Upside Down 58 Chapter 56: Trial

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Edited 1/20/19 by Allarielle & Mei

I pick up the laptop I asked Akari for on my way into my office, and connect it to the network once I reach my desk.

"Hestia, can you install a light version of yourself on my laptop?"

"In a way Sora. I can make it into a thin client that is always connected to me."

"Is that secure Hestia?"

"It's as secure as I can make it. Regardless, it would take a level one AI to break through the security."

"Okay, perfect. Would you do that please and then transfer the files of the employees you flagged for me?"

"Of course Sora."

"Thank you, please let me know when you're finished." I glance anxiously at my watch. I'm seriously running out of time.

I press the intercom b.u.t.ton. "Akari, would you come here please." A few moments later she comes in.

"Thanks Akari, would you have them deliver another desk and chair to my office. Mirai will be working out of here as well. If she needs or wants anything else, please, get it for her."

"Of course Sora, but you don't want her to have her own office?"

I shake my head. "No, I can share my office with her."

"Sora, the modification is complete and the files are uploaded."

"Thank you Hestia. On that note, I have to go. Akari, would you please help get Mirai situated?"

"We'll do everything we can, Sora."

"Thank you. Remember what I said about 5, that goes for you too Mirai. Unless the world will come to an end if you don't stay, I want you girls to leave at 5, understand?"

They chuckle and reply, "Of course."

"Okay, come on, Nee-chan, lets go. I'll come back when I can. Bye."

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After our walk this evening, I find out it wasn't all my imagination. As I'm undressing Chinatsu, I find her are bulging out of her bra. When I ask her about it she says her and hips have been aching for several days and her bras and panties are tight. I give her one h.e.l.l of a dirty look over not telling me this. In my rather amateur estimation she's several centimeters larger and no less than a B cup, maybe even edging into a C cup. I'm unsure about her hips. I believe my nanites have been at work on her. Thankfully, they aren't doing to her what they did to me when they made my last change. We probably need to tell Dr. Sato about this.

I promise her we'll go shopping for new underwear. What she doesn't know is that I'll be buying her rather s.e.xy sets, not that she'll mind in the least. I'll probably end up with something similar knowing us.

Chinatsu has been insatiable since I had my talk with her yesterday. I don't mind because I have a rather high libido myself, but anytime we've been alone, well, let's simply say she's unusually aggressive. Honestly, no matter what she said, I think she's still insecure. If making love to her eases her anxiety, then I'll do so until I'm totally exhausted. After all, I love her, I'm hers, and I'll do anything for her.

[Thursday, June 4th]

I wake up just before the alarm goes off at 6:00. Chinatsu, as always is curling up against me. Rolling on top of her, I kiss her until she wakes.

"Good morning."

"Morning Sora."

I smile at her. "Chinatsu, if you were able, I'd have you get me pregnant this instant, so I could bear your child, no matter how much trouble I'd get into from Mama and Dad."

"Huh? What? Where is this coming from?" She asks with a bewildered expression.

"I want your child Chinatsu. Actually, more than one, but that's neither here nor there."

"Huh? I thought I was having our children?"

"Can't we both have them? I love you and I want to bear your children. Or are you telling me that I have to be the male in our relations.h.i.+p since I used to be a boy?" I ask with a mischievous grin.

"Sora." She sighs. "You don't have to keep doing this. G.o.d knows I love you for it, but you don't have to keep doing this. I really am fine."

"You think this is about rea.s.suring you?"

"Isn't it?"

"Maybe 5%, but the rest is I truly do want to have your babies. Is it wrong for me to want that?"

She blows out her breath. "Sora, what am I to do with you? Of course it's okay. You continually surprise me, that's all."

"Well, if you're asking me what you should do with me, then you should love me and make love to me. Nothing more and nothing less. Now, with that said, I want a kiss before we start our day."

Which, for some odd reason, turns into far more than a kiss.

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[Tokyo District Court House]

"State vs. Akiyama is now in session. The Honorable Judge Kato presiding." The court clerk announces as the judge enters.

"Be seated. Due to the sensitive nature of this case, no lay judges will be appointed. In their place I have appointed several other serving judges." He looks at Akiyama's attorney. "I'll tell you right now, if one word of this case leaks to the press or anyone else, I'll make it my personal goal to make sure you regret it for the remainder of your life. Do you understand me?"

"Your Honor! That's uncalled for! I was informed ahead of time."

"I'm simply reiterating a warning." He looks up. "This case falls under the auspices of the National Security Act. Nothing said in here is to repeat to anyone. Is that understood everyone?" He says severely. Everyone I can see nods.

"Sora Kobayas.h.i.+?"

I stand. "Here, your Honor."

"I understand what this man put you through, but legally I can't have him tried for a.s.saulting a fertile female at the time, so the charges in this instance are dropped."

Akiyama smirks at me which I ignore. I knew this would happen.

"Of course, your Honor." I reply.

The prosecutor stands, "If I may, your Honor?" The judge gestures for him to speak. "I expected such and had dropped the charge as of this morning. I filed a charge of a.s.saulting a minor with intent to commit great bodily harm."

I was informed ahead of time that this carries a penalty of life without possibility of parole. Children are considered precious and national a.s.sets after all. a.s.saulting one is no joke, unless they attack you first. As I told Mitty, they could have dismissed the charge and brought nothing else as long as he's convicted for murdering my parents. I know what he's done and so does he. So, if I see him hang, I'm satisfied, simple as that.

"I was informed, thank you though." He looks at the clerk. "You may bring in the other judges." They file into the courtroom and take their seats on either side of him.

He begins speaking to the other judges. "This case is rather unusual, I'm sure you already know that, since you were brought in. This case falls under the auspices of the National Security Act. No one is to talk about it with anyone. Period. I don't need to explain this to you, since you have dealt with national security matters before. Mr. Watanabe, you may continue."

The prosecutor stands. "Thank you, your Honor. The following charges have have been filed against Mr. Akiyama: a.s.saulting a minor with intent to commit great bodily harm, two counts of a.s.saulting a fertile female, endangering a pregnant female, two counts of premeditated murder, two counts of crimes against humanity, two counts conspiracy to a.s.sault a fertile female, one count of conspiracy to attempt abduction, fifteen counts of conspiracy to a.s.sault government agents, treason, espionage, fraud, embezzlement, grand theft and terroristic threats."

"Thank you. How pleads the defendant?"

"Your Honor, my client pleads not guilty on all counts."

Enough already, it bores me almost to tears, and I was involved in some of it. I dozed off several times as a matter of fact. I was told to expect a quick trial for him, but to me this drags on, until I'm called to the stand.

When I take the stand, the defense attorney tries to make it seem as if I placed my throat in Akiyama's hands and begged him to choke and almost kill me. I laughed at his insinuation. I apologize to the judges immediately after, but can you blame me?

After that, Tessa testifies. Yes, AI testimony of level four and above is admissible in court. Then the investigative AI and other detectives take the stand.

I fall asleep against Dad's shoulder at some point during all of this. I really wasn't trying to be rude or anything, lack of sleep simply caught up with me.

Sometime later, Chinatsu gently shakes me awake. I somehow ended up in her lap asleep. I sit up quietly as closing arguments are being made. 'What?' screams through my mind as it hits me what is being done. I expected this to last days, if not weeks! Okay, who's the woman beside the prosecutor? She wasn't there before. I'm so far beyond confused it's ridiculous! When I look at Dad questioningly, he makes a shus.h.i.+ng motion and I sit quietly to watch what is going on.

The prosecutor speaks after the defense's closing statements. "Your honors, we respectfully request your verdicts."

Slowly, one after the other, they begin to reach out to the screens in front of them to register their decisions on each charge.

I doze off again while this is happening, only to be be shaken awake by Chinatsu again sometime later. I glance at my watch to find it's 6:00 in the evening. Seriously? Isn't this far too fast? The last murder trial I heard on the news took weeks, but then again neither the Ministry of Justice nor State Security was involved and it wasn't made a closed trial.

"Defendant and counsel will rise." They rise and face the judge.

"The judges have rendered their verdicts, as have I. a.s.saulting a minor with intent to commit great bodily harm, the defendant is found guilty by majority of a 7-0 vote. In the endangering a pregnant female count, the defendant is found guilty by majority of a 6-1 vote. In the two counts of premeditated murder, the defendant is found guilty by majority of a 7-0 vote. In the two counts of crimes against humanity, the defendant is found guilty by majority of a 7-0 vote. In the two counts of conspiracy to a.s.sault a fertile female, the defendant is found guilty by majority of a 7-0 vote. In the conspiracy to attempt abduction count, the defendant is found guilty by majority of a 7-0 vote. In the fifteen counts of conspiracy to a.s.sault government agents, the defendant is found guilty by majority of a 7-0 vote. In the treason count, the defendant is found guilty by majority of a 7-0 vote. In the espionage count, the defendant is found guilty by majority of a 7-0 vote. In the fraud count, the defendant is found guilty by majority of a 6-1 vote. In the embezzlement count, the defendant is found guilty by majority of a 5-2 vote. In the grand theft count, the defendant is found guilty by majority of a 5-2 vote. Finally, in the terroristic threats count, the defendant is found guilty by majority of a 4-3 vote."

"Mr. Akiyama, you've been found guilty on all counts. My sentence for you is as follows: 150 years of hard labor with no possibility of parole, and death by hanging for the nine death penalty charges against you. I also order forfeiture of all a.s.sets you have. You have the right to appeal our decision in this case. Since a large part of the charges against you carry the death penalty, they will be filed automatically on your behalf for those charges."

No sooner does he finish than I begin quietly crying. Try as I may to stop, I can't. Dad wraps me within his arms and both of my sisters hug me from either side.

I'm so relieved, but I know this isn't over by a long shot. It'll never be, until all of the people that worked with him are rooted out and we find out who he's told about me and my nanites. Thankfully, he knows nothing about Mama and my sister having them as well.

I'm happy he'll pay for murdering my parents and hurting Mama. Me, you ask? I don't care what he did to me, as long as he pays for what he did to those I love.

"Ms. Kobayas.h.i.+." The judge gently calls to me to get my attention. I scrub away my tears as I stand to listen to him. "As partial compensation, I'm ordering 55% of Mr. Akiyama's shares of TGR stock transferred to you. In addition to 50% of his other a.s.sets. In no way does this remotely make up for what you've lost or what he's taken from you, but it's my hope you can use this to create a better future for yourself."

I'm stunned because I was never told about this or even that it might happen. I now own 76% of a corporation that's valued at 83.7 billion yen! I'll have to wait and see about how much his other a.s.sets turn out to be. I don't really care about the money, but the best part of this is the look of absolute hatred being sent my way from Mr. Akiyama. Easy to see even through my tears. He seems to care more about the money than being sentenced to death. I knew there was something wrong with him, but money taking a higher priority than your life? Ya, no further comments needed here.

"Th-thank you, your Honor."

He nods at me and stands, along with the other judges as the clerk announces, "All rise. This court is in recess." Brus.h.i.+ng away the tears from my face, I, along with everyone else, bow to the judges as they leave the room.

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Upside Down 58 Chapter 56: Trial summary

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