Upside Down 11 Chapter 9: Cover Story

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"Sora, as your Mom said, you've done nothing wrong, so relax," says Dad.

He's trying to ease my nervousness but even so, I'm still extremely tense.

Chinatsu, as always, seems to notice. She moves behind me and slips her arms around my waist. She then pulls me against her and rests her chin on my shoulder.

It always amazes me how the simple act of her holding my hand or hugging me eases my tension and allows me to relax. Smiling, I reach down to her arms that are wrapped around my waist and entwine my slim fingers with hers.

Now that I'm much more at ease, I return my attention to our parents.

"Sora, you know we adopted you. Your mother told you that much at the hospital. It wasn't merely so we could legally make medical decisions for your care while you were in the coma. Nor was it to simply stop the court from awarding custody of you to a relative or even to stop you from being placed in an orphanage. We did it because we love you and you have always been a part of this family with or without a piece of paper to say so. Understand?"

"Of course I do Dad, Mom already told me earlier today."

He nods, glances at Mom and returns his attention to me. "I'm hesitant to tell you this, but Sora Ito is legally dead. We used the incident that started all this and had a friend of mine, the director of NTI Medical Center, do that. I then asked some friends in the government to change your ident.i.ty. We chose Noriko Tanaka, a relative of your Mom's from f.u.kuoka to set up your new ident.i.ty. Noriko and her mother died in a fire earlier this year, but I had my friends change the birth certificate of Noriko to your name and remove the death certificate."

He stops for a moment, seeming to give what he told me a chance to sink in. "When we adopted you we could have left your surname as Tanaka, but we thought it best to change it to Kobayas.h.i.+ since it would also help to further obscure the trail of your new ident.i.ty. I also asked them to change Noriko's school records so it would show you as attending there. I also had medical records drawn up for you. Do you follow me so far?"

I should probably be a little freaked out because he told me I'm legally dead, but for some reason it doesn't really bother me. Maybe I already expected it. I don't know and at this point it doesn't really matter, now does it?

"I understand. Thank you for everything you did, I'm sure doing all of that couldn't have been easy. Regardless, I would rather be Kobayas.h.i.+ than Tanaka. After all, I'm your daughter now, so that makes much more sense to me."

Dad lips twitch as if he is trying to suppress a smile, whereas Mom just smiles openly. Her eyes almost seem as if they are glittering.

"It wasn't all that hard. I have a lot of contacts who owe me favors from my time in the JSDF Special Forces. Anyway, you're going to have to tell people this story if they ask about your background. Your mother's name was Etsuko and your father, Kenji, died when you were still too young to remember him. You were born in f.u.kuoka and attended f.u.kuoka National Academy up until the fire. After you had to jump out a window to save yourself, you hit your head and were in a coma."

He pauses once again, looking at me intently. "Once they released you, we adopted you. We withdrew you from f.u.kuoka Academy and brought you here. Due to the coma you lost a lot of strength and now have to build up your stamina before you can go back to school."

He pauses for a few moments. "I have notes about all this which I'll give you to memorize, but you can keep the details vague. If anyone presses you for them, you can simply tell them your memory has been fuzzy since hitting your head. It's the easiest and best option to divert them. Does this make sense so far?"

"Yes, it does. It sounds like you went to a lot of trouble for my sake. Thank you."

"Sora, you don't have to keep thanking us. Your mother and I did all of this because we love you."

I smile and nod at both of them.

Dad then continues from where he left off. "Which brings us to now. Unfortunately, there is no other option except for you to return to Tokyo National Academy. I think you probably already knew that much though. It won't be anytime soon since you have to get back your strength before you can. Speaking of which, do you want to go to physical therapy?"

"I… Umm… I hadn't given it any thought. The doctor recommended it before I was released, but with everything that has happened I totally forgot about it. I suppose they would know best how to help me. Don't you think so?"

He blows out his breath. "Truthfully, it worries me Sora. Right now you aren't comfortable with yourself and it would be far too easy for you to slip up and accidentally reveal who you are. Though I know they would be the best ones to help you. All I'll say is this, do you think you can do it and still protect your ident.i.ty? If you think you can, I'll be happy to send you."

"Dad, why don't we set up the appointments for late afternoon? I could go with her then." Chinatsu says from behind me.

"Hmm… That might be a good idea. Would you like Chinatsu to go with you Sora?"

I squeeze Chinatsu's fingers in thanks, then laugh lightly and smile at Dad. "Knowing me, do you even need to ask me that question?"

Mom cracks up as if what I said was the funniest thing she ever heard, even Dad chuckles for a few moments. Chinatsu tightens her arms around my waist. Of course, she already knew what I would say before I ever even gave it a single thought.

Dad nods and looks at Mom to ask her, "Would you mind calling the hospital to make the arrangements?"

"Not at all. I think this is the best option to help Sora and with Chinatsu there she can keep an eye on her as well."

"Don't you think swimming would help too? It's a great way to improve strength and endurance. Plus Playland is nearby, only two blocks from the station and then a 3 minute walk. They have some really nice pools and a spa center with hot tubs and a sauna. The sauna and hot tub would help with her soreness during all this. I think it would be a lot more fun for her than physical therapy alone. Even if we simply played in the water that would be a workout and help build some muscle. What do you think?"

"I think that's a great idea Chinatsu. I would like to do it as well."

"Chinatsu? When did you start calling her that?" Mom asks me with a puzzled expression.

"Umm… Well, I thought about it after our talk in the clothing store. I'm the only one that ever called her Chi and that would basically be announcing who I am. So…" I answer Mom and then let what I was saying trail off when Chinatsu hugs me tighter.

"Hmm… I suppose that makes sense, especially since you were the only one she would let call her that. She had a fit when I tried to do it once." Mom says with a smile, then picks up the conversation from where it was sidetracked. "Anyway, I don't mind and Sora needs to have some fun too. Just as long as you keep an eye on her and don't ever leave her alone, I'm fine with it. What about you honey?"

Mom then looks at Dad for his opinion. It sounds like a lot of fun to me because I've always enjoyed swimming, especially at the beach. So, I hope he allows us to go.

"Nnn~ I suppose it's okay, but like your mother said, don't ever leave Sora alone." He says and then turns to looks at Mom. "I know we agreed that we wouldn't get Chinatsu a cell phone until she got into high school, but the situation has changed now. Take them to the cell phone company tomorrow and get whatever phones the girls want, I don't care about the cost, just makes sure it has GPS functionality as well. That way they can call us or the police if something happens."

He turns back to look at us with a serious expression. "You must never leave the house without your phones being on you. If you forget them even once, you will not be leaving the house without either me or your mother with you until you get into high school. Maybe not even then. Understood?"

"Yes Dad." Chinatsu and I chorus our answer causing us to giggle.

"I promise we won't Dad. I remember what Mom told me at the store all too well." I tell him.

"Good, just see that you do. Oh, I'll be turning on and locking the GPS tracking feature on them. It isn't to spy on you girls, it's a just in case measure. I'm sure your mother told you there are people in this world that would do anything to solve the population problem. Okay, that's settled then." He says then leans back on the couch and turns the TV back on.

I'm not trying to sound ungrateful when I say this because I love spending time with Chinatsu and Mom, but it is a little boring being cooped up in the house with nothing to do. So, I'm looking forward to going to Playland with Chinatsu.

Although, now that I'm allowed to go to Playland with Chinatsu, it brings up another issue.

"Uh, Mom?"

"Yes Sora?"

"I don't have a swimsuit."

"Okay, then how about after we get you two your phones tomorrow, why don't we stop and get you one?"

"Okay, sounds good to me Mom."

I should be able to trust Chinatsu's and Mom's fas.h.i.+on sense for that. It isn't as if I have any experience to rely on for it.

Now that that's settled, some other things occur to me. What about my house and the money I inherited? I don't care about the money, but the house holds a lot of memories for me.

"Umm… Dad?" I say to get his attention. When he looks at me, "Do you want the money I inherited? I know the hospital bills and everything you're having to buy me is expensive."

He laughs, glancing at Mom as if saying 'I told you it would happen', then looks back at me. "No sweetheart, that money is yours. Use it for college and anything else you want within reason. Alright? I know this is expensive, but we are far from poor. You don't think we could live in a house like this otherwise do you? Trust me when I say paying for all of this hasn't hurt us financially at all."

He pauses as he reaches into his back pocket to take out his wallet. Opening it he removes a debit card and holds it out to me.

Once I take the card, he continues, "That's yours. Make sure you don't lose it. The majority of your money I put in a few low risk funds for the moment. I put ¥5,000,000 in a bank account for you and this debit card is connected to that account. That should be more than enough to last you until you graduate high school. Don't go wild with it or I'll take it away from you."

"Okay Dad, I promise I'll be careful with it. Uh, what about the house since I'm living here now?"

"That's a little complicated. We tried to go into the bas.e.m.e.nt to see if we could find out more about what was happening to you, but we couldn't get the door open. We need your help since you were able to open it. Knowing how security conscious Daiki and Ai were, if we had forced the door open everything in the bas.e.m.e.nt would have been destroyed and we need to know what they did. Personally, I want to know if the nanites will keep doing things to you. Regardless, we won't be doing anything with the house until we can safely remove everything from the bas.e.m.e.nt. Even then, if you want to keep it, you can. It's your house after all."

"Thanks Dad. I really appreciate that. I don't know if I can get the door open for you, but I'll do everything I can. I would like to know the answer to that myself, so let me know when you want me to do it."

Mom claps her hands. "Okay. Enough of that for now. Girls, go take your bath."

I nod and Chinatsu says "Okay." We stand up and walk out of the living room.

As we are walking down the hall I hear Mom's concerned voice. "I know I said it was alright, but do you really think it will be okay? The company knows about her already. Aren't you the least bit worried that man may try something? I'm already afraid to let her out of my sight as it is."

Company knows about me? What company? What man? Try what? I don't understand what she means. Although, I have a feeling she wouldn't explain it, even if I asked her to.

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Upside Down 11 Chapter 9: Cover Story summary

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