I Favor The Villainess Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

“Then, Claire-sama . First try putting your face under water surface”
“Absolutely do not let go of your hands!? Absolutely, you hear!?”

She has a heroic expression, but what’s she saying is awfully immature .
Yes yes, I urged Claire-sama with a nod .

Claire-sama and I came to a beach near my house .
Pure white sandy beach and emerald green sea are spreading out, it’s a sight that basically can’t be seen in j.a.pan on Earth .
I’d like to go swimming right away, but that’s impossible until Claire-sama learns how to swim .

And that’s why, I’m giving Claire-sama a swimming lesson .
I confirmed how much of a novice Claire-sama is at swimming, and it turned out she can’t hold her face underwater .
After admiring Claire-sama who’s afraid of water for a while, I told her to first put her face underwater .
With an expression that showed preparedness for death as if she was about to jump off the Kiyomizu-dera temple stage1, she brought her face underwater―― .


She raised her face after only three seconds .

“How was it!? I held it properly just now!”
“You’re right . Now hold it for about ten seconds”
“Wha!? You are demanding something so advanced from the beginning!?”
“No, it’s not at all advanced”

Like this, it’s impossible to reach a point where we can go swimming today, I thought .

By the way, although we are in a shallow water, since we’ve come to the sea both Claire-sama and I are wearing swimsuits .
Claire-sama is wearing a deep red bikini swimsuit with a white pareo wrapped around her .
With her exceptional proportions, Claire-sama who’s wearing it looks truly like a fas.h.i.+on model .

In this world, that should resembles medieval Europe, the swimsuits are modernistic, it’s probably because the game developers were modern j.a.panese .
If they used unfas.h.i.+onable medieval swimsuits, surely complaints from the players would come rolling in .
However, it was an otome game to begin with, so men’s swimsuits are more pa.s.sionate than women’s .

But as there are no men here, it’s an irrelevant story .

“Let’s aim for ten seconds next”
“Kh… Very well . There is nothing impossible for this Miss Perfect me”

Saying so, again oozing with a heroic resolution Claire-sama put her face underwater .
It’s fine either way, but it’s just putting your face underwater?

“Haahh! How many seconds was that!?”
“It was five seconds”
“Kh… How difficult… How in the world can anyone manage such a feat…”
“No, almost everyone can do it!?”

Claire-sama so far has a poor affinity with water .
I wonder if it’s connected to her fire attribute apt.i.tude .
Is it not .

“I want to take a break for a moment”
“What’s that!? You’ve only put your face underwater twice!?”
“Isn’t it enough . If I can hold my face underwater for five seconds, I will be able to swim before long”
“You won’t!?”

My objection was in vain, and we took a break from the swimming practice .

“Rei-chan, Claire-sama . I brought a boxed lunch”

Looking in the direction of the voice, there was my mother waving her hand while holding a basket in the other .
In a swimsuit .

Mother is wearing a black one-piece swimsuit .
There are two white lines on the sides .

That’s to say, it’s a school swimsuit .

I wonder about wearing a school swimsuit in your thirties .
Whether it’s acceptable or not, normally you would say it’s not, but as I mentioned before, my mother looks very youthful .

Whether it’s acceptable or not, normally you would say it’s not, but as I mentioned before, my mother looks very youthful .
Because she doesn’t appear as anything but an ordinary high school student, it may be deemed acceptable .

“The timing is just right . Incidentally, I was thinking of taking a break right now”

Claire-sama wiped her body with a towel I handed her and spoke .

“Is that so . How many meters can you swim now? For Claire-sama, hundred meters should be no problem?”

Mother asked with a smile holding no ill will .
She doesn’t have ill will .
There is no ill will .

“Let, let’s see… About that much”

Liar .

“Fufu, as expected . Ah, here is the lunch . I tried making sandwiches”

Mother removed the cloth covering the basket, there were canteens and sandwiches packed inside .

“Thank you”

Claire-sama expressed grat.i.tude with a stiff face .
I guess she’s uneasy it won’t suit her tastes .

“It’s okay, Claire-sama”

I whispered in Claire-sama’s ear .

“I suggested today’s sandwiches be made with mayonnaise and mustard”
“! Well done!”

The good thing about mayonnaise is that while the recipe is crazy, the ingredients themselves can be obtained by commoners .
Although the flavor may become monotonous, as long as there’s mayonnaise in the sandwich, it won’t be inedible .

Although the flavor may become monotonous, as long as there’s mayonnaise in the sandwich, it won’t be inedible .

“Please, take a bite”

With that, mother held out a sandwich to Claire-sama .
Looking nervous, Claire-sama took a bite .

“! It is delicious!”
“My my my my . I’m relieved”

The mayonnaise tactic seems to have worked, with this flavor Claire-sama is now able to eat .

“This mayonnaise condiment is truly delicious . Rei-chan, is this what’s popular in the capital?”
“Yup . It’s a condiment originating from a restaurant called Blume . It seems it’s been received favorably among n.o.bles”
“I see . To know a condiment used in such high-cla.s.s cooking, Rei-chan was taken to a nice place by Claire-sama”
“…? I wonder if that is so?”

Of course, I won’t say I brought mayonnaise to this world .

“Even so, Claire-sama is absolutely lovely . I wonder if that swimsuit is what’s in fas.h.i.+on in the capital”
“It is haute couture . This cloth wrapped around my waist is called pareo, it is in fas.h.i.+on this year”
“Haa… Wonderful”
“Mother, calm down . If your bad habit happens now, it will be awful for Claire-sama”

Claire-sama hugged her body in panic and drew back .

“I understand that… You’re mean, Rei-chan . Even so, Rei-chan’s swimsuit is… Haa…”
“Hey, could not sigh?”

I was silent about it because I didn’t want to say it, but my swimsuit is the same as mother’s .
Apparently, in this world these are commoners’ swimsuits .

“Although both are wearing swimsuits, mother’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s are so much more abundant, Rei is…”
“Please don’t say it . For the love of G.o.d”

My figure is ordinary, it’s the fate of an otome game protagonist .
“Please don’t say it . For the love of G.o.d”

My figure is ordinary, it’s the fate of an otome game protagonist .
No, it’s not bad .
You could it’s well-proportioned .
However, there are two types of what’s called “excellent figure” .
For women it’s the well-balanced fas.h.i.+on model figure, and for men it’s the ideal gravure model figure .
Because I’m an otome game protagonist, I have an excellent figure that’s women’s preference .
As a result, I have slender proportions, contrasted with Claire-sama’s sharp figure and mother’s voluptuous figure, I will inevitably look poor .
Myself, I don’t dislike this slender figure .

“Since I’m in the growth period, I will grow big from now”
“Well, do your best”
“Do not look at me with compa.s.sionate eyes!?”

While we were frolicking―― .


Suddenly clouds hid the sun, and something like chilly air drifted here .
Before we noticed, the surrounding were enveloped by fog .
This is… fog made with magical power…?

“!? Rei, look!”

Claire-sama said in sharp voice .
Looking in the direction she pointed at, beyond the fog, a tattered sailing s.h.i.+p could be seen coming towards the sh.o.r.e here .

“That is… a ghost… s.h.i.+p…?”

Mother’s dumbfounded voice reflected what I saw .

1) Kiyomizu-dera temple 


“Then, Claire-sama . First try putting your face under water surface”. “Absolutely do not let go of your hands!? Absolutely, you hear!?”.

She has a heroic expression, but what’s she saying is awfully immature Yes yes, I urged Claire-sama with a nod

Claire-sama and I came to a beach near my house Pure white sandy beach and emerald green sea are spreading out, it’s a sight that basically can’t be seen in j.a.pan on Earth I’d like to go swimming right away, but that’s impossible until Claire-sama learns how to swim

And that’s why, I’m giving Claire-sama a swimming lesson I confirmed how much of a novice Claire-sama is at swimming, and it turned out she can’t hold her face underwater After admiring Claire-sama who’s afraid of water for a while, I told her to first put her face underwater With an expression that showed preparedness for death as if she was about to jump off the Kiyomizu-dera temple stage1, she brought her face underwater――


She raised her face after only three seconds

“How was it!? I held it properly just now!”. “You’re right . Now hold it for about ten seconds”. “Wha!? You are demanding something so advanced from the beginning!?”. “No, it’s not at all advanced”.

Like this, it’s impossible to reach a point where we can go swimming today, I thought

By the way, although we are in a shallow water, since we’ve come to the sea both Claire-sama and I are wearing swimsuits Claire-sama is wearing a deep red bikini swimsuit with a white pareo wrapped around her With her exceptional proportions, Claire-sama who’s wearing it looks truly like a fas.h.i.+on model

In this world, that should resembles medieval Europe, the swimsuits are modernistic, it’s probably because the game developers were modern j.a.panese If they used unfas.h.i.+onable medieval swimsuits, surely complaints from the players would come rolling in However, it was an otome game to begin with, so men’s swimsuits are more pa.s.sionate than women’s But as there are no men here, it’s an irrelevant story

“Let’s aim for ten seconds next”. “Kh… Very well . There is nothing impossible for this Miss Perfect me”.

Saying so, again oozing with a heroic resolution Claire-sama put her face underwater It’s fine either way, but it’s just putting your face underwater?.

“Haahh! How many seconds was that!?”. “It was five seconds”. “Kh… How difficult… How in the world can anyone manage such a feat…”. “No, almost everyone can do it!?”.

Claire-sama so far has a poor affinity with water I wonder if it’s connected to her fire attribute apt.i.tude Is it not

“I want to take a break for a moment”. “What’s that!? You’ve only put your face underwater twice!?”. “Isn’t it enough . If I can hold my face underwater for five seconds, I will be able to swim before long”. “You won’t!?”.

My objection was in vain, and we took a break from the swimming practice

“Rei-chan, Claire-sama . I brought a boxed lunch”.

Looking in the direction of the voice, there was my mother waving her hand while holding a basket in the other In a swimsuit

Mother is wearing a black one-piece swimsuit There are two white lines on the sides

That’s to say, it’s a school swimsuit

I wonder about wearing a school swimsuit in your thirties Whether it’s acceptable or not, normally you would say it’s not, but as I mentioned before, my mother looks very youthful Because she doesn’t appear as anything but an ordinary high school student, it may be deemed acceptable

“The timing is just right . Incidentally, I was thinking of taking a break right now”.

Claire-sama wiped her body with a towel I handed her and spoke

“Is that so . How many meters can you swim now? For Claire-sama, hundred meters should be no problem?”.

Mother asked with a smile holding no ill will She doesn’t have ill will There is no ill will

“Let, let’s see… About that much”.


“Fufu, as expected . Ah, here is the lunch . I tried making sandwiches”.

Mother removed the cloth covering the basket, there were canteens and sandwiches packed inside

“Thank you”.

Claire-sama expressed grat.i.tude with a stiff face I guess she’s uneasy it won’t suit her tastes

“It’s okay, Claire-sama”. “?”.

I whispered in Claire-sama’s ear

“I suggested today’s sandwiches be made with mayonnaise and mustard”. “! Well done!”.

The good thing about mayonnaise is that while the recipe is crazy, the ingredients themselves can be obtained by commoners Although the flavor may become monotonous, as long as there’s mayonnaise in the sandwich, it won’t be inedible

“Please, take a bite”.

With that, mother held out a sandwich to Claire-sama Looking nervous, Claire-sama took a bite

“! It is delicious!”. “My my my my . I’m relieved”.

The mayonnaise tactic seems to have worked, with this flavor Claire-sama is now able to eat

“This mayonnaise condiment is truly delicious . Rei-chan, is this what’s popular in the capital?”. “Yup . It’s a condiment originating from a restaurant called Blume . It seems it’s been received favorably among n.o.bles”. “I see . To know a condiment used in such high-cla.s.s cooking, Rei-chan was taken to a nice place by Claire-sama”. “Yup”. “…? I wonder if that is so?”.

Of course, I won’t say I brought mayonnaise to this world

“Even so, Claire-sama is absolutely lovely . I wonder if that swimsuit is what’s in fas.h.i.+on in the capital”. “It is haute couture . This cloth wrapped around my waist is called pareo, it is in fas.h.i.+on this year”. “Haa… Wonderful”. “Mother, calm down . If your bad habit happens now, it will be awful for Claire-sama”. “!”.

Claire-sama hugged her body in panic and drew back

“I understand that… You’re mean, Rei-chan . Even so, Rei-chan’s swimsuit is… Haa…”. “Hey, could not sigh?”.

I was silent about it because I didn’t want to say it, but my swimsuit is the same as mother’s Apparently, in this world these are commoners’ swimsuits

“Although both are wearing swimsuits, mother’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s are so much more abundant, Rei is…”. “Please don’t say it . For the love of G.o.d”.

My figure is ordinary, it’s the fate of an otome game protagonist No, it’s not bad You could it’s well-proportioned However, there are two types of what’s called “excellent figure” For women it’s the well-balanced fas.h.i.+on model figure, and for men it’s the ideal gravure model figure Because I’m an otome game protagonist, I have an excellent figure that’s women’s preference As a result, I have slender proportions, contrasted with Claire-sama’s sharp figure and mother’s voluptuous figure, I will inevitably look poor Myself, I don’t dislike this slender figure

“Since I’m in the growth period, I will grow big from now”. “Well, do your best”. “Do not look at me with compa.s.sionate eyes!?”.

While we were frolicking――


Suddenly clouds hid the sun, and something like chilly air drifted here Before we noticed, the surrounding were enveloped by fog This is… fog made with magical power…?.

“!? Rei, look!”.

Claire-sama said in sharp voice Looking in the direction she pointed at, beyond the fog, a tattered sailing s.h.i.+p could be seen coming towards the sh.o.r.e here

“That is… a ghost… s.h.i.+p…?”.

Mother’s dumbfounded voice reflected what I saw

1) Kiyomizu-dera temple .

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I Favor The Villainess Chapter 63 summary

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