Hakuna Matata 2 2. Birth Of Alien

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Mini's Dad couldn't stop from wondering. What changed her? Excluding the fact that she wanted to break free, he felt the change was not that bad. Little did he know that she had to go through a few years of suffering to bring about the change in herself.

What the h.e.l.l, man?!!! JUST A FEW YEARS is not NOTHING!!!!

Ok.. Let's not get to the struggle part now.

Mini, 17, Light Brown, Not so perfect but cute facial features, Athletic Fitness, Scary at first sight. Still scary for people she loathes. But sweet and witty to the people she loves.

Even though Mini was pretty cute now, no guy dared to make a move on her. She is that intimidating.

She was a person who wasn't aware of the fact that she was naive. Well, that is what that made her naive, DUh!

Loved short hair but had long hair! (Had to give in to the First Lady of their home due to the threat of losing food and shelter. Nothing else could tame her).

Little did she know the actual reason behind guys not approaching her. She thought she was not the type guys were interested in. What? Of course, she never cared, dude! It was just her observation. Before she was too sad to care and now too cool to care.

After a few rough years, she started wanting to break free from the unnecessary expectations of the society who played no role in making her life better. She wanted to be independent.

She knew that studying college away from home will be her stepping stone to independence. But if she misses this opportunity, she might end up not getting independence at all. So she was adamant about not losing it.


Mini froze. Her dad who was putting up with her arguments patiently burst out.

Mini started getting nervous. She knew the lion has come out of its cave. She has just 0.000000000000000000000001% chance of making the argument advantageous to herself.

Mini was staring at her Dad with an open mouth and shocked pale face, motionless except for her streaming tears...

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Hakuna Matata 2 2. Birth Of Alien summary

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