Aiming To Be The Best Magician In The World! 443 Extra Chapter 38

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"Phew! I am finally here! So this is where the goblins were sighted by the merchants huh?" He muttered to himself as he was nearing the entrance of a cave inside a mountain.

"It sure looks like a normal cave, it also sure looks like something I wouldn't enter normally too." He added as he chuckled to himself.

"Alright, let's get this mission done quickly!" He said to himself as he opened his bag. He proceeded to pull out a paper swan that had enchantments on it.

"Go! Magical Item : Scouting Swan!" 

The paper swan immediately came to life as it started to move around. Providing the adventurer with the vision it was able to capture using its inanimate eyes. 

"Thankfully these things are cheap. The only downside to this is the effective range it has… It can only go 200 meters away from the user's location." He muttered to himself as he remembered the price tags of the other scouting items on the shelf.

He shuddered just thinking about it. However no more. He had a mission to complete, and he had already started it.

"Let's see what is in this cave." He muttered to himself as he motioned for the paper swan to fly into the cave slowly and cautiously.

"Tch. This place is too dark for me. Let's see if this will work… Maybe it will attract the attention of anything nearby too." He muttered as he made a torch and threw it as hard as he could into the cave.

"That should be far enough for my paper swan to scout." He muttered as he climbed on top of a tree just in case anything was to catch him unsuspected on the ground.

As the paper swan flew into the cave, what greeted its eyes was a huge amount of yellow eyes with green skin.

"What in the world… Why are there so many goblins in here? Just what is deeper into the cave?" He sweated heavily as he commanded the paper swan to go deeper into the cave.

After a bit of flying, there was a door in front of it. Blocking its path. However, it wasn't an ordinary door. The door had various engravings on it. All that looked very demonic.

"This is bad… This is either a dungeon or a secret hidden altar for a demon. I need to get back and tell the others!" He said as he cut off his connections with the paper swan before packing up and running away from the forest.

However, the moment he left the forest. There was a loud sound that caused the earth to quake and rumble. Quickly turning around to see what it was, the huge mountain that was once in view was suddenly gone.

"W-what! How is that even possible? What happened!?" He said out loud in surprise and in fear.

After saying that, he proceeded to put all his strength into his legs to sprint away from that location before he got caught in the aftermath.


Author : yawn i was forcefully woken up to go out with my cousins sob sob


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Aiming To Be The Best Magician In The World! 443 Extra Chapter 38 summary

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