I Am The Queen 34 Chapter 32

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"You and I are just strangers... cla.s.smates at most... You've already repaid me yesterday by allowing me into your home and fed me... We are... even..."



Eric thought that the woman would get angry and leave. Surely, she got the underlying meaning behind his words. He wanted for her to get out of his unit. She was proud and arrogant and didn't take kindly to anyone that made her feel degraded and shame. Thus, it was only natural that she would storm out from his room. It was expected.

But to Eric's astonishment, Evangeline just laughed heartily.

Her laughter resonated inside the room that Eric was stunned at the sight of her laughing face.

It was not an exaggerated laugh, more like a burst of laughter from a little girl, first time doing a successful prank.

"Oh Eric, if you wanted to chase me out, no need to be so polite about it." Evangeline giggled some more before she wiped away the tears in her eyes.

She didn't know why, instead of feeling humiliated, she was happy to hear Eric's words – no, she was delighted at hearing his tone of voice. That subtle changed in his tone from being deep to slightly trembling gruff, signifying that he was having a hard time in saying those words, like he didn't want to say it at all!

It only means that he was not honest.

It was either he was too polite, or he was waiting for her to affirm what their status was.

Evangeline giggled before she slowly walked towards Eric, causing the man to be bewildered.

"Do you think that after what happened yesterday, you and I are still strangers or cla.s.smates? The moment I let you enter my house, you and I became more than just that... It is too late Eric.... You've already caught my attention." Evangeline alluringly smirked while her eyes sparkled in delight, watching Eric's conflicting expressions.

"It's rare for me to notice someone. But once I do, I won't stop until I get that someone to be mine."

Eric was stunned yet again when Evangeline bent down and gently tapped her finger on his nose.

"You belong to me now, Eric. Whether you like it or not."

Then she straightened her body and grinned before she turned around and walked towards the door with swaying hips while saying along the way with tantalizing soft voice.

"You rest there some more while I prepare your dinner."

Then she went out, but didn't close the door.



W-Wha.... W-what just happened?

Eric still hadn't recovered, his brain stuck on the image of Evangeline. He didn't even register half of what she said when the woman bent down and her dressed stretched, exposing her plump b.r.e.a.s.t.s and enticing cleavage held together by a thin black lacy bra.

Eric closed his eyes and tightened his jaw, trying to calm himself. It was a good thing that the blanket covered half his body. Thus, the woman didn't notice his hard rock erection going haywire from the surging l.u.s.t and heat.

Eric tiredly slumped on the bed and covered his eyes with his arm as he felt dizzy – again.

I think I'm going to get sick from a different type of sickness.

Eric continued to closed his eyes as if in deep thought. He was still sick, but he felt somewhat better now. He was trying to digest of what Evangeline had said to him. He didn't go ahead of himself in thinking that the woman loves him – no.

It was more like a fascination rather than anything else. And Evangeline hadn't exactly said that she likes him or anything at all that would give away their current relations.h.i.+p status, which somehow, he felt relieved at.

As of now, their relations.h.i.+p leveled up from being strangers to cla.s.smates to....

Servant and master?

Eric chuckled.

Being her servant might not entirely be a bad thing.

He was, after all, secretly observing her from the start ever since she adopted Snow in her care. Even to the point that he secretly took jobs in places she frequented to.

But he never would have thought that he would attract her attention.

It was never his plan.

Now that the woman wouldn't leave him alone anymore, partly because of his doing, he might as well indulge himself from what his heart been craving for secretly.

Eric took a deep breath and slowly got up, out from his bed. He was about to reach for his when he heard a thunderous explosion from the kitchen.


Panic and worry instantly flooded him. He dashed towards the kitchen, not noticing that he was now wearing a different s.h.i.+rt.


Eric yelled while an insanely creeping fear ate his heart and mind.

He only breathed the air he held when he noticed the woman standing meters away from the stove and smokes.

Evangeline was still somewhat stunned before she was yanked forcefully and landed on a man's body.

"Eve! Are you hurt?"

Eric immediately checked Evangeline up and down and carefully looked at her hands and fingers. When he made sure that not a hair was missing nor a wound on her skin, he breathed another sigh of relief.

Evangeline blinked and only now registered what had happened.

The explosion happened so fast that it shocked her entire system causing her to shut down momentarily. When she came too, Eric was inspecting her from head to toe and her lips curved in a mocking smile.

"Eric, something is wrong with your kettle. It suddenly exploded. It must be fake. You've been doped."




Eric held his laughter when he saw that amidst the cinders sprinkled on the woman's face, she still had the audacity to say those words with innocent eyes and mocking lips.

Eric gently wiped away the black dusts on Evangeline's face with his fingers as he chuckled.

"What exactly did you do for it to explode?"

Evangeline raised an eyebrow as if telling him that it was obviously not her fault why the kettle exploded. Still, she replied honestly.

"I just poured water in it and placed it on the stove, as you can see."

"Ahuh... and then?"

After making sure that Evangeline was not hurt in any way, Eric hurriedly turned off the stove and placed the burnt kettle in the sink, turning on the faucet.

It was a good thing that Evangeline was not scald in any way.

Evangeline's perfectly shaped brows somewhat creased in one line, yet the slightly taunting curved of her lips didn't diminish.

"I wanted to make some ginger tea, but the water taste... tasteless. Thus, I added sugar in it."



Eric's eye twitched while he looked somewhat unbelievably at the girl.

"You added sugar... on boiling water... inside a covered container like the kettle?" Eric questioned without any malice. Instead, he was somewhat amused.

Evangeline crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks, seemingly proud. "Yes, what's wrong with that?"

Eric chuckled, but he didn't say anything as he shook his head.

"No wonder it exploded." He mumbled before he led Evangeline to sit on a chair.

"Sit here first while I prepare us something to eat."

Evangeline immediately protested. "That won't do, you're still sick."

Eric immediately held her shoulders when she was about to get up from her seat.

"I'm fine. Thank you by the way."

Then he left Evangeline there and ransacked his ref for the leftover food from yesterday night. He also reheated the porridge that Evangeline had brought for him.

After a moment, Eric was already lost himself in cooking for their dinner.

Meanwhile, Evangeline watched as the handsome man smoothly and effortlessly prepared their dinner. It was like watching a pro-chief in the kitchen. Eric's movements were fluid. No actions were wasted.

In a matter of thirty minutes, everything was served, and Eric was now seated opposite her.

Evangeline's taste buds had long been pampered by top renowned chiefs. Still, simple dishes like stirred fry vegetables and the reheated leftover food tasted divine when Eric added something to it with his personal touches.

"I got to say, Eric. You can do part time jobs every day without letting it affect your academics, and you can even cook like a pro." After tasting the soup, Evangeline lightly tapped a napkin on her lips before she leaned in towards Eric who was blowing porridge from his spoon.

"I'm living alone, so I have to learn to cook for my food," Eric answered simply and began to eat.

He hadn't eaten all day, so his stomach had been grumbling the moment he woke up. Though he still didn't have any appet.i.te and his taste buds were not yet working properly due to the cold, the important thing at the moment was to sated his hunger.

Evangeline knew this too, so she stopped bothering him and decided to let Eric have his fill first.

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I Am The Queen 34 Chapter 32 summary

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