Monster Integration Chapter 4043: Garsonath's Transformation II

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Chapter 4043: Garsonath's Transformation II

My fleshy skin began to change.

In a few seconds, it had turned into the skin of elves. There is a vast difference in the skin between the two; people can easily tell the difference between the two.

A moment later, it had turned into the skin of kuras; the race is similar to humans; they have tails.

It begins to change, every few seconds into the skin of different races, that I didn't even recognize. It is not just my skin changing, but changes also happening internally within me.

Into my bones, my internal organs, and in very blood and all of it so painful, that I wanted to


Instead, I maintained the breathing and circulated the energies of inheritance, soul, and body as the methods wanted me to.

Failure would have a grave consequence, especially at this stage. It shouldn't have happened. The first stage is divided into three parts.

The first is sensations; the temperatures I felt earlier were part of it. Then came the skin, which is happening now, and the third is another one.

These parts happened one by one in order. Pract.i.tioner need to finish one before moving to another.

Here, the two are happening in single sessions. Not a single book about the method had mentioned something like this happening.

It shouldn't have been happening. Even when I was Earth Sovereign, and the first state was for the Sovereigns; many practice this method at Sky Sovereigns, and even they need to step by step.

The only reason, I could think about is forbidden power.

The changes in my body have gone through it is making the method behave like this.

Whether it is a good thing or bad. I don't know. Nor I could stop; the only thing I could do was continue like this.

Minutes pa.s.sed by and finally, the skin changes stopped, and the pain lessened till it disappeared.

Seeing relief flooded into me.


The relief was short-lived, as the thing I had feared had happened.

The changes begin to appear in inheritance energy, soul energy, and vital energies, and they

are painful. More painful than anything, I had experienced in this method.

I should have expected something unexpected might happen to me because of the forbidden energy.

It always does.

I would have still practiced it, but would have been more prepared in my heart. Unlike now I am taking it all in while struggling to hold my scream.

Seconds pa.s.sed, and the method continued. I could control myself and follow the method.

Which is harder than it looked, but I am doing it. Failing means suffering a backlash; that could keep me in bed for months or make me a cripple.

The fates which I don't want to suffer.

I don't know, how long it pa.s.sed, when finally, the energies had calmed down and the pain disappeared.

A few seconds later, the runes came out of me and slid down on the tile. As the last rune went back; I stopped the method and collapsed on the tile.

It was too much.

I stayed on the tile for a few more minutes, before I had the energy to get up.

I did and walked toward the shower, before stepping inside.

When I came out; I was feeling much better. Still tired, but better.

I changed into new clothes before walking into the living room and laying on the couch by the


I watched the scenery for a while and even followed a person, flying around. Even Sky Sovereign needed permission to fly, but that young woman was a Sovereign.

'Must be someone important,' I thought and focused on other things.

I stayed like that for a few minutes before closing my eyes. A moment later, appearing in the core, in front of my meta-scan.

I opened the connection with my clone, and immediately, a shock appeared in my eyes.

It took me a few seconds to get control of my emotions before I began to study the meta-scan in front of me.

A few minutes pa.s.sed and I let out a long breath.

"Its truly unexpected," I said.

A lot of things happened. The first being going through all three stages at once and using over 90% of resources, that would have lasted me ten sessions.

Speaking of sessions, I could be able to practice this method daily.

At least till it is at level 1.

Usually, when Sovereigns practice it. They could do it once a week.

If Earth Sovereign practiced, the first stage; then they could practice it twice, but with the

body of forbidden power, I could practice it daily.

It will change when I reach the second level of it.

Until then, it is daily, which is good. I want to reach the second level of it as soon as possible.

It is at that level. The method would allow me to manipulate my body with the greater abilities, that will match the abilities, I have right now.

There is another thing, I noticed about the method. It is what shocked me.

I could use it to merge with forbidden power and see it used completely different way, than talaras; I would be able to breach its daily limit.

Though at first level. I wouldn't be able to merge with 30% of the forbidden power of that talaras; it's still enough.

It will take me reach the forbidden limit faster.

It is the thing I needed. I would limit with physical, but forbidden would always take time.

I didn't let myself get happy.

I need to test it with forbidden power. The method might react differently and make me suffer

side effects. So, I need to make sure, there is none.

I have taken enough risks in my time in the realm. I rather play safely till; I make a

breakthrough into the Peak of the Earth Sovereign.

I studied the meta-scan for another hour, before walking toward the library to work on my


I will be reaching the limit soon. I need to make the inheritance ready too.

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Monster Integration Chapter 4043: Garsonath's Transformation II summary

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