I Am The Queen 8 Chapter 6

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This was the day that all the students were expecting.

Unmei Academy's sports festival.

Prominent figures, celebrities, tyc.o.o.ns even politicians and some royalties attended this event to watched and cheered for their family and friends.

The Academy had strict rules that observers, relative or not, should not in any way interfere with the event. They wouldn't be allowed even to come close and speak to their sons and daughters during the entirety of the game. However, they would be permitted to watch and cheered and nothing else.




The huge gym reverberated at the earth-shattering cheering from the sound of Daniel's name, the star and MVP player of the basketball game.

Basketball was a fan girls dream. It was a sport of athletic men who were often sweating, panting, and dealing with their feelings on court. Thus, it was no wonder that this game had many women cheering and going crazy in stimulus.

Sisley's heart fluttered and skipped a beat every time that Daniel scored. She felt even more deeply in love with him as she continued watching his remarkable display of skills. Some of the girls even cried and at the verged of losing their selves.

Daniel is just so… awesome…. *sigh…

Meanwhile, while Daniel and Max played like the star of an action movie, being cheered and cried upon, Eric was sitting on a bench, reading his notes. He was the only person on the bench. Since the start to the end of the game, he didn't even get the chance to warm up.

Who would let him play with his nerdy countenance, appearing weak in physical endurance and strength, no one would take the chance with Daniel being a compet.i.tive man. All Daniel thought about when playing was winning, and he would not allow a little slip just because he let a single person ruin the momentum of the game.

Meanwhile, while some of the management boys were busy playing basketball games, some of the management girls were playing dodgeball.

From the start, Evangeline and some of her not so popular cla.s.smates were forced to play this game of pain. Since it was only five of them who were present and no spare, the exact number to play dodgeball, every one of them was required to come on the playing field.

Evangeline smirked inwardly. She knew that it was planned by their cla.s.s president, who was a girl by the way, and every girl hated her that was why she was put in this game together with her other cla.s.smates of the lower stratum in the cla.s.s.

Evangeline glanced at her opponents.

Tall, well built like they came out from a football match and very able to break some bones.

She glanced at her team.




That was the only word for it.

The opponent smiled and grinned evilly at her which she just smirked in turn – challenging them.

Hmp! You've underestimated me.

Without a second thought, Evangeline raised her hand.

"I forfeit."

Then she grabbed her things and sashayed out of that stinking field.



The teachers and students were speechless, to say the least.

The teachers all wanted to shout and drag Evangeline back, but they knew that forfeiting wasn't against the rules.

All of them hadn't expected that Evangeline would just forfeit like that, knowing that by relinquis.h.i.+ng, their team would entirely lose the game since they had no spare.

They clearly underestimated her hard-hearted and shamelessness.


Daniel hurriedly finished playing basketball, his second game for the morning. He couldn't wait to meet up with Sisley in their secret meeting place. He shoved everything inside his backpack and with his still basketball attire on, he ran towards the exit of the gym and into the deeper parts of the garden.

Meanwhile, Eric was also preparing to leave when Max stopped him.

"Eric, right? Sorry, but could you give this to Daniel, I have another game after this and Daniel might need his phone." Max explained as he handed Daniel's phone towards the nerdy man.

Eric just looked at Max with a stoic unreadable face, then he grabbed the phone from Max's hand and dashed off towards where Daniel had gone too.


Max softly uttered as he shook his head.


Meanwhile, in the deeper parts of the garden where towering trees blocked the sun, Sisley carefully laid out boxes after boxes of food, making sure that everything was perfect.

She couldn't help but giggle in antic.i.p.ation. Then the man of her dreams came in, panting and catching his breath.

"Sorry... *pant... Have you been waiting long?" Daniel ran his hand through his somewhat dump hair with beads of sweat falling from his face. Coupled by his basketball attire that formed his muscular frame, he appeared enticingly alluring.

Sisley gulped.

"N-no... I just got here..." She meekly answered and then her face blushed at seeing Daniel grinned at her.

"Lier... You're clearly here much early to set this all up. Are this for me?" Daniel felt love and happiness at seeing the bundles of foods laid before his eyes.

He rushed to Sisley's side and stopped just in front of her.

"Uhmm... W-well... Y-you are playing four games in just one day, so... You need enough energy to replenish the ones you've lost." Sisley fumbled her fingers while looking down with reddening cheeks.

Seeing her like that, all cute and adorable, Daniel couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh, and then he crossed the distance between the two of them and gently held Sisley's chin to raise her head so he could stare at her beautiful hazelnut eyes.

"Thank you...." He whispered.

Sisley held her gasp when she felt Daniel's hot minty breath fanning her face mixed with his manly sweat that made her hormones rampaging in full gear.

They were so close!

Super close that she could hear his heart beat violently against his chest…. Or was it hers?

Even so, she couldn't tear her gaze away from his deep sapphire eyes, causing her to imagine the vast open seas and flying seagulls and dolphins.

They continued to stare at each other, lost in their own world until Daniel brought his lips closer to Sisley's while the latter gradually closed her eyes in antic.i.p.ation.

"I hate to break your romantic moment, but I have to interfere since I can't stand the insects bites anymore."

A soft arrogant voice snapped the two out from their moment as they immediately pulled apart from each other.

Their eyes widened when they saw who it was that disturbed their almost heart-warming kiss.


Daniel whispered, a terrible sense of guilt immediately flooded his heart causing bile to rose in his throat, making him somewhat nauseous and dizzy. He thought that Evangeline was still playing dodgeball!

But unfortunately for him, Evangeline just quit and decided to sleep instead in the deepest parts of the garden. On the way, she even saw Sisley setting up lunch boxes which she ignored and went deeper more towards the forest near the lake for a good shut-eye. Only to be awaken by that oh so familiar voice.

Sisley too didn't know what to do as she began to tremble at the piercingly cold woman's eyes.

"Oh please, don't stop at my expense. After all, I'm just Daniel's girlfriend."

Evangeline smiled and stared at the two guilt-stricken people in front of her.


Daniel didn't have the chance to finish his sentence when Evangeline raised her hand to stop him.

"It's okay Daniel. I mean, I'm not exactly nice to you and didn't treat you the way a girlfriend should treat a boyfriend. But at least I was always true to you. Unlike you who is spouting kindness and compa.s.sion all the time, but secretly meeting another woman behind my back?"

Daniel was rendered speechless and couldn't utter a word. He momentarily lost communication with his brain as overflowing emotions of guilt took over his mind. He could only stare at Evangeline with guilt and shame.

Evangeline continued to smile and then raised an eyebrow at Sisley with a mocking curved of her lips.

"And you… Sisley Lacroft. The girl that everyone loves. The girl who can't even hurt a fly. The one who is all nice and kind and full of compa.s.sion."

Then Evangeline glanced at the lunch boxes and smirked, placing her long stylish nails on his tantalizing red lips.

"So tell me, how does it feel to steal someone else's boyfriend? Not so nice and kind and compa.s.sionate now, are we?"

Evangeline softly laughed when the two people couldn't even move their lips to defend themselves.

Finally, Daniel couldn't take it anymore when Sisley began to cry. He stepped up and s.h.i.+elded her from Evangeline's view.

"Look, you can say anything that you want to say about me. It is all my fault. Sisley didn't do anything wrong."

Evangeline raised an eyebrow at him with a sardonic smile before eyeing the lunch boxes.

"Don't get me wrong, Daniel. I'm not here to argue nor say something about anything to anyone." With a domineering face, she looked at the trembling girl, cowering behind Daniel.

"Queens don't compete with hoes."

With a head held high and with a face that looked down on everything, Evangeline continued to smile. Her icy cold lilac eyes mocked the man she thought would be different.

"I am something that you'll regret losing. I can promise you that much. I am a gold. A rare precious stone. The hardest orihalcon you can ever find." She chuckled and lazily sized Sisley up and down. "But you prefer ores, and that's okay."

Evangeline breathed a mouthful of air and clapped her hands before nodding at them like an Empress that had finished giving her edict.

"Congratulations. You two are perfect for each other. Both are hypocrites. Have a nice day."

Evangeline walked past the two stunned male and female without even glancing back, walking away like she owned the world.

Even though Evangeline didn't admit to it, she still felt bitter that something belonged to her was s.n.a.t.c.hed right under her nose.

But that was it.

In the first place, she no longer believed in the male species because of her father. Though she had given Daniel a bit of her trust, but she didn't entirely give him one hundred percent, and she never will in the future and never will with any man.

I don't believe in silly affections.

A pity though. And here I thought he would be different from that man.

Evangeline stopped when she noticed that Eric was standing quietly at the side with his messy hair, dark thick-rimmed, and tattered backpack, holding a phone.

Evangeline didn't care if he heard and saw everything. She gave out a lazy smile and walked past him.

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I Am The Queen 8 Chapter 6 summary

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