Ancient He And Modern Me Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 I am Back Ji Ruoyi found her bag was fully destroyed by the man, and her lips twitched. When she turned to the troublemaker, he was staring at the phone carefully, like a cat that kept watching a rat. How funny! But this was not the time for fun.   She ran to pick up the phone before he got the chance to destroy the device carrying her hope of going home. She pressed the answer b.u.t.ton. “h.e.l.lo, are you Miss Ji Ruoyi? This is Cocomaomao Time-travel Agency. . . ” Yi Zhizhu was surprised to hear some human voices coming out from the beeping thing. “d.a.m.n it! What era did you send me to? People living here call this the Tian Dynasty, which I’ve never even heard of. I booked a ticket to the Tang Dynasty! Tang! Tang! Why am I here?” she yelled loudly at the communication machine. “Eh. . . ” The clerk sounded frightened by her and he answered after a while, “Sorry, Miss Ji, some mistakes were made in regards to our arrangement so we sent you to the wrong time and s.p.a.ce gap. Now we are trying to take you back with the traveling machine. Please prepare your belongings and wait for the procedure to launch in zero seconds.” After saying this, she heard the countdown sound of the machine on the other side: “0 . . . 9 . . . 8 . . . 7. . . ” “What the f.u.c.k! Zero seconds? How can I prepare all my things in zero seconds? Besides, I haven’t had a chance to play around here for a while. I only saw a man. h.e.l.lo? h.e.l.lo? By the way, I am still in the man’s house, having had no time to go out for a look. h.e.l.lo?” Ji Ruoyi yelled again toward the phone, however, the counting down only continued. “5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . Di. The procedure is starting.” A bright sliver light came down through the ceiling to s.h.i.+ne on her body. Ji Ruoyi was so regretful that she had to go back so soon. This time, she would ask them to return the fee in the full amount, for sure!   She was leaving? This understanding made Yi Zhizhu unhappy. Though he didn’t know where she came from, not to mention, her words were so strange. But he didn’t want her to leave him. He ran up to her and took hold of her arm immediately. “Hey. . . ” Ji Ruoyi was so surprised that she looked at Yi Zhizhu. “I am leaving. Let me go.” “No. . . I won’t let you go,” he said in a steady tone as if someone of power. “What? Release me, please!” She was surprised. Gos.h.!.+ What’s wrong with this man of ancient times? He looked so handsome, but he was so strange. She had a bad impression now. “The procedure was successful! Welcome back!” The bright light became stronger and stronger, and finally, with a “beep” sound, it was drawn back to heaven. And the two people in the room disappeared.     “Prince. . . Prince. . . Did you see the special silver light in the sky? It is coming toward us. . . Prince . . . have you seen . . . ?” The housekeeper was running toward the room they were just in as he was upset about the special sign that had just appeared from the heavens. Was something bad going to happen? “Prince. . . Prince. . . ” He knocked on the door, and n.o.body opened it. His heart became more uneasy and he asked some underlings to push open the door together. Then, an empty room appeared in front of them. What had happened? Was the young master kidnapped by the woman with witchcraft? But the young master was so powerful with his kung fu. How could she defeat him? So she must have used some kind of witchcraft—a powerful skill. He had never see any good girl from the respectable families wear so little clothing.   “Master, I made such a huge mistake that I didn’t take good care of the prince. Somebody has kidnapped him.” The housekeeper knelt down to cry out toward the sky, pretending he was regretful; however, he did nothing wrong, as it was an incident. And soon he became calm again, and ordered, “Search through the whole village. Find a trace of the prince for me.” “Got it,” the underlings answered.   What a d.a.m.nable woman! If he caught her, he would punish her bitterly.   After pa.s.sing out, he woke up first. When he looked around, he was frightened to find himself in another strange place. Where was he? All the people here were wearing the weird clothing similar to that of Lady Ji Ruoyi. Were those males? Why was their hair so short? By the way, women here also had their hair cut. Besides, the outside was dark, so why was the room as bright as the day? Could the special things that hung from the ceiling be more powerful than the legendary luminous pearls? And, why were he and the lady confined in a cage? Did they catch them? “Lady Ji. . . Lady Ji. . .  !” he called her, as she was still laying in his embrace, unconscious. He patted her face slightly, and didn’t feel he was being in any way inappropriate. “G.o.d! I feel so sick! Even more awful than taking a bus. . . ” Ji Ruoyi became sober and she opened her eyes to find Yi Zhizhu in front of her.   She bounced up immediately!   “It’s all your fault! I can’t go back anymore. The phone can only be used once in an emergency. Poor me. . . No. . . I don’t want to stay in ancient times. I want my time, I want my pizza, I have a TV series to follow . . . ” She cried hysterically, and pushed him away to sit on the ground.   “Miss Ji Ruoyi . . . welcome back!” A cold voice without any emotion sounded in the office, which stopped her tears.

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Ancient He And Modern Me Chapter 2 summary

You're reading Ancient He And Modern Me. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): 仲夏轩. Already has 815 views.

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