Heaven Revolting Garuda 9 Body Strengthening Liquid

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Jake lost his conscious after that he had only a vague feeling of heat in his body like something was pouring into his body forcefully and purging out the impurities with in all that happened while he was asleep he didn't bothered about pain ,he felt scorching heat at starting but now he only felt pure pleasure ,a warm cozy feeling that makes you forget anything,Jake slept like a baby .

This is his first satisfying sleep after his sister's accident and all the things he had gone through ,he forgot all the incidents happened to him only a comfortable sleep ,while the Body Strengthening Liquid was doing its job while Jake is unconscious.

After that time continued to pa.s.s away and the its been 16 hours since he's in the capsule and atlast Jake regained conscious only then he saw that the water around him turned black and nauseating smell is coming from that water , soon that liquid got sucked away and filled with cold and refres.h.i.+ng water which cleanse him and he got out of the capsule.

When he gone out he looked at his body there are certain changes on him ,the skin looked fair and a healthy glow was in it and his body felt light like a feather ,just as some unwanted thing that has in his body was purged out. He liked that feeling,but as he is enjoying tbat feeling suddenly a loud growl was heard from his stomach ,now only then he rembered that he is been fasting past 12 days and eaten nothing .

He has no idea how food is gonna appear he just want to shout 'GIVE ME SOME FOOD TO EAT' but it is an AI it doesn't take orders from him , A crisp sound was heard like something was unlocking he saw that a table was elevating from downwards , on that table a pile o boiled egg ,toasts , meat and milk ,orange juice and water are present without delay Jake rushed out and started devouring food and chugging juice madly .

He secretly stashed away some bottles of orange juice and water bottles for future use no one can stay alive without eating or drinking he thought

After 15 min he stopped having food and relaxed some time to take rest then suddenly the notification of the AI resounded in the dome the upcoming levels of the test are of all basic exersice like push up's ,sit up's ,lunges ,weight lifting etc and so on , but their quant.i.ty changes and the gravity also changes .

On tenth level he again felt the experience of the body strengthening liquid but this time the quality of this one is middle tier so the effect of improving his body is more .

After experiencing the magical effect of the body sterengthening liquid he started wondering that such good things were there with this oraganisation ,both technology and medicine were so advance why are they limiting it to themselves why not let oublic access it and start a new era ,bit this thought was expelled from him as soon as it arrived because he is having that type of medicine only just for subject which they intended to experiment then what advance tech was with them to be able to guard this organistion he thought.

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Heaven Revolting Garuda 9 Body Strengthening Liquid summary

You're reading Heaven Revolting Garuda. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): rangas. Already has 446 views.

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