The Enchanting Empress Dowager Is Really Poisonous Volume 2 Chapter 2 - Welfare of Hua Jinzhi

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Volume 2 Chapter 2 - Welfare of Hua Jinzhi

The Empress Dowager slapped the Concubine in front of the Emperor and all the other consorts. This news quickly spread throughout the palace, causing a stir among everyone. The rumors seemed to sprout wings, flying over the palace walls and reaching the ears of the officials! That night, the d.u.c.h.ess of Der was eager to enter the palace, but was stopped by the guards. Subsequently, a flood of memorials rolled into the Imperial Study, and by the next morning, the desk in the Imperial Study was piled high with these memorials, mostly accusing Long Yi or Leng Jiu in veiled terms.

Zi Yu quietly said, “Empress Dowager! Just now, Du Heng reported that more than half of the officials in court have submitted impeachment memorials. Although their language isn’t sharp, it has still greatly angered the Emperor. By morning, he overturned the desk in the Imperial Study and looked grim during the court a.s.sembly, scaring the officials into silence. The d.u.c.h.ess of Der spoke a few words, but the Emperor interrupted him and dismissed the court early without asking anything else!”

Leng Jiu, reclining on a soft couch, curled his lips and said lightly, “Let them impeach. It won’t cost me a piece of flesh. It’s just an opportunity for the Emperor to see how much the d.u.c.h.ess of Der is valued!”

The palace maids didn’t understand these words, but Zi Yu, who had been educated by her father and had read many books, understood more. She couldn’t help but ask, “Could it be that the d.u.c.h.ess of Der offended the Empress Dowager?”

Leng Jiu poked Kano’s bottom and said, “It’s not that the d.u.c.h.ess of Der offended me. It’s just that there’s a troublesome Concubine Hua, who makes me uncomfortable. Naturally, I don’t want to make things easy for her. As long as the Emperor still fears the d.u.c.h.ess of Der, even if the position of Empress is just a step away, she won’t have an easy time obtaining it!”

Zi Yu understood and thought, The Empress Dowager’s remarks yesterday were extreme and frightening, but they were all reasonable. Slapping Concubine Hua gave them the perfect excuse to impeach her. However, as the Empress Dowager, her position was unshakable. A mere slap wouldn’t cause the officials to act against her. On the other hand, the d.u.c.h.ess of Der exposed his influence due to his concern for his daughter, which might make the Emperor wary. Even if the Emperor eventually apologized, it would be a loss for him. The Empress Dowager, whether intentionally or unintentionally, had achieved her goal and stirred up the court’s turmoil without direct confrontation. 

Leng Jiu looked at Zi Yu and suddenly asked, “Where is Qiuxin?”

Zi Yu came back to her senses and smiled, “Yesterday you said she looked like a pig’s head. She hasn’t left her room since last night and has been having other maids bring her meals!”

Leng Jiu laughed softly, “Did she take it seriously?”

Zi Yu replied, “Of course! She has a simple nature and is thin-skinned. When you said she looked displeasing, she would avoid showing her face!”

“Fine! Let her stay alone and think things over. Don’t be like a child forever. In the palace, I can protect her, but there are limits!”

“After this lesson, she will understand,” Zi Yu added, “The maid you left behind is still kneeling at the door. How do you want to punish her?”

Leng Jiu lazily said, “She has knelt all night. That’s enough. Let her be sent back!”

Zi Yu knew that Leng Jiu only wanted to make a deterrent example and wasn’t truly harsh. She bowed slightly and said, “I’ll take care of it right away.”

As Zi Yu left, Leng Jiu lay back on the pillow, preparing to sleep, but suddenly noticed someone else in the room. A cool voice, mocking and teasing, said, “I didn’t know you still cared so much about the position of Empress!”

Leng Jiu opened her eyes and saw Hua Jinzhi, dressed in dazzling red-golden clothes, approaching against the light. After not seeing him for some time, he came in with a displeased expression. Leng Jiu said unkindly, “Are you here to avenge your sister?”

Hua Jinzhi sat down next to her with a scoff, “Why would I want to avenge her? She brought trouble upon herself. I just wanted to see if you were aggrieved. Who knew you’d be so at ease, and still thinking about the position of Empress!”

Leng Jiu was speechless, “Stop speaking in riddles. When did I care about the position of Empress?”

Hua Jinzhi angrily retorted, “If you don’t care, then why are you plotting to prevent her from getting it?”

Leng Jiu shot him a disdainful look, “Are you out of your mind? Do you not know where you’ve been hearing things? Why would I want to be Empress when I’m already the Empress Dowager? If it weren’t for your ‘kind and virtuous’ sister constantly creating trouble for me, I wouldn’t bother with her!”

Hua Jinzhi leaned in closer, his beautiful eyes staring intently at her, “You’re not really wanting the position of Empress?”

Leng Jiu, irritated, kicked him, “Get lost! Can’t you understand human language?”

Hua Jinzhi, startled by the kick, flared up but couldn’t hide the joy in his smile. He suddenly lunged at her, pretending to be fierce, “You’re making me angry. Do you believe I’ll eat you?”

Leng Jiu’s expression froze for a moment, then she smirked and said, “Let’s see who eats whom!”

Her slender arms wrapped around Hua Jinzhi’s neck, and with a deft move, she pulled him onto the soft couch. Without hesitation, she covered his lips with hers. Unlike their usual pa.s.sive and brief encounters, Leng Jiu’s lips were fiery, pa.s.sionately entwining with his, even depriving him of breath.

Her delicate hands, cool to the touch, lightly traced his cheek and Adam’s apple, sliding down his collarbone into his chest. Her touch was gentle and ticklish, making the places she touched instantly burn, like being set on fire. The heat and ticklish sensation went straight to his heart, leaving him bewildered yet unable to stop. In front of Leng Jiu, he felt as innocent as a child, surrendering to her and embracing her, savoring the pleasure she brought!

Seeing his pa.s.sionate response, Leng Jiu couldn’t help but feel an itch in her heart. If only the location were right, she would really want to devour him right then and there! She released his lips, letting him breathe, and lightly nibbled down his chin and jawline, causing him to make soft, helpless moans.

His clothes were already half torn off by Leng Jiu. She nibbled on his collarbone, applying some pressure. The pain and unusual sensation made Hua Jinzhi frown, looking both pained and delighted.

Leng Jiu smiled seductively and moved her hands around his well-toned abdomen, suddenly pressing downwards. Hua Jinzhi’s body tensed, and Leng Jiu covered his lips again, swallowing all his sounds. After a moment, she let him go, with a teasing smile, her voice slightly husky and seductive, “Feeling good?”

Hua Jinzhi took a long time to recover from the overwhelming pleasure, lying under Leng Jiu with a flushed face. Upon hearing her question, he snapped back to reality, feeling extremely embarra.s.sed, and glared at Leng Jiu fiercely. But he didn’t realize how tempting he looked, and his glare lacked any real power, instead appearing like a coquettish pout.

Leng Jiu gave him another kiss before withdrawing her hand, wiping it with a nearby handkerchief. Hua Jinzhi’s face turned red upon seeing the white cloth, making him look like a cooked shrimp!

Leng Jiu, with a mischievous smile, leaned close to his ear and whispered, “I didn’t know you had such potential. Tell me, how many times have you done this yourself, hmm?”

The final “hmm” was drawn out by Leng Jiu. Hua Jinzhi could no longer tolerate her teasing, abruptly sitting up from the couch and running away without looking back. Leng Jiu sat there, laughing with her brows arched, finding it all too pure and amusing!

Hua Jinzhi ran out of the Weiyang Palace, ran far, and stopped to cool off in the cold wind. The breeze on his chest made him realize his collar was wide open, so he quickly fixed his clothes. Yet, the feeling of her hand on his skin made his face flush again. He cursed silently, “d.a.m.n woman,” shaking his head, trying to push the recent events from his mind, but found himself unable to forget. He remembered every touch and kiss, and the feeling that nearly drove him mad, vividly and unmistakably.

Hua Jinzhi walked away, frustrated, feeling as though he was walking on cotton, everything seeming unreal. When he finally came to his senses, he had reached the palace gates. He remembered he was supposed to visit Hua Yuxuan, sighed in frustration, and turned back.

**Furui Palace!**

“Jinzhi! Jinzhi?” Hua Yuxuan, who had called out several times, looked puzzled and uncertain.

Hua Jinzhi regained his composure and managed to control his emotions, “I’ve noted everything you said. I

“Jinzhi! Jinzhi?” Hua Yuxuan called out repeatedly, looking puzzled and unsure.

Hua Jinzhi snapped back to reality and finally managed to compose himself. “I’ve noted everything you said. I’ll report to Father when I return. It’s getting late, so I’ll be going now.”

“Hey!” Hua Yuxuan looked at Hua Jinzhi’s departing figure with suspicion. “Did he really hear what I said?”

The maids at the side lowered their heads, not daring to answer.

Hua Yuxuan slapped the table and said, “Li De! Come in!”

The head eunuch of Furui Palace walked in with a feather duster and asked, “Your Highness, what can this servant do for you?”

Hua Yuxuan glared coldly and asked, “Where else did Jinzhi go after entering the palace?”

Li De thought for a moment and said, “It seems he went towards Weiyang Palace but didn’t actually arrive. Shortly after, he went to the palace gate, and it seemed he remembered something and came back.”

Hua Yuxuan slammed the things on the table in anger. “It’s that wretched woman again!”

Long Yi ignored the pile of memorials and the De Prince’s consort. That night, he turned over Hua Yuxuan’s placard and finally summoned her to his bedchamber!

Zi Yu carefully removed the Dan Keo from Leng Jiu’s hand and said with a smile, “The Empress Dowager has spent the night with the Emperor. It seems like the Emperor has given the De Prince’s family an explanation. This matter will likely be settled this way.”

Leng Jiu, eyes half-closed as if dozing, gently stroked Kano and, with a hint of mockery, said, “It’s clearly a matter of romantic entanglements, but in the imperial court, it’s turned into a duty and a bargaining chip. I wonder if Long Yi will be dispirited?”

Zi Yu, still a young girl despite her maturity, blushed at the comment. “Your Highness!”

Seeing her blush, Leng Jiu smiled and teased, “So, you’ve awakened to these matters too. You understand them now!”

Zi Yu, unable to tolerate the teasing, shot her a reproachful glance. “Your Highness, stop teasing me. I’m not talking to you anymore!”

“Alright, alright! I won’t tease you.”

Just then, Lu Chang entered. “Your Highness, Consort Hui requests an audience.”

Leng Jiu raised her brows slightly. “Let her in.”

Consort Hui, Zhao Yan, entered dressed in light red and knelt not far from Leng Jiu. “This servant greets the Empress Dowager!”

“Get up.”

“Thank you, Empress Dowager!”

Zhao Yan stood up, carefully observing Leng Jiu. However, Leng Jiu’s eyes were half-closed as if asleep, and she didn’t inquire about the reason for her visit. Zhao Yan, feeling unsure, took a couple of steps closer and asked, “Does the Empress Dowager know that the Consort is spending the night with the Emperor?”

Leng Jiu didn’t open her eyes and replied淡淡, “I know.”

“Then why does the Empress Dowager not stop it?” Zhao Yan’s tone was somewhat impatient.

Leng Jiu slightly opened her eyes. “Why should I stop it?”

Zhao Yan was at a loss for words and eventually managed, “She has just entered the palace as Consort and is now managing the six palaces. If she spends the night with the Emperor and bears a son, the position of Empress will naturally be hers!”

Leng Jiu laughed lightly. “She is already the designated Empress; sooner or later, that position will be hers. Besides, she has been in the palace for so long. It’s about time she spends the night with the Emperor.”

Zhao Yan became anxious. “Does the Empress Dowager intend to watch her become the Empress and take over?”

“What do you mean by that, Consort Hui?” Leng Jiu’s voice turned cold.

Zhao Yan s.h.i.+vered at Leng Jiu’s cold gaze and realized she had misspoken. “I didn’t mean anything by it! I just think that if she becomes the rightful ruler of the six palaces, it might threaten the Empress Dowager’s position!”

Leng Jiu sneered. “Has Consort Hui forgotten that I am the Empress Dowager? Even if she becomes Empress, as long as I wish, she will still have to perform morning and evening duties with me. How could she threaten my position? Is it possible for her to become an Empress Dowager herself?”

Zhao Yan had nothing more to say, so she lowered her head, looking unhappy.

“Leave now. I don’t want to hear any more of this!”

Zhao Yan hesitated, realizing Leng Jiu truly didn’t care, and left. “This servant takes her leave!”

Leng Jiu closed her eyes again, no longer looking at her.

When Zhao Yan was far away, Zi Yu said, “Consort Hui seems to be anxious, wanting the Empress Dowager to confront the Consort.”

“Just a woman who knows nothing but jealousy. She can’t make any big waves!” Leng Jiu said, her mood indifferent. She wasn’t interested in Zhao Yan’s issues, though she would face a significant setback later on.

That night, Hua Yuxuan’s matter pa.s.sed without further discussion, and everything returned to calm. However, the palace waters were no longer tranquil. There were more people than just Hua Yuxuan who were interested in the situation. Hua Yuxuan’s path to spend the night with the Emperor or bear a child would not be easy; the road ahead was still long!

The next day, Leng Jiu went out of the palace again. Although Long Yue Li no longer sought her, the construction project was progressing quickly. She needed to deal with some matters quickly, including the issue with Mo Yina.

Mo Yina was learning diligently and improving well. After their visit to the brothel and with Leng Jiu’s instruction, she had made some progress in the past few days. Though she still had a playful demeanor in front of Leng Jiu, she could quickly transform into the type of woman Leng Jiu desired.

Mo Yina was beautiful in a way distinct from Leng Jiu’s beauty. She had the exotic beauty of the borderlands: high nose bridge, deep-set eyes, and amber gaze, radiating an exotic charm. She hadn’t shown much beauty at first, but she had improved over these days. Although she was young, her body had developed well, and with time, she would certainly become an alluring figure. At that moment, despite her efforts to become enchanting, she still had a touch of youthful innocence, making her even more tempting.

After teaching Mo Yina some social skills, Leng Jiu went to the neighboring courtyard.

Mo Di, being a prince, had a broad range of skills and managed things efficiently. He had purchased nearby vacant houses, arranged people separately, and began training them according to Leng Jiu’s plan. Leng Jiu did not show herself directly but observed from a distance, nodding in slight approval. However, there were still areas for improvement that she would address later.

After leaving there, Leng Jiu intended to stroll around the outskirts but found herself stopping at the entrance of a pharmacy for some unknown reason.

“Miss, are you here for a consultation or to get medicine?” a young apprentice asked.

Leng Jiu came back to herself. “I’m looking for Dr. w.a.n.g. Is he here?”

“He is, but he is about to go on a house call. If you’re here for a consultation, you might want to find another doctor.”

“No need. I just want to speak with him briefly.”

“Then please follow me.”

The apprentice led Leng Jiu inside and found Dr. w.a.n.g, who was preparing medicine.

“Dr. w.a.n.g! This young lady is here to see you!”

Dr. w.a.n.g looked up, then suddenly realized, “I thought she looked familiar. So it’s you!”

Leng Jiu nodded. “Doctor, are you preparing medicine for the Prime Minister?”

Dr. w.a.n.g nodded and sighed. “Yes.”

“The doctor sounds concerned. Is the Prime Minister’s condition still not improving?” How many days has it been?

Dr. w.a.n.g turned back to prepare the medicine and said, “Not only is it not improving, but it got worse. He had started to recover and even woke up, but he caught a cold wind all night, causing another fever. I have to prepare new medicine. When dealing with such careless n.o.blemen, I don’t know what to do but try my best!”

Leng Jiu felt a pang of concern. Although she shouldn’t meddle with Gong Yu Wei, the situation seemed worse than she thought. “Does the doctor need an apprentice? I’d like to accompany you.”

“No!” Dr. w.a.n.g waved his hand. “The Prime Minister’s residence isn’t a place to visit casually. If something happens, I can’t bear the responsibility!”

“Don’t worry! I won’t cause any trouble. I just want to see him.”

Dr. w.a.n.g scrutinized Leng Jiu and finally asked, “Do you know the Prime Minister?”

Leng Jiu thought for a moment and said, “Sort of. I feel responsible for his illness. Although I can’t meet him directly, I want to see him.”

Dr. w.a.n.g understood immediately. The Prime Minister had been in a coma for days, holding a jade gourd, obviously given by someone important. This young lady, though dressed simply, had an air of n.o.bility and cared deeply about the Prime Minister’s condition. It seemed like a lover’s quarrel, so he chuckled and said, “Alright! Then please change into other clothes and accompany me.”

“Please keep it confidential.”

“Of course!” Dr. w.a.n.g agreed with a smile, feeling relieved. If this young lady was indeed someone important to the Prime Minister, her visit might be very helpful.

Dr. w.a.n.g quickly arrived at the Prime Minister’s residence with Leng Jiu. Someone immediately invited him inside. Leng Jiu, dressed as an apothecary’s a.s.sistant and carrying a bundle of herbs, followed behind. Others a.s.sumed she was merely Dr. w.a.n.g’s helper and did not pay much attention to her, allowing her to enter with him.

“Dr. w.a.n.g, you’ve arrived!” Uncle Xiang, who had come out from Gong Yuwei’s room, looked unsteady and had dark circles under his eyes, evidently having not slept well these past few days.

“Has the Prime Minister improved at all?”

Uncle Xiang shook his head. “It’s hardly improved. We just managed to bring the fever down using the doctor’s methods, but he is still unstable. Dr. w.a.n.g, please see what else can be done!”

Dr. w.a.n.g took the herbs from Leng Jiu and handed them to Uncle Xiang. “Please have these herbs decocted into five buckets of water and prepare a bath tub. This is for the Prime Minister’s bath. His body is too weak and he has too much cold qi; he must soak properly!”

Uncle Xiang promptly called a servant to prepare the herbs and followed them himself to ensure they were properly attended to.

“Doctor, please!” Inside the room, an elderly woman guarded the bed. She looked kindly and did not seem unpleasant.

Dr. w.a.n.g explained to Leng Jiu that the elderly woman was Gong Yuwei’s wet nurse, named Mother Fu. She treated the Prime Minister as her own son and was usually easy to get along with, but she became very strict when it came to the Prime Minister’s matters.

Leng Jiu smiled, acknowledging that she understood. It seemed Dr. w.a.n.g thought she had some special relations.h.i.+p with Gong Yuwei and was helping her out of that concern.

“Oh! Dr. w.a.n.g has brought an apothecary’s a.s.sistant today?” Mother Fu looked at Leng Jiu with a smile and asked casually.

Dr. w.a.n.g nodded, sighing. “I’m getting old and no longer as useful.”

Mother Fu withdrew her gaze. “Stop talking and go see the Prime Minister!”

Dr. w.a.n.g entered the room with his medicine box and expertly sat by the bed to check Gong Yuwei’s pulse. His expression grew troubled.

Mother Fu, seeing Dr. w.a.n.g’s serious demeanor, became anxious. “Doctor, is it more severe?”

Dr. w.a.n.g put Gong Yuwei’s hand back under the covers and signaled Mother Fu to step outside. “I will explain in detail outside.”

Mother Fu, worried about Gong Yuwei’s condition and seeing Dr. w.a.n.g’s grave face, hurriedly followed him outside.

Once they were far enough, Leng Jiu approached the bed. She could hardly believe her eyes—Gong Yuwei had become so emaciated in just a few days. His cheekbones and jawline were nearly protruding, his complexion was pale with a tinge of dark blue, and his lips were devoid of color.

At that moment, his eyelashes were lowered, and he was utterly still. He was neither cold nor shy, but seeing him like this deepened Leng Jiu’s guilt. She wasn’t sure if coming to see him was the right decision, but now that she was here, she couldn’t ignore him.

Her gaze fell on the hand resting on the blanket. It too was pale but tightly clutching the jade gourd, not letting go even in unconsciousness.

Leng Jiu rubbed her temples in frustration. “I really didn’t think I did anything wrong. Why did it result in such severe poisoning? I should have avoided provoking you!”

The hidden guards, initially on alert, understood who she was from her words and immediately withdrew their presence.

“Xiao Jiu!” Gong Yuwei seemed to have heard her, his brow furrowing slightly as he murmured hoa.r.s.ely.

Leng Jiu sighed helplessly and leaned closer to his ear. “Big Brother, you need to take your medicine properly. Xiao Jiu hopes you get better, or else I’ll be sad. Do you want to make Xiao Jiu sad?”

“Xiao Jiu!” Gong Yuwei murmured again, but his voice trailed off.

Hearing footsteps outside, Leng Jiu quickly moved to the corner, casting a cold glance at the hidden guards. “If you don’t want him to suffer any further, don’t tell him I was here.”

The guards understood she was addressing them and, surprised that she had detected their presence, nodded subtly.

After about an hour, Dr. w.a.n.g came out. Leng Jiu left a banknote with him, instructing him to send news to Mo Di when the time came, and then she left. She would check back in a few days.

While it was still early, Leng Jiu used a piece of jade as collateral to rent a horse and ride out of the city. Aside from the hunting trip at the imperial palace, this was her first time leaving the capital.

The area outside the capital was vast, but after crossing a few hills, she could see the small villages scattered around. Compared to the bustling city, this place seemed much simpler and more rustic.

Leng Jiu did not enter the village but stopped on a small hill with a clear view. Behind her was a forest, and ahead was the village, offering a panoramic view of the entire area.

She tethered her horse to a tree to graze and sat down herself. Looking up at the sky, the weather was pleasant—sunny but not too hot, with a gentle autumn breeze. It was perfect kite-flying weather. Indeed, Leng Jiu spotted several kites in the sky, decorated with b.u.t.terflies and swallows. A group of young ladies and young men in colorful attire were chasing the kites, getting closer to where Leng Jiu was.

Leng Jiu did not want to be seen by them, so she mounted her horse and headed towards the forest path. As she entered the woods, she sensed something was wrong—the air was thick with the scent of blood and death.

Turning her horse to leave, she was met with two arrows flying at her. She had to leap off her horse and roll to evade the deadly shots.

Hiding under a tree, she tried to conceal her presence and waited. Soon, she sensed someone approaching cautiously, each step taken carefully.

Leng Jiu held her breath, waiting silently. With swift movements, she sprang out and subdued the approaching figure in a series of precise actions: grabbing the weapon and holding it to the person’s neck.

“Miss?” The figure, a young man in his twenties, looked incredulously at Leng Jiu. His face was pale and tired, smeared with blood.

“Who are you?”

“I am Changqing, a close attendant to the General. Does Miss not remember me?”

“Leng Yue?”

“Yes, it’s me! The General was injured, and I thought it was an enemy attack when I saw someone coming. I nearly harmed you by mistake. Please forgive me!”

Seeing he didn’t seem to be lying, Leng Jiu slightly adjusted her sword. “Get up! Lead me there!”

Changqing, feeling aggrieved but not daring to argue, led Leng Jiu deeper into the woods. They found Leng Yue in a hollow. He had a sword wound on his hand and a poisoned dart in his shoulder, rendering him unconscious and displaying an abnormal bluish-purple hue on his face.

“Take him back first!”

Changqing stopped her. “Those people are the Emperor’s secret guards. They might be waiting in the capital for the General. If they find out he’s injured, they might take further action!”

Leng Jiu frowned. “Does Long Yi want to kill him?”

Changqing a.s.sumed Leng Jinghua still had feelings for Long Yi, so he spoke more harshly: “Miss, don’t think the Emperor is a good person. For the past three years, he has been relentlessly hunting the General, and on several occasions, the General was nearly killed. Although I don’t understand why he wants the General’s life so badly, he is definitely not a good person!”

“I know!” Leng Jiu said, helping Leng Yue up. “We need to find a place to stay in the village below. His injuries are severe, and he’s poisoned. We can’t delay!”

“The General’s injuries are too severe. He needs a good doctor. I cannot return to the city, so Miss, I hope you can go find one.”

Leng Jiu nodded. “You take him to the village ahead. I’ll find a doctor!”

Leng Jiu mounted her horse and quickly headed back to the city. Soon, she arrived at the pharmacy and burst in, finding Dr. w.a.n.g. “Doctor! Please help me save someone!”

Seeing Leng Jiu’s serious expression, Dr. w.a.n.g did not dare delay. “Who do you need to save?”

“You’ll know when you get there. He has sword wounds and poisoning. Move quickly!”

Dr. w.a.n.g hastily gathered some medicines and supplies into his medical box. Without hesitation, Leng Jiu dragged him onto the horse and rode off.

Changqing had left markers on the route. Leng Jiu followed the trail and soon found them. The hideout was an abandoned earthen house, well concealed and a good hiding place.

Dr. w.a.n.g realized from the blood trail and the long journey that this was no simple matter. However, as a compa.s.sionate healer, he quickly got to work, stopping the bleeding and bandaging Leng Yue’s wounds. The poison from the dart was not severe, and Dr. w.a.n.g managed to administer some high-quality antidote in time to save his life.

“Doctor! I’m afraid someone might have seen us when I took you out. It might be dangerous for you to return now, so you’ll have to stay here for the night,” Leng Jiu said apologetically.

Dr. w.a.n.g, understanding her urgency to save a life, didn’t make a fuss. “I understand your concern, Miss. Although this young master’s injuries are not severe, it is customary for me to stay the night. There’s no need to apologize.”

Leng Jiu instructed Changqing to keep watch and went to the village. Dressed plainly, she didn’t attract attention. She bought some food with silver coins and also purchased a medicine pot to bring back.

She handed the food to Changqing. “You must be starving. Eat and regain your strength.”

Changqing, indeed hungry, gratefully accepted. “Thank you, Miss!”

Leng Jiu gave another package to Dr. w.a.n.g and went to prepare water. Dr. w.a.n.g immediately stopped her. “Let me handle it!”

Seeing his insistence, Leng Jiu didn’t argue. She sat next to Leng Yue, pretending to rest, though she was actually very alert.

Dr. w.a.n.g administered the medicine to Leng Yue and told Changqing, “This young master is in good health. With the medicine, there shouldn’t be any major problems.”

Changqing knelt before Dr. w.a.n.g. “Thank you, Doctor!”

Dr. w.a.n.g quickly helped him up. “I’m just a doctor. You don’t need to bow so deeply!”

Changqing replied earnestly, “To me, a doctor is like a second parent, so this respect is well-deserved. If there’s ever anything you need, please let me know. I will certainly help!”

Dr. w.a.n.g waved his hand. Leng Jiu then opened her eyes and said quietly, “He is from the General’s residence. The person lying here is General Leng Yue. If the doctor has any issues, send someone to the General’s residence to inform them.”

Dr. w.a.n.g knew they were of high status but did not realize that Leng Yue was the current General. He remembered the Leng family had two siblings, but he hesitated to think further.

Leng Jiu knew Dr. w.a.n.g was trustworthy and didn’t mind him knowing their ident.i.ties. She was concerned that if Long Yi investigated, she might implicate the doctor. She mentioned their background to ensure he had a place to turn for protection if needed.

The three of them waited in silence as dusk fell, and night approached. For others, night might be an opportunity, but for them, it was a deadly threat.

Dr. w.a.n.g couldn’t sleep well, and Changqing was too anxious to rest. Only Leng Jiu maintained her position, feigning sleep but remaining vigilant.

Suddenly, Leng Jiu opened her eyes sharply. “Changqing! Take Dr. w.a.n.g to a villager’s house to hide!”

Realizing the urgency in Leng Jiu’s voice, Changqing was alarmed. “Have they come? I can’t leave you and the General!”

Leng Jiu gave him a cold look, her voice leaving no room for argument. “This is an order!”

As Changqing hesitated, Leng Jiu drew Leng Yue’s sword and placed it against his throat. “If you don’t go, I’ll kill him now!”

Changqing, wanting to argue that Leng Yue was her brother, saw her resolute expression and felt it was justified. He quickly helped Dr. w.a.n.g up. “We need to leave now!”

Dr. w.a.n.g, realizing something was wrong, was deeply grateful for Leng Jiu’s consideration. “Miss, be careful!”

Once Changqing and Dr. w.a.n.g had left, Leng Jiu helped Leng Yue onto the horse. After some difficulty, she mounted and rode out of the village. At a crossroad, she dismounted, using a hairpin to make the horse gallop away in pain. She then took Leng Yue into the gra.s.s to hide.

The autumn night was bright, but mosquitoes were still a problem, especially in this desolate area. Leng Jiu was bitten badly but couldn’t move. She had to wait. Her instincts told her that the pursuers were close, and she hoped they would catch up. Although Dr. w.a.n.g’s life wasn’t crucial to her, she didn’t want innocent people to suffer, especially those who had helped her.

After a long wait, just as Leng Jiu was about to lose patience, a group of ten or so men in black appeared, their attire and murderous aura similar to those who had been tracking her. Leng Jiu concealed her presence and covered Leng Yue’s mouth and nose. The scent of blood was masked by the medicine, and in the open wilderness, they were unlikely to detect them.

“Pursue!” The men saw the hoof prints and quickly followed, disappearing from view.

Leng Jiu remained still, continuing to wait. Soon, the ten men returned, cursing and heading down another path. Leng Jiu sighed with relief and helped Leng Yue up, following the direction where the horse had run.

Having been crouching for so long, her legs were weak. After taking a few steps, her legs gave way, and both of them fell into the gra.s.s, with Leng Yue on top of her. Leng Jiu’s back hit two stones, causing her to wince in pain. She was sure she would have bruises.

“Today is really unlucky. I should have stayed home. I’ve gotten involved with a jinx like you!” Leng Jiu grumbled, trying to push Leng Yue off, but…

Despite several attempts, she couldn’t move him and found it strange. She looked up to see eyes darker and colder than the night, staring directly at her, as if trying to see through her.

Leng Jiu, usually fearless, felt uneasy under his gaze. However, the pain in her back was more pressing, and she snapped, “If you’re awake, get up yourself. Don’t lie on top of me. It’s painful!”

Leng Yue looked at her for a long time before finally murmuring, “You’re not Jinghua!”

Leng Jiu looked up at him and suddenly gave a dazzling smile. However, the smile was somewhat eerie, almost through gritted teeth, as she said, “Leng Yue , my back is pressed against a stone and is almost pierced through. If you have any conscience, get off me now, or I’ll skin you alive!”

Leng Yue  was stunned. Did he just hear those vulgar words from the person in front of him? He awkwardly started to move, but Leng Jiu was in so much pain that his slow movements only aggravated her. With a swift kick, she sent Leng Yue  rolling into the gra.s.s, where he tumbled all the way down.

A group of people hurried over—Changqing, who had met up with the General’s household for a.s.sistance!

Leng Jiu climbed out of the gra.s.s, her back aching so much that she felt an impulse to kick Leng Yue  a few more times!

“Miss, where is the General?” Changqing asked eagerly upon seeing Leng Jiu.

Leng Jiu pointed behind her. “Down there. Go see if he’s still alive!”

Changqing quickly took two men and went down to find the General, who was finally located in a gra.s.s-filled ditch. However, if he wasn’t mistaken, there was a large footprint on the General’s chest…

Leng Jiu grabbed a horse and rushed back to the city, while Changqing hurriedly brought Leng Yue  back as well. Fearing for Dr. w.a.n.g’s safety, Changqing had him stay at the General’s residence, where Leng Jiu met him to tend to her injuries.

Dr. w.a.n.g was somewhat reluctant, as Leng Jiu was a woman. But seeing her serious injuries, he took scissors to cut open her back and applied medicine.

When Leng Yue  returned, he was already in good shape. The poison had been neutralized, and although he looked pale, he was not in serious danger. Upon entering his room, he saw Dr. w.a.n.g treating Leng Jiu, her back covered in red and torn flesh. Leng Yue  felt a pang of guilt. Changqing had informed him of the day’s events, and he realized that if not for Leng Jiu, he would have been in grave danger. Although he still had doubts about her, he could not express them now.

Dr. w.a.n.g carefully treated Leng Jiu’s wounds and, admiring her resilience, noted that even a man would have cried out in pain from such injuries. Despite this, Leng Jiu had returned without a single complaint, showing commendable fort.i.tude.

“Medicine is applied. Remember not to touch water. I will bring more medicine tomorrow. Change the dressing every three days. Only bathe after the wounds have scabbed over. For now, it’s best to sleep on your stomach to prevent scarring,” Dr. w.a.n.g said kindly.

“Yes, I understand. Thank you, Doctor,” Leng Jiu replied obediently.

Dr. w.a.n.g smiled warmly. “No trouble at all. Take care, and if you need anything, just let them know.”

After Dr. w.a.n.g left, Leng Jiu moved to the bed, disdaining the hard wooden planks and covering it with a quilt. Exhausted from the day’s trials, she lay down, her weariness making her almost fall asleep immediately.

Leng Yue , seeing her lying down, finally moved. He approached her and noticed she was lying on his bed, her back bare. Frowning, he said, “Go sleep in the next room. This is my bed!”

Leng Jiu didn’t even lift her eyelids, disdainfully replying, “Do you think I care about your bed? I’m just too lazy to move. Besides, it’s an honor for you that I’m sleeping here. Now let me sleep; stay as far away as possible!”

Leng Yue ’s face darkened. Yet, seeing her injured back, he couldn’t bring himself to argue. Deciding not to confront her tonight out of grat.i.tude for saving his life, he left.

“General!” Changqing, seeing Leng Yue  out, was surprised. “Aren’t you going back to rest?”

“I’m sleeping in the side room tonight,” Leng Yue  said with a serious expression. Then he stopped and added, “Send two quilts to my room. Make sure a maid takes them.”

“Ah?” Changqing, realizing the implications, wondered if Leng Jiu had occupied the General’s bed, leaving the General displaced.

Leng Yue  went to the side room, which was furnished similarly to his own, but he couldn’t sleep. He called out, and a person emerged from the shadows.


“Where is Qing Ling?”

“She is still in the dark room.”

“Have her disguise as the young miss and stay in the palace for two days. Publicly, claim the Empress Dowager has caught a cold.”


“Tell her that the lives of the Qing family depend on her. If she makes another mistake, she will be held accountable.”


Unable to sleep, Leng Yue  wandered outside, aimlessly walking until he found himself at Cold Jinghua’s courtyard. He realized he hadn’t visited in a long time. When he tried to return to his original room, he remembered his bed was occupied by Leng Jiu!

A maid approached and greeted him.

Leng Yue  hesitated before asking, “Is she… sleeping well?”

The maid looked troubled. “The young miss keeps kicking off the quilt. I covered her once, but she kicked it off again, and I’m afraid to cover her more because of her back injuries.”

Leng Yue  waved his hand. “Forget it. You can go rest.”


After the maid left, Leng Yue  stood at the door for a long time before opening it. He entered the room, lit a lamp, and walked to the bed. Leng Jiu was still lying on her stomach, obviously uncomfortable with her position. Despite being asleep, her brow was tightly furrowed. However, she remained still, earning Leng Yue ‘s admiration.

Her back was exposed, and though the bleeding had stopped, the wounds were still raw. Leng Yue  touched her icy skin, knowing that sleeping like this could cause her to catch a cold.

He gently covered her with a blanket, but as soon as he did, Leng Jiu started kicking it off, just as the maid had described. Her face showed dissatisfaction, and Leng Yue ‘s brow twitched. He covered her again, threatening, “If you keep kicking the blanket, you’ll sleep on the floor!”

Leng Jiu didn’t seem to hear him but merely s.h.i.+fted her feet, not kicking the blanket off this time.

Leng Yue  smiled involuntarily, finding it amusing that someone of her stature could act like a child. Suddenly, he stopped smiling and studied Leng Jiu’s face. It was a face he knew well, one he had watched grow and express various emotions. Yet, upon seeing her now, he felt a strange unfamiliarity.

He reached to touch behind her ear, feeling the smooth, soft skin. The face was real, but the person seemed different. He absently rubbed the eagle-wing ring on his finger, a habit he had when unsettled.

“Who are you really?”

A sigh floated in the air…


Here comes the second update! Don’t miss the first one either, dear readers! I think this chapter is quite substantial, especially with the perks included. Feel free to leave a comment, and finally, our main character has some progress! Haha!

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The Enchanting Empress Dowager Is Really Poisonous Volume 2 Chapter 2 - Welfare of Hua Jinzhi summary

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