Legend of Swordsman Chapter 6053: The Sword Raises

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Chapter 6053: The Sword Raises

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Scattered Tribulation?” Hu Qing furrowed his brow and asked in surprise, “Brother Wushuang, how did you know?”

He had practiced the Heavenly Dao but could not deduce the crisis ahead, yet Jian Wushuang knew. Wasn’t that surprising?

Jian Wushuang smiled faintly and said, “I met an old acquaintance, and he told me!”

The matter of Frolasa could be discussed later. For now, they still had to enter the Dark Forest and find out who was behind this.

The secret of the Nianshen Secret Realm was something he had to uncover.

Moreover, the other party had no intention of letting them go, so they might as well eliminate them entirely.

The Ninth Tribulation realm wasn’t frightening!

Especially when it was a Scattered Tribulation.

With him and Hu Qing working together, they were more than capable of handling it.

It could be seen as a chance to practice in advance.

After all, there were no restrictions in this place, and both of them could unleash divine power exceeding 20 million.

How much divine power could that Ninth Tribulation realm Scattered Tribulation have?

He really couldn’t speculate without more information from Frolasa.

After entering the Dark Forest, he felt that this place resembled the scorched earth left behind by Moro s.p.a.cetime.

The drained power here created a suffocating sensation.

“Something’s wrong!” Hu Qing’s body halted abruptly, coming to a complete stop.

Since they had entered the other party’s stronghold, something being off was normal.

But for Hu Qing to stop, he must have sensed danger.

Jian Wushuang’s gaze swept around, his single hand slightly moving back, ready to draw his sword at any moment.

He maintained his Super Ancient Transformation, with divine power of 18 million.

If he used the Origin Source Dojo, he could surpa.s.s 20 million at any time.

The person behind this was a Ninth Tribulation realm expert, so it was better to be cautious.

Speaking of which, this was his first encounter with a Ninth Tribulation realm expert, and he was curious.

“Have you discovered something?” He kept his eyes vigilant, observing his surroundings.

Hu Qing formed a hand seal, and an eye appeared above his forehead, seemingly probing the surroundings.


A highly concealed disturbance, which even Jian Wushuang hadn’t noticed, was directly locked onto by Hu Qing, who loudly reminded, “Southwest, someone is setting up a formation!”


Jian Wushuang drew his sword immediately. The ice-blue blade slid out of the scabbard and instantly cut through countless shrubs.


The fourth sword move.

A sword move powerful enough to kill all in the Eighth Tribulation realm.

It steadily suppressed the s.p.a.cetime of the Nianshen Secret Realm.

It slashed in the direction Hu Qing had indicated.

“Setting up a formation?”

If they fought openly, they naturally wouldn’t be afraid, but they feared being trapped by a formation.

By then, they would have to fight whether they could win or not.

The control would be entirely in the opponent’s hands.

It had to be broken.

The s.p.a.cetime Sword shattered the s.p.a.ce of the Dark Forest, freezing time.

The king of the nian beasts, who was setting up the formation, didn’t even realize he had been exposed.

He couldn’t feel time at all.

He only felt himself slowing down.

Then he entered a shattered s.p.a.cetime.

“Dis….cov….ered….” he barely managed to say before his divine body began to shatter.

Along with the unfinished formation around him, everything shattered.

Like a mirror.

Shattered s.p.a.ce, shattered scene.

“Third Brother!”

On the other side of the Dark Forest, sensing the disappearance of his companion’s divine power.

The leader of the nian beasts, unable to contain his grief, erupted in fury.

The three formations were interconnected, with one broken, the rest were rendered useless.

Now they could only brace themselves and charge forward.

“Huff!” Jian Wushuang’s breath was a bit unstable.

Although he had reached the level of minor achievement in the s.p.a.cetime Sword, it was still a bit taxing.

The full-force strike just now had reduced his breath by 30 percent.

But it didn’t affect his divine power.

“Are you okay?” Hu Qing looked at him, worried.

The power of that sword just now was extraordinary, even leaving Hu Qing in awe.

He shook his head and calmed himself, saying, “No problem, two auras are approaching, both with strong divine power, but they shouldn’t be the ones behind this!”

“Yes!” Hu Qing’s gaze also fixed ahead.

In an instant.

Two towering figures descended.

The other two kings of the nian beasts arrived.

They possessed 20-five million divine power in the Dark Forest.

If they had completed the formation, they would have been even stronger.

But that sword shattered their hopes.

“You killed my third brother, you must die today!” The towering king of the nian beasts, with blood-red eyes, symbolized rage.

He had no choice!

Today it was either them or Jian Wushuang and his companions who would die.

“Tras.h.!.+” Jian Wushuang spat disdainfully.

He had already figured out the nian beasts’ strength, without the Nianshen Secret Realm, they were nothing.

The s.p.a.cetime Sword just now broke the s.p.a.cetime of the Dark Forest, instantly lowering their divine power to a freezing point, allowing him to easily kill them.

But that sword also cost him an important trump card.

In the depths of the Dark Forest, within a cave mansion.

“Shattered s.p.a.cetime, he actually comprehended s.p.a.cetime!” The decayed face showed a shocked expression, exclaiming, “He’s only in the Seventh Tribulation realm, yet he’s so strong and even mastered the power of the Starry Sky!”

He, coming from the Starry Sky, had great confidence after being transformed by that great figure of the Southern s.p.a.cetime, but seeing Jian Wushuang’s methods, he was still stunned.

The power of the Starry Sky, a very special power even in the Starry Sky, could only be mastered by a few.

But it wasn’t too extraordinary.

As a great expert of the Ninth Tribulation realm.

He had seen such geniuses before.

Mainly, Jian Wushuang’s s.p.a.cetime realm truly amazed him.

“A Seventh Tribulation Universe Master from an attached s.p.a.cetime, so strong, the Starry Sky geniuses taught by the Star Spirits are no better, can’t even compare to a Universe Master from an attached s.p.a.cetime, how ridiculous!” The decayed face showed disdain for those geniuses in the Starry Sky and also jealousy.

Star Spirits!

Great figures in the Starry Sky, silently watching their struggle.

Universe Master?

Even a Ninth Tribulation realm Universe Master was nothing.

Powerful Ninth Tribulation realm Universe Masters could reach the demi-G.o.d level, comparable to so-called Starry Sky True G.o.ds, but what did it matter?

In front of the Star Spirits, they were all fleeting clouds.

Only Star Spirits were eternal.

Ninth Tribulation realm, though undying, many had fallen through countless eras, they couldn’t be considered immortal.

Only the 12 Star Spirits eternally ruled the Starry Sky.


The so-called Eternal Beings of the Northern s.p.a.cetime were a joke in front of the Star Spirits.

Being a disciple of the Star Spirits was every cultivator’s dream.

To become a disciple of the Star Spirits, at the very least, one had to be a demi-G.o.d.

Even able to surpa.s.s the Universe Master, to comprehend the supreme Law Rules.

As a Ninth Tribulation realm expert, this was also his dream.

But with his divine body shattered, he lost everything.

Expelled from the Giant G.o.d Clan, he wandered to the Southern s.p.a.cetime, enduring countless humiliations.

Finally, with the guidance of that great figure, he came to the Northern s.p.a.cetime.

By mastering the Nianshen Secret Realm, he regained his former confidence.

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Legend of Swordsman Chapter 6053: The Sword Raises summary

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