Heaven Revolting Garuda 87 Unnamed Chapter

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" why would my old man would always be happy if l am away, he even wrote 'Hahaha' does my father really love me, " with a sigh Mu WuShang thought to himself.

Beside Guardian Snow was thinking " poor father and son, if in future when Mu WuShang meet his father then he'll find out that this letter was written by me, hehe "


Far away from here, there is huge table full of food ,drinks and three woman and a man where women are feeding little girl while the man suddenly dropped his chopsticks and three ladies looked at him with worried gazes, only heard him muttering " I just felt that someone was plotting against me, hmm when will I have a peaceful dine with my full family " he sighed.


Now come here boy, don't be sad your father has his own problems to deal with and you have to become a strong pillar to support your father rather than being discouraged and dissapointed.

" how could I improve myself the seal my father left on my dantian always slows down my cultivation speed grandpa " retorted Mu WuShang.

"Now don't say about it without a reason your father will never do it, the seal around your dantian was losing at a fast pace, so you don't have to worry by the time you successfully partic.i.p.ate and secure first place in the compet.i.tion, your seal would naturally disappear and if my calculations are correct the more you spend tempering your body, the quicker your seal would dissolve " encouraged Guardian Snow .

" Umm, Excuse me but can you tell me why I'm summoned here, I was waiting here for long and WuShang said someone here will come to meet me, " Ren interjected the conversation between Guardian Snow and Mu WuShang.

" Ummn Ah, Kid I'm the one who asked kid Mu to get you, hmm did you successfully inherit your ancestors teaching " asked Guardian Snow casually.

" how do you know about that, " Ren was perplexed but his beastly senses didn't sense any harm or hostile nature from Guardian Snow so he didn't fear.

" how do I know, if I'm not present your ancestors would never have a chance to leave his inheritance, hmm what are those shards they contain a hint of heavenly lightning let me see them " without giving a proper response Guardian Snow s.n.a.t.c.hed the lightning shards and continues to inspect them.

After a long time of inspection he laughed and said " they're interesting, now if you use them like this they will lose their value, find a blacksmith of high skill and make them into a weapon "

" nope, I don't want to from my ancestors memory I gained a skill which will help me integrate them into my claws and make them more powerful, it is best that way " stated his opinion.

" hmm, that's best too for saint beasts such as yourselves body is the most precious advantage that you could ask for so do as your gut feeling says " spoke Guardian Snow.

listening to their conversation Mu WuShang " Grandpa snow you said I should temper my body so grant me a G.o.dly body tempering skill will ya "

" what do you think brat, divine skills are born out of trees, get lost " with a kick GuardianSnow sent Mu WuShang outside.

" huh, what is the use of number one expert of the world, if he doesn't have a single divine skill " Mu WuShang tried to poke GuardianSnow but no avail " boy stop that taunt, if you want to temper your body, better find a skill yourself, rather than whining why don't you cultivate ' Nine Flames Divine protection Art ' "

" Easy for you to speak, I don't have enough resources for that and you said you will teach me about inscriptions, when will you start teaching " questioned Mu WuShang pointing his head out.

soon some books were thrown out at his head and " ouch grand pa snow why are you hitting me again, "

"read them and practice on own I left detail explanations but It would be best if you find a master for yourself," saying Guardian Snow turned to Ren and isolated in a barrier " From now you are his big brother take care of him, he may be arrogant but he doesn't even know how to put on a show, from the day we met he never exposed his true behavior trying to act as childish as possible but my old eyes could see them, whatever may be his true behavior deep down he won't let down those he considers as family, your ancestors done so much for you and you should shoulder their responsibilities but never forget to enjoy your life, cultivation is not all about strengthening your body and mind, it is also a way to explore yourself, way to perfect your character your will and your soul, never ever forget about your roots " saying Guardian Snow undo the barrier while Ren was pondering what GuardianSnow told him.

" grandpa, grandpa I have done what you have asked, so give me some honey I want to share with my friend " asked Mu WuShang in a cute manner trying to zap Guardian Snow with his cuteness.

without any response Guardian Snow with lightning speed poked both of their heads and both of them dropped unconscious " It seems ghost emperor won't let me have a peaceful farewell with them, kids future is upon yourselves either you reach the glory or become skeletons under the dirt depends on yourselves, Farewell " saying Guardian Snow flew high.

Black clouds are gathering at an alarming rate, thunders started to rumbling in the sky the seals which are containing the Ghost Emperor started to weaken " break, break, break... "constant uttering of same word could be heard from the ground.

The last line of protection also corroded by the ghastly power of ghost emperor and a silence shrouded the entire area with a loud explosion


The stele which is guarding the seal was blown away and a black gaseous matter with burning eyes came out of the hole " Haa, ha, hahahahah, I'm free finally I'm out-of that h.e.l.l hole," sensing the Guardian Snow outside Ghost Emperor bellowed " Stupid Ape, I'm out finally I'm out, "

" hmm, yes I can see that " Guardian Snow replied casually.

finally after some time the roaring of Ghost Emperor stopped and the black fog started to gather and started to change the color at first from black to grey then to white, then white to silver and at last it stopped when only it has strands of gold around them , the ma.s.s decreased and he is now just a four foot tall silver fog with golden strands in it.

"My cultivation improved when you guys let me experience eternal loneliness and torture from the seals " said Ghost Emperor, "although what I lack is a physical body, I'm practically invincible join me stupid ape, since you are the one who actually accompanied me during these years, I don't wish to kill you become my beast, betray your master who abandoned you slaughter those who bear his blood for me " Ghost Emperor tried to encite GuardianSnow.
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Chapter t.i.tle - Ghost Emperor Escapes

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Heaven Revolting Garuda 87 Unnamed Chapter summary

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