Soul Eater Of The Rebellion Chapter 27

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Soul Eater of the Rebellion 27

A Slave's Rights


Whether in the Canaria Kingdom, the Ad-Astera Empire, or most other countries out there, they are the lowest cla.s.s in existence.

The only place that abolished slavery was the southern holy kingdom.

But even in the holy kingdom, half of the slave trading going on was still tolerated since it was difficult to completely abolish slavery because of its deep roots in the history and society of the main continent.

However, even though they are called slaves, the reality for each slave would vary case by case.

A joke like that exists.

I heard of a story like this–

A certain son of a well-off family hired a slave as a grave keeper.

One day, he wanted to drink so he ordered his slave to buy him some wine.

And the slave responded like this- "My job is to be a grave keeper, not to buy wine"

So, the son of the well-off family went to buy wine on his own in a grudging manner.

It goes to show that even for slaves, they still have some rights that even the slave owners can't violate.

Here's another case that I'm a bit more familiar with.

A young girl knocked on a slave dealer's door to repay her family's debt.

At that time, the young girl chose to sell herself. If there was a need, she could even choose to put her chast.i.ty for sale.

If she decides to not sell it, she could refuse s.e.xual service to whomever buys her.

However, she would naturally be sold for much less because of that.

Even for slave dealers, the difference between getting a sale or not could depend on if the slave allowed night service, so they might not even take the slave in the first place unless the slave had some things they excelled at.

Once a person becomes a slave, the merchant is obligated to take care of them until they are bought.

It would be nothing but a waste of money for a slave dealer to keep slaves that won't sell for a long time.

Speaking of the therianthrope slave that I bought called Ciel Al-rous, she agreed to sell everything when she sold herself to the slave dealer.

She wouldn't be allowed to say no if I requested night service from her. Of course, that part was reflected in her purchase price.

Besides, as an ocelot(wild cat) therianthrope, Ciel's vision is as good as if it was enchanted by magic and she has a good nose as well. She moves around trees as quick as monkeys and she swims as fast as fishes in the water.

Despite all that, she is still an honest and serious person. She is obedient to my commands and although there's some ups and downs to her carefree ways of running around, she had a refres.h.i.+ng charm to her like a wild beauty.

It made me think that it couldn't be helped that I spent thirty gold coins on her since she was a girl with such charm.

…Honestly speaking, there wasn't really a need to criticize about the quality of the slave.

I wanted to buy a slave this time not for "eating", but in order to set a trap for a certain elf.

That's why, as long as the slave dealer gave me someone who filled the criterias I wanted, it wouldn't matter who he gave me.

It will be a bit rough for the slave at first, but I'll release her after this is all over.

Ciel was introduced to me just when I was having such thoughts in my mind.

The moment I saw her face, I felt a thrill from deep in my heart.

So as the result of that, I am now in the same room as Ciel.

I am currently in the middle of giving Ciel a lap pillow as she made various erotic sounds like "…Umm….ahhh… ehhh?!".

I wasn't doing anything erotic. I was only playing with Ciel's cat ears that were puffing out.

I recalled the nostalgic memories of doing something like this when I was a kid to a cat that lived near the dojo.

Well, I was no doubt crying from being scratched at that time though.

It was only natural that I was disliked when I suddenly touched its ears like that.

In that regard, I'm allowed to do whatever I want to the young slave girl, hehehe.


「What is it?」

「Um, how long…is this….?」

「Should we do this until sunrise for now? I wonder. Let's do this every day from now on」

「…Did I do something wrong? If so, I apologize」

「No, there's nothing like that at all. If anything, I'd want to thank you for enduring that much until now. It's just–」

「It-it's just…?」

「I'm a pervert that gets excited seeing a girl's worn out face」


「It's fine if you can't stand me. Just think of it like you got bought by a s.h.i.+tty owner」

With that said, I lightly touched Ciel's waist.

She was suddenly attacked by another type of stimulus, and her body twitched as a remarkably lovely voice echoed in the room.

Realizing that herself, Ciel's face went real red.

I ran my left hand through her soft, chestnut colored hair while I played with her ears again with my right hand.

That night, I made sure that her voice would keep echoing in the room until dawn.

Then, I would send her to gather herbs in the Thetis forest shortly after that without a moment to sleep. When she came back to the inn, I'd give her a lap pillow again and play with her ears and sometimes even her tail as she tried to sleep.

The next day, the day after that, and the day after that, I continued to do this.

Anyone would have a lack of sleep with a lifestyle like that. If one doesn't get enough sleep, their physical strength and body condition would easily break down.

Dark circles started to form under Ciel's eyes; both her body and mind looked like they were crumbling.

With her in that type of condition, I brought her out of the forest one day. The adventurers, the inn owner and his daughter all told me to let her rest a little, but I just ignored their advice with a sneer.

And so, four people stood in front of us at the exit gate of Ishka in the forest's direction.

It was the four from 『Falcon Sword』.

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Soul Eater Of The Rebellion Chapter 27 summary

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