I Am The Queen 41 Chapter 39

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"Before you boys talk money with me, I suggest you buy modesty and virtues first since you all lacked in those parts. Better yet, undergo surgeries to have your d.i.c.ks transplant in your brains since it seemed to be the one thinking the most."

"What did you say?!"

The men were flabbergasted and speechless for a second. They had forgotten that Evangeline had a sharp tongue that made even the most shameful guys cowered before her.

Evangeline didn't pay the boys any mind as her piercingly cold eyes glanced at Jen which caused the latter to jolt in creeping fear.

"Firstly, how will you explain me, knowing about your feelings towards Asher when even your BFF Sisley didn't know until now? We're not even close. In fact, this is the first time that we interacted."

The boys quieted, and then something like a light bulb appeared above their heads. They looked at the sobbing woman in Sisley's embraced.

Yeah, how did Evangeline know your feelings when even your best friend didn't know about it?

Jen paled, and then anger surged inside her once more from embarra.s.sment and agitation. "How do I know?! You tell me! Someone called me to come here and then when I did, you started to threaten me!" Jen tried to deny, and once again, sobbed against Sisley's shoulder.

Evangeline continued to smile calmly. "It's all too fishy don't you think? We don't have any interaction and then suddenly after the interschool sports fest, you came to me demanding the whereabouts of Asher Cole."

The boys looked at each other. They knew what happened on that day. It was the day that the school was shocked that Asher Cole knew Evangeline Heart.

Then out of the blue, Jen and Evangeline were in dispute because of Asher Cole. It's too much of a coincidence.

If Evangeline really did threatened Jen, why only now after the whole school had known that Evangeline and Asher Cole knew each other? Why not in the past or before the interschool fest.

The boy's face became wary as they glanced at Jen. Without much evidence of what really happened, their stance turned neutral.

Jen was proclaiming that Evangeline had threatened her. While Evangeline was proclaiming that it was Jen who had suddenly approached her, demanding the whereabouts of Asher Cole because the girl had known after the interschool fest that she had connections with the man.

Jen felt that the situation was against her, so she immediately added. "I don't know why you kept on lying Evangeline, but I can find that person who had called for me to meet you here and testify."

Evangeline scoffed. "No need. How will I know if that person is secretly working for you? If that is what you called evidence, then I too will grab someone and testify that you stormed here to chaste after a man that doesn't even know you existed."

"Y-you... you..." Jen's face changed color from pale to red to pale again. Then she ran out of ideas and contended to cry on Sisley's shoulders and screamed. "I swear I'm not lying!"

The boys once more, looked at each there. Some just wanted to go home and didn't want to be implicated in the drama anymore while some didn't know who to believe. Without evidence, they could only remain at a standstill.

Evangeline had a point, but with her reputation, Jen's words could also be the truth.

Sisley was distressed that Jen was crying so hard when no one believed her. "Shhh... I believe you." She continuously rubbed her best friend's back and then glared at Evangeline.

"Evangeline, you could have somehow found out about it from others. Though Jen is my best friend, it doesn't mean that I am the only person she is friends with... She might have told it to someone else."

Once again, the table had turned and everyone now curved to what Sisley said, and they started to scrutinize Evangeline once more.

But since Sisley was a kindhearted young woman, she immediately added. "However, since grabbing someone to testify as evidence is faulty, and there are no others that saw what happened, we cannot prove anything." She breathed a mouthful of air and met Evangeline's intimidating gaze. "We can forget about this whole thing ever happen if you apologize to Jen."

Evangeline c.o.c.ked her head and looked at Sisley like the girl had grown horns. "Why should I apologize to her?"

Sisley frowned and answered. "Because you made her cry."

Evangeline laughed like it was the funniest thing she had ever heard. "Miss Lacroft, are you saying that everyone should apologize just because someone had started crying out of the blue? Even for you... isn't it a bit... ridiculous?"

Sisley's cheeks turned red in embarra.s.sment as she immediately defended herself. "That's not what I meant. I only wanted you to apologize because you made her cry."

Evangeline smiled mockingly. "Where's your evidence that it is I that made her cry? She just started crying by herself. It's not my fault that she's such a crybaby. And since we're in this topic of apologizing for hurting someone else's feelings, I think you're the one who is more experience in this kind of topic. Seeing that you covet someone else's boyfriend behind someone else's back and that beautiful woman haven't received one bit of an apology from you."

Sisley and Daniel's face were drained of colors while the others looked at one another, then looked at Daniel and Sisley in disbelief.

There was no way that Captain had cheated, right? It was because the captain could no longer stand Evangeline that was why they broke up!

But.... Why did Captain and Sisley started to date after just a month? Wasn't it a little too... fast?

Because both Daniel and Sisley have clean reputations in school, and that everyone knew that Sisley was a kindhearted woman and Daniel was an example of a perfect gentleman, no one suspected why they had gotten together after just a month after Daniel and Evangeline broke up.

But now that Evangeline had mentioned it....

The boys gaze locked on Sisley as they looked at her funny.

"I... I..." Sisley was at a loss for words.

Seeing her troubled like this, Max couldn't stand it and walked towards Evangeline with the intention of grabbing her hand.

"Enough! You should just apologize!"

Wide palm reached out to Evangeline, but before it could even land on the girl's skin, another hand grabbed Max's wrist and shoved it away, causing Max to stagger backward from the strength as he watched in disbelief at the man who just overpowered him.

"Please, back off."


The sight of Eric's wide and st.u.r.dy back, towering in front of her, cause her to felt a sense of comfort and... protection.

Eric slightly glanced towards Evangeline and smiled. "Sorry, I'm late. I'm kind of curious to know how you're going to salvage yourself out from this situation."

Evangeline didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the man's honesty. Nevertheless, she scoffed and smirked, "So that's why you've taken your precious time to come to your master's aide. So tell me, how should I punish you for your insubordination?"

Eric turned his head forward and faced the people in front of them. "I'll treat you to dinner?"

Evangeline's smile widened, a rosy plush blossomed on her cheeks.

At the sight of this, Daniel frowned. A complicated feeling rose in his heart. She never smiled like that to me before, and she never blushes whenever we're together.

While everyone was surprised at the sudden intrusion of Eric, Max sized the guy up and down and snorted.

"Well, look who's here to the rescue, the boy toy."

Eric's expressionless face didn't change as he calmly urged everyone to leave. "I don't see any logic to this confrontation, so I suggest that both parties leave."

Of course, Eric heard the entire conversation between Jen and Evangeline. He was at a corner after all, hidden by the bushes and towering trees, doing his usual cleaning business.

But who would believe him if he told the entire scene? Since he was already one of Evangeline's people, his voice would appear subjective. So why bother to explain?

Evangeline knew this too that was why she didn't say anything and decided to leave it to Eric to handle.

Max and Jen frowned and wanted to retort, but at this moment, Daniel finally stepped in.

"Eric is right. Any more bickering than this will just lead to meaningless dispute. I also suggest that everyone leave and forget the whole thing ever happen."

Since Daniel was already the one who suggested it, then the case was considered closed.

Daniel turned towards his friends and teammates. "Everyone, I have something to discuss with Evangeline, so you go on ahead." Then he looked at Max and Jen. "Max, can you escort Jen back to her home, please?"

Max hesitated as he subtly took a peek at Sisley, but the latter's wholehearted focused was on Daniel, not even a spare for him which caused his heart to yearned in pain. "Alright, Jen let's go."

Jen glanced at Sisley, and when the latter nodded, she took Max's hand but not before giving Evangeline one last glare which after, she zoomed towards the Academy's gate with Max beside her.

As everyone left one after another, Evangeline, Eric, Daniel, and Sisley all remained behind.

Sisley bit her lips and lowered her head. She was feeling annoyed and angry and confused as to why Daniel wanted to speak with Evangeline, dominating her entire mind. The thing with Jen was even pushed back behind her head, no longer a care about it.

As far as she was concerned, Daniel and Evangeline was over.

"Let's go, Eric. You still owe me that dinner." Evangeline too was about to leave when Daniel called for her.


Sisley flinched and closed her eyes. She hated it. Hated it if Daniel called another girls name especially his ex.

But what could she do? She could only play the understanding girlfriend in front of him, else she wanted Daniel to hate her for being jealous and unreasonable. She didn't want the first time that they would argue was because of Evangeline.

Evangeline flashed out her usual smile reserved for people she didn't like.

"Yes, Daniel?"

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I Am The Queen 41 Chapter 39 summary

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