Heaven Revolting Garuda Chapter 66

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Published at 27th of August 2019 05:50:09 PM Chapter 66

Black clouds sprawl over the sky staining the white and serene sky with inky color and as the time more and more clouds starts to gather which made it seem like the sky is devoid of sunlight , afar the Tribe Head, Ken and Head Priest looking at the white egg that is hovering and s.h.i.+ning under such conditions worry and antic.i.p.ation filled over their faces .

As the time slowly the clouds started to gather ,wind stopped howling amidst all of it stillness filled over the area , and in the silence comes a low crackle of thunder . For a moment, everything stops . Even the wind holds its breath . A streak of golden ray splits the sky and falls on the egg with a thunderous sound .
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A light s.h.i.+ned on the surface of the egg and all the bones from the dead beasts started hovering in the air and surged towards the egg and formed a s.h.i.+eld around it ,although the blood is drained from the beasts they still are middle grade level beasts so they contain lots of energy contained in their bones because beasts cultivate their bodies unlike humans .

The tribulation thunder struck the bones that surrounded the egg resulting in shattering the fifty percent of the bones which protected it were shattered and turned into ashes .

Mu Peng looked towards the clouds " hmm what a pity the tribulation for that saint beast is ridiculously high which may result in death of body and shattering its soul unable to reincarnation ,Just what kinds of deeds it has done or what kind of potential it has to result in such a heavenly punishment " Mu Peng shook his head and sighed .

Looking at the development of second wave of tribulation Ken got frightened that if his Kid doesn't make it then he knows the result of it and he isn't strong enough to stop it or any interference will leads it to strengthen its punishment and asked with worry " Head Priest what will happen to Ren ,will he be fine ? "

"I too don't know, One cannot determine the result of heavenly tribulation it is purely out of our control so i cannot say anything else but you must believe in your own son ,May our fallen ancestors in the heaven help Ren survive in this Tribulation " said Head Priest .

Rumbling started in the sky and lighting gathered and preparing to strike the egg and with a ' BOOM ' another thunder fall on the egg and shattered remaining bones into ashes only a few bones of the high grade beasts are still hovering over the tip of the egg as it's last distance .

While all this happening the the red clouds on the surface of the egg is slowly turning into golden ,it is not ready face the heavenly tribulation if it does then the only result is turning into ashes so it started refining the blood and strengthening the outer layer of the egg and it only need few more seconds to fortify it's defences ,While all this is happening inside the egg an embryo is formed and feeding of the spiritual energy without caring .


The third tribulation hit on the tip of the bones and shattered it's remaining bones but only five skulls were remained the skulls of the beasts that wanted to devour it and strengthen their bloodline, now they are acting as a s.h.i.+eld to protect it ,if the beast souls in the underworld knew it then they would die again by puking blood .

Streaks of golden lines formed on the skulls as if they absorbed the tribulation thunder and the remaining is charred black from the thunder . ' BANG ' another thunder split the clouds as if it intended to destroy that f*****g s.h.i.+eld which is preventing it to destroy the egg .

Under the humongous pressure the s.h.i.+eld of bones shattered and flew away and struck the egg but a layer of golden red s.h.i.+eld formed around it and protected it and the egg started vibrating crazily as if it is laughing at the heaven which is not able to destroy mere bone s.h.i.+eld from low , middle and high grade beasts . The shattered bones which are scattered were drawn back to the egg and started revolving around it ,if one can look closely those bones absorbed the heavenly thunder so even the thunder hits it again it will not be able to hurt them .

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Heaven Revolting Garuda Chapter 66 summary

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