tonight, did you know that? She smiled so tenderly at him, the two of them being all affectionate while I, a living person, was ignored. What do you think you are to her? She’s such a heartless woman, why is she worth your concern?”

Hua Jinzhi clenched his fists, his eyes blazing with anger. “Who told you to say those things to her?”

After venting her anger, Hua Yuxuan calmly adjusted her sleeves and coldly laughed. “I didn’t just say that. I also told her about what I saw in the bamboo forest that day.”

Hua Jinzhi froze. “You saw that?”

Hua Yuxuan sneered. “What? Did you really think there are secrets that won’t come out? Doing such shameless things, afraid of being seen?”

Hua Jinzhi’s fists tightened and loosened as he fought to suppress his rage. “Hua Yuxuan! You better shut up, don’t push me!”

“Or what? Would you hit your sister for her? She is the Empress Dowager; you two can never be together!”

Hua Jinzhi also sneered. “You said all this to show how much you care for me as a sister, right?”

Hua Yuxuan calmed down, sighing. “Jin! I don’t want to fight with you, but I’m your sister. I can’t watch you jump into a fire pit!”

Hua Jinzhi’s face was full of mockery. “Hua Yuxuan! Stop pretending to be a saint in front of me. There’s hardly any real sibling bond between us. What you care about most is yourself!”

Hua Yuxuan’s face immediately fell. “What do you mean by that?”

Hua Jinzhi stepped closer until he was right in front of her and whispered, “You know better than anyone how she became the Empress Dowager, don’t you?”

Hua Yuxuan was shocked, and Hua Jinzhi continued to mock her: “Back then, when she was brought into the palace, Father whispered a lot into the old Emperor’s ear. As for why Father thought of this, I bet you had a significant role in it, didn’t you? She and the current Emperor were so in love back then. You were jealous, resentful, and wished to kill her. Do you think I didn’t see it? When she became the old Emperor’s woman, you laughed alone in your room for half a day like a madwoman. I was outside and heard everything clearly! You say it’s for my sake now, but it’s really because you’re jealous. You’re jealous that the Emperor has been kind to her again these days. You can’t stand seeing her well! You claim you don’t want me to jump into the fire pit, but it’s because you’re afraid of the scandal implicating you and ruining your chance to become the Empress. Tell me, am I right?”

With every word Hua Jinzhi spoke, Hua Yuxuan’s heart clenched. By the time he finished, her face was completely drained of color. She bit her lip hard, and tears silently fell. “Hua Jinzhi! I am your sister!”

Hua Jinzhi sneered at her tearful and aggrieved face: “I don’t have a sister like you. But rest a.s.sured, when you become the Empress, I will be the first to kneel and call you Your Majesty!”

With that, he left Hua Yuxuan standing there, her face pale.

“Miss!” Two maids carefully greeted her, noticing her bad mood. Hua Yuxuan didn’t look at them, walked into the room, and after a moment of silence, there was the sound of porcelain shattering.

Leng Jiu actually couldn’t sleep. She had slept so much in the afternoon that it was impossible to fall asleep now. But there was nowhere to entertain herself, the place was dark and dull, so she could only lie in bed and play with Kano using a hairpin. Kano, being haughty, played a bit at first but soon lost interest. When Leng Jiu poked its rear with the hairpin, Kano turned and scratched her hand, leaving three fine marks and a few drops of blood.

Leng Jiu didn’t feel much pain, but being scratched by a pet did not improve her mood. She glared coldly at Kano. Realizing it had done something wrong upon seeing the blood, Kano stopped being haughty, stretched its head to gently lick the wound until it stopped bleeding, then wrapped its tail around her hand, lying in her palm submissively.

Seeing Kano trying to please her, Leng Jiu finally smiled, pulled up the blanket, and picked up a miscellaneous book she had bought during her last trip out of the palace. She found it quite interesting and kept it to pa.s.s the time, although she knew she often fell asleep when reading. So occasionally, it was useful for that too.

As soon as she opened the book, Leng Jiu’s hand paused. She turned her face toward the window, seeing a shadow cast by the moonlight. Although the person made no sound, her intuition told her who it was outside.

She put down the book, propping her head on her hand, and lazily said, “Since you’re here, come in. Is it fun standing outside in the cold?”

The person outside hesitated for a moment before opening the window, nimbly leaping in and then closing it.

Leng Jiu looked at him and chuckled, “Why are you here in the middle of the night? But since I can’t sleep, come chat with me!” Long Yueli had something to do and left yesterday, so he probably wouldn’t come to bother her for a while.

Hua Jinzhi quietly walked to her bedside, glanced at the little squirrel in her hand, then sat down beside her, still silently watching her.

Leng Jiu was speechless: “Did you lose your voice? Or is there a flower on my face?”

Hua Jinzhi continued staring at her for a while before speaking softly, “Did she come here tonight to say something that upset you?”

Leng Jiu stroked Kano’s fur: “Do you think what she says could upset me?”

Hua Jinzhi pursed his lips, unable to meet her eyes, but unwilling to look away either. “Later, he came too.”

Leng Jiu stopped, moved Kano to the other side of the pillow: “If you have something to say, just say it. I don’t like beating around the bush.”

Hua Jinzhi remained silent, still watching her. Just as Leng Jiu was getting impatient, he suddenly leaned forward and hugged her tightly, leaving no gap between them.

Leng Jiu struggled to look up from his embrace and sighed. “What did that woman say to you to make you so upset?”

Hua Jinzhi couldn’t help but smile at her words. Holding her and hearing her speak inexplicably improved his mood. He bit her fair shoulder lightly. “You’re the one who’s upset!”

Leng Jiu gently broke free from his embrace and looked at him. “Speak. What else do you want to say?”

Hua Jinzhi glared at her: “Can’t I come without a reason? You made me angry at noon, and you haven’t apologized yet!”

“You were the one acting crazy, and now you’re blaming me?”

“Hmph! You were clearly admiring the Prime Minister’s looks and wouldn’t admit it!” Hua Jinzhi said irritably.

Leng Jiu moved closer, pretending to sniff. “Why do I smell jealousy?”

Hua Jinzhi immediately bristled, his face flus.h.i.+ng red. “You’re the one who’s jealous! Silly woman!”

Leng Jiu flicked his forehead. “Silly woman? Call me sister, understand?”

“No way, I don’t have a sister like you!” Hua Jinzhi insisted.

Leng Jiu looked at his young, innocent face and mischievously raised an eyebrow. “Not calling me?”


“Really not calling me?”

“Of course not! I’d rather die!” Hua Jinzhi said stubbornly.

Leng Jiu wrapped her arms around his neck and gave a wicked smile. “If you don’t call me, you’ll be punished!”

Hua Jinzhi hadn’t recovered his senses when Leng Jiu suddenly pulled him down and pressed her enchanting, soft lips against his. Her crimson lips parted slightly, and her teeth nibbled on his lips. It hurt a bit, but more than that, it sent a thrill through him, exciting him all the way to his core.

Having had previous experience, Hua Jinzhi no longer needed guidance. He hugged Leng Jiu tightly, turned the tables, and began to conquer her lips and teeth.

Leng Jiu’s body melted in his arms. He leaned in and pressed her down on the bed, kissing her more forcefully, as if he wanted to swallow her whole.

It was a long while before he let go of Leng Jiu, resting contentedly on her chest. Feeling that unusual softness stirred his heart again. He was still a virgin, and this first taste of intimate contact with the person he longed for made him feel insatiable. If it weren’t for their status, he would want to hold her all the time and never let go.

Leng Jiu stroked his head gently. His hair was well-maintained, not as silky as that of the bewitching Long Yueli, but still very pleasant to touch. She used to have a lover with long hair, but she didn’t care for it much then. Now, she had come to appreciate men with long hair. Short-haired men had their own handsome charm, but long-haired men also had their unique allure. Who said men didn’t look good with long hair? It all depended on the person!

She pinched his somewhat cool earlobe and asked, “So, what did that woman say to you that made you come running to me in the middle of the night?”

Hua Jinzhi nuzzled against her chest, blus.h.i.+ng, and said, “She said you don’t care about me and that you’re being all lovey-dovey with the Emperor!”

Leng Jiu laughed. “Is that why you went crazy in the middle of the night?”

Hua Jinzhi huffed, which was a silent affirmation. But he knew that wasn’t the real reason for his distress, although he wouldn’t tell her the true reason.

Leng Jiu lifted one side of the blanket. “Take off your shoes and come warm up.”

Hua Jinzhi was surprised, delighted, and a bit nervous. “Really?”

Leng Jiu chuckled. “You’ve kissed and hugged me, what’s there to hesitate about?”

Only then did Hua Jinzhi, blus.h.i.+ng, take off his shoes and get into bed. He was nervous at first, but the next moment, he hugged Leng Jiu tightly, using both his hands and feet to hold her, and sighed in satisfaction. Leng Jiu found it amusing. Was he really this happy?

She didn’t realize that for Hua Jinzhi, everything at this moment was beyond his wildest dreams, let alone touching her. If, in the past, he had only seen Leng Jinghua as a sister, then the encounter and kiss at the hunting grounds opened the door to romantic feelings in his heart. Although he still called Leng Jinghua his sister, he no longer accepted that ident.i.ty. He liked the person in his arms, and when he couldn’t sleep because of a kiss, he knew. He didn’t just want to look at her and talk to her; he wanted to hold her, kiss her, and even thought about those more intimate things. He knew this kind of affection wasn’t allowed between them, but even if Leng Jiu gave him an afternoon of dreams and then coldly tore them apart, he couldn’t erase his feelings for her.

He knew there would be no outcome, and he shouldn’t get so deeply involved, but he couldn’t bear to pull away. Holding her in bed, kissing her was a luxurious dream, and this dream could cost him his life. Yet he drank this poison happily, enjoying it immensely.

Maybe it was because he was too excited about lying in Leng Jiu’s bed for the first time that he hugged her without saying a word. As Leng Jiu was about to fall asleep, he kissed her deeply again before reluctantly leaving. He wasn’t as thick-skinned or greedy as Long Yueli. For now, hugs and kisses were enough to satisfy him.

The next day, Leng Jiu felt less bleeding and no discomfort in her abdomen, indicating she was almost recovered. Her mood, gloomy for several days, finally improved, but there was no fun to be had. Originally, the hunt was supposed to last half a month, but due to an issue at the border, Long Yi lost his enthusiasm for play and returned to the palace early.

When Leng Jiu came out with Kano, the convoy was already prepared to depart. She glanced at the civil and military officials, her eyes finally landing on the red and white figures standing together. Gong Yuwei didn’t look at her, but Hua Jinzhi did. Seeing her glance over and then looking at Gong Yuwei, he immediately looked sullen.

Leng Jiu couldn’t be bothered with this sulky fellow. When she was getting into the carriage, she glanced at Hua Yuxuan among the group of n.o.ble ladies. She still looked dignified, beautiful, and elegant, but Leng Jiu no longer admired her. She had no interest in brainless women who thought themselves clever.

The convoy moved slowly due to the large number of people, making it look even more sluggish. Just as Leng Jiu was about to doze off, the carriage suddenly stopped abruptly, and the sound of arrows whistling through the air came from outside!

“! Protect the Emperor!”

“s.h.i.+elds! Protect the Empress Dowager!”

“Quick, hide!”

A rain of arrows fell amidst the shouts of the guards and the screams of the n.o.ble ladies! Almost in an instant, Leng Jiu quickly pulled down the thick curtains from all sides of the carriage. Although she wasn’t sure if they could stop the metal arrows, they would at least buffer the impact and prevent too many injuries.

“Thunk thunk thunk!” Despite many guards blocking the arrows outside, some still pierced through. Fortunately, the fabric was of good quality, and the arrows were stopped just as they penetrated.

“Clang clang clang!” After the volley of arrows, it turned into close combat. Through a gap, Leng Jiu saw countless black-clad figures swarming from all directions, showing that the enemy was determined.

“Empress Dowager! Are you alright?” Lu Chang crawled out from under the carriage, his hands and feet still trembling, obviously having been hiding in fear just now and not yet recovered.

“Alright! Just hide well! How could anything happen to me?” Leng Jiu glanced at him and then turned to look behind her. Hua Jinzhi was with a group of young n.o.blemen protecting the n.o.ble ladies. He was looking over anxiously, seemingly wanting to come over, but was held up by the attackers.

Leng Jiu took out the Qingfeng Sword she had placed under the pillow. She hesitated for a while but eventually sat back down. Most of the people here had inner strength, and even if she used all her skills, she wouldn’t be able to kill many. Besides, as the Empress Dowager, even if she fought bravely, no one would cheer for her. Why do something so thankless?

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty!” Eunuch Qu’s shrill cry caught Leng Jiu’s attention. Long Yi had a cut on his arm, and the wound seemed deep. However, seeing Eunuch Qu looking like he had lost his parents, Leng Jiu found it ridiculous. It was just a minor injury; did it warrant such a dramatic reaction?

The carriage jolted as Hua Jinzhi finally broke through and opened the curtain, looking tense. “Are you alright?”

Leng Jiu shook her head. “What could happen to me…” Before she finished speaking, her pupils suddenly contracted, and she pulled Hua Jinzhi inside, raising her hand to catch a golden-tipped arrow. Despite her quick reaction, the arrowhead still grazed her forehead, drawing two drops of blood.

Seeing this, Hua Jinzhi was scared out of his wits. “Are you crazy? Do you want to die?”

Leng Jiu removed the arrow and tossed it aside indifferently. “I’m still alive, aren’t I?”

Hua Jinzhi looked at the wound on her forehead, feeling both cold and furious inside. He didn’t know what to say. If the arrow had been just a bit faster or deeper, would she still be alive? He couldn’t even dare to think about it. His entire body was stiff, filled with coldness and anger at the thought.

Leng Jiu took a handkerchief to cover her forehead and pushed him out. “Don’t hide here. Get out there. If you stay, the enemies might get in.”

Hua Jinzhi took several deep breaths to calm down, but his anger remained. He vented all his rage on the, striking them down with ruthless force.

The battle lasted for about a quarter of an hour. The eventually retreated swiftly, leaving behind a ground littered with corpses and blood.

Many court officials were injured, and two fourth-ranked officials were killed. The n.o.ble ladies were well protected, with no deaths or injuries, though many fainted from fright. As for the two prominent figures, Long Yi and Leng Jiu, one had a hand injury, and the other had a forehead wound. Although Leng Jiu’s injury wasn’t severe, the fact that it was an arrow wound on her forehead left no one in a laughing mood—it was a life-threatening spot.

Hua Yuxuan, upon hearing that Leng Jiu had almost been shot in the forehead and almost died but ended up with just a flesh wound, nearly ground her teeth to dust. Why couldn’t she just die? Hua Jinzhi, still worried and angry at Leng Jiu for not protecting herself and getting hurt, maintained a cold expression the entire journey, not looking at her again.

Long Yi was furious about being injured but prioritized getting treated. He left two Ministry of Justice officials and a hundred guards behind and angrily announced the departure. If anyone felt the most at ease, it was probably Leng Jiu. Despite the attempt that nearly cost her life, it didn’t seem to affect her at all. For her, such attempts were as common as everyday meals, nothing surprising.


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The Enchanting Empress Dowager Is Really Poisonous Volume 1 Chapter 37 summary

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