The Tale Never Ends Chapter 97 The Final Pursue

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The person was just blabbing about it! So I was impatient after a while and said, "Do you have any enemies?" He replied. "No!" "Do you have any athletics, compet.i.tions, etc.?" He still answered no, in a very thorough way! I thought about it and asked. "Do you have a girlfriend?" He replied: "Now I don't!" Then I asked. "I mean before it happened?" He replied. "Yes! But we broke up because of it!"

I nodded and asked. "So, can you be sure that if anyone had pursued her before it?" He replied. "Yes! Someone has been pursuing her, but her family does not agree! So she was not very determined about our relations.h.i.+p either. But she got together with this man after the thing!" I said to him again, "Recall carefully, within 24 hours before the occurrence of this incident, do you have any opportunities of contact with that person? For example, seeing each other, or in a teahouse, cafe, barbecue booth, restaurant, etc. where you met him by accident?" He said, "I happened to see him once when I was shopping with my girlfriend. At that time, he also gave me a cigarette." I replied. "Understood! You are fine, don't worry! Go back to school! If you want to steal something again in the future, call me!" Then I told him my phone number.

After the questioning, I said to Zhu Jun, "He was just fooled by others. I have already solved it! You can take him back. There is something I need to tell you first. In principle, the public security department cannot extort a confession by torture, so you can do nothing if the criminal doesn't tell. But things are different to us, so we are going to take some extraordinary measures to trace the man with the surname of Bai, please don't be surprised!"

Zhu Jun was confused by me and said, "So what do we need to do now?" I thought about it. "We found that he didn't do it by looking at the way of starting, so we may have to pay extra effort. But if we overdo it, and some people call the police and people on your side want to catch us, you need to come out to prove that we are just auxiliary police of Wu Zhong County in case it happens!"

After sending Zhu Jun away, I called Chongxi to let him rub his fingers. After that, I called Xiao Qi and Lin Feng and left. I told them in the car. "Let's try the barbecue in Fengrun County today!" When the sky went dark, we parked the car in a county parking lot. Xiao Qi and some people were very excited. I just ignored since there was no way to hold them, but just told them to act by my orders and did not create any troubles.

When we came to a barbecue stall, we had dozens of kebabs and a dozen beers. Since Lin Feng would be driving, so he could not drink and just ask for a bottle of iced cola.

After a while, a man and a woman came and sat next to us. I stood up and pointed at the woman and said, "You! Get up, lean back! I have something to ask this man!" He was a strong man and stood up quickly. I waved my hand, then Xiao San and Xiao Qi pressed him down by holding his arms! I glanced at him and said, "I advise you to behave. Otherwise, you have no place to complain if you suffered!" The man held his fist and tried to say something. I looked at him and said, "Refused to obey huh? Take the iron pike and stick it on your hand!" Since people couldn't see Xiao Qi and other's face, they just saw that the man picked up a pike pointing down with his other hand placed on the seat. He then raised the pike and stuck it hard on his hand! With the scream of "ahhh!", the pike was nailed to his own hand. He hurriedly covered it with his hand, but the blood on his hand still flowed out of his fingers.

The woman screamed and said, "What do you want to do?" She didn't finish her words, but felt that her hand was about to slap her on the mouth! She was stunned at the time, and gave herself a harsh slap. I looked at her and said, "Standing on the side and look! Do you think it was accidental for your ex-boyfriend to steal?" She stood still with her mouth opened, and her face was filled with fear.

I turned to the man and said, "Talk about the terrible things you have done! The next pike may go for your eye if you waste any time."

He had to tell dejectedly after heard what I said, "I spent 5,000 yuan on a box of cigarettes, and handed one to her boyfriend according to what the seller told me··· After he smoked, he just···" he said as he pointed to the woman with his hands tied together "ah! You!" The woman angrily pointed at him and she was too angry to speak! "So you successfully took away his girlfriend?" I said, the man replied frustratedly, "Yes!" I waved and shouted, "Slap!" And the man was slapped for a few times. At this time, many people had huddled around; everyone was stunned since they didn't know who did the slap!

I paused and said, "Where is the man sold you the cigarette now? Take us to him!" Then I turned and said to the woman, "He has a relations.h.i.+p with the cult, but this matter has nothing to do with you, you can go!"

Regardless of the fearful eyes of other people on the barbecue stall, we pushed the man into the car and drove to the suburbs. The car was driven to the national highway of the suburb outside a small house that collected waste. The man pointed at the hut and said, "It was settled, and they pay me 2000 first, and will pay me another 3000 here after it's done!" I realized that it was over and the man surnamed Bai got away with it again, since he didn't expect to get the other 3,000, it was just a short-term plan for him to take some cas.h.!.+

At this time, Zhu Jun called. Obviously, the girl called the police. I promised him that I would send the man to him right away!

When I arrived at the police station, where the girl and the "thief" were both there, I brought them in and handed them to Zhu Jun. Zhu Jun discussed with the three of us and brought the kid over. I asked. "There are still 19 remaining cigarettes. Where are they now?" He replied. "At home!" I said to Zhu Jun, "You send someone to follow him to take the thing. Let me know after you got it, and we are going to follow up tomorrow! We could do nothing if he kept playing games with us!"

After returning to Wu Zhong County, it was already in the middle of the night. The three of us still went to the barbecue as a midnight snack.

Early in the next morning, we took the tools together and set off. We went to the neighboring county to meet Zhu Jun first and got the box of cigarettes, which looked pretty normal and was produced under Yun brand. There was nothing wrong with it and we were confused about what Bai Chuanwei was doing.

We took the cigarettes and set off. Before we left, Zhu Jun asked me about how to cooperate. I thought about it. "This cult gangster is very sly. He could see the police car from afar during the day. It was easy to alert him if you follow! So let's just keep in touch, and we will call you if you are needed!"

Going out of the county, I opened the gourd, and put the cigarette in the entrance of the gourd, then I recited the curse to summon the spirit eagle, which flew out and hovered to the sky. The spirit eagle flew so high and looked like a swallow. It seemed that the man surnamed Bai was still far away.

Our car followed the general direction. The spirit eagle flew all the way to the north and west and our car also left the national highway and was drove to the country road. We had done the tracking once before, but we were still in the soup this time, since the spirit eagle didn't consider the land route and only knew to take short cuts. Sometimes, we would lose our target, and we could only see the spirit eagle after we crossed the whole village. Sometimes we could also meet the traffic jam if there was a fair!

We gradually left the county boundary of Fengrun County and entered another county. To be exact, it was now the territory of the county-level city. We were still struggling to trace, but Chongxi was snoring. He had a really good sleep even if the car kept b.u.mping!

It had been out of the county for more than three miles, and they saw the spirit eagle hovering over a mountain from a distance.

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The Tale Never Ends Chapter 97 The Final Pursue summary

You're reading The Tale Never Ends. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Mu Xiao Song, 木筱松. Already has 504 views.

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