Heaven Revolting Garuda 46 Entering Primal Fores

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After such a huge commotion his parents were worried and without his father holding them they might have jumped to see what was happening in that fog ,Mu WuShang slowly opened his eyes and all that greeted him was the peace and tranquil garden which used to be there was turned into ruins all of the trees were uprooted and the spiritual energy within a mile was reduced and he could see the spiritual energy with his eyes .

He stand up and tried to walk but as soon as he took a step he fall down ,he staggered to walk ,his body is now contains much more power than previously so he couldn't control his hands and feet ,just getting super powerboost was not that all good he thought and he tried to stand all used little energy as he could but he fall down immediately ,like this his body was out of control .

His father Mu Chen arrived and tapped his shoulders a strange energy went in him and sealed all his power ,only then he could stand and be able to walk properly ,he looked at him and said " well what is all this about ,we told you to awaken your dantian not ti break through do you know now your foundations are all a big mess " slowly he shouted ,never in his life WuShang did see his father got angry.

Mu WuShang tried to say but he immediately shut his mouth and looked at ground accepting his mistakes ,he should in future try to control that greedy dantain of his ,if not he'll be in big trouble thought himself.

His father anger didn't get calm and he took off angrily ,don't which poor monsters or humans will face this wrath. He then walked to his mother and asked " mother do you know any special information about that ancestor ,like did he have any special requirement for his breakthrough etc "

" No , i don't know any special characteristics about our ancestor except his power and talent in Alchemy and Cultivation " said Jiang Ruo looking at him she asked " Why do you suddenly care about that thing now "

" mom ,he and i have same type of body so i thought if it will help me in my future for reference " he said scratching his head .

" But before he died he left an heritage like ,now the grand and mighty ' PILL HALL ' he established it and it is one of the powerhouse no one dared to mess with ,looking at sky Jiang Ruo's tears started to fall and said " now your grandmother is the Hall Master of the PILL HALL "

Seeing her sad he build up courage and asked looking at them " Where are my grand parents all of them has one why don't i have them tell me mother when i will see them ",he stared at them and asked.

Three mothers looked at each of them and nodded ,just Jiang Ruo was about ti say something he heard a loud shout " you brat don't trybti know much when your power is only just Qi Acc.u.mulating stage " his father Mu Chen floated down and thrown a package downwards and said " In this has a special dress that 8 brought for you and some pills there are discriptions on them how to use them "

" Now you are going to see us only when you completely master that body martial art i gave you ,at least you won't die from that equipment I gave you will protect you don't worry ,now say your goodbye to your mom's " saying that without giving Mu WuShang a chance to ask a question ,Mu Chen pulled his Collar and flown away ,the speed was two times of wind but with his father protecting him nothing happened to him ,he travelled a long distance with Mu WuShang and dropped his body in middle of a jungle and without looking back Mu Chen flown away .

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Heaven Revolting Garuda 46 Entering Primal Fores summary

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