Heaven Revolting Garuda 53 Provide Me A Cauldron Hmmmm.... Because I Forgot Mine

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Both Ren and Mu WuShang walking continuously taking only minimum breaks to reach Ren's village faster ,Mu WuShang was quite excited towards Ren's village while Ren was anxious to see how his father is doing and want to heal him quick.


After few days at last they reached the village , the village is full of life ,hunters are cleaning their weapons and checking their equipments and polis.h.i.+ng their weapons ,children are playing while running here and there but none of them would disturb any hunter ,women are drying the meat for storage and talking etc

The village wasn't much big but their houses are built on trees ,some of them caved mountains and used them as their homes they were all kinds ,upon seeing the return of Ren children rushed towards him and started clinging to his hands and legs inviting him to play, a few friends of Ren greeted him.

" Hey brat you returned atlast " ,asked a hunter with a tanned Skin .

"Uncle ,how is my father ,has his health getting any better " asked Ren with worry in his eyes .

" Your father is okay for now ,but his health is deterioriating fastly ,without that medicinal pill he won't hold much longer , how many sets of medicine did you gather anyway " asked the hunter with tanned skin .

He is trying to avoid topic ,he is unable to control his feelings imagining his best friend bedridden ,Ren didn't gave an answer but looked at a distance and caught the hand of Mu WuShang and dragged him away.

Within few seconds they arrived at Ren's home ,Ren's expression is mixed he is happy coming back to home but sad at his father's health condition ." Father ,Father ,Pa ,Pa........, Ren shouted top of his lungs rus.h.i.+ng into his house with the animal skin bag he's wearing , I brought the ingredients Pa don't worry you'll be back to health in no time " with runny tears Ren shouted .

Mu WuShang followed closely behind Ren ,as he didn't know any treatment methods only he know about concoting pills of grade 1 ,which is enough to cure Ren's father so he didn't make any noise to disturb the patient.

In the room ,a middle aged man about 32 to 35 years old was lying on the bed covered in bandages only half of his eyes were open looking at Ren with happiness ,a middle aged women sitting beside Ren's father cleaning his sweat and tears on his face also cleaning the wound. Several old men were present in that room looking at their faces one can tell how much hopes they have kept on Ren's father to get well.

"What use is it if you only get the ingredients we don't know any alchemist and demon alchemist will never help us at all ,all that require to save him was a grade 1 pill ,out there in martial world it is treated as trash but we are not able to concot one to save our men "with grief and rage a middle aged man spoke.

" Don't worry uncle Tie ,I have found an alchemist who will cure my father " saying this Ren pointed his finger towards Mu WuShang

All the people who present there were surprised to hear such words and saw Mu WuShang each has their doubts and questions .

" Ren how many times did I tell you not to get con by others when you are out ,how can this kid concot a medicinal pill his strength is weakest and he carries a sword around his shoulders didn't that make suspicious to you " an old man with wrinkles shouted on Ren .

" Grand pa don't say those things this little brother really knows how to concot a pill ,i saw his pill fire brother Mu WuShang quickly show them otherwise they'll never believe you " Ren urged Mu WuShang.

" Hmph simply slandering my skill with my age you old man what do you know about outside world ,i think you didn't see world at all huh ,may be that proverb was tailor made for you 'Frog at the bottom of well ' it seems I am right huh" Mu WuShang sneered at that old man.

That old man was furious " If you have skill then show us " he threw a mock at Mu WuShang

" did you think everyone was born with all brawn and no brains old man don't try to provoke me .I want to concot pill for my brother's father but you insulted me i won't do it now what can you do it " spoke Mu WuShang with a sneer ,he want to make sure they train him well to do that he need to have a a.s.surance so Mu WuShang was trying to achieve that with this insult 'two birds at one shot '

" Ren was petrified after hearing those words but the old man didn't stop to slander Mu WuShang he started saying a six year old kid boasting to concot pill ,ptui what a shameless kid " that old man didn't stop slander

So did Mu WuShang he sat silently on chair without saying another word ,atlast the tribe leader came forward and stopped the old man and turned to Mu WuShang and asked " Little fellow you said you treat Ren as your brother then won't his father meant nothing to you won't you help your uncle to get in his feet again " he said in a calm manner with a wise expression.

" okay ,i can concot pill but you have to promise me some things if you accept that only then i'll do it" Mu WuShang finally said his demand.

"Hmm go on " said Tribe leader but the old man tried to create trouble but seeing leaders expression he swallowed his words .

" my first condition is to train me in hunting ,the best teacher or hunter in here would teach me his skills in surviving, my second condition is you'll help me find a cauldron to concot because in rush i forgot to bring mine " with a cute expression Mu WuShang said

"After hearing his words tribe leader and the rest of them looked at each other and a bellowing laugh sounded out ".

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Heaven Revolting Garuda 53 Provide Me A Cauldron Hmmmm.... Because I Forgot Mine summary

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