A Demon Lord's Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss Chapter 554.2

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Chapter 554.2

“Wow, Master, look at how cute she is!” (Emu)

“Well, well, look at this… I am happy to have lived this long.” (Vergillus)

“Oh my… this is the child of Fenrir-sama. How amazing!” (Eldogalia)

“Yes, she’s adorable… Setsu-chan, right? This is Riou’s sister?” (Lyuu’s Mother)

“That’s right! She’s Riou’s younger sister and Sakuya’s older sister! – But, what happened to Rir-sama and his wife?” (Lyuu)

“They said they’d greet you later because they’d be embarra.s.sed if they suddenly dropped by.” (Yuki)

“Ah, that’s probably true.” (Vergillus)

“Hmm… I guess we made them feel awkward.” (Lyuu’s Mother)

In fact, if they appeared in front of the Lyuu’s parents, it might make the two feel fl.u.s.tered since they basically wors.h.i.+p Fenrir. Even with the Fenrir child as the host, the two already found themselves feeling a little nervous.

Later, Yuki would have to thank Rir for his consideration.

“It’s Setsu! Alright, let’s play together!” (Emu)

“Emu, here, this is Setsu’s favorite ball. Throw it to her!” (Yuki)

“Setsu loves playing with b.a.l.l.s.” (Lyuu)

The Fenrir child’s bushy tail began to wag energetically. She was also looking at Emu full of expectation.

“I understand! Um, um… here!” (Emu)

“Kuukuu!” (Setsu)

The little wolf ran over to the ball, which was rolling around with great joy, and brought it back to the Emu in her mouth.

“Kuu!” (Setsu)

Then, as if to say “More, more!” she tapped the girl’s lap gently with her paws, making her appeal.

Everyone laughed at her cute antics, and a peaceful time continued…



In the j.a.panese-style house that Yuki simply called a “Ryokan”.

Vergillus was sitting on the veranda, sipping the sake that Yuki had prepared for him, in this place that he had already stayed at twice before and was familiar with.

“…” (Vergillus)

Looking up at the sky, the stars twinkled, and looking into the distance, mountains and forests tinged with darkness could be seen on the other side of the meadow.

However, according to the owner of the place, the area he was in right now was a closed s.p.a.ce, and it was impossible to reach the place that Vergillus was looking at right now.

It may not look like it, but it was surrounded by walls on all sides, and it was said that this place existed within a cave to begin with.

Even now, Vergillus could feel the strangeness of the existence of the Demon Lord and the dungeon.

“Fuun…” (Vergillus)

However, Yuki was just a normal young man. As expected, by now Vergillus had already understood Yuki’s nature.

The reason Yuki gave up being emperor was probably related to this.

The position of emperor was not something that could be shouldered by just any young man.

…Well, for all that, I think he was surprisingly good at being an emperor.

There was no doubt that my daughter’s husband had a certain quality that was shared by rulers.

“Hahaha… I wonder how Riou will grow up.” (Vergillus)

That granddaughter of his would grow up with that Demon Lord as a parent, and with that delightful family.

He couldn’t wait to see what kind of child she would turn out to be.

As Vergillus was enjoying his alcohol alone, his wife came into the room.

“Phew… the bath here is really nice. If there’s one thing I envy Lyuu, it’s being able to take that bath every day.” (Lyuu’s Mother)

Vergillus’s wife, who had apparently just taken a bath with their daughter, returned to the room with steam rising from her body.

Although Vergillus and his wife were staying the night, it seemed that the two members of the Sheep Horn clan only joined them for dinner and then returned home. From what the Demon Lord told us, they could return to their village from here in no time at all.

“It was a nice bath with a lot of atmosphere. Being able to take a bath like that every day… I guess it’s something to be envious of. I wouldn’t say it’s for personal use, but I’d like to have at least one large bath in our village. And I’ll make a proposal when I get back. – You want some sake too? Our daughter’s husband prepared it for us. It’s delicious.” (Vergillus)

“Then, just a sip. …Oh, it really is delicious.” (Lyuu’s Mother)

“I can’t drink it all by myself, so drink up.” (Vergillus)

“Fufu, then I’ll have some.” (Lyuu’s Mother)

Vergillus’s wife smiled and sat next to him.

And so, for a while, the two of them continued to pour drinks without speaking.

“Dear.” (Vergillus)

“Yes, my love.” (Lyuu’s Mother)

“It was fun today, wasn’t it?” (Vergillus)

“Fufu, yes.” (Lyuu’s Mother)

The couple laughed with each other and drank from their cups while looking at the moon, which, even if it was artificial, still had an undimmed beauty.

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A Demon Lord's Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss Chapter 554.2 summary

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