Heaven Revolting Garuda 83 Untitled

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In these past three months, all the day he would train with apes and while in the night Aqua will help Mu WuShang's consciousness to enter dreamland where he would experience the memories of cave master practicing his pill refinement.

He improved in a steady manner, the seal on his dantian started to loose due to the constant energy emitting from the Illusionary cauldron, it would try to break the seal from that Mu WuShang can actually acc.u.mulate the Qi much faster than his snail pace, from snail pace his speed increased to tortoise pace. He acc.u.mulated sixty percent of Qi with in three months.

During the day he would catch small bugs and Aqua would experiment on them at night, Aqua will eliminate their consciousness and occupy their body and tries to control it...

Like that her experiments showed results, during these three months she's able to control a fist sized mammals like rabbits, frogs, sparrow etc.


hohoho, the apes are making angry sounds and beating their chests when Mu WuShang stole their share of fruits, " heh, now you guys want to play fair and square what about when I was weaker, p.i.s.s off " saying Mu WuShang rushed back towards Guardian Snow's cave.

while he was rus.h.i.+ng back at fast speed, an black ape with white hair on its chest sneak attacked him and it caused him to lose his balance and fell from the treetop.

"hehehe," the ape laughed and picked Mu WuShang's bag and left swiftly by jumping from one tree top to another.

" You bully, you always sneak attack me when I almost win, come back Batu and give me back my loot " roared Mu WuShang and swiftly climbed the tree and started following Batu .

while Mu WuShang was chasing Batu , it reached the cave and sneered at Mu WuShang with a smug smile " hehe what can you do "

MU WuShang wanted to beat the c.r.a.p out of it but it is one of the strong apes, so he suppressed his anger and walked to his cave.

" Don't take it seriously, in this world there is much more life than just winning and losing. Don't blindly chase after power, enjoy the essence of life and those around you only that way you'll be strong, not physically but in here" saying Guardian Snow mysteriously stood in front of him and pointed at Mu WuShang's heart.

" Easy for you to say," snorted Mu WuShang and picked up a fruit and started eating.

" let me tell you something, I was born in the snow ape tribe one of the most weak apes there is, but I wanted to grow strong not to rule but to prove I'm strong too and I started to travel outside to watch powerful beasts fight try to learn and improve and neglected my small brother who always follows me everywhere to accompany me, one day a group of hunters attacked my tribe and killed all the adult apes and captured children tried to sell them, we are the perfect species for being pets and contract beasts.

To save me, my brother used himself as bait and that's how I got to meet my master, who in the future groomed me and I saved my brother, but never got to live those old days. This is my life lesson I'm teaching you ' Grow stronger but never neglect the people around you, friends, family, lover etc are the relations that bound you to this world " said Guardian Snow.

" what happened to your brother then, you saved him right what could go wrong, at the end you both are reunited, that's all matters " spoke Mu WuShang nonchantly.

" But, the days he lived in the absence of my presence he got to experience life worse than death, he got took by an evil cultivator trained him to do bad things, polluted his mind and destroyed the pure and naive brother whom I knew, " spoke Guardian Snow reminiscing about his brother.

" Now, listen what I... " as Guardian Snow was tried to tell something, a huge disturbance caused on the island and all the spiritual energy is rus.h.i.+ng towards one point.

"you need to go now, return with your friend I have to say something important to you, return as soon as possible " saying Guardian Snow ruffled Mu WuShang's hair and he lift of and sat on the meditating position to suppress the formation again.

Mu WuShang rushed and brought Batu back with him " grandpa snow as you asked I brought him, although he steals and sneak attacks me , from the day I started to stay here he is the only friend I have "

Seeing this guardian snow slapped his own forehead ,shocked his head " Brat, I asked you to bring Ren over her not Batu, if I want Batu can't I summon him myself, go quickly and take Batu with you and bring Rent "

" heheehe, I know what do you mean by grandpa snow but you see I am still a bit angry about what happened earlier so I will take a small, tiny bit revenge on Batu when we are searching for Ren " thought Mu WuShang.
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seeing the smug look in his eyes Guardian Snow " this kid definitely takes off his scheming grandfather, his father and uncle didn't obtained that talent but this kid definitely got it " thought to himself and waved his hands telling them to be on their way.

After Mu WuShang and Batu left to find Ren's village, Guardian Snow laughed muttering " I definitely want to watch how things will turn out when these two scheming grandfather and grandson unites and sent a light flying from his sleeves "

Somewhere between thick forest and huge mountains, on a cliff there is a quiet house not to magnificent, if any one sees that they could predict an ordinary people would live here, inside an old man drawing a portrait of a beautiful yet bewitching figure, suddenly a light from outside fall on the table beside the portrait, picking up the stone and the old man crushed it, a series of information delve into his sea of consciousness, after a long time he opened his eyes and spoke " dear, we will soon be together, don't worry once this mission completed, I'll be on my way to get you " ,after finis.h.i.+ng that portrait he picked up another empty paper and started drawing " my grandson huh, key to my release from this place, don't let your grandfather to wait much longer "

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Heaven Revolting Garuda 83 Untitled summary

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