Heaven Revolting Garuda 40 Sensing The Vital Qi

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" Father it has only 3 forms ,the name sounds so dominerring but what hapoened to the rest of them" asked Mu WuShang with low voice .

" Hahhahahaha ,first you complete these incomplete art that i gave you afterwards ,i'll tell you about it's remaining forms " replied but thought " see ,i got same thought after winning this art in an auction ,although it is perfect for laying foundation for body cultivation no one didn't able to find its remaining forms "

" You remember your promise right " Mh Chen turned to see right into Mu WuShang's eyes expecting an answer .

" Yes dad , i won't start Qi cultivating until you tell and Iam just four and half years old ,do you think i'll able to sense qi that fastly anyway " said Mu WuShang.

" Shang'er you see there are much high level genius than you are ,remember always what i told you there will be always someone higher than ,if you don't want them ti squash you and use you as a climbing stone ,you have to squash them only by working hard can you accomplish that " Mu Chen said while holding Mu WuShang's shoulders .

" Anyways ,you can't practice that art for now so don't delve into dreams of using it ti appear cool infront of your mothers okay " said Mu Chen in a casual manner.

" hmmm ,why can't i use it dad ? " asked WuShang in an innocent manner .

" stupid ,the basic power that required for it is to have 100 kg ,come on punch this pole see your fist has 100kg or not ,if it has you can learn it now " replied Mu Chen.

With a serious face Mu WuShang walked towards the pole that his father taken out from his spatial ring and a.s.sumed a position infront of it and punched it

It neither made a sound or moved a little bit ,no light came from that pole but his hands started bleeding profusely " aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh" ,with a shriek wu shang held his hands and glared at his father.

" Don't glare at me ,as i said you don't have much power but you didn't listen " replied Mu Chen and a light flashed from his spatial ring ,he brought medicine and applied it onthe hands of MuWuShang.

At night ,he couldn't eat with his hands and Jiang Ruo ( his birth mother) was helping him to eat ,but Mu Chen refused anyone to help Mu WuShang and said " we are spoiling him too much ,he won't become a great person if he doesn't encounter difficulties and setbacks let him suffer and eat on his own "

Mu WuShang struggled to hold chopsticks and started eating and his body was on edge of collapsing ,so as soon as he landed on bed he slept.

Like that every day Mu WuShang used to hit poles and all his hands were b.l.o.o.d.y ,lifting weights and doing push ups ,situps to improve his body conditions and attain punch power of 100kg ,like that slowly six months pa.s.sed away .

On the hill ,a s.h.i.+rtless youth started punching the pole and his hands are having slight blood marks , his height is of 120 cm and his body has developed slight muscles ,his black hair was flying when ever he punches the pole ,yes that is Mu WuShang he has improved since last six months and he is feeling that today there will something breaking in his body he can feel it ,so the speed of the punches started increasing per second.

After few minutes a white light has light on the pole ,it is dim but after seeing it Mu WuShang started hitting ir fatser and faster the white light started radiating but WuShang closed his eyes according to what his father said if one reaches this state then there will be a wisp of Vital Qi produce in his body, WuShang is currently searching for that wisp of qi in his body with that he can practice ' Nine Transformations Dragon Body Art "

As he continues to search he found it a wisp of Vital Qi ,it is radiating with life energy and he concentrated on that and tried to move that , Mu WuShang sat cross legged and started focusing on moving his wisp of Vital Qi ,it started running from his hands to legs making a complete revolutions of the body.

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Heaven Revolting Garuda 40 Sensing The Vital Qi summary

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