Monster Integration Chapter 3973 Birthday

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Chapter 3973  Birthday

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, happy birthd…" Manya and others sang as I blew away the candles on the ma.s.sive cake, they had brought.

It is as big as me and we are only seven people.

"Happy birthday to you, Micheal," they finished.

"Thank you all for accepting my invitation to celebrate this day," I said.

It is my first time celebrating my birthday since I came here. I don't like to, but I need to be more social.

Being closed off isn't good for my psychological health.

I looked at six people. All of them are my friends. Some I had done a mission with while some shared the same profession, except for Ehys.

He is Manya's boyfriend.

I began to cut the cake and ate with them.

It is good. Though, I would have baked better.

I quickly pushed that throw away. I couldn't always compare myself with others.

"Who brought the game?" asked Manya. "Me," said Joriv. He is a healer with me in the hospital.

A minute later, seven of us sitting on the floor of my living room, playing the game of Orion West. It is a tradition of Tor.

The game, too, had been invented in the organization.

There is a yearly compet.i.tion for it, and the organization offers a ma.s.sive prize for the winners. One of the prizes is a day with the Prime.

People in the organization are really serious about it.

All the six people around me had serious expressions. As they kill each other's pieces and capture more territory.

"Hey!" Manya screamed, glaring at Ehys as he conquered her seat.

"You are my girlfriend, but I want to win the game, darling," said the elf, before leading his army toward Kala's territory.

He captured it, before moving to mine.

I had prepared a good defense, but he broke them one after another, before conquering my seat.

I had tried hard, but the man was good.

He moved like a beast, but his army was tactical. Just when you thought, you would be able to hold him back, he brings out the force, that destroys yours.

The only other one who was able to conquer was Joriv and an hour later, only two of them remained.

Their forces clashed on land and sea. Both lost some and won some, but the final victory went to Ehys.

It is a pyrrhic victory, but a victory, nonetheless.

"You are good. I hope we will face each other directly, in this year's compet.i.tion," said Ehys.

"Sure. I wanted to face you for years," replied Joriv.

"Now, that game is over, let's eat," I said. "Finally," said Kala, and we walked to the table, while the clones served the dinner.

One clone had brought, an inconspicuous bottle of wine.

The clone filled the, with yellow golden wine. The quant.i.ty was lesser than normal but didn't look like it because of the design of the gla.s.s, but everyone could see.

However, n.o.body commented, as most of them were focused on the delicious-smelling food in front of them.

Still, they raised their


"To Micheal," said Manya.

"To Micheal," the other repeated as they clinked the, before taking them to their lips.

As they did, they froze.

The are special. They would contain the energy, and smell and even restrict the soul sense trying to scan the content inside.

Manya's whole body shook, before she took the sip, closing her eyes a moment later.

Everyone did the same and didn't open their eyes for over ten minutes and when they did, there was a deep shock in them.

"It's n..nectar, isn't it?" Manya asked hesitantly, and I nodded.

"It's luck, that I got a bottle, and I wanted to share it with you all," I said with a smile.

There is not a hint of doubt in her eyes about it. She could never guess that it was crafted from the formula, she had given me.

"I have only heard about the nectar, never thought, I would be able to drink one," he said, looking at the yellow-gold liquid in gla.s.s.

"Just one sip had made me feel like I am in a lake of power, that slowly getting absorbed by me. Strengthening me, little by little," added Ehys.

They kept looking at it for a while, before taking another sip and closing their eyes again.

"You should eat food too; it complements the nectar well," I advised as they opened their eyes again.

They nodded and ate food in front of them.

"It's delicious as always and tastes even more delicious, thanks to the nectar," said Manya, and took another bite of her food.

It had taken me an hour to think about the best food, that complemented the nectar.

I barely manage to do it, even with thousands of recipes and one of the best culinary skills in the organization.

"It's the best meal, I had in my life," said Ehys as he finished, before his eyes turned serious.

'Micheal, do you perhaps have another bottle of nectar?' he asked telepathically.

'I could pay you a good price for it,' he asked a moment later. 'I wish; I had got only one,' I replied with a voice full of regret.

A few seconds later, the others also enquired, including Manya. Some had straight up said what they were willing to offer in exchange.

One made me interested, but calmed myself. They are not people; I want to sell.

There is someone else I have in mind. They will pay a much better price than them.

So, I politely rejected their offers.

"Once again, happy birthday, Micheal, and thank you, for giving me one of the best nights of my life," said Manya two hours later, as she got up to leave.

"I am glad," I said, and she smiled.

'Think about my offer,' she said one last time, before walking out of the door.

I closed it and walked toward the wall and sat down on my chair, in the house, which had become empty again.

Ting Ting!

A few minutes pa.s.sed and I was looking at the view, when the doorbell rang.

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Monster Integration Chapter 3973 Birthday summary

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