Power and Wealth Chapter 1624

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Chapter 1624


At the office.

In his own office.

Dong Xuebing leaned back in his chair, propped his feet up on the desk, and lazily watched a movie on the computer with droopy eyelids.

Five minutes...

Ten minutes...

Twenty minutes...

Unable to bear it any longer, Dong Xuebing straightened up, turned off the movie, lit a cigarette, took a few puffs, and drank tea. He felt uncomfortable all over, feeling out of sorts. It was too dull, too boring, too leisurely. Initially, when he first started working, Dong Xuebing felt relaxed. He would watch movies and listen to music daily, enjoying a rare leisurely time. It felt comfortable. But now, he felt too relaxed, having just returned from a trip. Watching movies and daydreaming now felt like enduring endless days, doing nothing. Dong Xuebing was already at his wit's end.

Keep a low profile?

Low profile my a.s.s!

If he keeps a low profile, he'll die!

Dong Xuebing took a deep breath, unable to stay still, pacing around the room with his hands behind his back. He walked around for more than ten laps before finally resting.

Work a bit?

But how can he work?

It's just those trivial doc.u.ments, and there's nothing to do. Even if he does them, they have no practical meaning. For him, real work that stirs pa.s.sion is doing something practical for ordinary people. However, the Discipline Inspection Commission mainly targets leaders above the department level. It would be a big deal if Dong Xuebing were allowed to investigate freely. He doesn't have the right to investigate without approval from above, which contradicts the low-key principle his mother-in-law set for him. So Dong Xuebing felt that nothing he did now was right. It was too boring.

d.a.m.n it!

If he had known this, he might not have come to the central government. He could have gone to the gra.s.sroots and become a small county head in a disadvantaged area. At least he wouldn't be idle! He was promoted quickly this time, and the position was good, but he still couldn't find a sense of presence and social value! Dong Xuebing slapped his forehead. Now, he missed his previous life at the gra.s.sroots every moment. It was so refres.h.i.+ng back then. He could step on whomever he wanted and act when necessary. That was life. That was excitement. But now? How long has it been since he last raised his hand and hit someone? His arms were itching!


So annoying!

Dong Xuebing may not have realized it before because he had always struggled. But now that he's truly idle, he sees how combative he is. If no one challenges him for a day, he feels like he has no value!

By eleven o'clock, Dong Xuebing couldn't sit still anymore. He went online and found a forum on Tianya, registered an account, and saw two groups of people arguing fiercely. Dong Xuebing immediately joined one side, hurling insults at the opposing camp. Dong Xuebing's skill in cursing was cultivated over many years, too profound. Even high-quality officials, let alone the chaotic individuals on the forum, couldn't match him. Dong Xuebing was almost invincible wherever he went, unstoppable. He caused chaos in the opposing camp, and the end, they were left speechless!

You can say Dong Xuebing is too bored!

This forum immediately became lively.

Many other forum moderators came to watch after hearing the news.

Tianya has been around for many years, but I've never seen such a formidable insulter! Without using foul language and always standing on the moral high ground. What's most impressive is that he can overtly and covertly incite the, causing the number of people in the opposing camp to increase, leaving the other side completely defenseless!

What eloquence!

Is he a new user?

When did Tianya produce such a talented person??

Finally, Dong Xuebing triumphantly closed the webpage when the opposing camp was disarmed. While savoring the victory, he felt even more bored to death!



How can I live like this?

After wasting a long time, it was finally time for lunch!

Exactly noon, not a second more, Dong Xuebing grabbed his bag and left the office.

Seeing Dong Xuebing coming out, everyone else still working outside put down their work and took a break. They took their meal cards and prepared to go to the cafeteria—ever since Dong Xuebing came, everyone has developed a habit. They didn't need to check the time; as long as Director Dong opened the office door, there was no need to ask. It was exactly noon. Director Dong was even more punctual than their watches. Accurate.

Zhang Dongliang was of a lower rank and had a similar background. He originally intended to build a good relations.h.i.+p with Director Dong, so he asked, "Director Dong, are you going to lunch?"

Dong Xuebing grunted.

Zhang Dongliang said, "To the cafeteria? Then we..."

Dong Xuebing said, "I'm eating out today."

"Uh, okay." Zhang Dongliang didn't say anything more.

When Dong Xuebing left, Han Fei hummed, "What are you calling him for!"

Zhang Dongliang smiled bitterly, "He's the leader, just being polite."

Han Fei was unhappy, looking in the direction Dong Xuebing left. "Forget about him. Let's eat. What kind of person is he? He always speaks just a few words. Can saying a few more words kill him? Look at Director Yin, who takes care of us subordinates. Look at him—what kind of virtue is that!"

He Zhou said, "Let's go, Xiaofei. Don't be so angry."

Han Fei angrily said, "I just can't stand his att.i.tude!"


Dong Xuebing didn't know how everyone was talking behind his back. He was feeling bored at the moment. He didn't want to stay in the central Discipline Inspection Commission for a moment longer. The atmosphere was too oppressive. So he drove out to have lunch, casually finding a restaurant outside to dine in.


Before one o'clock.

Dong Xuebing glanced at the time, then drove back. He thought he would have to idle away the afternoon in the office, so he rubbed his temples.

How am I going to get through this day?

But just as Dong Xuebing approached his office building, he found many cars blocking the way ahead, and he couldn't get through. His Xiali could only stop behind these cars, honking the horn, but the cars in front showed no signs of moving.

What's going on?

It's fine to have traffic outside!

But why is there traffic inside the office??

But the next moment, Dong Xuebing and the people in the car heard some arguing, and the tone seemed familiar. They couldn't help but look ahead a few times.

Is that Han Fei?

What's going on? Are they arguing with someone?

Upon closer inspection, Dong Xuebing saw a familiar figure from the opposite side of their argument - Huh? Isn't that Yang Zhen, the deputy director of his General office, whom he met in the morning?

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Power and Wealth Chapter 1624 summary

You're reading Power and Wealth. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Chang Yu, 尝谕. Already has 78 views.

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