Monster Integration Chapter 3882 Now, Captain!

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Chapter 3882 Now, Captain!

"f.u.c.king h.e.l.l!"

I cursed with my whole body shaking. Not cause by the constant attack by the monster, but the thing, I got to know just now.

It is big enough to make me shake all over.

"What is it?" he asked worriedly.

"Its power; it is more than we had imagined," I lied, and he nodded. "It indeed is powerful," he said, worry on his deepening as he intensified his attacks.

I should have told the truth, but I didn't. The truth would affect the things for worse. I don't want that.

We are already struggling against it, and I don't do anything to do or say that will make things worse than it is. Especially not it being a Prime monster; that might make the captain think about retreat.

Yes, the monster is Prime.

It is shocking, but true. My clone had checked it multiple times, and it was positive always.

It is a Prime without a doubt and that created more questions.

Why it is here?

The suppressive zone isn't comfortable. People would want to get of out such places as soon as possible; the monsters even more.

The monster didn't pop into the database of the sea primes. It might be a new prime or old one, which has been in the suppressive zone for thousands of years or it might be prime, that came here from the other seas.

It might be the prime, with energy hunting it, or the prime with the incomplete breakthrough.

There could be tens of reasons for it and not a single one is important.

This suppressive zone is comprehensive. It reaches one deepest meaning. Even if one is prime, they would be a Sky Sovereign in here. Their very cells and energy particles would be suppressed at the Sky Sovereign level.

It might be Prime, but it is Sky Sovereign and that is all I need to think about.

Though that doesn't mean, its level doesn't provide it with a certain level of benefits. The month important of them all is the genetic knowledge it would have gotten after the breakthrough. f??eweb?o?el.?o?

The suppressive couldn't suppress that.

The people and also the monsters become aware of every speck of their strength after becoming prime. It lets them control their strength far better than any Sky Sovereign, which is a big edge here.

It might be the reason why; it was able to suppress the arrows after it had pierced its tentacles.

The thing is, this monster is stronger than any opponent, we would face with the same strength, and that makes defeating it much harder.

So, telling that to the captain wouldn't be wise.

He might retreat and seeing him being our leader, the other would retreat. It would be absolute chaos where most people would get killed.

It is better than keeping the secret to myself and focusing on killing it. Which is difficult even with my method, but here I am not alone, together with the captain, we might be able to do something.

I am working on my method, but it will take some time. Its level makes it imperative that I work as cautiously as possible.

If it sensed what I was doing, it would go all down the drain, along with my chances of survival.


The monster roared again. Not because of the attack hit it. It was because of the frustration, that it couldn't break through my s.h.i.+eld.

Seeing that, I braced myself for what was coming.

A moment later, the powerful energy burst out of it and with that, it attacked again, with its tentacles covered in dense white energy, that gave me shudders all over.


The defeating bangs rang out as its tentacles started to clash with my s.h.i.+elds again and this time, sending a ma.s.sive number of energies.

My s.h.i.+elds are good at dealing with the energy, but the amount it is dealing with every attack is pus.h.i.+ng them closer to breaking the limit and if not for the changes my clones have made, it might have done that already.

Still, it didn't much change my condition as I started to vomit again. The shock of the attack is tearing me apart.

Though I am still alive, and that is because of my s.h.i.+elds.

They are amazing. If not for them, I wouldn't have been standing here. Still, today might be the day before they crack apart.

I hope I will get to use my last move before that happens.

I am nearly finished, a few seconds more and I will be using my best move, but this time, me alone wouldn't be enough.

"Captain, do you have something that could harm it?" I asked, and he opened his mouth but stopped.

He was likely giving me a generic answer, but seeing the expressions on my face, had made him stop.

"Do you have something?" he asked.

"In a few seconds, I might be able to slow it down and weaken its defensive. It won't be for long. It might be less than a second," I replied. It is not words that will give one confidence, but it is all I have.

"I have one arrow. My most dangerous one," he replied.

"Use it, when I told you to," I said, and he nodded. I didn't ask him what kind of arrow it was, nor he asked me in detail about my attack.

We do not need to; it is the only option we have, and we are going to use it. Whether it will work or not, we will leave that up to the fate.

I focused fully on my strings; I have gathered a lot of data on them and I am moving them according to it. The bind needs to be perfect.

Ideally, I like to freeze the enemy, but it is powerful enough, that it won't be possible. So, I have to be satisfied with slowing it down and suppressing its defenses with that new formation.

Let's hope, the arrow captain is powerful enough to finish the job.

Seconds pa.s.sed, and finally, I was done with the string. I checked them and the binding is as perfect as it could be.

"Now, captain!" I shouted and pulled the strings with everything I had.

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Monster Integration Chapter 3882 Now, Captain! summary

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