The Mech Touch Chapter 6413 Rolley Boulevard

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Chapter 6413  Rolley Boulevard

Instances such as Master Theresa Oreinze's reaction towards piloting a mech for the first time happened disturbingly frequently.

Yet despite the embarra.s.sing displays, no one laughed or ridiculed the people who failed to control their emotions.

Instead, the people who could only watch the lucky norms complete their first piloting sessions felt jealous and envious towards these lucky people!

They had managed to s.n.a.t.c.h up a Yellow Jacket quickly enough to be able to pilot their new Carmine mechs on the same day of the product reveal!

Everyone else had to wait for weeks if not months before a mech company got around to fulfill their orders!

For the first time since it was built, the Palace of Mechanical Marvels truly began to live up to its grandiose name.

Every visitor became enchanted by the mechanical marvel that represented the Yellow Jackets.

Of course, the Jacket Commander model also earned a bit of appreciation from the mech pilots that tried it out, but it was unfortunately that the command mech was completely overshadowed by the splendor of the first publicly available Carmine mech!

As more and more people formed their Blood Pacts and bonded their spirits to their Yellow Jackets for the first time, the Palace of Mechanical Marvels produced so much joy that it infected the mood of many others.

Even as the bystanders cursed the lucky b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who got to try out the Yellow Jackets first, they were sincerely happy that so many norms opened up a new future as mech pilots.

The successful occurrences not only increased other people's confidence in their ability to pilot a Carmine mech when they finally managed to get their turn, but also cemented their impression that they had entered a completely new era of mechs!

There was nothing fraudulent about the Carmine Revolution. The changes it brought to the mech community and human society at large were all genuine. Words alone may not convince all of the people, but seeing it happen in front of their eyes completely convinced even the most skeptical of doubters!

All of the journalists working for different publications instantly got caught up in the excitement! They wrote glowing reports about the release of the first commercially available Carmine mechs and interviewed any early adopter they managed to come across.

The news portals amplified the impact of the Carmine Revolution and ensured that even the people who were least interested about mechs learned about the groundbreaking products released by Professor Larkinson.







The galactic net became thrice as active as before as everyone demanded more information about the Yellow Jackets and the Carmine System.

Even though the Yellow Jackets had only just become available, a huge amount of people already started to make changes to their planned trajectories. The possibility of piloting a mech without any concern about genetic apt.i.tude completely allowed a huge range of people to obtain hope where there was previously none!

From the centuries-old Master Mech Designers who never imagined they would live long enough to say this day, to the 11 or 12-year old children who still suffered from the depression caused by their disappointing genetic apt.i.tude tests, far more people than Ves could ever count had found joy beyond their wildest expectations!

Ves currently stood on an elevated position on the upper floors of the Palace of Mechanical Marvels. He gazed through the transparent ceiling and witnessed all of the people break down into tears after successfully concluding their short but life-changing piloting experiences.

"Meow." Lucky commented as he perched upon Ves' shoulder.

Ves reached up and petted his gem cat's oiled head. "Yeah. It is pretty amazing how one single pilot session can completely cause all of these people to turn into little kids again. It's amazing to see how my work can make so many people cry tears of happiness."

The lead designer of the Swarm Project continued to observe the reactions of the early adopters. They were not exactly part of the target audience of the Yellow Jacket models, but Ves figured that the dramatic displays below would become frighteningly common in the next few months and years.

A few minutes pa.s.sed until a familiar Senior Mech Designer entered the observation room and came closer.

"Can I finally get out of here?" Ves asked.

Jovy Armalon nodded. "Yes. We have completed all of the security arrangements. We cannot hide your departure, but we can make sure you will not face any threats as you move across La Reine. Are you certain you want to leave? There are many fans down below that are eager to show their grat.i.tude to the Father of Carmine mechs. There are also many journalists who have requested exclusive interviews from you. Meeting their requests is a good way to boost your public profile and spread any messages that you want to pa.s.s on to the public."

Ves shook his head. "I originally included that in my schedule, but there is no need for it anymore. The cannot get anymore excited than now, and I have already pa.s.sed on a lot of information already. The public cannot handle any further stuff. I think it is better to let them digest what I have already given to them. They should be ready for a lot more novelties in three days."

As satisfied as Ves felt for being able to evoke so much joy and satisfaction from the, his reaction was actually a lot more muted than he thought.

He should have felt more fulfilled for meeting the demands of so many people, but the reality was that he did not really feel as if he had done a particularly great job.

Part of it was because the Carmine mechs were already old news to Ves. Another part of it was because he had yet to develop a more serious and mature version of the Carmine System.

"You have completely changed the lives of many people."

"They haven't seen anything yet." Ves shook his head. "Wait until I have realized my design philosophy. Once I unveil my elemental Carmine mechs, these Yellow Jackets will become completely overshadowed."

"We are all hoping to see your future works, but do take into account that excessive delays will be detrimental to you. If your elemental Carmine mechs demand too much time to complete, then it may be better for you to reevaluate your plans and tackle an easier research direction."

"It's okay, Jovy. The elemental Carmine mechs should not be impossible for me to design. I have already figured out the working principles of 2 out of 5 of them, and I have just come up with a good idea for 1 more. I do not think it will take as long to complete all of the steps in my plan. In fact, the latter is one of the reasons why I am eager to go out and shop for exclusive goods. La Reine is a center for mech design and sells a huge variety of tech and materials. I would be a fool if I missed out on this opportunity to visit a number of exclusive shops and exchanges."

"What are you looking to purchase?"

"A lot of different goods, but one of my top priorities is enough smart metal to design my own raiment. I have a very special plan in mind, but one of the key requirements is to acquire a special batch of high-quality nanomachines. Failing that, I want to satisfy the conditions to develop my own nanomachines. By the way, has the Nanolord agreed to my request for an audience?"

Jovy shook his head. "I am afraid that His Excellency has declined your request. He did not pa.s.s on any reasons, but do not take this as a sign of disrespect. Star Designers are inherently busy, and it is not entirely appropriate for them to open up a dialogue with a Senior Mech Designer like yourself."

Though Ves felt disappointed that the Nanolord denied his request, he quickly schooled his emotions. Jovy was right. He should not have any unrealistic expectations about being able to meet with the Nanolord whenever he wanted. They still belonged in two different worlds.

"If that is the case, then I guess I will have to shelve my plan to exchange a good set of nanites from him. I will try to find what I want elsewhere."

"Then come. We have prepared a heavily armored vehicle that can take you to one of the commercial streets that are often frequented by high-ranking mech designers."

Ves and Lucky followed Jovy to the roof. A vehicle that was much larger, heavier and better protected than an armed shuttle lay in wait.

When the three entered the armored transport vehicle, they settled down and waited until the craft lifted into the air.

A large escort of mechs surrounded the transport in stealth or in full view of onlookers.

The Dark Zephyr hovered behind and above the armored transport. The ace mech had unfolded his Saint Kingdom at full strength in order to be on the lookout for anything that tried to sneak close.

Although Ves felt awfully exposed during the trip, the armored transport successfully touched down the roof of a tall building that was situated at Rolley Boulevard.

The entire luxury street became a lot more guarded than usual in order to provide adequate safety to the VIP guest that decided to pay a visit.

This was not an uncommon sight, as many powerful Master Mech Designers chose to visit Rolley Boulevard when they visited the Yernstall Central Star Node.

"Where to first?" Ves asked as he held Lucky in his arms.

"It depends on what you want to buy first." Jovy said with a smile. "Do you want to purchase phasewater organs, or do you want to get your nanomachine business out of the way first? There are also other goods for sale here such as rare exotics and working alien technologies."

Ves thought for a moment. "The nanomachines can wait. I am more interested in taking a look at phasewater organs. Are they actually real?"

"They are, but do not hold too many high expectations for them." Jovy warned. "The fact that they are so easily available means that they are not as pristine as fully intact phasewater organs. It is inevitable that the phasewater organs available for sale here come with many pitfalls. There are enough potential customers who do not mind the damage because they never intended to make use of the organs themselves. They are primarily interested in obtaining the damaged phasewater organs in order to decipher them and reverse engineer what they do in a systematic manner."

"I see."

Ves should have known it was good to be true. Phasewater organs were not common enough to be listed for sale in a shop, even if it was a high-end one that catered to wealthy and successful mech designers.

Still, it was not entirely necessary for him to obtain fully intact organs either. He just had to supply enough research material to the Larkinson Biotech Inst.i.tute to develop their own homegrown versions of phasewater organs.

The advantage of using organs made in-house was that the biotech researchers could fully tailor them to his true body and DNA.

The downside was that it may take years of research to produce good results.

Since that was the case, Ves needed to restrain himself and avoid buying too many random phasewater organs. He should only think about picking up potential treasures that could complement his personal combat system and synergize with the other phasewater organs that he acquired last time.

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The Mech Touch Chapter 6413 Rolley Boulevard summary

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