Power and Wealth Chapter 1639

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Chapter 1639



"Xiao Bing."

"Just leave it like this, Sister Su."

"You came all the way, we..."

"Oh, don't be so polite, go and accompany your cla.s.smates."

"Otherwise, I'll go to the backyard with my friends, and you guys will stay in the villa."

"Come on, I still have s.p.a.ce over there, and it's not far to drive."

Su Jia felt it was inappropriate, but Dong Xuebing insisted and pushed her inside. If Su Jia didn't leave, Dong Xuebing would push her by force. Accidentally, his hand slipped, and he touched Su Jia's chest. Even though Su Jia was known for being flat-chested, there was still something there. Dong Xuebing felt it distinctly, but luckily, no one else saw it as everyone was busy looking at the villa.

Dong Xuebing coughed awkwardly and whispered, "My bad."

"Fidgety." Su Jia gave him a sideways glance. "Alright, you go back and entertain your colleagues and superiors. I won't bother you."

Dong Xuebing nodded, "There's a car in the garage—my Range Rover and Huilan's Porsche. Huilan went south, so the car hasn't been used, so feel free to use them. The spare keys are in the living room drawer, which is unlocked. Oh, there's also alcohol in the study upstairs. Help yourselves."

"Okay, got it," Su Jia smiled.

"And if you can't find something, call me."

"Where are you going tonight, and what time should we leave?" Su Jia asked.

"I'm not returning tonight, and I hardly stay here anyway. Have fun with your friends, and let them stay if needed. There are plenty of rooms, so a dozen people can fit easily. But please, except for the master bedroom, don't let anyone else stay there."

"Why can I stay there?" Su Jia laughed.

"You're my sister," Dong Xuebing chuckled.

Su Jia glanced at him. "Alright, thanks for this."

"There's no need to thank me; it's not a big deal. I don't come here often anyway, and I give the keys to my mom. Feel free to come whenever you want."

"Alright, hehe." Su Jia chuckled. "You go on, I won't keep you. Say hi to your colleagues."

Watching Su Jia enter the villa, Dong Xuebing walked back. Finding that everyone had left, he saw them heading towards the backyard across the lawn.

"Wow, there's even a swimming pool!" Han Fei exclaimed in amazement.

He Zhou and Sun Zhaobang were also surprised; the villa was too luxurious.

"Our Director Dong knows how to enjoy life," Yin Cheng'an nodded in approval.

Since they were already there, Dong Xuebing didn't rush to leave. He accompanied everyone for a walk around the backyard, knowing they wouldn't disturb the party inside the villa.

Ring ring, his phone rang.

Seeing it was his mom calling, Dong Xuebing stepped outside to answer.

Just then, Yin Cheng'an said, "Alright, Xiao Han, stop making a fuss. Let's go."

Han Fei turned back while walking. "If I had a villa like this to retire in, it would be worth it for a lifetime."

Sun Zhaobang chuckled, "It's worth tens of million. Selling all of your bags wouldn't be enough to buy it." Realizing he misspoke, he hurriedly added, "Of course, not including Director Yin."

Yin Cheng'an laughed, "Alright, I can't afford it either."


"Dong Xuebing answered the phone, 'Mom.'

"Luan Xiaoping said, 'Why did you go to the villa today?'

"'Oh, I just invited some colleagues for dinner. Did Sister Su tell you?' Dong Xuebing said, “Sister Su said she would make s.p.a.ce for me, but I didn't let her.”

"Mom hummed, 'Your sister Su came back from overseas training not long ago, both Yunxuan and I were busy, and she helped take care of the kids for several days. She was exhausted. So, when Old Yang said your sister Su wanted to go to Beijing for a cla.s.s reunion, I gave her the keys, without asking you.'

Dong Xuebing laughed, "It was originally a house for you, no need to ask me. And recently, I bought another set of houses, and I moved in early."

Mom was stunned, "You bought another house?"

"'Haha, yeah,' Dong Xuebing was quite happy.

"You bought a house near the Fourth Ring Road and moved out of the family compound. Why are you spending money randomly?" Mom complained.

"This isn't random spending. That place, even if you have money, you can't buy it" Dong Xuebing chuckled. "I'm keeping it a secret for now. When you come to Beijing, I'll take you there. I'm sure you'll like it." Dong Xuebing was in an excellent mood today, mainly because cras.h.i.+ng that Audi A4 felt so satisfying. It finally released the pent-up frustration in his heart. When he saw the leaders and colleagues coming out, Dong Xuebing hung up the phone.

"Director Yin," Dong Xuebing approached.

Yin Cheng'an slowly said, "Where shall we eat?"

Dong Xuebing felt embarra.s.sed, "I'm sorry today. If I had known my sister was coming, I wouldn't have come. It made everyone come here for nothing. It's mainly because I don't usually stay here; the villa has been empty, so when my sister came, she didn't tell me, thinking I didn't need the house."

"Yin Cheng'an smiled, 'It's okay."

Han Fei was curious, "Hmm, you don't even live in such a nice villa. Where do you usually live? How come I heard you moved out of the family compound?"

Dong Xuebing said, "I live near Houhai now."

Zhang Dongliang blinked, "Houhai isn't far from our unit and the family compound."

Sun Zhaobang was a little surprised. The house prices in Houhai are even higher than here. One is outside the Third Ring Road, and the other is inside the Second Ring Road, with two or three times higher house prices.

Dong Xuebing nodded, "I should have gone there directly. It's closer. But I just moved in and haven't settled in properly, so..."

Han Fei asked, "So, now?"

"Let's go to Houhai," Dong Xuebing looked at Yin Cheng'an.

Yin Cheng'an said, "If the place isn't enough, we can go to the family compound."

Dong Xuebing smiled, "No need, there's enough s.p.a.ce."

Yin Cheng'an didn't stand on ceremony and nodded, "Okay, you're the host today. It's your call. Let's go; it's getting late."

Ten minutes.

Half an hour.

The cars retraced their route.

Looking at the time, it was already past seven in the evening, and it was getting dark.

On the way, everyone in Dong Xuebing's car didn't say much, but rather chatted casually. However, in He Zhou's car behind, several people were curiously discussing Dong Xuebing's situation.

"Director Dong's father pa.s.sed away, right?"

"I heard that too, and his mother seems to be an ordinary teacher."

"It's strange, Director Dong comes from an ordinary family, how can he be so wealthy that he can afford a villa outside the Third Ring Road?"

"And he also has a background, I wonder..."

"Hmm, is the money for buying the villa..."

"Let's not bring up work-related matters at this time."

"Director Dong dares to bring us here, so the money must be fine. Otherwise, Director Dong would be sick if his money is dirty. He brings a group of discipline inspection officials to the villa. Where can you find such a thing? Besides, property disclosure in the discipline inspection commission is now the strictest. It's our discipline inspection commission that leads all departments in property disclosure. I heard Director Dong used to work in the discipline inspection, and since this transfer went smoothly, it must have pa.s.sed the a.s.set investigation. The villa should also be registered. If there were any issues, it would have been mentioned. It's clean.'"

"Sigh, I really can't figure out Director Dong."

"Yeah, he's younger than us but has everything."

"The most remarkable thing is Director Dong's temperament. It suits my taste. That this afternoon was so brilliant. If others encountered such a thing, they might also think about hitting back, but it's just a thought. Director Dong did it."

"And he didn't even get any punishment in the end."

"That's right. That's his ability. Otherwise, how could Director Dong become a leading cadre at such a young age? He must have something extraordinary."


They arrived.

"Turn left here."

"This alley or the next one?"

"This one, yes, keep going. Park after fifty meters."

"It seems like there are no parking spots inside. Shall we park here?"

"Okay, let's park here. There are plenty of cars inside anyway."

Dong Xuebing directed Han Fei to park the car. Behind them, He Zhou's car also parked. Everyone got out of the car.

"Hey, Xiao Dong is back," a woman sitting at the door said.

Dong Xuebing greeted her with a smile. "Yeah, Auntie Sun, I'm off work, returning to have dinner with colleagues."

After that incident, Dong Xuebing had a good relations.h.i.+p with the people in the alley. Many pa.s.sing people greeted him.

They walked forward.

Han Fei asked curiously, "Do you like living in the alley?"

He Zhou and Sun Zhaobang also didn't understand why Dong Xuebing, with a lovely villa, insisted on living in the alley. Although the environment here was good, the houses were tiny. The relatively s.p.a.cious rooms in the quadrangle courtyard couldn't exceed forty square meters. It must be too crowded.

Dong Xuebing said, "Yeah, I grew up in this alley since I was a kid. I like the environment and atmosphere here. Please, this way."

They arrived at a quadrangle courtyard.

Dong Xuebing stood at the door, opened the door with the key, and stepped aside to let everyone in. He was the last one to close the courtyard gate.

Han Fei didn't understand. "How can you lock the door from the outside when people are inside?"

Sun Zhaobang checked his watch. "Yeah, it's already after work hours, but they haven't returned yet."

After turning a corner, everyone arrived at the s.p.a.cious quadrangle courtyard. Their eyes lit up. They could see that the layout was excellent, and the area was larger than they had imagined. This courtyard was probably the best in the entire alley.

Holding the food, Han Fei looked around and didn't know where to go. He couldn't help asking, "Director Dong, which room is yours?”

Dong Xuebing nodded and gestured with his hand in a circle. "They're all my home. Feel free to sit anywhere, either inside the house or out in the courtyard."

"It's all your home? This entire quadrangle courtyard belongs to you?" Han Fei, He Zhou, and Sun Zhaobang were all surprised to hear this.

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Power and Wealth Chapter 1639 summary

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