Trash of the Count's Family Book 2: Chapter 227: No. I don't know anything (10)

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Book 2: Chapter 227: No. I don't know anything (10)

– Human, Rasheel liked that.

As Raon mentioned, Rasheel clearly seemed happy at Cale calling him reliable.


Cale looked to his left and right. Clopeh and Hannah… The two of them were standing there without saying anything.

There was a reason he purposely brought the two of them here.

Raon seemed to think he brought them to cause a s.h.i.+tshow, but there was a different person.

‘I brought them to see whether the two of them are able to fight while under my aura.’

The original plan was for Clopeh and Hannah to take turns defending Cale and fighting against Knight Captain Zenyu.

‘I didn't expect Rasheel to suddenly barge in.’

He also didn't expect Rasheel to pummel that guy so easily.

– Hmph.

The Dominating Aura snorted.

– It’s to be expected. He was completely destroyed in attribute.

Zenyu’s Fighting and Rasheel's Indomitability…

Zenyu’s attribute was an extremely good attribute based on how it was used, but it could not do anything in front of Rasheel's Indomitability.

Two similar attributes had gone up against one another but Zenyu couldn't even fight back properly.


Cale suddenly had a thought.

But he could not share that thought out loud.

“So weak.”


Cale turned, thinking that someone had read his mind.

He could see Hannah's eyes sparkling under the hood.

“Hey, I thought you said you would let me fight to my heart’s content. Why are they all so weak?”

He then heard Raon's voice in his mind.

– Human! Hannah’s eyes have gone crazy! Why did that happen?

‘I don’t know.’

Cale slowly avoided Hannah's gaze.

The Holy Empire was said to be the strongest nation in Aipotu.

Their First Knights Brigade was said to be their strongest force.

They believed these Dragon half-bloods would be strong, but-

‘Not as strong as we expected.’

Between Wei, Nine, and even this guy-

‘…They are all too weak compared to our Dragon half-blood?

Of course, our Dragon half-blood who is now a Bone Dragon is not a proper half-blood. He wasn’t born between a Dragon and a human, he is closer to a chimera.

Furthermore, our Dragon half-blood is a b.a.s.t.a.r.d who started with the Dragon Lord's child and consumed the hearts of multiple Dragons.


Cale suddenly flinched.

‘What the h.e.l.l?

Why am I calling the Dragon half-blood our Dragon half-blood?’

He was surprised at his thought. But he still felt as if something needed to be done.

‘I need to quickly agree to a name for him.’

He felt as if he called the Dragon half-blood ‘our’ Dragon half-blood as without a name, it got confusing with these other Dragon half-bloods.

‘Anyway, they are still too weak.’

The First Knights Brigade that was full of Dragon half-bloods…

Were they truly the Holy Empire’s strongest force?

‘I'll need to look into it a bit.’

Cale organized his thoughts and started to speak.

They needed to knock these Dragon half-bloods, who could not do anything in front of Rasheel, unconscious and take them back.

‘They have information.’

However, Cale could not say anything.


One of the Dragon half-bloods, who could not speak properly because of Dragon Fear, opened her mouth.

She was one of the third generation Dragon half-bloods.

"Why oh esteemed Dragon, are you protecting a human?”

She truly looked confused.

But n.o.body answered her.

Cale spoke as if he was deaf and couldn't hear anything she said.

“Rasheel-nim, shall we take them all and go back now?”

Rasheel peeked at him and Cale smiled as he complimented Rasheel.

“You truly are reliable, Rasheel-nim.”


Rasheel snorted before responding.

“It’ll take long if I leave it to you punks so I will do it!”


The third generation Dragon half-blood screamed again.

Rasheel looked toward her.

“Why is a great and mighty Dragon like yourself following the orders of a lowly human? Why?!”

She truly could not believe it.

Nothing she had seen, heard, or experienced since birth had such a situation as this.

“A Dragon listening to a human, this, this! This will do terrible harm toward the existence of Dragons-”

A fist came flying.



Her chin was struck by Rasheel’s punch and flung back.

She had never felt such pain in her life.

She felt as if she would tear up. She barely managed to turn her head to look at the Dragon that hit her.

She then flinched.


The way the Dragon quietly looked down at her…

This was definitely a Dragon.

The way he was looking down at her as if he didn’t even want to chat with her…

Dragons looked at Dragon half-bloods like this despite the half-bloods having their blood.

Of course, there were some Dragons that chatted gently with them, but a lot of them didn’t even want to talk to the Dragon half-bloods.

She was someone who thought they did this because they had ‘complete greatness’ and ‘pure blood.’

“How annoying.”

That was why the Dragon looking at her with contempt made her feel at peace.

However, her eyes opened wide at what he said next.

Rasheel spoke in an extremely annoyed tone.

“Where the f.u.c.k did this extremely narrow-minded idiot come from?”

‘What? Narrow-minded?’

The Dragon half-blood shouted in disbelief.

“Narrow-minded?! This is the truth and a fact of life!”

Despite being scored by some Dragons, having their blood allowed this Dragon half-blood to grow up with support.

She felt a sense of duty right now.

This was a great chance for her to share the truth with this Dragon in front of her.

That was why she started speaking again.

“The esteemed Dragons are the ones maintaining this broken world that even the G.o.ds have abandoned!”

Her voice echoed through the desolate field of snow.

“Dragons are G.o.ds!”

Another Dragon half-blood caught his breath as that happened.

He calmed himself.

It was the Dragon half-blood who received Zenyu’s gaze earlier.

‘This is the only chance.’

While this crazy brigade member was chattering away against the Dragon…

‘I need to do something.’

He needed to do something right now.

He thought about what he could do.

‘Teleportation will not work.’

Something that large will be caught by that Dragon.

‘I should be able to use mana for an extremely short period of time.’

As he uses a spell and that Dragon realizes it…

A spell or mana fluctuation that can finish in that instant should be fine.

‘…We must inform the Empire about this situation.’

He looked around.

Two third generation Dragon half-bloods other than Nine and Wei… One was in a state of panic and spewing nonsense while the other had a blank look on his face.

It was probably because they had never experienced something like this before.

He then made eye contact with another first generation Dragon half-blood. He slightly nodded his head.

‘Yes. This is the only thing I can do.’

The other guy seemed to figure out his intentions as well.

That made him come to a conclusion.

There was only one thing for him to do.

‘Overload is the only option.’

Dragon half-bloods had a last ace up their sleeves called overload.


That always ended with death.


The first and second generation Dragon half-bloods knew something the third and fourth generation Dragon half-bloods did not know.

It was about overload.

They would overload the Dragon blood inside their bodies to gain an extremely strong power. However, it resulted in death.

That dangerous power…

‘I have no choice.’

The Dragon half-blood decided to use that power.

Unlike the second and third generations whose loyalties were shallow, the first generations were extremely loyal to the Empire and the Church.

‘This is for the Empire. This is for the laws of the world.’

The Dragons and the church were the ones to save this world from chaos.

He heard the chattering third generation Dragon half-blood's voice at that moment.

“It is only natural for humans to wors.h.i.+p our G.o.ds, the Dragons!”

‘Crazy b.a.s.t.a.r.d.’

He couldn’t help but laugh. But he held himself back from laughing.

Boom. Boom.

His heart was beating fast.

‘If I overload-’

And he dies…

“The Central Temple will find out.’

A system was set up for the Central Temple to immediately learn of a Dragon half-blood's death.

‘Especially if I die I overload-’

The highest grade alert, Red Alert, or the one right under it, Green Alert, will come up.

‘That alone should be helpful to the Church.’

Boom. Boom.

He felt his beating heart again.

Most of the first generation Dragon half-bloods were dead.

Only a few of them remained.

‘I guess this is how I die.’

He would die today as well.

He was feeling anxious.

It was fear of death and loyalty toward the church. And-

‘I need to avoid that Dragon finding out.’

He needed to hide from that Dragon while instantly overloading.

There was only one way to do that.

‘…Destroy the jewel.’


This was talking about the sparkling crystal on the right chest of a Dragon half-blood.

The moment he destroyed this beautiful crystal that was proof that he had Dragon blood inside him, the Dragon blood in his body would overload.

‘Pierce it instantly with mana.’

He looked around.

“This world will only be in balance when we follow the rules of the world the Dragons have created!”

Everyone’s gaze was focused on the third generation Dragon half-blood spewing the church’s creed.

Even the Dragon was looking at her.

He seemed to want to hear what she had to say.


He slowly moved his hand toward his right chest.

‘Do it in an instant.

Gather mana in my hand and instantly pierce the jewel and my body.’

That was all he needed to do.

His hands were shaking.

He was thinking about attacking himself.

However, his mind calmed down.

‘Everything is for the laws of this world.’

He said one of the church’s creeds before looking at the Dragon and tightening his right hand.

‘Gather mana.

Kill myself first before that Dragon makes a move.’

It was at that moment.

“It’s overload!”

His heart sank down.

The Dragon half-blood's eyes opened wide.

Someone had shouted about overload.

He turned his head toward the direction of the noise.

“A Dragon half-blood might overload!”

It was the Haru Kingdom's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bailey.

She stared at him and shouted.

“If a Dragon half-blood dies from overload, the Church will be informed!”

The Dragon half-blood subconsciously opened his mouth.

“That, how does a lowly creature like you-”

Know about that?

Bailey smiled at the Dragon half-blood who could not finish his sentence.

Her smile looked more regretful than happy.

Bailey shouted in her mind.

‘It’s not like we’ve been doing nothing!’

The Haru Kingdom had been doing everything it could to gather information.

Since they were unable to properly arm themselves under the Empire’s watch, they thought that they should at least have information. They gathered any and all information possible.

One of them had this information.

How many informants had sacrificed their lives for this?

However, that information had been helpful like this.

It had not been for nothing.

Bailey was smiling at that fact.

She did so while looking at the Dragon half-blood, who scowled and looked despondent while facing her.


She heard a calm voice at that moment.

The Dragon half-blood flinched after hearing a voice right next to him.

‘When did this person get here?’

He didn’t know who was approaching him.

He slowly turned his head.

The firm and calm voice that oddly made you feel like the speaker was trustworthy continued to speak.

“I thought you were acting weird so I was keeping an eye on you. But overload? We can’t have that, now can we?”

The white-haired green-eyed man was looking down at the Dragon half-blood.

He looked holy for some reason.

He even wondered if this guy was a priest.

That man calmly smiled.

He then commented.

“We can’t let any variable come up on the path of our most revered.”

‘Most revered?’

Before the Dragon half-blood could even wonder about that phrase, and before the Dragon half-blood could properly hear the white-haired man's words…


His hand that had been trying to pierce his right chest…

That wrist was sliced off and fell to the ground.


His hand fell to the snow and scattered red blood all around.

As the Dragon half-blood watched this completely unrealistic situation that made him unable to feel the pain or even say anything…

The white-haired man, Clopeh, smiled as he looked at Cale.

Clopeh had said that they could not allow any variables to appear on the path of their most revered.

“Isn’t that right, sir?”

Cale was at a loss for words for a different reason.

“Crazy b.a.s.t.a.r.d.”

Cale almost subconsciously nodded his head at Hannah’s comment before barely managing to hold himself back.

“Let’s knock all of them unconscious for now.”

He then walked toward the Haru Kingdom's people in the subjugation squad.

“You must be Bailey, yes?”

Cale spoke gently and extended his hand. Bailey grabbed his hand to stand up.

She looked at the red-haired man looking back at her and thought to herself.


She thought that she might be a part of the start of something amazing.

Maybe there would be a chance to change the laws of this world one more time.

An unexplainable sense of antic.i.p.ation made her heart, which she felt was old and useless at this point, beat wildly again.

* * *

Cale offered some warm tea to Bailey, who was seated across from him.

Bailey accepted the tea and asked with a confused look on her face.

“Umm, sir, did you say that you don’t know anything?”

Cale gently answered.

“Yes, ma’am. I don't know anything.”

He simply spoke the truth.

But sternly.

“The Archduke's House of Snow? I’ve never heard of such a house and I don’t know anything. I really don’t know anything at all. That house has nothing to do with me whatsoever. There isn't even the tiniest speck of connection between us.”

Cale thought he should solidify the truth right now because he felt as if he would receive this question over and over.

“…I, I see.”

His extremely firm denial made Bailey completely certain.

‘They say that strong denial is a form of acceptance.

I'm sure that this red-haired man is related to the Archduke's House of Snow!’

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Trash of the Count's Family Book 2: Chapter 227: No. I don't know anything (10) summary

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