Another World Transfer In Game Character Chapter 18

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I spent the whole day playing with Alicia and it feels refres.h.i.+ng.

In addition, I'll try to make play equipment today.

Today I'll make a cla.s.sic swing.

Drive the log diagonally, make two foundation, put more logs on top, and complete with vine tied on the seat plate.

Even so, in this gra.s.sland without play equipment, it worked enough as entertainment.

Alicia is dancing with joy, said “Push me from the back” or begged and said “Let's ride together”.

No, Yumir didn't feel physically fatigued, but mentally.

After playing until felt satisfied, “Yu-nee, I love you!”  When I being hugged, I felt ascending to heaven from it and had nosebleed.

Make a swing in the morning, we take a meal in the afternoon and take a nap in the hammock.

I lay Alicia down, and I was staring over my hands carefully.

“Really……. It's a girl's hand.”

White, Smooth, it's delicate everywhere … slender fingers.

There is also no roughness, soft skin. It's quite different from the time when I was a man.

This hand swing a sword exceeds the height of the body, and go around killing monsters with a single blow.

And what I learned from yesterday and today, that this hand can be a sufficient weapon without a weapons.

I hammered down the log into the ground with bare hands, like a hero from boxing manga.

Moreover, despite doing so much, there is no scar on it.

“Mou, Human level are transcended. No, it's because they are game character.”

While lying on two side-by-side hammocks, try lightly sticking out my fist.

Boom~tsu, a fist cut the sky, from the girl's punch a good sound came out no it was sound from the wind.

“With this, I can't carelessly make a flick. Well, Alicia is a good girl, so I guess there probably no such thing will happened … but I've to be careful”

If I thoughtlessly shout [Ha!] and hit the head with skull crus.h.i.+ng technique, it will be terrible to look at it.

Although I'm accustomed to dismantling monsters for a long time, I'm not good at splatter. That is a genre that makes delicious food can't be eaten.

When enjoying relaxing healing time, something moving came in at the corner of my vision.

As I look at it closely, I can see that there's a lot of people.

“Oh, they finally have come? Alicia, get up we have a visitors.”

“N, n mu … … funya … …”

She is good at getting up in the morning though, but once she falls asleep she won't be awake.

In a way, is it the type that tries to protect her sleeping time?

“Ah …… Yu-nee, Morning”

“Yes, good morning. Apparently Irvin-san is back”

“Eh, the uncle!”


By the way, Irvin is a young man who looks like 20 years old.

It's to sad to call him Oji-chan. And he is older me from my former world.

Anyway, saying that an acquaintance have come other than me, Alicia is pleased.

Waving hands at the people that gradually approaching.

Irvin-san also responded and wave back, Luisa came running in rush to us.

“Long time no see, how are you doing?”

“Yes. Luisa seems to be doing well as well.”

“Did Alicia grow a little taller?”


“In one month you not going to grow that tall. Oh right, do you want me to measure your height?”


Alicia pulls my hand as hard as she can, but do you know how to measure it?

Being pulled to the direction at labyrinth, but … there may be common sense made inside her saying ” If we're gonna find something, we're gonna go to the labyrinth.”.

“Later okay, later. Now we have to welcome Irvin-san”

“Oh, that's right.”

While chatting with Luisa, the rest people were closing by.

As far as I saw, Irvin-san party with five people, and with 20 other adventurer-like people. I guess those people come to challenge the labyrinth.

And –

“That, Hill-san?”

“Yes, it's been a long time, Yumir-san”

“Long time no see, but I didn't expect to come again.”

“I didn't either”

Ha, Hill-san make a heavy sigh. In that figure I somehow remembered that is the window word.

“Next time we'll have Adventurers Guild branch here and I'll be the chief of that branch.”

“Eeee!? Ah, is that promotion?”

“Well, my salary will rise. Because it's branch chief where near to the labyrinths”

“But there is nothing else here though, ahaha”

The Guild puts a branch here … Isn't it a sign of the Guild is seriously making a city here?

From the story I heard last time, the Guild should have the power for that.

“Are you planning to make a city?”

“It's just in any case it's necessary. So I came to the conclusion that it's necessary.”

“How should I say it ……. my condolences.”

As branch chief around the just recently discovered labyrinth.

Certainly, income will increase greatly, and the power within the guild will also increase.

But there is nothing else.

It's a situation where even the city hasn't been completed. There is neither a bar nor a shop. There is no place to clear depression.

“Please don't bald from stress, okay? ”

“Please don't say bad things !? By the way…… It's only been a month, and you already built two huts? ”

“Yeah, Alicia did her best, too.”


Next to me. There's a young girl puff her chest.

If you stroke your head with that gesture and narrow your eyes, you looks like a cat.

“So, what about those people there?”

“Oh, the introduction was delayed. Those of adventurers who will partic.i.p.ate in exploring labyrinth, and this is carpenter Aldo and his disciple.”

“Is this the girl who have built the building?”

Aldo-san is characterized with a long, low lying beard with bulky body …… That's mean, Dwarf!?

Speaking of which, it was the first time I saw a race other than humans, because there were only humans at Irvin's party, and Alicia's reaction same as mine!

“Um, perhaps…….you are umm…….Dwarf?”

“I asked you a question first, didn't I? ”

“Ah, sorry! Yes, that's right. I(boku) - I(watas.h.i.+) built it.”

“Oh, it's well built. I don't think it made without tools. And I definitely a dwarf.”

Although I showed a cranky expression when I returned a question with question, but when I answered back he properly answered.

He have a grumpy impression, but I don't think he is a bad person.

He maybe such person long time ago.

“Yu-nee, did you got scolded?”


Suddenly I saw Alicia looking up staring at me with anxiously looking.

She think that I was scolded and worried.

” It's okay. Didn't Aldo-san complimented the cabin? ”


“Yeah, really”

“O, ou, I'm not angry. I praised the cabin.”

Looking at Alicia who showing a half-crying expression, Aldo-san began to make excuses in a hurry.

There's people that can't beat a crying child.

Seeing the master in such state, the disciple giggle and chuckle.

Seeing it, he scolded his disciples, and when Alicia looking at it began to cry, and in such chaotic situation, Aldo showing troubled face.

“Well, then … … These five people are adventurers who took charge of transportation. He is the leader, Shawn-san ”

“Oh, Nice to meet you!”

“Nice to meet you”

Sean-san was a veteran adventurer who seems to be over thirty.

But, in terms of strength, Irvin-san seems to be stronger?

When I was tilting my head, Shawn explained that he felt the atmosphere.

“I'm the one didn't able to succeed. Because they are our hope”


Irvin-san is our best hope?  But he looks like just walking in confusion in the labyrinth.

The city of Tarhan may be surprisingly talented.

“They will stay here for about a week, and they will return to Tarhan city afterward. Please keep this in mind as we plan to have to back and forth regularly in the future.”

“Yes, nice to meet you.”

“Thank you, nano.”

When I and Alicia shook hands with him, I showed a nice expression.

“Umm, what's the matter?”

“Ah, no … … sorry, I've heard from Hill that you are very talented.”

“Ahh, it's because of my appearance. But I'm not that strong you know?”

“It's a lie!”

When I answered humbly to them, Irvin-san and his party deny it.

Stop it, I going to cry if you say with such negative word.

“Like I say … … No, it's fine.”

“Don't be fooled, because she is an expert who uses a single sword to cut off a charge bird's head. Shawn”

“Seriously … no, I can't believe it more and more when I see the real thing”

“It's overreaction. I have been here for a month I got used to it. Beside, I'm using a good sword.”

My power of bare hands was originally weak enough just to cover my eyes.

Magicians with well-refined weapons are more powerful.

If you are an ordinary magic knight, even with bare hands you can produce enough power to explode zombies, but it was impossible for me. But now it looks like different.

“I thought the place for accommodation isn't enough so brought Aldo-san, I never thought there would be two more hut.”

“Yes, I made it a little more and I thought that there was no loss doing it, so I worked hard.”

“I appreciate it because I came with a large number of people, so I was prepared for camping for a couple of days.”

“The inside are wide, but please use it separately. I'll have the screen ready.”

“Well, what about this hut?”

Shawn is pointing to another cabin, while walking to the newly built cabin for visitors.

“Because it was a story that there will be policeman dispatch over here, I thought that the hut for those who would stay as resident here.”

“Ah, so that's where I and Irving and your guys are stationed?”

“That's right”

“Our own house … … when I hear that, I'm moved!”

For Adventurers who always move around, only few who have things like home.

Because they can have a house even though they are temporary, there will be such impression.

“Ah, Irvin-kun? At the moment, I'm planning to make that as this gra.s.sland branch, so please make your own home separately.”

“d.a.m.n it!”

Irvin-san sheds a tears because of Hill-san ruthless declaration.

Alicia pat his head with a pom-pom and comfort him, to him who put his hands on the ground and hung his head.

“Ma, ma …… there's enough land and wood to use, so I'll make another one.”

“Seriously! Thank you … Can I call you Aneki?”

“You can't, no matter how you look at it, Yumir is younger than you?”

Luissan beat Irvin-san because he said strange things.

In this way, I was able to accept the first team.

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Another World Transfer In Game Character Chapter 18 summary

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