Heaven Revolting Garuda 48 Practicing Slithering Serpent Form To Small Success Realm

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In his closed cave he started to practice the first form of Nine Transformations Dragon Body Art ,the SILTHERING SERPENT FORM ,this form is all about flexiblity of the snakes ,their slimy body which can escape from any hold and can turn their body into distinguiahable side .

Mu WuShang has been practicing it for a while and his flexibility standards are increasing ,he has food stored in Aquarious but it'll be completed soon .....,it has been three days since he resided in cave and practicing continuously the shapes and vital qi flow into the ligaments ,these ligaments consists of both white and yellow tissues in which white are not strechy they maintain their place and doesn't move but yellow tissues are stretchable it increase our flexibility.

The vital qi will help it to increase the yellow tissues stretching capacity and this doesn't affect the ligaments between joints ,and the skin of Mu WuShang when uses this art will releases the fat inside his body through pores and makes body oily and greasy enough to slip from the hold ,the more stimulated more will be excreted but this depends upon one's fat in his body.

Mu WuShang started to do different postures in his body ,just like yoga he seen in his previous ife it is been same but referenced by looking at snake's body ,this art consists of a secret art used for survival it is called " Greasy body " ,it converts the fat into more slimy substance like grease to reduce the resistance .

Mu WuShang thought while practicing " this ability doesn't suit me at all ,who the h.e.l.l did he create such a worthless art " ,he thought himself.

But anyway this is the art invented by the senior who created such an amazing manual ,so he did think what he wants to create and not blindly create , based on this logic he practiced it over last ten days .

As he is getting hang of it , he can cintrol his sword now it is not absorbing any spiritual qi now ,so it's weight didn't increase ,after two days the food with him has run out so he came out to hunt some wild animals and find some fruits.

Before coming out he asked Aqua to summon the entire area to find any demon beasts are present or not , after confirming there isn't any be started to search for fruits ,he memorized whole herbs books that his mother Jiang Ruo has he can tell a fruit is poisionous or not.

While he searching for food ,he found some fruits and he killed two wild rabbits and stored them in Aquarious ,when he is returing to cave he saw a a small snake about half meter length fighting two feet hight and stout rat ,he stopped to see how a small snake can fend it.

At first the rat has upper hand but slowly ,it started to miss its. .h.i.ts on snake the snake was able to crawl and bend on ground without no resistance as if no resistance force present between its body and earth .

Suddenly an enlightment has occured to Mu WuShang ,he started practcing the movements of the first form imagining him as that small snake ,his body started to emit oilg substance from pores and he can run fastly as if he is lighter than air and he can evade any move ,his body's flexibility also started to increase ,he practiced the Slithering Serpent Form to it's small success realm.

He understood now the profoundness of the grease body ,if enemy can't touch him is there any need how much force or how much vicious attack is useless if they can't touch him ,he will be like a slime slipping from their hands when they exhausted then attack.

After returining to cave he started cultivating and absorbing spiritual energy from surroundings and solidifying his Qi Acc.u.mulation Realms , his Qi Started to compress more and more due to seal and it's pureness also increasing, then he ate and slept in the Aquarious without any fear because now Aquarious size is like grain of sand ,like h.e.l.l anyone will find out.

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Heaven Revolting Garuda 48 Practicing Slithering Serpent Form To Small Success Realm summary

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