Heaven Revolting Garuda 5 Meeting The 'Seniors'

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As Jake looked around none of them present there so he continued to walk until he saw light there were few people about 12 members sitting around a table eating non stop none of them want to stop eating they devored food in a frenzied manner ,none of them noticed Jake even if they do they are in no mood to spare an explanation .

As Jake was pretty hungry himself who barely ate anything ,he too joined them and started eating but most of the food consists of only boiled eggs , toasts and orange juice only three items but their quant.i.ties are a lot they can just devour how much they want after eating like that for 15 min only then they stopped ,Jake only had few boiled eggs & toasts he didn't eat more than that because he is full he can't understand how can they eat that much there is even a. 14 to 15 year old eating twice as he ate , finally one of them glanced at Jake and told him that "eat kid otherwise you won't survive tomorrow " and then he continued his eating .

As Jake didn't understood anything ,he was in confusion he knows nothing about this place or anything ,he wanted some answers but nothing was told to him from beginning and here after this he is expecting some answers from the people who stranded here or exactly his new roommates.

After 5 min they finished eating and started was.h.i.+ng their hands and wiping their mouth and burps are also heard from time to time .he was careful not to offend them and get into bad situation, so he

Politely introduced himself to one of the middle aged person by raising his hand for a hand shake "My name is Jake "

That middle aged person just looked at Jake as he saw some fool and said "here there are no names only numbers are allowed ,so don't repeat you're name again and get yourself into trouble "

As per rule you can be called as 'thirteen' from now on as for me I am ten and he started introducing everyone based on their numbers the eldest is about 30 years old and the youngest is about 14 years old ,all of them are basically silent like they will waste their stamina by talking

So uncle ten gave Jake alias '13' a quick brief that there will be training tomorrow so that they have to show up so he gave me tips like 'never talk back to training officer and don'g fall back' otherwise the consequences will be brutal .

Jake didn't get full information about this island like why are they training them ,why would they provide such good food and accomodation to them ,all for just a subject who'll partic.i.p.ate in a experiment as a test subject .they are likely a disposable so why spent so much on them .

Well he doesn't know much but meeting the fellow sufferers in the same boat gave some warmth to him ,he thought that he'll be all alone ,the thought of that is scary .Anyhow meeting seniors is good.

He'll get his answers if he presist and follow them he thought.

And he chose one of the empty beds and closed his eyes and tried to sleep but he can't but after tossing around the bed few times at unknown time he fall asleep.

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Heaven Revolting Garuda 5 Meeting The 'Seniors' summary

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