Upside Down 40 Chapter 38: Make Up

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(AN: This is somewhat explicit, so if you are averse to that, then please skip it.)



"Make love to me please. Leave the lights on though, I want to see you."

Chinatsu didn't even wait for an answer. She's always been the a.s.sertive type and never been shy, but tonight she created a whole new meaning to the word 'aggressive' for me. She apparently couldn't even wait for me to take my clothes off. She pushed me down onto the bed and kissed me a few times while ma.s.saging my Then she rolled up the skirt of my dress and yanked, yes, I literally mean she yanked my panties off of me. If it weren't for my nanites, I'm quite sure I would've had bruises. I'll be surprised if I can wear that pair again.

Minutes later she had me panting so hard, I thought I'd pa.s.s out. When she made me c.u.m the first time I bit my lip so hard I tasted blood. I had to, because it was either that or scream and I don't believe Mama and Dad would've appreciated it no matter how good I felt, but she didn't stop there.

She paused long enough to take both of our clothes off. I hadn't even had a chance for the reverberations from the first time I climaxed to die down yet when she dove right back between my legs. She kissed her way from my knee, along the inside of my thigh, until she reached my special place. I don't think it was even five minutes after she started licking me and playing with my jewel, I hate the other things they call it they sound so vulgar, before she made me c.u.m again. My mind was blown away with this one. Everything went white and my whole body trembled. The aftershocks continue even longer this time around. There's no good way to describe the feeling to you, but if you're a girl that's had a ma.s.sive o.r.g.a.s.m, well, I don't need to. Trust me when I say I'm extremely happy I'm a girl after what I've heard about boys. It must really suck to have to wait awhile to c.u.m again.

She waited until the worst of the trembling stopped and started in on me again, but I'm so sensitive now that I seriously doubt I lasted even a minute before I climaxed again. I thought I was going to lose my mind, it felt so d.a.m.n good. I don't think I could take c.u.mming like that again anytime soon, so I grabbed her by her hair and dragged her on top of me to stop her.

However, I'm so highly aroused that when her brushed my rock hard nipples it made me lightly c.u.m again. G.o.d multiple are awesome! It's no wonder some women are nymphomaniacs. Not saying I'm gonna be one of them, but I can d.a.m.n sure understand their urges.

I continue to pull her up by her hair until I can kiss her, I don't even ask as I force my tongue in her mouth for a deep, fierce kiss. I crush her against me as I do and roll her over to where I'm on top of her. Simply kissing her is phenomenal regardless of anything else.

She's not usually this aggressive when we have s.e.x, so I've no idea what got into her, but I'm d.a.m.n sure not going to gripe about it after those. Actually, her being that aggressive has really turned me on and I certainly enjoy it. I hope she does this at least once in awhile. Usually, I take the lead when we have s.e.x, but this is great, if not even better. Now I see why she usually surrenders control of herself to me.

I break our kiss after what seems like forever. I totally get lost in her when we have s.e.x. I raise up to look at her while tracing a finger around her areola. My G.o.d she's so s.e.xy, I'll never get tired of looking at her. s.e.x with her? Well, it's literally mind blowing. I can't imagine anything better, but I have to admit I've had no experience in s.e.x with boys. I've never even kissed one. I wonder how it'll compare? We shall see at some point. I'm in no hurry to find out though.

"Sora, where are you right now?"

"Sorry, random thoughts. Forgive me?"

"You think too much, but I will if you'll give me another kiss."

I lean back in to deeply kiss her and we get lost in each other again while I gently roll her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers. When she reaches her hand down between my legs, I break our kiss and move my waist farther down to where she can't reach while I smile and shake my head slightly.

"Nuh uh Chinatsu, it's your turn."

I scoot back up to kiss her while using my thigh to gently rub against her jewel while I continue to roll her nipples. It doesn't take very long before she climaxes, arching her back and biting her lip.

I don't know if I said, but she has very sensitive nipples. h.e.l.l, what am I saying? She is sensitive everywhere. It's rather easy to make her c.u.m simply by playing with her nipples, let alone nibbling on or licking them. She climaxed six times before I even touched her down there last night. So, as you can guess, right now she's sopping wet and so is my thigh. I wonder if our nanites have anything to do with how good we feel during s.e.x?

When I slide my hand down to gently rub her jewel, it doesn't take very long before she climaxes again while letting out a very loud "Hah!" before she bit her lip. I love to watch her expression as she One of these days I would like to have s.e.x with her where we didn't have to keep our voices down.

I scoot down to lick her nipple as I continue to gently stroke her jewel. When I gently bite one of them she climaxes again, but this time she shudders as she does. She swallows a heavy moan and bites her lip again as I bite her other nipple only slightly harder this time. She clamps her arms around me as she again. As I said she has a very sensitive body and it's rather easy to make her climax. Well, at least for me she is.

"No more Sora." She pants out. "I need to rest, you made me c.u.m too many times, too close together." She holds her arms open for me to come cuddle with her. Being the sweet girl I am, of course I oblige her.

"I love you Chinatsu." I whisper while nuzzling her neck.

"I love you too Sora. How do you already know exactly what to do to make me c.u.m like that? What four or five times in less than a few minutes."

I giggle. "I guess we're just compatible. It's not like you didn't do the same thing to me."

The afterglow of multiple is wonderful, euphoric might be a better word to use. Saying I'm looking forward to a long, very rich s.e.x life with her doesn't begin to cover how I feel. There's absolutely no way I'm willing to give her up. You might misunderstand what I mean by that. Yes, the s.e.x is awesome, I love it and I d.a.m.n sure want it to continue, but it's more about our emotional connection while we are having s.e.x. Sorry if it doesn't make a lot of sense to you, I'm not great at explaining things like this. In terms of distance it's like our connection is usually a couple of centimeters and when we have s.e.x it shrinks to around a micrometer. The only way we could be closer is if we could read each other's thoughts and feelings. Truthfully, there are times I think she can read mine, but that's beside the point.

"You have a silly grin going on Sora. What are you thinking about?"

"Us, our future together. I was just thinking I would never willingly give this or you up. Being with you makes me happy, s.e.x with you is o.r.g.a.s.mic, pun intended, so how could I ever do that? The only way someone could keep me away from you is to kill me."

"We'll just have to make sure it doesn't come to that, now won't we?"

"Yep. That we will. G.o.d that was wonderful." I tell her and kiss her softly. When I open my eyes, she has tears trickling down her cheeks. I gently brush them away while asking, "Why are you crying?"

"Don't mind me Sora. I'm just being silly. I got a little sad when I thought about having to wait to have a baby with you."

"No matter how badly we might want it, we don't have a choice except to wait. You have to be eighteen to even be considered for artificial fertilization. They used to do it down to age sixteen, but the risk of complications was fairly high so they stopped doing it."



"Do you really mean you'll never give up on us?"

"Definitely. Have you ever known me to say something I don't mean? As long as you want me, I'll never let you go. We have a long road ahead of us. No one even knows how long we'll live. We'll never get sick and our nanites will heal us if something happens. Imagine all the things we'll see. It's kind of scary, but it's also exciting, don't you think?"

"It will be as long as I'm with you. You're all I care about. Everything else is so far out of my sight it's like it doesn't even exist. Well, that's not quite what I mean, I love Mom and Dad too, but it's not the same thing. Sora, can I ask for a huge favor?"

"Anything I can do, I will, you know that."

"I know, but this is going far beyond anything I've ever asked of you before."

"Chinatsu, I love you. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. So, ask me whatever it is, if I can do it, I will."

She blushes very cutely making me want to attack her again. Okay, yes, I'm still really aroused. Can you blame me though?

"Thank you. I love you so much Sora." She kisses me. "I thought about it, I don't want to have only one baby with you. I want lots and lots. I know they'll all be girls, but I don't care, as long as they are ours."

I shake my head and giggle. "You know this is one h.e.l.l of a conversation for two thirteen year old girls to be having, don't you? Whatever though, if that's all you are asking of me, that's easy, yes to as many as you want. It's not as if I don't have enough money to support us, even if we never work. Do me a small favor though, don't make them so close together that we can't handle them all at once. Well, I suppose we could hire someone to help take care of them if that happens."

"Sora, thank you. I feel like crying because I'm so happy. I want to put a kiss mark on you to show you are mine. Is that okay?"

I smile and nod. "As long as it's in a place no one else can see it."

She cups my left breast and scoots down. She kisses my nipple, then moves to the side of my breast and places the mark there. However, it disappears within fifteen seconds.

"d.a.m.n nanites." She mutters, then shrugs her shoulders. "Sora, let's change the sheets and take a bath. Sound good?"

I smile. "Bathtub s.e.x? You bet. Too bad we're limited to the bedroom or bathroom, but s.e.x with my girlfriend is always a yes."

I found out once I'm aroused, it's hard for me to turn back off. I'm definitely not b.i.t.c.hing and Chinatsu's the same way, so I suppose you could say we're meant to be. That's how I want to take it, so I will.

She giggles. "Are you reading my mind?"

Okay, I'll be nice and not force you to listen to another description of us having s.e.x, only this time in the bathtub. I'll just say we were both dizzy as h.e.l.l by the time we got out and it wasn't just because of the hot water.

Hey, I just had a thought. Was this considered make up s.e.x?

You may or may not have noticed that she never asked me about what I found in the bas.e.m.e.nt. I don't think she cared except for the fact that I left her here to go.

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Upside Down 40 Chapter 38: Make Up summary

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