A Demon Lord's Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss Chapter 540.3

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Chapter 540.3

“You haven’t forgotten anything, have you? Let’s go then.” (Yuki)

“”Yes!”” (s.h.i.+/Illuna)

“…Yes!” (Enne)

After that, everyone waved us off as little girls and I went through the Teleportation Door.

The scenery changed dramatically, and we arrived at a place that looked like a garden, the home of the Sheep Horn Clan.

We took advantage of Eldogalia’s kindness and rented a piece of land she had that she wasn’t using, and set up the Teleportation Door there.

I connected the Teleportation Door directly to our living room which was different from usual… Well, I guess it was okay.

I had some doubts, but Illuna and the others would be using it every day, so I decided to go with convenience. If there was any danger here, I wouldn’t let the girls go anywhere else.

“Oh, is this our home in the Sheep Horn Clan, and it’s done already?” (Illuna)

“Right, this is the land we rented from Layla’s Master. See, that building looks familiar, doesn’t it?” (Yuki)

“Hmmm… it’s nice to see it so close! It’s a bit disappointing to be here in a blink of an eye though…” (Illuna)

Illuna’s honest impression made me chuckle.

Certainly, a place that used to take several days to visit by airs.h.i.+p would have no elegance if it took only a second to get there.

I think that travel was more charming because it involved moving to far away locations.

I would rather not go to local tourist spots that could be reached on foot.

I had told her that we would be coming here at this time, so she was waiting for us nearby, and she found us soon enough.

“Oh, you’re here, you guys. Good morning.” (Eldogalia)

“Good morning, everyone!” (Emyuu)

Next to Ms. Eldogalia was Layla’s sister, Emyuu.

“Good morning, you two. Thanks for coming to meet us.” (Yuki)

“She’s been looking forward to seeing you since the day she heard you were coming over, and she’s been so anxious since this morning, too.” (Eldogalia)

“Master! You don’t have to say anything unnecessary!” (Emyuu)

“Yes, yes. I don’t think you need to be shy about it.” (Eldogalia)

“Good morning, Eldogalia-san and Emyuu-chan! We are so happy to see you! We’ll be learning together from now on!” (Illuna)

“I’m sure it’s going to be fun with you too, Emyuu!” (s.h.i.+)

“…hmmm. We can play together again.” (Enne)

After Enne’s words, the Wraith Girls also signaled, “Long time no see! h.e.l.lo again! Emyuu, yay!” and they waved their hands.

“Oh, thank you… Emyuu is also happy to see you. I’m looking forward to working with everyone from now on!” (Emyuu)

Emyuu said, looking a little embarra.s.sed.

Well, I’ve already heard that Emyuu was not very good at socializing with others.

Like Layla, she was smarter than others, I guess.

I lowered my head to Eldogalia who was smiling at the exchange between the girls.

“Well then…please take care of these girls.” (Yuki)

“Yes, they’re in good hands.” (Eldogalia)

“You guys, from now on, if you have any questions over here, ask the Master. She’s going to take care of you, so don’t be rude to her.” (Yuki)

“Yes! Eldogalia-san, I’m looking forward to working with you!” (Illuna)

“Please take care of me!” (s.h.i.+)

“…please!” (Enne)

They all bowed their heads, including the Wraith Girls.

“Ah, it’s nice to have you, you guys. You will learn a lot in this village from now on.” (Eldogalia)

With that, the girls waved at me as Eldogalia-san led them off to the school.

Today was the entrance ceremony, but it was not a formal ceremony like in my previous life, but more of a frank meeting, “Yes, these are your new friends”. Unlike in my previous life, there were no parents or guardians to watch over the ceremony.

So, this was where I parted with them. I was a little disappointed.

With these thoughts in mind, I watched the backs of the departing girls with deep emotion, and then returned to the dungeon.

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A Demon Lord's Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss Chapter 540.3 summary

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