The Mech Touch Chapter 6188 Terran Struggles

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Chapter 6188  Terran Struggles

What happened in the Duvallan System was no exception. The Destroyer of Worlds had already wiped out another invading alien force in a nearby star system.

Unfortunately, the G.o.d pilot did not see much reason to be happy. The blow she dealt to this jureg a.s.sault force was unquestionably heavy, but it was just a drop in the ocean due to all of the other alien invasions taking place at the same time.

If she had a choice, then Divine Irene Mox would have wanted to blast all of the alien intruders at the same time, but her Ragnarok did not have the power to strike at targets many light-years away.

The only way to slow down the alien offensive and prevent the border of the Rubarthan Pact from collapsing was to put every fire out one by one!

The Destroyer of Worlds could not afford to waste any time.

Although the jureg fleet still retained a lot of damaged and undamaged wars.h.i.+ps, the invaders no longer possessed an advantage anymore. The Rubarthan defenders should be more than capable of mopping up the confused and demoralized alien survivors.

The Ragnarok engaged its powerful and sophisticated minidrive and traveled to another star system under siege.

The Rubarthan defenders that remained behind in the Duvallen System continually expressed their grat.i.tude towards the G.o.d pilot as she left.


"May you slay as many aliens as possible, Your Holiness."

Multiple more G.o.d pilots made appearances in the other border regions.

Among the 13 major alien races, the nunser race preferred to field lots of cylinder-shaped homes.h.i.+ps. Their armed vessels were not particularly technologically advanced or brilliantly designed.


Few of them bothered to put up much of a show. They only did the bare minimum to inspire hope and courage among the defending humans before leaving to halt other ongoing a.s.saults.

Somewhere in the beleaguered Caesarion Upper Zone, the powerful orbital fortifications and first-cla.s.s multipurpose mechs hailing from the Nayald Ancient Clan struggled to hold back the mult.i.tude of nunser wars.h.i.+ps.

Among the 13 major alien races, the nunser race preferred to field lots of cylinder-shaped homes.h.i.+ps. Their armed vessels were not particularly technologically advanced or brilliantly designed.

They functioned like workhorses that the nunsers were able to ma.s.s produce in large numbers by relying on their strong industry.

The nunser vessels were a bit tougher on average, though their firepower fell a bit behind. The herbivorous aliens did not care too much about this downside as they simply fielded more of their thick and reliable vessels if they needed more firepower.

This was what the Terran defenders had to face in this star system. The quant.i.ty of nunser homes.h.i.+ps was great enough to crush the Nayald Ancient Clan's fortified star system in less than a week, but that was not the extent of their power.

The nunsers made a clear effort to keep up with the times, as evidenced by their carrier vessels that disorged thousands and thousands of phasefighters!

Due to the larger size of nunser individuals, the c.o.c.kpits and the rest of the frames of the 'small craft' had to be larger in scale in order to keep everything in proportion. The nunser phasefighters were therefore tougher and more threatening at the cost of reduced acceleration and maneuverability.

Unlike the phasefighters a.s.signed to fleets invading the middle and lower zones of red humanity, the models utilized by the fleets entering the Caesarion Upper Zone were clearly a lot more powerful in many ways!

There was little point in deploying anything weaker as they would only serve as fodder for the first-cla.s.s multipurpose mechs.

Even if the nunser phasefighters were far from being able to match the Terran mechs, it was already enough if the alien small craft could keep the human machines occupied.

Terran mechs were considerably more effective at closer ranges in general, so the nunsers clearly sought to keep them away from the alien homes.h.i.+ps.

As the initial exchange of fire already began to take a toll on the defenses painstakingly built by the Nayald Ancient Clan, the grandiose a.s.sault of the nunser invaders suddenly paused for an inexplicable reason.

Many sensors managed to catch a very brief but bright needle of light threading through a lot of alien wars.h.i.+ps.

Soon, those wars.h.i.+ps began to suffer many internal explosions and malfunctions as it turned out that a huge hole had been drilled through their sides!

From one end of the hull to the other, a tenth of every nunser wars.h.i.+p received such crippling damage that many of them lost a part if not all of their fighting capabilities!

What was strange was that not even their vaunted segmented multi-layer transphasic energy s.h.i.+elds protected them from whatever struck the affected hulls at once!

The crippling surprise attacks completely disrupted the rhythm of the nunsers. Their forward advance slowed down while their phasefighters hastily moved back to protect their homes.h.i.+ps from whatever dastardly human weapon managed to take them by surprise.

Unlike the nunsers, the Terran defenders already figured out what happened. Many of them were no stranger to this phenomenon.

In an instant, another flash of flight struck the nunser wars.h.i.+ps!

An entire line of them got struck before promptly getting crippled due to the gaping holes in their hulls!

This attack repeated several times after a short delay until the invading nunsers lost control over two-thirds of their homes.h.i.+ps!

Many hulls lost propulsion or power. The more unlucky ones got blown apart as whatever managed to breach their hulls also detonated their explosive munitions!

By the time the nunsers managed to take stock of what had been done to their precious vessels, they all grew horrified at how much losses they suffered in so little time!

The nunser vessels did not solely function as wars.h.i.+ps. They were their true homes, relying on their ability to land and take off from the surface of different planets to remain in a familiar environment at all times.

To see so many nunser homes.h.i.+ps fall was as devastating as witnessing the genocide of every resident on a settled planet to the humans!

The nunsers took the catastrophic losses so hard that all thoughts about breaking open this fortified star system had disappeared from their alien minds.

Meanwhile, the defenders working for the Nayald Ancient Clan all cheered the intervention of their sole G.o.d pilot!

"Light of Sol! Light of Sol! Light of Sol!"

Typically, the Terran G.o.d pilot made an effort to appear before the Terrans and leave an unforgettable impression behind.

However, the Red Tide Offensive struck the Terran Alliance so hard that the G.o.d pilot never properly showed up from beginning to end.

The Radiant had already utilized its blazing speed to depart from this star system so that he could bail out another Terran star system.

The G.o.d mech relied on the latest cutting-edge technologies to push its traversal speed to greater heights.

The pressure on the Terran G.o.d pilot was far greater than his Rubarthan counterparts because he was the only True G.o.d that could serve as a backstop to the faltering defensive front of the Terran Alliance.


Fortunately, the Terrans did not have to bear the burden of defending the Caesarion Upper Zone and other zones of the Terran Alliance by themselves.

The Red Two temporarily put down their unofficial rivalry against the first-rate colonial superstate and sent reinforcements to lighten the burden.

In another star system located in the shaky Urikas Upper Zone, a multi-racial fleet comprised of puelmer as well as zzamayel wars.h.i.+ps utilized their eclectic tech to cover for their weaknesses.

The technologically advanced puelmer wars.h.i.+ps might not be as large as the vessels of other races, but they had come the closest to reaching parity with modern human wars.h.i.+ps!

What surprised the defending Terrans was that the aggressive ball-like aliens successfully managed to adapt one of the Web Mistress' most iconic innovations!

"Those puelmer hulls are emitting distinct emissions that we have only detected from mechers and fleeter wars.h.i.+ps so far. Wait, if these readings are correct, then the puelmer heavy cruisers have all managed to connect their energy s.h.i.+elds to each other. The aliens stole the Red Two's s.h.i.+eld link technology!"

This revelation came as a shock as the mechers and the fleeters had always been careful about keeping the core scientific principles of s.h.i.+eld link technology as confidential as possible.

For the greedy and shameless puelmers to not only obtain the valuable technological schematics of s.h.i.+eld link modules, but successfully adapt them to their own alien wars.h.i.+ps so quickly was incredibly alarming!

"The puelmer wars.h.i.+ps are much harder to defeat than before!"

"The puelmers are still hitting us as hard as we are used to from their armed vessels. Their primary energy gun batteries have become even more accurate and powerful than before!"

"They are also as fast and agile as ever. Their mobility has not decreased in the slightest."

As the puelmers a.s.saulted the Terran defenses from afar, the zzamayels charged forward and began to cause a lot of distress due to their abnormal tech!

As a slime-based race, the extremely weird zzamayels never managed to get along with the other races. They were just too different in thought, appearance, culture and goals.

Their tech base was both conventional and biological in nature. The zzamayal saw no need to distinguish between the two and created all kinds of horrifying and unique biomechanical wars.h.i.+ps for themselves.

The zzamayal fleets that a.s.saulted this star system consisted of fleshy vessels with clear mechanical additions.

While the zzamayal s.h.i.+ps possessed the usual armaments, they actually possessed several more tricky attack measures.

"Our s.p.a.ce fortress has become infected!"


"The zzamayal s.h.i.+ps launched biological matter towards our orbital base where it exploded on impact and spread countless spores in the environment.

"What are the effects?!"

"The spores have no effect on our personnel, but they are beginning to eat away at the softer and more vulnerable metals of our s.p.a.ce station."

"Remove the spores! Decontaminate the compartments affected by the spores."

"There are too many spores spread throughout the structure of this s.p.a.ce station. The spores are not difficult to remove, but they propagate too quickly!"

"Then do your best. What of the other problem?"

"The zzamayel wars.h.i.+ps are organic enough to be able to employ methods of attack that we never envisioned for our stars.h.i.+ps.

One zzamayal capital s.h.i.+p boldly charged towards a Terran wars.h.i.+p that had partially lost her thrusters.

While the human vessel attempted to limb back to safety, the zzamayal battles.h.i.+p surged forth before opening up her organic maw.

The trapper vessel applied more and more force until the Terran hull deformed!

The alien vessel then proceeded to bite the rear half of the fleeing Terran wars.h.i.+p!

The trapper vessel applied more and more force until the Terran hull deformed!

Many more hungry zzamayel biomechanical wars.h.i.+ps advanced towards the Terran defenses. The alien vessels gave off the impression that they were more interested in devouring all of the Terran hardware than winning this battle!

It didn't matter as one automatically led to the other outcome.

As the Terran defenders grew shakier at the thought of turning into food to these artificial monstrosities.

Many strikes a.s.sailed the zzamayal wars.h.i.+ps, but few managed to do serious damage.

The zzamayal wars.h.i.+ps turned out to be quite st.u.r.dy and resilient against damage after losing their transphasic energy s.h.i.+elds.

They were able withstand a lot more damage than the wars.h.i.+ps of other races. The biological internal systems of these vessels were often at least just as tough as the exterior hull plating!

This represented more bad news to the Terran soldiers. The strange alien wars.h.i.+ps took a disproportionate amount of damage to eliminate.

Just as the defenders thought that the joint puelmer-zzamayal armada would grind down and topple the Terran defenses, a seventh of the most forward zzamayal biomechanical s.h.i.+ps rapidly began to lose temperature!

Although the loss of heat did not happen quickly, the slime aliens frantically sought to reverse the decline in temperature, to no avail!

Eventually, the affected zzamayal wars.h.i.+ps absurdly started to freeze.

The freezing effect was so strong that the chill even reached the innermost compartments of the alien vessels!

"This frost!"

"There is only one a.s.set that can freeze so many wars.h.i.+ps at once."

"Look! It's the Reign of Frost! A dreadnought has arrived!"

Although dreadnoughts were not able to crush the invading alien fleets as easily as the much flas.h.i.+er G.o.d mechs, the Red Fleet's trump cards were not to be trifled with, especially if they did not encounter any ancient phase whales.


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The Mech Touch Chapter 6188 Terran Struggles summary

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