Legend of Swordsman Chapter 6011: Going to the Daughter Kingdom Again

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Chapter 6011: Going to the Daughter Kingdom Again

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

He quietly waited for the experts from the Daughter Kingdom to find him.

Sure enough, the moment his presence was detected, a team of experts from the Daughter Kingdom descended.

“It’s you?” The person who arrived was familiar; it was the same female Valkyrie from the capital who had initially received Jian Wushuang and Jinchen.

A Universe Master at the Sixth Tribulation.

Her strength was extremely formidable.

She was not weaker than Empress Fengchen of the Infinite World back then.

Jian Wushuang remained humble and calmly said, “I came suddenly and disturbed you. Please report to the Queen that Wushuang seeks an audience!”

“Follow me!” The Valkyrie knew Jian Wushuang was special.

He had been an Emperor back then, but in the blink of an eye, he had become a Universe Master at the Sixth Tribulation, just like her. She had also heard of his terrifying combat power and naturally dared not neglect him.

She led Jian Wushuang towards the imperial city of the Daughter Kingdom.

In the shadows, the Queen had already been informed.

After entering the imperial city with the Valkyrie, they headed straight to the main hall.

Upon seeing the familiar figure, Jian Wushuang took a deep breath and respectfully said, “Junior Jian Wushuang pays respects to Queen Yun Zhi!”

“Mm!” Queen Yun Zhi displayed the same smile as before. “I can sense that your divine power has surpa.s.sed mine. You don’t need to call yourself a junior anymore. From now on, just call me Yun Zhi.”

Although Jian Wushuang had only revealed a bit of his basic divine power, the power contained within was extremely special.

As a Universe Master at the Seventh Tribulation, she could tell that the power Jian Wushuang revealed was not inferior to hers in her own Dao Arena.

Of course, if he intentionally hid it, she wouldn’t be able to see through it.

Upon hearing this, Jian Wushuang’s expression turned serious and solemn, “I cannot. The Queen has shown me great kindness, and I should still pay my respects as a junior!”

“Sigh!” Queen Yun Zhi shook her head helplessly. Seeing the now ambitious Jian Wushuang, who had not changed his original intentions, she felt pity for Jinchen, who was no longer around.

After a sigh, Yun Zhi slowly stood up and looked at Jian Wushuang, “You must have something important to attend to this time.”

“Yes, junior has an important matter to inquire about… the Empress!” After some hesitation, he still addressed her by Empress Feng Chen’s t.i.tle.

Queen Yun Zhi’s expression turned somewhat surprised, then she showed a troubled look.

Seeing this, Jian Wushuang quickly explained, “Please don’t worry, Queen. I came this time to ask about some matters related to the former Yue Kingdom. It has nothing to do with Jinchen…”

He was afraid of being misunderstood, so he directly stated his reason.

The destruction of Yue Kingdom had actually occurred during the time of the Sacred a.s.sembly when all the experts on Ancient Wood Continent were focused on the Sacred a.s.sembly, and no one noticed.

After the Sacred a.s.sembly ended, the Wanliu Divine Tree was also activated.

The disappearance of Yue Kingdom seemed even more insignificant.

Moreover, the Ancient Wood Sect was gone, so no one cared.

s.h.i.+ Kingdom couldn’t even take care of itself; their patriarch had also fallen.

The Flame G.o.d was also gone.

They had lost the support of an Eighth Tribulation powerhouse.

It wasn’t until s.h.i.+ Xiu successfully pa.s.sed the Tribulation and became a Universe Master at the Seventh Tribulation that the situation stabilized.

However, the status of the s.h.i.+ Kingdom had plummeted.

Or rather, the presence of all Sixteen Kingdoms of Qingchao was declining.

Now, the Ancient Wood Continent was under the dominion of the Ancient Wood Sect, and its ruling power was exponentially stronger than ever before.

Moreover, since Divine Wood King emerged from the Wanliu Divine Tree, his personality had changed significantly.

He opened the sect’s doors wide, accepting disciples from all walks of life without discrimination.

Now, the overall strength of the Ancient Wood Sect had surpa.s.sed many eight-star sects.

On the Ancient Wood Continent, the Ancient Wood Sect stood unrivaled.

Once even the s.h.i.+ Kingdom could bully them a bit, but now they had truly revealed their profound foundation.

This was all thanks to the formidable presence of Divine Wood King.

In the entire Ancient Moon s.p.a.cetime, he ranked among the top three.

Even those Universe Masters who had returned after enduring Eighth Tribulation were no match for him.

Only the current Ancient Moon Pope could suppress him using the Origin Source of the universe.

With the sect’s power flouris.h.i.+ng, the Sixteen Kingdoms of Qingchao were having tough times.

Now, each remained low-key.

Moreover, two of the Sixteen Kingdoms had been annihilated.

The Yongheng Kingdom disappeared due to the emergence of Babidi.

Yue Kingdom was also ma.s.sacred by a mysterious strongman, leaving only Fourteen Kingdoms now.

Back when Yue Kingdom was destroyed, many actually knew about it but had no time to deal with it.

Only Queen Yun Zhi, who had a particular concern for Yue Kingdom, personally went to take a look and saw the truth of Yue Kingdom’s destruction through s.p.a.cetime!

Now, hearing Jian Wushuang ask about Yue Kingdom, she was somewhat surprised.

Both had misunderstood each other.

“Do you want to know how Yue Kingdom was destroyed?” The Queen Yun Zhi slowly paced, walking up to Jian Wushuang.

Jian Wushuang didn’t expect to gain unexpected information, so he patiently asked, “Please enlighten me, Your Majesty!”

“The Yue Kingdom of those years…” The eyes of the Queen Yun Zhi held a trace of reminiscence, recalling a scene she had witnessed back in the Yue Kingdom, along with a terrifying figure left in the s.p.a.cetime.

“Starting from the seventh year of the Ancient Wood a.s.sembly, cultivators in the Yue Kingdom began to be slaughtered. At first, no one noticed, but as various sects and families were exterminated, cultivators began to flee the Yue Kingdom one after another. A strong cultivator of the royal family of Yue Kingdom, before falling, sent a message to me. But at that time, I was in seclusion!”

During the time the a.s.sembly was underway, Queen Yun Zhi had not long broken through to the Seventh Tribulation and had not ventured out. She was only in seclusion, cultivating in the Daughter Kingdom.

She did not pay attention to any information from the outside world.

By the time she emerged from seclusion, all the cultivators of the Yue Kingdom had been exterminated, turning it into a desolate place.

The powerful members of the Yue Kingdom’s royal family were gone, and surrounding forces began to probe.

Once they found there was no threat, they occupied what was once the Yue Kingdom.

Now, millions of eons had pa.s.sed, and it no longer resembled its former self.

Jian Wushuang took a deep breath, “Were all the cultivators and ordinary people gone?”

“Yes, I was also very shocked when I saw it!” Queen Yun Zhi nodded.

To be able to wipe out the cultivators of an entire kingdom, especially when the Yue Kingdom’s royal family included several loose cultivators in the Sixth Tribulation, who were quite powerful, and yet they had no ability to resist and fell.

The culprit must have been a strong cultivator at least in the Seventh Tribulation to be able to achieve such silent slaughter.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have sought the Empress to understand the Chen family.

Now, the strong cultivators of the Yue Kingdom were very few.

Some lucky ones were not in the Yue Kingdom during that period and escaped the calamity.

For example, those who attended the a.s.sembly.

But even those people’s luck wasn’t much better, as they fell one after another in Dragon G.o.d’s Great World.

There were very few real Yue Kingdom people left now.

The Empress Fengchen could be considered one, the last ruler of a fallen kingdom!

And then there was Wu Li.

Jian Wushuang couldn’t be considered a Yue Kingdom person, because Ancient Moon s.p.a.cetime never gave him a sense of belonging.

“Was it a demonic cultivator?”

He wondered what kind of culprit it was, but to be able to annihilate an entire kingdom, sparing neither cultivators nor ordinary people, leaving none alive, it could only be a demonic cultivator.

Queen Yun Zhi recalled that figure and shook her head silently, “No… I reversed s.p.a.cetime and saw its appearance; it wasn’t a human!”

“A desolate beast?” Jian Wushuang’s eyes moved with some surprise. If it was a desolate beast, then its audacity was too great.

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Legend of Swordsman Chapter 6011: Going to the Daughter Kingdom Again summary

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