Heaven Revolting Garuda 79 Thousand Seasoned Honey Ll

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" Don't brag about your Master anymore, My ears are sore listening to you brag about your Master and why are you so stingy give me that honey, I want to taste it, it's fragrance, texture, taste are otherworldly, " Mu WuShang tried to con the Guardian Snow to give him Thousand Seasoned Honey, he don't know about it's value but he knows one thing that is by drinking it he could enhance and refill his vitality much more faster than any spirit pill. how did he know it? heh, because he's currently experiencing it.

Inside his body the spirit root continued to suck the vitality out of him and the honey which is in his belly continuously replenish him with vitality, what more could he ask for. In future if he or someone important to him is under life and death struggle this honey could help much more than any pill in replenish him with it's vitality.
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" Kid, don't even try to think about Thousand Seasoned Honey do you know how precious it is, let me tell you " and Guardian Snow started to speak....

" For every four hundred and sixty nine years once all the species of the bees join together at the Exquisite Nectar Peak and the thousand Queens will from thousand species and will select the Empress of the bees, at that time all the species will offer their honey to the Empress and the Empress Bee will pool all the honey from all the thousand species and will create this thousand seasoned honey, it will help all the Queens of the bees to raise their power to another level, only the one with royal blood can become the Empress of bees.

And to get that honey I sneaked into the Exquisite Nectar Peak transforming into a bee and stole only two drops of Thousand Seasoned Honey and using that I raised my level quite a bit " said Guardian Mu.

" So you stole it " Mu WuShang replied blatantly to Guardian Snow's bragging.

" What do you know brat, no one ever stole Thousand Seasoned Honey except me, do you know how much others envied me, Haahs you won't understand this grandpa snow's awesomeness " said Guardian Snow with pride.

"ha ha ha stop looking so smug you're nothing but a thief and if you just stole two drops where did that honey you fed came from " asked Mu WuShang with curiosity. "I need to get all the information while I can so in future if I get a chance I'll try to get some Thousand Seasoned Honey " thought to himself.

"hehehe, it is because it only happens once in 469 years so I thought of making the honey myself and collected all the thousand types of honey and tried to make it but sadly, it failed so I learned two things from that mistake " answered Guardian Snow.

" What are those " Mu WuShang tried to probe the answer from Guardian Snow.

" first thing is they'll preserve that honey for 469 years and will use for next ceremony and the honey I ate is from 469 years ago that Empress will use her own power to enrich the honey every fifty years . Second thing is species difference I am a ape I'm proficient in brewing wines not at making honey " Guardian Snow replied tactfully.

To that reply Mu WuShang thought " Ahhhhh I seriously doubt how did you even become a powerhouse without basic wisdom, you went through all that trouble just to know that you are an ape, you could've just looked yourself in the mirror."

"Now, now that all these matters are not that important, now you have to concentrate on your fat body and you can only eat once a day that to in the morning only fruits, no meat and from tomorrow you will be training with me this cultivation art and Mountain Ape Fist " throwing two bamboo scrolls towards Mu WuShang.

" ' NINE FLAMES DIVINE PROTECTION ART ' and ' MOUNTAIN APE FIST ' " Mu WuShang held those two scrolls in the hand and looked at Guardian Snow and said" These are too precious, I cannot accept it ".

" kid that first art is given to me by your father and the second art is compensation for making you going through that pain. You have to accept them and never reveal the information about inheritance to no one, even to your birth parents " Guardian Snow said in serious tone.

Mu WuShang stood silently for sometime looking at the scrolls fell into deep thought " why did my father gave this old beast this cultivation art and why didn't he gave me this directly and how did this Guardian Snow and my father connected, aaahhhhh all of this is too confusing just like in my past life am I still a piece of chess these old guys are playing with .... so many things all seemed too connected his mission in the primal forest, meeting tribe, now this old man "

while Mu WuShang was in deep contemplation Guardian Snow laughed " don't try to think too much everything your father did and will do in future is all based on your better interests, remember one thing your father left this cultivation art so I could guide you to solve your biggest problem, your Divine Body "

" Isn't Divine Body is great a.s.set in cultivation path, when did it became a problem? " Mu WuShang asked.

" All the other divine bodies and your divine body has the difference between sky and earth, " said Guardian Snow and started to continue with hiss explanation but Mu WuShang intervention stopped him.

" Isn't it a small problem of breaking through martial emperor stage under thirty years old, I have confidence in breaking through that state " spoke Mu WuShang.

" Patience, how many times should I repeat myself, you must learn to improve your mental fort.i.tude be calm even in life threatening moments, even in fights those lose their patience and their cool they'll bound to lose " this is the first lesson I'm teaching you, never forget.

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Heaven Revolting Garuda 79 Thousand Seasoned Honey Ll summary

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